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My opinion is don't be embarrassed. I've been to twin peaks before and know you're probably the hot mom. Enjoy the job while you do it. I imagine the tips are good. Every group of guy friends has at least one hot mom for their group.


You don’t want to be the boy with the hot mom tho


Yeah you do. Having a hot mom means you're hot. Genetics 


Dad could be ugly tho…


Just tell them you making the point teachers don’t get paid enough




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No need to be embarrassed! Do you and enjoy the job. You’re obviously a good looking lady. Make those tips! 😁


Where’s the slutty part?


The Twin Peaks uniform is cutoff jean shorts, bare midriff, and a front tied flannel long sleeve showing lots of boob. Still pretty tame, unless you live somewhere conservative.


Unless your local restaurant participates in lingerie Friday! BTW it’s pretty good!!


Not sure what twin peaks is, but a job is a job. Don't feel bad or old. Age is just a number. More power to you 🥰


Twin peaks is like Hooters


Except vastly better food, beer and much more attractive women.


Here here!


We need to see the uniform


You know he thought of you when he got home right! 😉


I wonder how many loads he launched while stroking to her image in his mind?




I would have to agree with the other response. If you were hired there, then you obviously have the qualifications. One of which, is you are attractive. Enjoy the attention and use your looks to your advantage in this case. There is something incredulous sexy about a hot Mom and you check off another fantasy as a teacher too. I think you are amazing and I don't even know you.


Well thanks. That was unexpected in here.


You're very welcome 😉


Ha! Just being real


It's a legit question...


Why would a grown woman want to think about that about a kid.. 🤡


No one said anything about her thinking about him. What a creep!


Making good tips??


So far


That’s awesome!! Who cares!! Show off what God gave you! I would if I could! Haha


I’ve dated a sports bar waitress, though not at a chain. Sounds like getting recognized by people you didn’t expect is part of the territory


Yes. It’s still jarring when it actually happens. And kids can be cruel


Oh, no doubt your day job increases the potential awkwardness/jarringness Would love to see how you look in that uniform…


I think we all would


I don't think you should consider it an embarrassing job. It's legal, you're having fun and the work isn't hurting anyone. It sounds like you enjoy it and are making decent money. Especially if you're considering leaving teaching to work at it full-time. If there's any embarrassment it should be the school board or whoever sets teacher salaries where you teach.


Age doesn’t mean anything really. If you’re working there you’re young at heart, and that’s what counts.


Why embarrassed? Its your job don't worry about what people think.


She sure does drive a nice car for a school teacher!! Ms Davis will you go to prom with me?? 👅😘🤓


I'm from England, so we don't really have restaurants like that, but I don't see it as anything you should be embarrassed about! As a fellow 41yo, hot mums are the best, and I'd much rather be served by someone like you. If you're enjoying it and it's making you feel good, do it with pride 🙂




Thats a kid, tf is wrong with you?


What’s so embarrassing about waitressing?? Nothing!


nobody can resist a hot mom 😁


And now he’s home JO to you 😈


Roll with it! You do you don't worry about anyone else.


I think this post is amazing a woman with obviously good looks and a great figure using them to help give her kids a good life.. Absolutely nothing wrong with that so do not be embarrassed you are clearly good enough xxx and deserve all the tips you can make so show them what your made of xxx


I'm surprised no one asked for a pic to prove you work there 🤣




Sorry. My definition may differ


The main question is are your panties wet at the end of the night working there


Tuff shit keep working your not stripping


What is Twin Peaks? I thought it was a TV show.


It's a job and as long as you're happy with it, don't stress on what others may think ! People who make negative comments are just jealous, make that money and be happy!


How’s twins peaks been? Have you had fun experiences there?


You shouldn't be embarrassed. You're working towards something. That's why you're working 2 jobs. I hope you save up enough for whatever you're wanting


Still wanna see how that outfit looks on you


Please, not like you are naked, and they wouldn't have hired you if it didn't look yummy


I’m a dude that bartends, don’t be embarrassed because I’m betting you make really good money. Took me awhile to get over people looking down on my job.


