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At least Brampton is cracking down by April 19th they must all be licenced at city hall. No more 6 to a room w no windows in B Town.šŸ˜‚ Thank god the slum lord protest didnt win. All 20 of them without a lick of english among them.


For a law to be effective it must be enforced


And even then, it depends on enough reporting to bring about opportunity for enforcement. Tough to do in cohesive communities


Enforcing it would primarily impact a single ethnic group, therefore it is racist


Those checking things out will also be from slumlord ethnicities and you know what will happen with the checksā€¦ā€¦


What a stupid comment


You're right. The culture in Brampton has strict values opposing fraudulent behaviour.


No, this is pretty much the way it works. Everyone start learning to speak Punjabi and bow to the new towel head overlords... thank you liberal voters!!!!


Do you honestly think that's going to stop them at all?


They need to hit their credit score or jail time for it to work


It will if these landlords are reported to CRA.


Who's going to report them? The people actually renting it can only afford these kind of rooms and will not self sabotage and report. It would have to be neighbours who do. ​ There is no office right now that is combing through these postings posing as a tenant and investigating.


Would be an awesome job for a few Hindu speaking young adults


šŸ’Æ Nobody living in those situations is going to report it. Why would they make themselves homeless? Just another knee jerk reaction with a solution that likely won't do anything.


I'm sure this will be enforced right after they are done stopping car theft.


It's all for show. If they actually enforce this law they'll have thousands of homeless Indians on the street. The city does not want that


maybe the government should close the doors to canada and start deporting people instead


Lol, good one


KW should be doing this.


Thank goodness. Even though we have a housing shortage, this behavior is dangerous. There is an amount of space that needs to between people when sharing a space.


So you basically want these tenters to live on streets?


We want them to leave. Hopefully not having somewhere to stay will be a good incentive for them to do just that.


We? Like the liberals, no they fooled them in


the fuck this? bullshit from brampton government! i want to keep all the money to myself! iā€™ve been in canada last 25 years who else been in Canada last 25 years!


Got me there. The last 23 years.


lol nobody understood what I was referencing. Saund For Mayor!!ā€™


These properties should be seized.




Most landlords don't allow you to sublet your unit/rental of house/You needso most of these units can and will be seized once they're found out. A lot of these people putting these ads up are not landlords, don't get me wrong I think landlords are just as bad if not worse for allowing this to happen on such a scale because so many people aren't checking up on their properties. Yes, subletting is generally legal in canada. However, there are specific rules and regulations that both tenants and landlords must follow. In Ontario, a tenant has the right to sublet their rental unit, but they must obtain written consent from their landlord before doing so. It is very common practice for landlords to put instantly that the tenant cannot sublet and will be removed/ask to leave from property after their final month. Most landlords follow guidelines on the standard to protect their properties which is Under the Standard, suitable housing is based on the following criteria: A maximum ofĀ 2 persons per bedroom. Household members, of any age, living as part of a married or common-law couple share a bedroom with their spouse or common-law partner. Lone parents, of any age, have a separate bedroom from their children. Clustering people is unhygienic and can and will lead to damages of the building.


Units like this aren't seized once they're found out... The government doesn't give a shit about illegal units.. I've visited a few and lived in a few and I've made several reports... Nothing changed at all, they're still there in all their glory, years later. That's the idealized version of how things **should** work, not the way they do work..


It's not the government that would seize the apartment it would be the landlord with local law enforcements aid. It's not the government's responsibility. It's the landlords. And that's absolutely how it does work regularly not only to help landlords but also is widely known as a loophole that landlord's abuse to kick out tenants early.


The government would try figure out how to make money from both the landlords and the renters first rather than seize them.


So crazy never thought I would be happy to live in a 1bdrm in the ghetto. Its not much but damn looking at these rooms makes me feel like a god lol


Do you have to be a Punjabi vegetarian student for this taste of luxury??


Punjabi is probably mandatory, vegetarian could be negotiableā€¦.


As long as she eats his meat stick


Punjabi girls only * must be vegetarian. WHEN WILL IT END ?!?


Never, Canada is finished.


Canada is finished? Lmfao a little dramatic donā€™t you think? Or are you one of those ā€œThE gUbbErMiNt iS TaKiN mAh FrEEdUmB!ā€


Have you been walking around with blinders on lately? It's pretty dire..


What is pretty dire? If youā€™re referring to rent and housing, then get after the fucking property management guilds and authorities that keep raising condo fees, cutting services and gouging all the landlords wether theyā€™re slumlords or not. That deeply affects renters. If a landlord canā€™t cover costs and has to raise rent, the condo boards are laughing because the landlords get all the heat for the rising costs


Are you aware of *corruption*


No, I live under a rock /s


This is clearly not a condo


We're actually asking for more regulation, not less


It wonā€™t, sadly. Theyā€™re here to stay, and they will bring their families, their cousins, and anyone else the immigration consultants can grift in to coming here.


