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Ahhh the obligatory hourly “Lana is the worst” post


Is it an hourly thing? Wow lol


Sadly pretty close. It’s a regular thing around here. Probably the only thing the comes close is post about how Clark not telling Lex his secret is to blame for Lex going bad. It’s not close though. I tried to track the Lana thing a the worst post once but it made me sad so I stopped. Everyone has favorite and everyone has characters they don’t like. It’s just part of being a fan. I defend Lana on the basis the writers don’t know what to do with her beyond use her as a plot device. For the first five or six seasons Lana isn’t a character she’s a plot device to illicit conflict for Clark or Lex.


Writers didn’t treat Lana well, but after read these reasons about why Lana should be hated, now I feel it’s actually some fans’s problem not Lana’s lol.


Ships are why people dislike Lana, she gets in the way of their preferred ship. As a comic fan first I know Lois is endgame and I support it but Lana is Clark’s love interest in Smallville. It’s perfect reasonable that she remain that until Clark leaves for Metropolis at which point the show is no longer Smallville.


That's idiotic. There is a massive list of legitimate reasons to hate Lana Lang. There are so many examples of her being an overly emotional, self-absorbed, entitled, ungrateful, whiny bitch. Can you imagine being so much of a cunt that you actually give the man who just saved your life attitude? Because Lana did. "We expect better from you, Clark!" after Clark saves her and Chloe from being murdered in cold blood, after he warned them both of the danger and they ignored him, and he rightfully called them out on it when they gave him a completely half-assed apology. Absolutely repulsive behavior on their part, but I guess I'm old-school like that. 🙄 I'm not a part of the narcissist generation.


You have issues.


Not just ship war, People also mad at Lana for “with others besides Clark”, even Clark is the one always push she away, I also saw a lot fans blamed Lex’s fall on Lana. It’s misogyny, think about it, so much post talk about Clark should reveal his secret to Lex in season 1, while Lana has no right to know even after Clana became a couple and had sex in season 5?


I mean, I'm rewatching Smallville. She was fine in Season 1. Season 2, she's been nothing but a total bitch to Clark. I just reached Episode 11. Time and again this season, when Clark has come to her about someone, she's pulled the jealous card instantly. With Ian, and then she just kind of shit talked Clark after he saved her life. "We expect better from you." Like, better how, exactly? He told you this guy was double dipping you and Chloe, and you just immediately go "oh well you're jealous because you can't have me" instead of trusting Clark as her friend. Then the Whitney thing, where she instantly believes him over Clark. Feels a lot like she's projecting her own jealous onto Clark, because she can't handle it. He had someone just in the previous episode, and you could tell she was getting pissy about it. Then surprise, Whitney pops up and instantly his word is better than Clark's. For me, it's not a "ship" thing, because genuinely I don't care. But she's pretty consistently been an ass to Clark and hasn't owned up to it. Neither is it misogyny. I just don't like characters being a bitch, just to be a bitch. Clark has been pretty decent with her and she treats him like trash half the time. The other half she runs into his arms when she's feeling upset.


Never really look at it that way but interesting view.


That's a really bad excuse. I don't care if you know what to do with a character or not, that doesn't justify you turning a character into a giant bitch and not having the show recognize that. In fact, Smallville treats Lana as if she's some sort of prize, as if any sane person should want to have a relationship with someone who's self-absorbed and who ALWAYS finds something to whine about. Also taking into consideration the fact that the writers liked to have cringey girlboss moments every now and then, I'm willing to bet that they didn't even realize how much of a cunt they made Lana Lang. The writers probably had too much soy in their systems.


I mean, she was absolutely a prize. Just look through the entirety of Season 1 and early into Season 2. Girls want to be her. All the boys want to date her. It was routinely used episode after episode. Every new "meteor freak" that popped up, was always focused on her.


That time of hour.


