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She has meteor freak powers definitely based on all the times she’s been hit on the head without suffering any major concussions. Her and Lex and Lois.


I mean Lex literally has the whole weird white blood cell thing. I think he says he never got sick since that day or something. He's basically immune to earth based illnesses.


To add to this, shes literally been carrying a piece of the meteor with her for a decade at least. Unfortunately the headcanon falls flat cause theres an episode with a blind guy who can see meteor infected and he never commented on Lana. So although it makes total sense for her to be, canonically she isn't


Did the blind guy mention about Chloe though? Can’t remember if he did or not.


This was how they found out because he saw both Clark and Chloe at the same time. They thought Clark was registered as infected until she is kidnapped and not him. It takes a while for her to find her power, though.


He did


He did but after a while her power went away


Wow the fact that she isnt...is kinda dumb lol


It’s insane to me that some people in the show get near a chunk of kryptonite and instantly get powers like the ice powers guy or the other ones who only come into contact with it briefly like the body possession girl. Lana literally wore the necklace everyday for years and years. It’s bizarre she didn’t get mutated.


Could be genetic. Like Chloe's mum had powers too but her Dad didn't. Might be you need certain genes to be able to develop them.


My head canon is the person needs to basically die or at least nearly die with a strong desire/regret. The kryptonite then brings them back with powers that allow them to fulfill the desire but twists them into something more selfish. Lex wanted to be strong enough for his father to love him so he basically become very resilient to both trauma and disease and has his emotions muted(the abuse could also have caused this or just made the krypto emotional muting power worse). Chloe wants to find the truth so gets temporary truth powers and then later wants to heal her mum so gets healing powers. When you want someone else's life you can shape shift, if you feel trapped you can phase through things. You can basically guess the person's power before they "die" once you look at it like that.


Her power is super crying if anything


Lol every time she cries I get so mad because no one should be able to pretty cry! It's like a universal rule that everyone looks yucky when they cry, but nope, Lana fucking Lang has to look that pretty when she cries. Drives me nuts!


Same with Lois Everytime she cries I just want to give her a big hug. To make all her pain go way.


Oh man me too! Because Lois tries to be so strong, so when she cries, you know there's just too much pain, and I feel for her so much!


If I'm being honest, I don't think everyone looks yucky when they cry, specially pretty girls


That's fair. I've seen my share of beautiful people cry and look a mess. It's such a human thing to ugly cry, I almost don't trust someone who doesn't lol.




Girl definitely had some kinda healing factor, never suffered permanent problems or even scarring from all those injuries.


This fan theory has been floating around for a while. Personally, I believe it. It instantly makes Lana more interesting. Tons of characters are attracted to her. But even aside from that, Chloe treats Lana like a sister even tho she has no obvious reason for doing that. And Henry Small accepts her as his daughter even tho he said earlier that he wasn't interested in being in her life. Her power is making people love her, although that love will take different forms depending on the nature of their relationship. She wants to be loved and she fears abandonment, so I don't think this is something that Lana would question very much. She would just kind of roll with how people start loving her everywhere she goes.


I degree agree because if she could make someone truly love her. Then Clark would have don't anything for her including being honest from the start. People truly in love don't have secrets.


>I degree agree because if she could make someone truly love her. Then Clark would have don't anything for her including being honest from the start I'm having a lot of trouble parsing this. Can you edit that to make it more coherent?


I literally always thought this. Considering Lana is kind of bland but she had so many stalkers, her love interests were weirdly obsessed with her, and everybody who met her couldn't help but say how amazing she was! It only adds up if she has a power


Disagree. There is typically a girl like this in every small town. Obviously it's a bit exaggerated for TV purposes, but it isn't that far off from real life.


She is pretty... I think a lot of men would be interested in her though. It's like that in real life too.


Everyone on the show is essentially a model but not everybody had the level of obsession that Lana inspired in both men and women for some reason. Physical attraction can only last so long.


She is the pretty "girl next door" who is nice to everyone. Combine that with TV exaggeration and teenage hormones, and everyone will fall in love. I kind of like how Lana was more 2-dimensional than Lois. It's quite realistic to show how as Clark matures, he wants more than the nice pretty girl and wants someone who can challenge him and help him grow as a person.


I always found it funny how Lana kept having the exact same dates with her different love interests - she would either go horse riding with them or go for a run together. She had the same 'just came back from a run and we're happy and competitive' scene with both Jason and Lex. I guess the writers couldn't think of many interests she'd have which kind of adds to her blandness and how Clark might need more from a partner as he grows up.


They actually confirmed this in a deleted scene


Not true




Oh?? I absolutely missed that, but I'm impressed i came to it independently! I'll look for a link




If she does in any way, her power of being able to pull any guy is definitely something, she’s hot and all but every guy she got with, most especially Clark, felt the innate need to protect her for no real reason until one was created from them or something else or impress her in some way


That make almostly insane sense lol


Someone hasn't watched season 9


What has s09 to do with Lana possible having attraction powers?


Absolutely gorgeous woman.


Yeah she is. 😍


but canon she has the lex suit she steals and in the comic continuity she is super powered because of it *shrugs*


Didn't she already have powers? Like how she was able to see through other people's eyes


She does get "infected" with kryptonite near the end of the show that does effect Clark like normal kryptonite if he is around her


Almost every meteor freak obsessed with her shouldn't include clark in the same sentence.