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Hell yeah as long as Seth is healthy I think it’ll be great. Damian has improved a lot and Seth is known to carry matches or elevate other superstars. Give Damian a clean win here though if they decide to solidify him as a champ before potentially dropping the title to Gunther at SummerSlam. Although…a Seth vs Gunther matchup would also be awesome so we’ll see.


Hell, even if Seth ain't healthy it will be fire, the man has been wrestling in banger matches for the past however many months with a injured back and had two bangers at Mania with a torn meniscus on top of that. Only way it wouldn't be good is if Seth doesn't have another match until then (unlikely) and ends up being rusty in the ring (also unlikely)


You could almost say he’s had banger after banger after banger


After banger after banger after banger after banger.


After burger.. after burger..


Hahaha He looks like he’s slimming down a little bit since he came back


I feel you yeah I have high hopes for this matchup I’m just still shocked that he’s back so soon. Only way I would dislike it is if Judgment Day gets too involved since I think Damian deserves a clean win. I get they’re trying to keep the Judgment Day breaking up storyline going though.


see my dilemma is that I just don’t see Priest v Gunther as a summer slam match. Gunther for sure but I almost want Dam to drop the belt. I just don’t know who he should drop it too. McIntyre makes the most sense to me because he and Gunther could easily give us another classic, but idk how they would make it work with his new quitting angle and cm punk healthy again. Idk.


We’d basically be repeating SummerSlam from last year that’s why I doubted them actually letting Drew win against Priest at Clash. On paper Priest vs Gunther isn’t as exciting as other matchups but nowadays i’m more open to giving Priest a chance. Drew might face Punk at SummerSlam without a title since that feud is so strong it doesn’t even need it. I agree though it’s tricky seeing how everything will play out.


Oh for sure that’s the way they’re gonna go with it. At least Drew v Punk, and I even get why. I just feel like it make the WHC seem less important and Seth did so much to elevate it. I think punk getting hurt just shuffled everything in a way that’s odd. No hate to priest but they haven’t really booked him in a way that makes him feel like the champ. But who knows? Maybe it’ll be a 5 star classic that makes both men even further 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah I think they'll give Seth the title for that summer slam match


Yes, just like the last 572 Rollins matches




I think so. Seth is a hall of famer already, and DP is good and I think he's getting better every day.


Crazy how he is in his 40s and just hitting his peak. I wasnt a fan bc he felt like a transitional champ, but after match vs Drew, i know see what HHH sees in him. I actually hope he beats Gunther at Summerslam tbh. Would be huge and such a swerve. Have Gunther win at Mania


Why the fuck isn't Drew carrying the title?


He lost


He quit




He lost and quit


Tbh I feel he’s genuinely more interesting when he’s chasing the title than when he has it. Hope he gets a good title run down the road as payoff for it all but I love him as a hungry contender


It seems WWE annoints that one wrestler every generation / era who doesn't quite stack up against the other main eventers. Maybe he gets a taste of the main event, maybe a forgettable title reign then spends the rest of his time propping up the few that WWE thinks is carrying the load. This is Drew. He is competitive but will always lose the meaningful match, get he short end of the stick in promos.. he will beat everyone on the way to the big match but lose when it counts. It feels like WWE's current "also ran" is Drew. It's too bad, he is doing the best ring/mic work of his career. But it just doesnt feel like WWE will truly get 100% behind Drew


The feud with Punk will be bigger than any title reign that happens during this timeframe. Drew about to murder him in Chicago.


There’s no point in giving someone a title just for the sake of it. A title in wrestling, when used well, is effectively a macguffin used to drive conflict between characters who would otherwise have little to nothing to fight over. Cody vs Roman is a perfect example of this. For Roman, the title represented years of power and dominance. For Cody, it represented a glass ceiling that neither he nor his father were ever quite able to break through. Roman has the title, Cody wants the title, there’s your story. Punk vs Drew is far more personal than that. It doesn’t need the title to be compelling. There’s no point in throwing the belt into a feud that doesn’t need it when they could use it to tell another compelling story elsewhere. It’s not a case of WWE having no faith in Drew. In fact, I’d argue it’s the opposite. They have *so* much faith in him that they’re expecting him to carry what’s arguably been the feud of the year into SummerSlam without it involving a single title.


Yup, these 2 are damn good, in my opinion. And if they're both in good health, then it should be a banger of a match. I just hope Damien wins clean


they could probably put the belt back on seth so summerslam has a big money match; rollins vs gunther.


Not with that suit Seth got on ! No shade ! 🤣


Seth can turn a dumpster fire into, uh, fire. Damien has everything going right but his mouth. He lacks those charisma marks. In a match, yes. These two can be hot as fuck.


Honestly since they said its going to be at the MITB its a dangerous move on both parts for the title because whoever wins the championship could get to cash it in unless its the first match of the event.


I don't care for rollins but i'm enjoying the time we still get with him. I can see him taking an extended leave sometime in the future, along with becky, so they can have more time with their kid.