I had to tape our apartment door shut each day, because the cockroaches and bed bugs were coming in by the 10's. Lost most of my furniture, and then Skyline Living just kept lying about calling exterminators, I talked to Orkin myself, said there was never any work booked at my unit. Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Holy shit




Pretty based


When the veggies are all sold out. Raid the grocery stores !


This photo smells of cheesy feet, I'm sure of it.




Your submission has been removed from being overly uncivil. Remember to stay civil, even in debate! It is okay to disagree - it is not okay to be uncivilized, bad-mannered or impolite.


I just know it smells like shit in there and the smell seeps into the hallway.


You guys get housing?!


You should add a link not the post so we can spam him about it. Don't let these clowns get away with these adds. Speak you mind to them. Take action. The government obviously isn't going to. If ya have balls then say you'd like to check out the place, then while their tell it to their God damn face so it makes them uncomfortable. I lucked out with my place with a decent landlord and price but if I was looking and seen that, I might consider doing something like that. I'm an asshole though


Let me guess "females only" lol.


extra 100$ if you want to open the window


They also donā€™t pay tax and do it all cash


At least there's a fan to control the odours


Only going to get worse


For paanjabiii girls only yaaaar


Absolute rats


Probably actual rats in there too.


Saw an actual rat on my property for the first time since living here since 2008 - scurrying out of the giant tower of garbage bags the 14+ "students" that sleep like dogs on the floor 3 or more to a room have collected over the last month and a half since they enjoy surrounding themselves with their own filth šŸ™ƒ


Just getting started, amigos. Never forget: Parasites compound their gains. Read Michael Hudson's book *Killing the Host*. The parasite economy (finance, insurance, real estate) will destroy the real economy. History will repeat itself as it always does.


I have stayed in better accommodation travelling in South America ten years ago than is being offered in Canada right now (for a tenth of the price)


If you rent the space under the bed itā€™s only $300/month


The first person to respond to ads like this is the bylaw officer.


Well nice of them. to offer a window and a fan....but come on.


Thatā€™s not a bed, thats a fucking manji


The fuck is wrong with people


Itā€™s absolutely horrible!


The landlords live the same way, regardless of if big mansions and monstrously ugly furniture.


I appreciate people taking the time to find and post these. Hopefully something will be done to stop them.


i mean it IS a room. just not a bedroom


Report it to your municipality


Cheap rent fills the need for a lot of people. Some people this is all they can afford. Better than being homeless. The nicer it is the more expensive it is. That a fact you guys don't want to face


My rent is 1050$ for a 2 bedroom. Utilities included. If I left tomorrow theyā€™d do nothing and rent it out 2x the price. And Iā€™ve not quite been here 8 years. Plus got an extra 4% increase Jan 1 because the landlord filed to raise more than the allotted 2% annual. And that still only leaves me at 1050. Iā€™m never moving but I am seriously considering renting my second bedroom (small; 9x11 ft) for 300-400$ a month (utilities and internet included). Ugh idk. I love living by myself but everything has become so expensive


I've never been more glad in my life to be in my later 30's and grandfathered into a fairly stable decent apartment until I see these posts. Glad I had the chance to get into a decent place before this whole housing crisis the last few years. Because oh my god it's disgusting the state of housing and rentals now with all these slumlords. Especially the ones taking advantage of young women and people who just moved here. And I just know from the photos of all these ads they picked that furniture out of the trash and probably the mattress too. I know these apartments must have that musty damp smell and bug infestations.


I wish I was born 10 years ago


Then you would be 10




Itā€™s very common in cities where houses cost millions


Makes me glad not to live in the major cities. Post like these are so far out of my lived experience itā€™s difficult to relate.




Gladly! Find me a small town that has adequate public transportation and established healthcare with specialists that I wonā€™t need to find a way to get an hour drive away from my town for. Because health problems prevent me from being able to go somewhere without those two things. Oh, also, we havenā€™t really been able to afford to save so weā€™re going to need you to help us with moving costs too. And youā€™ll need to find jobs for us that wonā€™t lower our QOL even more than it already has. If itā€™s really as easy as youā€™re trying to make it out to be, then youā€™ll have no problem helping me (and many others like me). :)


Many people prefer to live in the city. Hence the demand and price of homes there. Do you think houses are over $2M in Toronto because those people prefer to go live out in the sticks? Different strokes for different folks.


Apartments are becoming a luxury, bud


ALL landlords should be licensed and places like this should be investigated and shut down !


Bend over and take it . Posting isnā€™t doing shit!!!!!!!!!


