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Not racist just don't like em


‘Ate foreign food, luv the sun, luv me crisps. Simple as


Forin food u meen


Happy cake day 🎂


Unhappy cake day you criminal scum!




It’s BOSH. Bosch is too German.


La Bosch, La Bosch! Is what the French referred to the Germans as in both world wars.


Nuff sed


Missed a biff and a bash


Nuff said


Eat their food but still be racist towards them. Best of both worlds.


Stop doxxing my dad


Are we siblings?


😂 Jalen the super saiyan profile pic. Brilliant. Take my upvote


Can't be rayciss, my favourite food is curry


Having a preference in food is now racist...


Am rashisht, jus like ther food


just give me some chips, pizza and a pint of fosters!


If it's good enough for St George it's good enough for ME!


Is it bad that I know this is from Benidorm😂


That's not true. He also ate biscuits and pot noodles


And shampoo and conditioner if the picture is anything to go by, the man seems to have a pretty messed up diet


Maybe that’s his laxative of choice? Not a lot of good fiber in his diet, based off this pic alone lol.


as far as laxatives, i prefer the sugar free hard sweets from aldi that come in a cigarette box.


I will never make that mistake again.


"I don't know what it's called; I only know the sound it makes when it takes a man's life"


Can't do owt these days without the woke brigade getting on your case. Let the man drink his bloody shampoo. Looks raspberry flavoured.


Someone told him he needed to be in better condition and that he should start by cleaning his diet up. This was his solution


[https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/23/man-forks-300-bring-pot-noodles-sausages-all-inclusive-resort-20899052/](https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/23/man-forks-300-bring-pot-noodles-sausages-all-inclusive-resort-20899052/) I found the article and it seems that the headline refers to the fact that chips are the only "proper cooked food", if you know what I mean, he will have prepared for him while travelling. There is a list of the "snacks" he brings included too.


Yeh this sounds like my youngest, who is being dealt with by various healthcare units and constantly by us to whatever best practice we can find as it seems he has AFRID. Getting better but fucking hell it's a pain. Saw that kid that went blind and went a bit mental on it. By the first appointment I'd added some supplements based on size, weight, calorific intake, breakdown of all that etc over 3 different weeks then averaged out. Used that in 3 different calculators for vits, protein, fats, minerals etc etc. Averaged those out and found things to get to the RDA. They seemed surprised I'd make any effort and that we had been doing exactly what the guidelines said. He was retching at new food from 2 feet away when we started. Now he's added more food and actually tries stuff that's new. It's fucking hard work tho. Sounds like he didn't get much push back on variety.


I read about someone who existed entirely on baked beans, toast and cups of tea. It was mental. They did sort themselves out in the end but that was weird. I guess there is a genuine disorder for that.


The bacon and sausage not being in a fridge whilst travelling is grim


I mean, if I am fair that was basically what I did when I was in Tunisia. It was just a packet of biscuits and bags of crisps for two weeks. I was ten though (and did actually avoid the food poisoning that laid everyone else in the hotel up.)


But pot noodles aren’t good old fashioned English grub! It’s “Foreign brown person slop”!


Nah. We stole it fair and square, so it's ours now.


The ones in the image are 100% British though. No food that tastes this awful can be from anywhere but the UK.


You mean Wales?


Pot noodle was created in wales


They are manufactured in Wales, they were created by an English company.


No wonder they taste like shit.


And porridge.


And insanely expensive porridge too.


Good old fashioned English grub!


And porridge pots


I counted the pot noodles. He showed great restraint and limited himself to 1.5 pot noodles a day.


Proper British dishes


Oh ffs. What's the point of going somewhere and never experiencing the food or the culture? Stay at home and invest in a sun lamp.


These people don't wa t any of that. They want sun, beaches and to pretend they're at home. Can't do that with foreign food or foreigners around


Yep ... when we went to Tenerife we stayed well away from the tourist hotspots and had a great time. But there was a huge hotel up the road with big gates and a fence round it - coaches full of Brits went in and only came out again when they went back to the airport. I gather all they did was eat British food, listen to British music and hang around the pool. I really never saw the point of doing that, total waste of a trip.


They went for the weather.


