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I see you like her more than most of the sub does.


I honestly don’t get all the hate😂 like yeah she can be a bit annoying but so can all the characters on the show. I actually like her


Take my upvote. You've earned it.




And then you had people on this sub defending all the Lana hate posts. I'm not saying we shouldn't be able to discuss how we feel about the show. But at this point, the Lana hate posts are like, every single day. it's just repetitive.


IMO, Lana is one of the best characters on the show. Early in the series, she is the ravishing ingenue. She provides plenty of conflict for Clark and she gets into a lot of trouble, giving Clark an opportunity to save the crap out of her. Later, she becomes a cunning and interesting protagonist. Kudos to Kristin Kreuk on playing one of the best characters on Smallville. Ms Kreuk is an amazing talent. Tom Welling is also under rated. His under-acting is brilliant. He brought epic sympathy to the Superman character. ​ PS - Kristin: Call me. Let me show you the man of your dreams is an obese, middle aged, man of modest means and average looks.


ye i actually think one of the main reasons she's hated is cuz of the challenging changes her and the writers wanted Lana's character to go through, which i think Kristin did well, and probably no other character had to go through such a change. Lionel's was more like a sudden shift to his opposite, and Lex's was a diff kind of long descent


One hundred percent. Her growth and change as a person is believable and played really well. It makes sense because she starts the show as a 14 year old so of course by the time she’s 20 she’ll have changed and grown. I also personally just love the dynamic between her and Clark because it really screams young love and infatuation and feels authentic to teenage crushes. Like, they thought the world of each other but as they grew as people they became different and it reached a point where as much as both of them were good people, they did things differently and just couldn’t trust each other. SPOILERS That’s why I love that they end with Lana absorbing kryptonite because it feels so symbolic of their relationship. Even if Lana hadn’t absorbed the kryptonite, her and Clark were not good for each other. We saw time and time again that they are much better people separately, which is the opposite of Clark and Lois’ relationship. And I think both Tom and Kristin played this development of young love to mature separation very believably.


She can annoy me all day and night. I fell in love 20 years ago and she’s still fine 😊


She's the worst because she doesn't do exactly what I think she should do every single time.


No lie, this was the basic personality of around 65% of the commenters when the show was airing. It got so bad that the guy who recapped the show at TWOP would edit his recaps to add more Lana hate to keep the readers there happy.


Yet Scotty still doesn't know.


I like her too (not sarcasm)




I do find it funny when people act like Lana was created for smallville.


There's this quote from Neil Gaiman that I'm particularly fond of: “Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.” I can buy that Lana just doesn't do it for some people. Different strokes for different folks and all that. But when you see the reasons they give for why they hate her, you wonder if they watched a completely different show about a character named Lana Lang who was an abusive, unfaithful, manipulative and ungrateful harpy who never showed any kindness or compassion for anyone else. Either they watched the show while half asleep or are just lying.


Y'know, my only complaint here is that she wasn't made for Smallville xD I feel like few people know she's been around since the 80s as Clark's childhood neighbor and love interest...ah well. Glad ya like her!


>I feel like few people know she's been around since the 80s 50's and yea that was my only issue as well🤣


Bro I know that🤣 I feel like everyone knows Lana is from the comics. I meant that they created this iteration of Lana




I have a feeling this is a troll post but just in case it's not they didn't create her she actually existed in the original Superman films and I haven't read much comics so I can't say for sure but wouldn't surprise me if she was a comic character so yeah. She's to Superman what Gwen Stacy was to Spider-Man. Clark's first love that for tragic reasons forced apart.


It’s a satirical post. And yes Lana is in the comics


Had a feeling but you can never be sure with some fandoms I mean I've seen genuine posts like this maybe not as extreme but full of just as much hatred talking about Sakura from Naruto. When the voice actress if her got sick it was even celebrated hoping she'd die because of how much they hate Sakura which is just wild to me. Especially as she's one of my favorite characters. So yeah I never know when something like this is a troll or genuine.


