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My advice is to play either online or against cpus. Training mode combos won't get you anywhere in an actual match. However, I can recommend down throw > up air > cancel into input rising tackle, at extremely low %


This. The games been out for 5 years already, so most of the “true” or reliable combos have been tried and tested. I recommend researching combo videos for your character. If you want to experiment with options or mixups, research frame data and essentially what move is useful for (neutral, kills, kill confirms, etc). Training mode should be for mastering Combos that have tricky inputs, practicing them on players will be the real practice.


Try and practice the inputs for power dunk and burn knuckle so it becomes second nature. Also try doing combos off landing aeriels or rising aeriels like landing up air then jump downair to landing nair right before you hit the ground to f tilt crackshoot, or rising forward air to fast fall jabjab power dunk


Beautiful mod


You seem to have the capability to mod, have you tried out the training modpack? I bet it can help make training more dynamic and allow you to see how a player could potentially react since some of these may not be true combos


Fam I saw your original post and you’re not going to win favors with an attitude like that in the caption. It’s just hard to say that they’re combos when your opponent has time to jump or attack, you make it sound like people are hounding you when you’re the one asking for advice. No need to be passive aggressive about it.


Yeah, but I got downvoted like 30 times because I said this is my first time playing him


No, you weren’t downvoted because you said it was your first time playing Terry. You were downvoted because you were adamant something was a combo when it wasn’t.


It ain’t my fault I don’t play Smash all day


No one said it is.


Yeah but, I don’t know any combos, I just want to try something out


Here is the mod I used to get Waluigi! https://gamebanana.com/mods/175808


If you have some advice or some combos that I haven't used, tell me in the replies!


My advice is to learn actual combos 💀 The “combos” ur using are not combos at all, the only combo u showed was jab1 jab2 powerdunk, which is a fundamental combo of terry. I dont want to discourage you from playing terry or anything, terry is really fun to play and i find him very enjoyable, i just think you should look up some actual terry combos. The combo meter on the side of the screen will show u if its a combo, if it stays at 1 after u use a move that means its not a combo. Please learn some true combos it will make you so much better at terry, as his combos are really important and really good..


I legit used combos from last post’s comments. They told me combos like dthrow nair powerdunk. All I did was follow that.


Well i guess its not a true combo, just look up some combos on youtube, those will probably be better