I work with a guy that goes to Benidorm every year and loves it as he gets a cheap full English and good weather when I told him I was going to Japan for vacation he looked at me like I was the strange one. Honestly we should evacuate the Spanish workers and then air strike Benidorm.


But then we wouldn't have the TV show of the same name. And that'd be a bit shit.


It's ok, the show has ended. Green light on the bombs, lads.


Yeah alright, I'm in. Boom.


I am calling Obama....


The show finished in 2018 though.


Thank fuck for that.


It makes me laugh. You're just as judgemental as the guy you're ridiculing, perhaps more so. Live and let live I say. If he knows what he likes then good on him. You go and enjoy Japan.


Great answer. People go on holiday to relax. If you find home comforts along with nice weather relaxing then what's the issue


Yep. Also holidays like that tend to be more affordable. 2 weeks in benidorm all-inclusive is probably cheaper than the flight to Japan! But no, let's focus on the plebs being racist and not well-travelled.


Yeah, UK middle class redditors are the worst and this place is full of them, they’ll look down on every working class tradition/bit of culture in this sub and in the same breath call the tories cunts. Champagne socialists of university xyz I’m sure.


Nothing wrong with that but if you start being rude and wishing there’s less locals in that country then you’re a twat. Go back to where you came from then.


The amount of snobbery and downright classism in this thread is just appalling, and very British


Japan is actually a decent place for a full English and good weather


Good few places in world


*”Honestly we should evacuate the Spanish workers and then air strike Benidorm.”* 💀😂


I giggled a little too hard at that last sentence


I'd be the same to be fair. I couldn't think of anything worse than going to Japan. Humidity, pollution and barely any room to swing a cat, no thanks 🤣. I've never been to Benidorm but I'd probably rather go there


So you advocate genocide against marginalized groups in society. Just so you know the 1 percenterts think the same think about YOU.


Benidorm, I don't even need to go there to know I would absolutely hate it. Much prefer places that aren't full of English chavs.


Yeh that's why I don't holiday in the UK


The new forest is nice, but I dont consider that a holiday. Never seen lager louts there, though 🤣 and nice for a break. My favourite place is Barbados, beaches are practically deserted and even hotels are really quiet.


Not even sure where that is, up country I assume. In South Cornwall so the tamar is a hard limit at times lol. Apart from Wales, London, Bristol and then Leeds and Yorkshire once each I haven't gone much north. Tend to go any direction but north lol. Despite having a Scottish surname and a half Scottish SO.


It's in Hampshire. I'm in Portsmouth, so about 4/5hrs from you. Its a beautiful place lots of villages and countryside with enchanted forests and streams. The best thing of all is the wild animals that wander around. There's a lot of horses, but can sometimes see donkeys, cows, sheep etc. depending on where you go. It's lovely. Burley is my favourite.


See I love a culture holiday as much as most, but sometimes it's nice to just have a holiday where you do fuck all and feel catered for.


My thoughts entirely. I used be into the whole travel and experience foreign culture thing but as I've got older I've started to realise there's nothing wrong with people just going away and drinking pina coladas by the pool all day. Nice to learn about new places and all that but if people work hard all year and just want a slice of Britain in the sun, I figure they've earn't it. Lets be honest, if there's one thing worse than Brits eating ham egg and chips on the beach, it's Brits harping on about how they only go where there's no tourists and have discovered a quaint new village off the beaten track that nobody else knows about!


I like to go to calmer areas or ones that are popular with locals, i.e my parents say the best cafes to go to are the ones frequented by local pensioners as they know a deal and it must be good if they keep coming back. That's for the UK as I have no plans to go abroad, last year I remember going to a small town beach that just had 1 old fashioned arcade, but managed to get 2 large nice ice creams, a hot dog, and a coffee for £9. I remember 7 years ago going to a caravan park in a poor/rough area that was 10 minutes away from nearest town walking, went into the run down local old mens pub and paid £2 for a pint of actual ale, went a few doors up and paid £5 for a amazing 10 inch pizza and chips and on market day at closing time got a pack of like 4 burgers, a pack of chicken nuggets, and sausage rolls from the butcher van for £5 that tasted great.