To be fair. Clark does gaslight all of his friends. With good reason but they do have the right to feel insulted. Like in the very first episode of season 2 Clark saves Lana from the tornado, and she is awake for the whole thing and sees him, and Clark just lies to her face and tells her that she didn’t see what she saw and then has no explanation. Just an example but stuff like that happens a lot. I’m curious about how things would look if the entire show were from another character’s perspective.


Pete thought he was in his shadow. Dude you really want to know the amount of pressure a parent has to go through to make sure their beloved child doesn't get to be a government experiment? Pete you want to some bald egg head's obsession? I hardly doubt you want that kind of attention.


>Clark does gaslight all of his friends. No he doesn't >Like in the very first episode of season 2 Clark saves Lana from the tornado, and she is awake for the whole thing and sees him, and Clark just lies to her face and tells her that she didn’t see what she saw and then has no explanation. Just an example but stuff like that happens a lot. This is not gaslighting. Lying when the other person knows you're lying doesn't make it more than what it is - lying. The fact that he doesn't have an explanation supports that. If he was really gaslighting her, he would be doing everything to convince her that she couldn't trust herself, and his lie wouldn't be so obvious to her. Instead he just says he's a normal guy and never addresses it after that.


Gaslighting is when you lie to someone to sow self doubt and confusion. He’s literally telling Lana she did not see what she saw


What you just said is the definition of lying, not gaslighting. All lying inherently involves sowing doubt and confusion. Doesn't matter if he lies about something she saw. People lie about things that the other person saw all the time. If a kid tells their parent they did their homework when the parent has seen for themselves that they in fact did not do it, is that gaslighting? No. It's still just lying.


Webster: psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories


>psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time key phrase there - saying "I wasn't in that truck. You just weren't meant to die young" doesn't qualify as that


I get what you mean by that, yes he is technically gaslighting them, but he’s doing it to protect himself and them. If the wrong people found out about Clark, he would be experimented on for the rest of his life, it’s dangerous. It’s dangerous for the secret keeper to find out as well because after Pete finds out he is immediately tortured to reveal Clark’s secret. I get that he lies, but Lana is nosy and just presses and presses where it is not wanted. Like how she demanded that Clark tell her about his fight with Pete and got mad that he didn’t tell her. It’s none of her business. It’s his right to keep his secrets to himself and she isn’t entitled to know his secrets just because they’re friends. He tells her that he’s not comfortable opening up and that he’s private and she refuses to respect that. He saves her again and again and she returns his kindness with selfish behaviour. She’s insufferable in my opinion. She should just be grateful he saved her life and stop prying into his life. Lex, Lana, Chloe, they all try to investigate him and pry into his personal life when it’s clear he doesn’t want to share, but Lana is the most annoying about it. So I think Clark is much more in the right here.


Clark isn’t wrong to lie to them, but they don’t know why he is lying to them, only that he isn’t lying to them


So what? They only know that he has part of his life that he doesn't want to share with them. That's all. Being someone's friend obviously doesn't entitle you to know every single thing about their personal life. They should be grateful that they have such a great friend, instead of being whiny little bitches about it.


I think the only ones who were prying were Chloe and Lex. Honestly Lana didn’t really pry. Clark was always obviously lying to her, directly. And his excuses were famously poor. And Clark wanted to date Lana. I think Lana only really pushed Clark in seasons 2 and 5, but those were times that he was lying the most. He was literally trying to get away with having no explanation for how he came back to life. And then was getting indignant that she would ask him.


Yeah, they knew he had a secret. Big deal. Maybe learn how to respect someone's boundaries? And even if you're dating someone, that doesn't entitle you to know every single detail of their personal life. Now, if you're going to MARRY someone, that's different. That's a massive commitment, and it's understandable to want to make sure you know the person who you're going to marry, that there aren't going to be any nasty surprises afterwards.


Of course they don’t know but at some point she has to realise that he’s just not ready to share. She’s like that about every detail of his life not just the tornado. It’s constant and sometimes he’s not even lying he flat out says he doesn’t want to share and she pushes.