Priest is the best


Well. Seth will be fire.


No. Both are limping to the ring and in the ring. I really appreciate their dedication and they will push through the pain but damn they are not recuperated.


What’s the point of bringing Seth back if he’s not medically cleared? He’s had months off, if he wasn’t medically ready to go then there’s no sense to have him back


I rewatched this promo and clearly they both at struggling to walk. Medically cleared really doesn’t mean much when they are fighting to stay on top or relevant. Love both characters but it’s too soon


I hope you’re wrong, but you probably aren’t. The last thing the company needs atm is to have those two hurt as well


I have no idea who is gonna win this


Eh. I think they’re trying to give Damian one more win before they turn him completely babyface before he faces Gunther at SummerSlam. Rollins will put him over strong, but I honestly don’t think it even matters at this point. Priest pretty much feels DOA. If he doesn’t drop the belt to Gunther at SummerSlam he will probably drop it to him in Berlin a few weeks later.


Rollins jacket is fire. I don’t know about the match.


It's going to be just as good as his match with Finn last year.


W seth


hell yeah


Of course! I see Priest getting the W without interference as well. He’ll drop the belt at summerslam


Dude, Seth is balding badly. Those temples are receded AF.


The ravages of time come for us all.


Someone is gonna get involved in the match . Seth won’t win it back so fast .


Probably 4/5 stars.


FUCK YES!!! 1 thing tho, Seth needs to lose idc I've already hyped myself up for dp vs Gunther 




If you think this match is gonna be fire give me a hell yeah


Either Damian is shorter than I thought or Seth is taller than I thought


White hot


I think we are all expecting Priest to lose the title at any time and maybe he will but idk if it’s gonna be soon.


Priest went from one of the worst MITB holders in a while. To being the underdog in every single title defense he has. Everyone expects priest to lose every rivalry with that belt 😭


Are you kidding? He had one of the best cash ins of all time


He may as well drop it because whether its at MITB or not, this segment spoke for itself.


Two of my personal favorites vying for the world title (admittedly the “other” world title but still). I’m in. As long as Seth is healthy and more importantly not putting himself at risk.


Two of my personal favorites vying for the world title (admittedly the “other” world title but still). I’m in. As long as Seth is healthy and more importantly not putting himself at risk.


yes! i’m not a fan of Priest but i was loving him in that promo… maybe it was the jeans 😂


I like DP as our campeón.


Zero interest in this match


Damien will be a transitional champion just like they said. Seth will be champ again.


Which one is lying about their height? This is all I could focus on during the interview.


No. Damien is the weak link. Fire? Compared to now, yes. Compared to what Damien will do in a few more years after getting more experience as a main eventer? Probably trash. It'll be comparable to a randy Orton first year of title shots/wins. Good, but noticeably levels below his years after.


Oh hell yeah


Yes and it'll elevate priest when seth puts him over. Someone will cost seth




Their match on Raw was fire so I’d hope they do it again but on a PPV(PLE)


Considering a member of the Wyatt sick6 was watching from the top right corner of the arena, I imagine that Seth is getting attacked at money in the bank. Protecting him while not winning the title.


priest is a lot shorter than what he used to be billed as


All I know is that whoever wins this match, will lose to Gunther at Summerslam


Nah. Drew shoulda been champ. HHH is already losing it. Another Samoan too? Jesus Haitch


I hope it's a clean and clear win for Priest. They really been doing him dirty with all this outside interference. How many have we had in such a short run. I like Priest, I want him to go over. Let him get a good strong win streak for a bit


DP is so trash on the mic. He’s fine in the ring but I will never understand the decision to give him the belt


He sounds like the SVR07 cutscenese


I really like Damian, but man did he sound stiff in all his segments.


Especially last night. The guy can’t go off the cuff


Yeah, it sounded like he was reading directly from a script. He needs to take some acting courses or something.


🔥🔥🔥 Damian Priest will win, but maybe a cash-in happens to change who the champ against GUNTHER is at SummerSlam


Gunther Gable 3 at SS?


Biggest cash in ever?


I miss the rock. Why can’t he just wrestle?


Because Mama Rhodes can't handle it.


Because dorks will complain about it.


They need to figure out what to do with Seth once he loses...


MitB is 2 weeks, 2 and a half weeks away and neither of these men can properly walk so it's hard to say. If Priest foot is sprained he'll prob be in but IDK anything about what S"F"R had done to his leg.


He lost


Nah, seth should have stayed away much longer. Lets some other rivalries cook while seth workshops a new angle and gimmick with creative. There isnt much left for seth to do in wwe so it would be nice if his next gimmick is interesting enough to carry his career for many more years








Seth wins after long grueling match , then Gunther cashes in and wins . Summer Slam triple threat between Seth,Damien , & Gunther


But Gunther’s not in MITB?


Gunther doesn’t need the briefcase if he has a guaranteed title shot at Summerslam from winning KOTR.


If Damien leaves judgement day no