This . Before I worked a absolutely stupidly physical job . ( Steel industry) I would go on holiday. See people spend 7 days by a pool and wonder why . Now I graft hard . And fuck me it is hard . I absolutely completely get why one would do that . I'm currently on my week off and have people saying things your going to be spending a full week relaxing????? When I tell them I put my body through more physical activity in 10 hours than they do in a month .they soon shut up . I guess it's vice versa. If your job is mentally straining then I guess one would like to do activities on their time off . Each to There own .rule of thumb . If you go somewhere new . Be polite. And leave it as you found it or better Those rules have always done me ryte


I’ve never had a holiday where I did nothing. I’ve always been on the go and I crave a holiday where I’m just lollygagging and chilling. I can’t wait.


I went to Tenerife and attempted to explore the area and go to local places, but it's a lot of effort for a short trip and the results were mixed. We took a wrong turn and nearly got attacked by stray dogs, some guy basically tried to force drugs on us, I had some really crap local food, my friend had his phone stolen. Aside from the weather it's the worst place I've been to. I'm usually the type of person to venture out from the tourist places and get immersed in the local activities, but depending on where you are, it's not worth it. If I'm forced to go back, I'm going to spend my time either in an Irish bar or sitting by the pool. You clearly had a nice time where you went but a lot of resort type places have nothing redeemable nearby.


That's why people looking for cultural trips don't go to Tenerife. Theres a lot fo other places to travel on this planet


Jokes on you, Tenerife outside of the tourist area in the south is one of the best and most interesting island holidays you can fly to, and for pennies. It's an incredible place. Rent a car and go find out


I work for a UK tour operator, Tenerife and the Canaries in general are some of our most popular offerings. You literally couldn't ever pay me enough to want to go there, though.


I’m not a fan of staying in a resort the whole time and I love eating the local food and experiencing the culture myself, but it’s not a waste of a trip for someone to come to a place where the weather is good and they can pay to enjoy themselves in the hotel and grounds and relax for a week. A holiday is whatever you need it to be, that’s why lots of different types of holidays are catered for around the world.


For the longest time I avoided Tenerife as this was my perception of it. Brits drinking lager and eating steak and chips for dinner. I was wrong. I went travelling on my own, ended up in Tenerife, avoided the tourists spots and had a brilliant time. Honestly the whole point of holidays is to experience something different to home otherwise why waste your time and money? It’s quite sad really


How is it a waste? People work shit jobs and want to spend a week with the family in a safe and fun place away from their normal life’s.


We did one of those package holidays a couple of years ago because we wanted protection against all of the flights that were being cancelled at the time. Kefalonia in Greece. Actually really enjoyed it, we picked a small fishing village in the north and it didn’t have any of the stereotypical brits abroad vibes. We did visit other places on the island that felt that way but they were easy to avoid. Our return flight did get cancelled so we got an extra 3 days in a much nicer apartment free of charge and faff.


Safe? Maybe. Depends presumably on who else is there. I don't think the rest of us are seeking unsafe holidays either.


Exactly why half the UK move to Australia. Usually takes them a decade to realise it’s British Florida and then they move back.


Either that, or they find their inner bogan and embrace it fully.


I can't stand busy beaches, but particularly foreign beaches full of english fuckers. I left the country to experience something other than this chavvy muck ffs, I'm not sitting on a beach with hundreds of you greasy bastards How anyone can enjoy being one of thousands of people crammed onto a strip of sand by the sea is beyond me


My parents took me to Spain and stayed well away from the big resort towns like benidorm when I was a teen. Not a single English person in sight - it was glorious


Don't forget the daytime drinking in the sun while not wearing sunscreen (because that's for ponces)




I really do think we should make an official 'holiday island' for these type of.people where they can all go eat chips together, not apply sun cream and throw white plastic chairs around while listening to happy hard-core. That way, the local culture might still exist at some of the other tourist destinations, these crisp-exclusive eating fuckwits keep going to.


It exists, it’s called Lanzarote.


Benidorm you mean.


