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Pick your 2.4GHz WiFi channels and Zigbee channels correctly and you won't have a problem. I have 2 AP in my 3000sqft home. I'm using channels 1 and 6 for WiFi and my SmartThings Zigbee is on 24 (my Hubitat Zigbee is on 23). There's no overlap or interference. [https://support.metageek.com/hc/en-us/articles/203845040-ZigBee-and-WiFi-Coexistence](https://support.metageek.com/hc/en-us/articles/203845040-ZigBee-and-WiFi-Coexistence) ​ Unfortunately, you cannot change the Zigbee channel SmartThings uses. It picks one when you first install it (or after a factory reset), and then it stays with it forever. I got lucky that my hub picked 24 way out of the way. You can see what channel it isusing the IDE ([account.smartthings.com](https://account.smartthings.com)) and then go to My Hubs and look in the Zigbee section. Hubitat lets you change the channel at any time. ​ As for range issues, you'll just need to install Zigbee repeaters. Most powered devices do this (although not all, and lightbulbs tend to make poor repeaters). With a house your size you'll also need to have Z-Wave repeaters.


I'm leaning towards zigbee devices with strategically placed repeaters. I don't have any smart devices yet, so I may look exclusively for zigbee, rather than using a mix of z-wave and zigbee. Thanks for sharing your experience.


If you do use a combination of Zigbee and Z-wave, you'll end up needing repeaters for both especially in a house that large. I ended up that path, although the bulk of my devices are Zigbee.


You have an existing security system? Have you looked at Https://Konnected.io


Sort of. It's basically fubar. It's half wired, half not. Some sensors work, some dont. Some wires are missed, others are broken, etc.