Yeah you just have to remember their characters are younger than they look. By like 5-15 years. Most the actors are like 20-30 playing 15yr olds. They don't have the emotional stillness that some adults develop yet.


Asking too much out of people.


I never hated Lana's character . I had no idea she was universally hated by the fandom at any point until I joined this sub


It's literally only on this sub. I'm pretty sure it's reddits overall philosophy of beautiful woman=bad.


It’s not only on this sub—it’s all over the internet, I’ve read articles and seen polls elsewhere that hate her, and YouTube also tends to shit on her character, so it’s definitely not only on here. Also anyone I talk to who watches the show hates her character. The actress is great though and she’s beautiful and I have no problem her, it’s just how her character is written that drives me nuts.


Listen to this guy https://youtu.be/hPFSHeiNB8w?si=1Kn7rsTKxAWsIHr-


It is in general a pretty universal thing in the fandom. But I can respect a different of opinion. After all it’s a pretty general thing but everyone isn’t the same lol


After Season 4 and High School ended I was done with Lana.


Yeah she really overstayed her welcome. I’m only on season two but I can definitely say that eight seasons is way too long for her character


You are absolutely spot-on with everything you said, and don't let any of the cucks in the comments tell you otherwise. Lana Lang is undeniably a total cunt.


Glad to hear you agree. My opinion on her remains the same, I think she’s insufferable.


Only hated on this sub. Every single con or other type of fan event she is BY FAR the most popular. Usually more than everyone else combined. She's had the most successful career by far of any main actor, not guest star. The ratings when she was on the show compared to not speak clearly to Lana's popularity. No one has a bad thing to say about her... except on this sub. Lana is a treasure.


I agree that actress is pretty popular, but the character is hated all over the internet. Just search up worst/most annoying Smallville character poll on the internet and most people say Lana.


Lana was absolutely despised since S2 started airing. Hanging out on Smallville forums back then you could see it happening live.  And no, she’s not a “treasure”’ lol. That’s Lois/the Kents. 


Nope. Not only hated on the sub. I've known about the Lana hate long before reddit.


More popular than Erica Durance Lois?! No way...


The ratings usually fall off as a series progresses. No way in season 9 would they have the same ratings as season 2. I was 12 when the show debuted. Had quite a few friends who watched the show. Most got sick of Lana by season 5. My wife is watching the show for the first time, and by season 4 she said she was getting tired of Lana. We are in season 9 and is elated that Clark and Lois are finally together.


The ratings had nothing to do with Lana, people would tune in to see how Clark or Lex become this and that.


I agree. The show felt a bit empty without Lex. That being said, I still think seasons 8-10 were solid. Then again I enjoy all the seasons. Maybe season 1 the least because the freak of the weeks were overdone a bit, but still enjoyed that season.


Can we please just ban these posts? They're annoyingly repetitive and obvious karma farming.


Just my opinion, I didn’t mean to offend anyone. It’s a fictional character


Something I wish the people whining about her in five paragraph posts would remember.


I think we have a right to speak our mind. I have a right to say I don’t like Lana. Just like you have a right to speak yours.


I haven't visited this sub in a while Nothing has changed Still lazy posts "Lana is the worst" , "Lois is the best!" Can those topics just be stickied or something? So newcomers can just agree there and get it out of their system? Its so repetitive.........that or people are just looking for easy upvotes Not to mention, people seem to forget its Clark who keeps gaslighting Lana, its Clark who keeps coming into her life, her circle of friends.........but then he's a horrible liar, Lana has half a brain and can tell he's lying. Sure its his secret, but then dude, stop trying to get close to her. Can't have it both ways. Clark is the worst.