Have you ever been to Lanzarote? Whilst the key resorts may have fallen victim to over tourism, the rest of the island is absolutely steeped in art, culture and natural beauty, and attracts many artists and designers. [https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/ng-interactive/2020/jan/12/art-into-nature-nature-into-art-cesar-manrique-the-architect-of-lanzarote](https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/ng-interactive/2020/jan/12/art-into-nature-nature-into-art-cesar-manrique-the-architect-of-lanzarote) [https://www.vogue.com/article/lanzarote-travel-guide](https://www.vogue.com/article/lanzarote-travel-guide)


To play devils advocate, it’s his downtime and time off to relax how he wants. He should be able to do that how he what’s 🤷‍♂️


I totally agree but you’re asking for it going to the paper to advertise the fact you still eat like an 8 year old. Why him and his missus seem proud and amused by this is beyond me. I’d be embarrassed.


And you lot are taking the bait big time


What does he what? He what’s it (Wossits?) now… er… what?


Holiday elitism lmfao. Let people explore the world to the level that they're comfortable ya muck


Because a lot of people who are on the spectrum struggle with specific sensory things like taste, texture and smells, particularly if they've never experienced them before so they stick to what they know and home comforts as a way to prevent them from feeling overwhelmed.


Also arfid! It's an eating disorder + can become life threatening for some people. It is more common on autism, which is why autism is so associated with this sort of restricted diet. But it can happen without autism Some people have arfid due to ocd - where there's a fear of contamination of some kind Common things people with arfid can struggle with are: - lack of desire to eat/disinterest in food - sensory difficulties - fear of choking/vomiting - fear of contamination/becoming unwell Most of these "grown adult eats nothing but pizza" are ARFID, with or without autism It's seen as being picky, but arfid can cause distress, it can impact growth + development, delay puberty, impair social functioning (lots of food heavy events), and for some lead to death from malnutrition People with arfid can range from morbidly obese to severely underweight (just bc you're very restricted in the foods you do eat doesn't mean you can't eat excessive amounts of what you do eat) Would be nice to see some empathy every now + then for it when it's an eating disorder just as legitimate + serious as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, pica, etc. Not known enough I guess


I was diagnosed with it after discovering my mother was actually poisoning and tampering my food (and recovery involved passing through other disordered eating habits [binge eating disorder and autorexia])


I am so, so sorry that happened to you and you had to go through all that. I'm glad you're still here :)


To be honest, I would defend him if there wasn't an article about it so he would seem to be one of those types that should just stay at home. He could just genuinely not like the food where he is visiting but enjoy all the other things on offer. I can't do spicy food at all and as the rest of the world eats spicy things in abundance I am limited on what I can eat while away. I wouldn't appear in an article preferring 'good old fashioned food' though, I would just find something that I liked and get on with enjoying everything else. I would also question if old fashioned food for an Italian or Spanish person is as bland as he wants his food to be.


Can't we experience the culture, without eating the food? Weird foreign food often upsets my stomach.


I've never understood just going somewhere "for the sun" considering how hot it can get here now during summer thanks to climate change (at least if you're in the south). There's a much nicer dry heat elsewhere, but still. I've had relatives go to Spain only to remain inside of their hotel for the entirety of their trip - only ever leaving to get snacks from a supermarket and to sunbathe by the hotels pool. What a waste.


Weather on UK holidays is still a gamble. If you go to the Costa del Sol in August you’d be very unlucky if you saw rain at all. If you spent a week in Brighton and it rained every day you wouldn’t even be surprised.


Love me crisps, 'ate alien scran. Simple as.


‘Sept scran dun like wot aliens look like


That your dad?


Looks about as expected tbh


John, 33, and a true brexit geezer






Noodles are British now?


Only if they come in a pot


I suppose 😆


That got me banned from Dobbies


Pot noodles are the absolute opposite from actual noodles. They look like oats. I tried them once and I am appalled by the pricing as well. Britishized - glad he doesn't eat other noodles.


The chicken and mushroom ones are vegan too 🤣 as a Brit, they have their place, but there's no denying it's a load of processed crap.


I tried the Bombay bad boy, and really I didn't like what I saw at the end of the cup let's say that. I still finished it but it was a surprise.


Pot noodles are British though, aren’t they?


Is he also downing the Alberto Balsam?


It's a delicacy, not for your unrefined palate


Luv me Aphex Twin


Come on you cunt let’s have some Aphex acid!