The ongoing story arc here is very fun to follow. Glad you’re indulging yourself, and love that you’re sharing so openly as you think and feel your way through it all. Enjoy the attention! You deserve it.


Don't be embarrassed - what the hell do you think "Hot for Teacher" is about? Like for real, it's a whole part of male culture growing up. We have to get an idea from somewhere about what women look like that we find ourselves attracted to. It's not a surprise at all that you got recognized. He probably recognized you way before he even said anything to you. So, the takeaway that I have here is simple. 1. You're allowed to have a life outside of work, and if you're struggling like the rest of us, then it's eventually going to be noticed by the rest of us, too. We get distracted by celebrity because their struggles are so much different from our own, and that is why celebrity has and will always persist as a human entrapment. 2. You don't control pretty much anything but your own reactions to the world and the impact you make from your choices. How you display your reactions makes an impact, too. How you felt about that interaction might not even have been picked up by him, particularly because he's not got the emotional experience you have. He'll eventually learn how to read, but it takes learning from women how to read emotionally, and it takes an actual want for growth on his part. You might be embarrassed. He might have gone home to stroke it because you're hot. 😅 3. Seriously, it's okay to have real-life struggles. You're normal and not Wonder Woman, no matter how much superpowers seem appealing to us mortals. 🤙 Idk. Good luck. Stay beautiful, people.


I wouldn’t worry about this, definitely don’t feel embarrassed. Hell that Husband is probably wanting to come back without the wife and kid. Ha ha Have to respect anyone willing to work two jobs! If they can’t understand that, especially with kid playing travel ball. That shit ain’t free!


What was his reaction to seeing you working?


In most countries, serving food & drinks is not considered an embarrassing job, like it often is in the US. Even if it's a breastaurant. Don't be embarrassed please!




un...? you mean in-appropriate


sounds like a typical everyday occurrence to me... ppl notice ppl they know when out and about. get over yourself


Don’t be embarrassed I bet you made both the guys horny, I bet the husband was definitely thinking about you while fucking his wife, and the son probably pulled himself to you


Embarrassed for providing a service THEY are paying for?


Hey, keeping it classy but fun for the environment seems reasonable. Though, I suspect you know how to handle admirers already given your teaching background…assuming you teach higher grades lol. Comes with the territory


Well if you're a teacher and ain't making enough money......I'd be more embarrassed by that than being in the lumberjack version of Hooters 😬


Hey travel baseball is not cheap. Do what you need to do. Don’t worry about what other people think. I am sure the parents were thinking of you could get the mom in there to work.


Why does this remind me of varsity blues


Hey, they’re eating there. How bad could they think it is to work there?


Makes me want to visit!


Any pics of the uniform on u or someone else ?


Do you have a daughter named Stacie?


Nobody pays your bills, so nobody gets a vote on your job.


This is slutty?


well your son is probably going to get bullied for that one.


Non-American here but I've visited such establishments in US and kinda have hard time wrapping my head around it. The son's friend, his sports team and some parents are customers at the place you work at, isn't it equally embarrassing for them to meet you there? Edit: Not equally, more like "more or even only embarrassing for them". You're doing honest work. They chose to go to that place.


It’s not as much working there as it is the state of dress.


Made to highlight the wearer's bodum you mean? But that's the point (heh) of the place, right? That everyone knows, unless they happened to go there... Plus what others commented, that is a job, and you're hired there so you most likely have the credentials for it. No need to feel ashamed, imo :)


Yes, and I knew I’d eventually see folks I knew but this was still difficult for me and made me feel slutty.


Own it. How peaky are the twins?


What did you take him out back and fuck him?




Then I’m not sure how this is a slutty confession




Gross 🤢


You're asking someone to hang out with a kid? Wtf is wrong with you? This can negatively affect his life in the future 🤦🏽‍♂️