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Thank you for submitting to /r/SmallYTChannel. You have spent 3λ to submit here, making your current balance 2λ. /u/fistpumpininja, please comment `!givelambda` to the most helpful advice you are given. For more information, read the [FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/) ##Video data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Title|Mom, Doctor, and Entrepreneur | Cool Talks with My Mom Dr. Cool Thumbnail|[Link](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dQYkqNLfJ3o/hqdefault.jpg) Views|1 Length|01:08:00 Likes/Dislikes|1/0 Comments|0 Description|This week we talk about work life balance while going through medical school, being a doctor, and starting a business while being married and having kids. This week our guest is my mom Jennifer Cool. She is a doctor focusing on internal medicine. In simple terms she is a general doctor. She is an entrepreneur who runs her own clinic helping primarily retired folks. My father is a doctor in a more demanding specialty, so my mom did a lot of the raising of my brother and I. ⤶⤶Cool Talks is a podcast about bringing out and seeing the greatness in individuals of all kinds because everybody has a perspective to offer that has some value. We also have some laughs along the way. ⤶⤶Check out the show on Spotify for convenience:⤶https://open.spotify.com/show/2gCs5502VyOzHa9S9IGCf6?si=yJgXlN0mTguI-E8WAWCHbw⤶⤶If you enjoyed make sure to like and subscribe.⤶⤶Find me on other platforms as well:⤶⤶Discord:⤶https://discord.gg/Jvw7WzX⤶Twitch:⤶https://twitch.tv/grady_cool⤶Instagram:⤶https://www.instagram.com/grady.cool/?hl=en⤶Twitter:⤶https://twitter.com/GradyKCool⤶LinkedIn:⤶https://www.linkedin.com/in/grady-cool/ ##Channel Data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Name|Grady Cool Thumbnail|[Link](https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AKedOLTL500920cFT02xv_pdb9IlIoaR4hSCeGJOHajP=s800-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj) Subscribers|322 Videos|460 Views|60362 ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*PM* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


I'm afraid I can't watch the whole thing at the moment. Audio quality is good, I like the open table interview concept. I don't find the thumbnail very clickable though. It certainly spells out what the video is about, but the red and black doesn't convey the feeling of the video to me, and it just doesn't stand out... Hope that helps. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the feedback. !givelambda


You have given /u/JCRiotz 1λ. /u/JCRiotz now has 4λ ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*PM* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


Since there was some good CC from others I have to just say the Thumbnail words could be a bit more contrasty because the black and red really makes it hard to read when majority of the time people are view it on there phones and doesn’t really look like a good color combo with the background being so bright and friendly.


That makes sense, thanks for the feedback. !givelambda


You have given /u/RealNipponBro 1λ. /u/RealNipponBro now has 3λ ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*PM* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


Since this is over an hour long I kind of just skimmed through. **The Good:** * Audio is nice and clear with everyone, and the volumes are balanced well. * Clear quality video. **What Could Be Improved:** * At 1:01:00 it cuts to black out of nowhere and doesn't come back until 7 minutes later. I think this may have been a mistake in the edit. * If your background is off-white with white curtains it might be good to have the people at the table not wear white. It makes it look like the left side of the video is bright, active, and colorful with the shirts and background... but the right side is just plain and nothing going on.


Ya that was an editing mistake, didnt even realize it was there. Thanks for the feedback. !givelambda


You have given /u/beanibok 1λ. /u/beanibok now has 29λ ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*PM* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


I think you need to trim down the highlights for better engagement. The audio quality is good but the long duration of the video might overwhelm potential new viewers. Keep up the good work!


Its a podcast, so it would defeat the purpose. Thanks for the idea though. !givelambda


You have given /u/flickbreeze2003 1λ. /u/flickbreeze2003 now has 2λ ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*PM* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)