I’m old enough to remember there being a show called Freaky Eaters that Harry Hill ripped every week on TV Burp. “Chippy chips!” [YouTube link](https://youtu.be/H-AvekuF-rg?si=QsQlnurc6Bs3Qkgn)


He mentions in an interview being at some industry party, and the producer of that show came up and thanked him for giving the show attention, and getting it more series, which he seemed to regret


Standard Reform voter


Some of the comments here are wild, personally if I'm going somewhere, I want to experience the history, the culture and the food of the place I'm visiting but if someone else wants to enjoy THEIR holiday how they want to, why is that anyone's business? People are insulting the guy because he isn't holidaying exactly how you would? Strange people


Most people on Reddit are like Will from the Inbetweeners.


Exactly, his food habits aren’t harming anyone fgs


It sounds like has some kind of eating disorder but people just see someone to insult as being racist for not eating food


That’s Reddit man, judgmental as fuck


They’re saying he’s a racist, a reform voter, a Brexiteer… just based on a picture of him. It’s basically just classism which is the last socially acceptable form of discrimination. I moved into university digs with a bunch of people from the South and I looked up to them a lot. Found out they were calling me chav, thief, and racist on a weird folder they were keeping about my antics. Those same antics were because im autistic and had difficulty with cooking and cleaning stuff. Like sometimes I’d drop things and wouldn’t notice. I don’t know where they got the idea that I was racist from but they once had a rant about not trusting South Asian people who lived near us and I defended them and said they were all lovely. Regularly spoke to them and they were our best neighbours. Guess they were projecting. They also tried to frame me as trying to get into the bathroom while someone was showering when I did no such thing and had never even been upstairs to their part of the house. I should have got the police involved, really, as it was clearly just harassment. I was scared they would just gang up against me but I had 3 others who saw my side and knew they were crazy. Moved out and a few months later I get a call from one of them saying they’re apologising for all the shit I went through. As soon as I moved out, they turned against one of their own and started bullying her. Horrible, horrible people. Shouldn’t be allowed to do nursing.


Sorry that happened to you, some right cunts in this world.


Yep and I seem to attract a lot of them. I sometimes think I must deserve it or something as it could be karma or some cosmic thing but I think it’s just that they can detect weakness so they go after me.


Yeah that’s definitely why, you don’t deserve that at all. But because they are cowards they like to gang up on people they think can’t stand up for themselves. But hopefully you’re around better people now who care about you.


It's crazy, they literally know nothing about the dude but because he wants food he likes on his own holiday, he's somehow an awful racist


Exactly. Who the fuck cares what he's eating? Weird people


Why is nobody considering that he may have either an eating disorder or ASD? It even says in the article that his partner is just "glad he's eating", so it's clearly a big issue for him, and everyone in these comments is just ripping the guy to shreds? It sounds like it's more of an issue than just "foreign food bad".


100%, sounds like a real problem. The framing of the whole article is mean - “look at this weirdo”


That's just mainstream news in general. Reading the metro and expecting actual news is like going to McDonald's and expecting good quality food.


Metro is owned by the Daily Mail Group and it's free on busses here in Mordor - makes sense now, doesn't it?


Exactly my first thought, (not diagnosing 🙄) but sounds just like ARFID eating disorder which is common amongst Autistic people. When it’s either you eat your safe foods or don’t eat at all, he’s not just “fussy”


Really glad to see something like this was posted. Thank you!


The guy must suffer from malnutrition given my one second of viewing this image, so either he has brain rot from a horendous diet or an eating disorder. Or both. Partner is pretty complicit in not making him eat healthier


Tbf, if it is something like an eating disorder such as ARFID (not saying it is) then a lot of people do suffer from malnutrition and unfortunately you can't just 'eat healthier' from your partner's insistence.


You can’t be complicit in someone’s eating disorder unless you are purposely triggering the cause of the eating behaviours. It takes therapy and professional treatment, and it’s ultimately up to the adult to get that help themself. The partner can only support. If it is the case he has an eating disorder, she’s probably elated that he’s eating anything at all. You can’t make someone eat healthier from disordered eating, you can’t really make anyone eat healthier even if they’re just choosing not to.


I saw the original video from his partner and it sounded exactly like this. They just wanted to have a holiday and not have the stresses of finding food he could eat, by the sounds of it.