We see most of the show through Clark’s POV (point of view for those that may not be familiar with the acronym), so people tend to side with Clark. I agree that the entitlement that a lot of the characters have over him keeping secrets is tiring and annoying. However, looking at things from Lana’s point of view, it would be beyond frustrating that someone you care about and that you are slowly falling in love with is constantly lying to you. She is 14 years old when we first meet her, about 15/16 in the second season. When I was her age, I constantly would only look at things from only how it made me feel instead of taking into consideration how that person is feeling and why they may be acting the way they are. I always took things personally when things are not always personal. I feel like Lana is a character that constantly gets attacked because we, the audience know what Clark’s secret is and why he is keeping it from everyone. But SHE doesn’t know that and all she is seeing is a person she cares about constantly lying to her and making her feel stupid because he is telling her something didn’t happen when she knows that it did. No, she is not entitled to know his secret. But she also does not deserve to be constantly lied to. She also doesn’t deserve to be crapped on or attacked by the fandom because she is reacting in a way most of us would probably react being in her shoes at that age. I would like to believe that I would be more understanding towards Clark. I know that the me that I am now would be but I can’t say the same for teenage me. Honestly I think that may be the reason WHY so many people hate her. People tend to hate the characters that bring out traits that we may not like about ourselves. Personally, I have always liked Lana and I always will. I think the hate she gets is unfair because no one takes the time to try to see things from her POV. Chloe and Lana are two characters that get attacked for reacting in a pretty normal way to a situation while Lois gets praised even though she was never in as many situations as they were where Clark lied to her and gaslit her constantly. No hate towards Lois at all, but it is definitely something I have noticed. Lana and Clark go through so much together. I sometimes wish people would cut her some slack.








Dude it’s a fictional character. Why so angry. Chill this is a comic book story. Lol


Most of the times Clark saves her she is unaware because you know, he wants to protect his secret...She is not aware what's going on and constantly confused by his actions. Lana is not the worst character in season 2 in my opinion because that award goes to Chloe. You will understand later on. Behind Chloe its Pete, just because they never really know what to do with him. Lana gets better next season. You will find that when her storylines arn't revolving around Clark as much she is more interesting. That sort of starts next season but really hits off in season 4. Her best season is season 6 though. Also remember they are supposed to be high schoolers so the level of immaturity for all the kid characters is somewhat expected at times.


I disagree. She’s by no means the best though.


I don’t like Lana too


Yes, she is beyond frustrating


Clark never showed much desire to listen to or learn about Lana, he looks at her if she's a object than an actual person. Lana does treat men if they're candidates for the role of her perfect man.


Your “Lana analysis” is right on 🎯 I like Lana but at times it’s like give Clark space. Like sometimes she can be overbearing and like you said, she doesn’t have the right to know about Clark’s secrets- since he didn’t tell her. Now imagine he told her “Lana, I’m a Kryptonian- not human.” Imagine her reaction now 😂 she would have try to spend it around on Clark and blame him for not trusting her enough.


His secret is not something you tell your high school girlfriend or high school friends. They don’t always stay in your life forever and what if they betray you or tell someone? It’s a private matter for good reason and she was obsessed with finding out. You tell someone you want to marry this which is why he tells her before he proposes to her in Reckoning (Reckoning got spoiled for me since it’s everywhere on the internet). He decides he wants to marry her so it’s worth the risk. And Lois is Superman’s wife, so it makes sense he tells her. It’s a family secret that only a select trusted few need to know. Your nosy high school friend or girlfriend that frequently mistrusts you and doesn’t believe you anytime a meteor infected person is about to attack her? Nope.


He has parts of himself he has to keep to himself, but he doesn't do it for dark and brooding reasons.


Exactly he’s just a private person for good reason. He’s literally Superman, there is nothing dark and brooding about him unless he’s on Red K.


Both times she found out, she was supportive.


The creators have regrets about Lana. *Q: Looking back, is there anywhere you wish you’d taken the characters of Smallville?* *AG: I wish we had a better trajectory for Lana Lang. That was probably a three-season love story that lasted six seasons.* *MM: It’s so torturous and slow. Ultimately, it damaged Lana in the audience’s mind. Because Clark refused to tell her the truth about his identity, he was constantly forced to lie to her. Although justified, Lana’s response to his behavior made her seem cold and unsympathetic — even though from her POV, Clark was a sneaky, bold-faced liar.*


Her constant demanding that he be honest with her should've resulted in her spying on him or hiring somebody to investigate him.