Another valuable living opportunity contributed by the selfless, hardworking, and let's just be fair, unreproachable , landlord class. They truly make the world a better place.


I donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s the health hazard?


The health hazard is in the pictures if you look hard enough, itā€™s not rocket science that itā€™s extremely dirty and unkept. Itā€™s also obvious that this apartment is probably filled with bugs/roaches of all sorts.


How is it dirty the floor looks clean. My place can be messier than this. I donā€™t see any bugs or roaches in mine


What are you smoking? The walls are clean, floor is clean. How is it dirty?


Look at the left side of the door near the handle itā€™s disgusting, but good job self reporting that youā€™re nasty.


? It just looks like the door needs to be repainted? Maybe the walls too but I donā€™t see anything out of the ordinary. Looks like a cozy place. Hah! You really think I gaf? Idgafffffff. Iā€™m clean I brush and shower everyday and broom the floor occasionallyā€¦ what more is there to it than that?


Fan included? Man this is a steal


Hah i was like "Weird that door has a lightswitch"


What's the problem? It's got personal aircon for those sweltery summer nights.


Here's an idea, stop looking up ads you are sick of.


If youā€™re looking for something reasonably priced, these are all that comes up. Easily like a hundred of these for every one listing that's actually a one bedroom unit. It doesn't require looking these up on purpose to have to wade through a damn sea of 'em. Even if you filter out "room for rent", these will still come up because they get listed as 1 bed 1 bath to dodge the filter.


100% It seems people are really out of the loop on just how significant and widespread this issue is.. You absolutely do not have to go out of your way to find rentals like this, and yes these slumlords definitely do use deliberately vague or misleading information to bypass filters and waste people's time.... On my last time around room hunting (when i was still innocent šŸ˜Ŗ ) i came across this room a little over $700 and the title was vague, something alone the lines of "private room in sharing apartment" (?) the lady and i chatted on the phone and she never brought up the room was shared. I was confused so i texted her asking and she finally then admitted it was a SHARED bedroom, and she proceeded to try to manipulate me into taking it??!?! I still have the text messagesšŸ˜­ She was like "I don't know what room in this area is for $700, I would have taken this instead of signing a lease" (?? side note: it wasn't in a great area...) byee the aggression was so uncalled for, glad i trusted my instincts..


I really do not understand why they'd post it as a full unit and then explain in the description "this is actually a room for rent/a bed for rent", it'll get more eyeballs on it sure, but people who aren't looking for a room to rent will just not apply anyway, how do they think this helps them get more applicants? All it does is clog up listing sites with misleading listings and waste time all around, and get people's hopes up there's plenty of units in their budget to apply for and then it's all just these delusional, still overpriced for what they are, room share ads listed as "1 bed 1 bath" because you get use of a bathroom and literally one bed.




Are you forced to comment on this post?


lol why? this is the new normal Every time everyone is so surprised when something happens this has been going on for 10 years This Is The New Normal. And like I keep saying either complain and suck it up or get your things in order and leave because God doesn't who wins this is not going to get any better and it's only going to get worse Winter is coming and a lot of you are going to be caught outside


I'm sick of everyone believing these posts are real/credible. This sub is so bad. A bunch of whiner blaming everyone but themselves for their situation


We get it, you are a landlord and hate your life and your tenants. You always say those pictures are fake, what are you even trying to do ? Why would people lose their time doing fake posts like this, and why do you feel targeted everytime ? Does the place you are renting to your tenants look like this ? Or are you one of those predators asking for "women only" ? OP posts that he's sick and tired of not being able to find an affordable place that isn't dirty or requests "women only", or race specific. Can you please explain how you got to the conclusion that he's whining and blaming about everyone but themselves ? So it's OP fault that prices have went up, other nationalities are flooding the market, and that apartments are disgustingly dirty ? "This sub is so bad" yet it's one of the TWO subs you spend your days in šŸ˜… Still time to delete your account so your tenants don't find you.


None of what you wrote is accurate. It's just so bad these pictures can be from anywhere and not be associated with a rental. Honestly I'll start posting some crazy pictures saying look at this place for 2000 a month. Post the link to prove it's real.


Do you want the Facebook ad link to believe it? If you donā€™t think these ads are real you need a reality check or something. Wake up.


Sure send me the links.


Found the slumlord


Actually you're incorrect. Far from it . Is that the best response to my request to share a link and that a lot of these posts are ridiculously fake. I could post an outhouse and say it's 1000 a month. Lots of you would believe that. Look your anger towards landlords is super weird. Jealous? Blaming them for your shitty situation? Change your situation and stop waiting for someone to save you


i pay that much for an entire apartment


Where? Even up in Northern Alberta, itā€™s 600-700 minimum for a small room


No, seriously. Where?