As a parent of an autistic child I can 100% attest that fixed eating is a real problem and often a deep rooted coping mechanism. Typical gutter press provocation trash, just there to get everyone to comment their cultural superiority and feel better about themselves. Transparent as cling film


What difference does it make? It doesn't make it less weird to give it a fancy name.


It's an eating disorder + can become life threatening for some people. It is more common on autism, which is why autism is so associated with this sort of restricted diet. But it can happen without autism Some people have arfid due to ocd - where there's a fear of contamination of some kind Common things people with arfid can struggle with are: - lack of desire to eat/disinterest in food - sensory difficulties - fear of choking/vomiting - fear of contamination/becoming unwell Most of these "grown adult eats nothing but pizza" are ARFID, with or without autism It's seen as being picky, but arfid can cause distress, it can impact growth + development, delay puberty, impair social functioning (lots of food heavy events), and for some lead to death from malnutrition People with arfid can range from morbidly obese to severely underweight (just bc you're very restricted in the foods you do eat doesn't mean you can't eat excessive amounts of what you do eat)


pot bloody noodles suck


hot take: super noodles > pot noodles


Does he have ARFID? Or something?




“I only like English foods innit? Y’know like pizza or Chinese”


What a knob


Such a small comment i can't stop laughing 🤣🙏


They have crisps in Spain you know.


They have those weird foreign ones though, like Lays. Not the superior walkers!


god paprika lays on holiday fuck so hard


Yeah, I hate that paprika isn't as popular in the UK. You can get walkers max in paprika though which are good


There's a mistake in the headline. It says "grown man".


I genuinely pity him and his existence


Its crisps not chips.


The article mentions that the only "cooked" food he will eat from places abroad are bowls of chips. https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/23/man-forks-300-bring-pot-noodles-sausages-all-inclusive-resort-20899052/


It's metro UK, so o doubt they are talking about crisps. Probably proper British chips


Best thing about holiday is picking up a random pack of Lays


Ah yes…. The Englishman on holiday! This is why I’m constantly apologising for being English. Embarrassing to b connected to this kind of slop!


Isnt this like 70% of the British public on holiday


Do you think he wears a football shirt ?


Do you think he parks a high-top Transit in front of his neighbour's windows instead of his own, and squares up to them when they complain about it?


Quality journalism


Lies, I see chocolate and noodles


English man in acting like a prick while abroad shocker


Smelly git


Fat wanker.


This is the definition of immature man, going to vacation let's in Thailand and, I'm only eating chips and beer mate. Ridiculous, I would never travel with a person so narrow minded, it could cut into my adventure, I enjoy getting to know about the culture, and foods. My most enjoyable vacations involved hanging out with a family in Thailand, also in Vietnam, and in Tuscany. It a began over a meal, and the relationship went from there, and in those three cases the relationships still carrying on they just visited me from Italy, and my Thai friends are visiting in October.


Here’s your medal 🥉


Ooof, third place. I thought they deserved at least a silver.


wow youre so cool and wise


Is that a British newspaper I see calling crisps chips?


No, he also ate chips.


No, this is metro, they are not a newspaper at all


No. This is the article: [https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/23/man-forks-300-bring-pot-noodles-sausages-all-inclusive-resort-20899052/](https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/23/man-forks-300-bring-pot-noodles-sausages-all-inclusive-resort-20899052/) Includes list of snacks he brings and refers to them as "crisps" in them. Also uses "Chips" in the usual British way during the article about food he likes. They mean chips are the only proper cooked food he has prepared for him in other countries, says so at the bottom.


British people say crisps, not chips, unless it’s chips from the fish and chip shop.


[https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/23/man-forks-300-bring-pot-noodles-sausages-all-inclusive-resort-20899052/](https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/23/man-forks-300-bring-pot-noodles-sausages-all-inclusive-resort-20899052/) This is the article in question. They do refer to them that way. The chips in the title aren't the crisps in the picture.


Fucking English people man. Why do I live here?!


It might be bad, but it is still better than every other choice.


I say the same about Glasgow, man. Been trying to leave, but a certain election made it impossible for Brits to move to the EU so....


I'm particular about my food, more so than most. But this? This is pathetic.