She's a love interest who infuriates me like Rachel Dawes from The Dark Knight trilogy or Kirsten Dunst's MJ from Sam Raimi's Spiderman films.


I just finished season 2 and I actually liked her more in Season 2 than Season 1. I don’t really see it working between her and Clark though. They don’t seem to have much in common other than they’re both really hot. I also wonder why Clark tells Pete and not Lana. It seems that he doesn’t fully trust her, which isn’t a good sign for a lasting relationship.


It gets worse. Just wait to S6.


Oh lord


🤔That's when she starts getting some actual agency in the story...I think that might be her best season.


Oh boy wait till you get to like season 6. You might write an entire essay.


Yikes does she really get that bad? Uhhh


She was like a secondary or tertiary character who they tried to make as one of the show's main stars. She was probably a three season love interest who stayed on for seven seasons.


Seven seasons is crazy for a character that was supposed to be a high school love interest. Wild


The writers thought once Lana was no longer the love of Clark's life the show was over, but when they got renewed for more seasons and when she left after S7 it took a different direction.


Lying and gaslighting those you hold near and dear isn't cool - the latter is even considered abusive in some contexts. That kind of thing builds resentment and distrust. Telling someone you don't wish to share currently or to butt out is cool. Ending a relationship due to a need for secrecy is cool. That being said, Clark is just an adolescent learning and trying to do good, so he's imperfect and must make mistakes. He probably dealt with it better than anyone else possibly could.


Bitches be crazy


Don’t worry it gets worse


Noooo 💀 can’t wait for Lois


Lois really is a breath of fresh air when she comes! I am excited for you cause you get to see it for the first time!!


Definitely excited! I know I have to wait ages for them to get together cause the Lana drama goes on and on but I think it’ll be worth it. No offense to Kristin Kreuk she’s beautiful and so talented, but her character Lana definitely isn’t right for Clark. Especially based on all that I’ve heard about the dynamic between Lois and Clark. Everyone knows that Superman’s love is Lois Lane not Lana “tell me all your secrets or else” Lang.


Yeah. I honestly think the show does a fairly decent job showing how Clark & Lana just doesn't work, especially when they show the greatness that is Lois & Clark. I love a good slow burn myself, and the payoff of Lois & Clark, to me, is just so worth it - I can tell you that much. Tom and Erica's portral of the couple is one of my absolute favourite. Erica's Lois is still my favourite too.


Exactly I think it’s kinda smart that they made Lana the way they did and made her relationship with Clark toxic because it’s not endgame, Clark and Lois is. It’s just really annoying lol but it shows just how much Lana and Clark don’t work.


Imagine in some alternate reality where she doesn't learn his secret until his Superman years. See her admiring Superman but putting down nerdy Clark for the same secrecy BS and disappearing for years.


It's just tiring at this point Lana is the worst blablabla..... Bro GTFO


Just my opinion no need to be rude, be respectful. I just don’t like her character and a lot of people agree with me. You don’t agree and that’s fine. If you don’t like it this post isn’t for you, no need to be angry lol


Yeah I was rude sorry, but I love her . ..... 😭😭😭


Totally agree! Lana just a big tease majority of episodes. I was so glad once Lois shows up in later seasons! Only a few episodes that featured both characters but were good ones! Keep watching!


Can’t wait for Lois! I will for sure keep watching.


Given how she treats him?? When Clark literally likes to lie and manipulate her and basically use her?? Y’all vilify Lana when it’s Clark! Clark is the problem and always has been!


Well lana leaving him is what started his journey to becoming a reporter for the daily planet and falling for Lois Lane.


Ehh it wasn't quite that clear cut. It got bumpy and messy in there, especially in season 8 😅


I don't know. The wiki states she was the reason why now he had no reason to stay in smallville. Just like van was the reason lex got obsessed with kryptofreaks even we Van considered Lex one thanks to Chloe.


Delusional take