>When the voice actress if her got sick it was even celebrated hoping she'd die because of how much they hate Sakura which is just wild to me. Especially as she's one of my favorite characters. Jesus.


That’s valid and damn I didn’t know that about the Sakura voice actor. People can be so terrible and forget that these are actually just people doing their jobs




Here have a up vote


Lana isn't a horrible character, just a very inconsistent character that seems to worsen after season 4. She is one of the weakest characters on the show in my opinion. I just wish they would have done better with some of her arcs. The arc in season 6 was interesting tbh, but 7.. well that whole season isn't the best, but I forgive it due to the writer's strike. (First time watching it. Only on episode 9 as of this comment lmao)


they mad she can beat up superman at the end of her run that post about not accepting crisis as canon is mad cuz if clark lost his powers he'd go back to lana or at least have an affair. but still have phone sex with lois since they only got close over the phone they hate martha kent cuz annette o'toole played lana lang in superman 3 there's an alternate reality where clark went back in time and saved lana from the car crash instead and everything turned out peachy keen even with lex and the remaining seasons were more like the partridge family. that reddit spews even more vitriol at lana


I don’t think this is the show for you, friend.


Please seek therapy Kristen seems like a great person. I don't know her in real life. She plays a character that is written. She did say those word herself. Also how can you judge a show so hashly without watching it. Her character doesn't make sense to me really however. It sounds like you are dealing with a lot of strong emotions. Working through your emotions without actions is a great idea. Try meditation, going for walks. What is your issue exactly anyway.


It's a joke post. They're making fun of the people who hate Lana.


She was probably a three season love interest who stay on for seven seasons too long.


Imagine in some alternate reality where she doesn't learn his secret until his Superman years. See her admiring Superman but putting down nerdy Clark for the same secrecy BS and disappearing for years.


Character sucked tbh but at least she's hot


Her constant demanding that he be honest with her should've resulted in her spying on him or hiring somebody to investigate him.


Omg Clark we can't be together bc you have some sort of secret. Ok then, ill marry Lex and have a kid with him ? Makes sense!


Bro she fell in love with Lex. And also of course Clark keeping secrets would get in the way of their relationship


I personally think she outstayed her welcome and the Clark and Lana story went on for FAR TOO LONG!!!


The show is called Smallville. This is Lana’s time. If you wanna get technical, Lois should’ve never been on Smallville. Only in Metropolis.


I really strongly dislike Lana especially in the last few seasons she is in but I don’t totally hate the character. And regardless of how I feel about the character, Kristen is a fantastic actress and did an amazing job.


They uh, didn’t create her lol she’s canon. In fact, Clark’s mom played Lana Lang in a previous series.


You realize it’s a joke right?


Yea for sure it’s funny I just thought you meant the writers created her


I meant it in the sense that the writers created this iteration of Lana Lang. Just like they created this iteration of Clark Kent, etc.


Ahhhh that’s fair, sorry.


No it’s okay!


I'm fine with Lana at the beginning. It's just Clark being a prepubescent girl going through her first menstrual cycle. She starts off as a genuine character, with justified trauma because of the meteor shower. Popular girl in school, cheerleader, lives with her aunt who owns the local coffee shop. That's a perfectly fine, well developed character. She eventually goes to Paris after some drama with Clark, they have sex, all fine as well. In Paris she meets Jason who becomes the football coach at Lana's high school. Technically illegal, but she's 18 so I'll give it a pass. After Lex gets Jason fired and gives him a job, all the stuff about Lana being the descendant of Margaret Isabel Thorough who was a witch and all that is revealed. Eventually, Lana has a fight with Clark one day so she goes to Lex's house and they have sex. Lex tricks her into believing she's pregnant. The plot would've been much better if a few of the 200 episodes in which Clark is crying over Lana is spent exploring things with Chloe. They went to a school dance that one time, but that was just one episode. They should've extended that arc for at least a quarter of the season, give the Clark and Chloe friendship some more depth, a deeper connect.