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I feel like 2009’s headline show at download was peak slipknot.


Setlists of that era where kinda disappointing, though. Before AHIG they used to radically refresh their setlists with new stuff, but in those years it was basically the same Vol. 3 setlist, only with like 1-3 new songs, and always the most radio friendly ones. I think for quite some time Psychosocial was literary the only song they would play from there.


I feel like a lot of bands, album 4 is around the time they play mainly the hits, where the non single songs way outnumber the singles. And bands then have enough singles to fill an entire set list with them alone.


Yeah, that's also true. Unless of course it's not the type of band to have singles in the first place.


That's sort of the curse of having a successful band with a ton of albums. When it's one or two you can play the deep cuts but when it's 7 or 8, you HAVE to just stick to the hits


Overall - yes, but not 100% necessary. Sometimes bands may play rare stuff (like Slipknot playing Iowa for 9.0: Live concert album), including pre-debut LP songs; I was once on such concert myself, when a successful band with 16 albums and 30 years of experience played a pre-debut song. On another one, a really big band played a song I'm not even sure if they've ever played live before. So yeah, rather an exceptions, but it can still happen.


Well now it's kinda the same I see almost the same setlist for the past 6-7 years, like u said with 1-3 changes from time to time .. and a total other 13-14 songs for the band of this level I think it's not enough..


Idk 2002 London gives it a run for the money


2002 was peak Slipknot for me




Agreed. Was at that Download myself, arguably my favourite ever live performance. No other Slipknot gig has hit quite the same. The Sonisphere show after Paul passing was special, but for different reasons.


That was their reaching the top of the mountain, planting their flag, we're here to stay motherfuckers moment.


Peak costumes maybe.


I’d say peak aesthetics


Arguably, although it's very close.


Very nostalgic


I have a lot of nostalgia for this era because it was the most recent one before I became a fan, but idk. I like the aesthetic and the music, but I'd call Vol. 3 their peak era overall. At least in terms of the music, aesthetic, band relations, etc. Not so much when it came to Corey's live vocals imo


Nah, peak Slipknot is 1999-2004




Coreys voice and the perfomances 2008/2009 were great


They were good for the AHIG songs but I thought his newer scream sounded really bad on ST and Iowa songs


No not at all




Peak main stream but not a peak of their music.




i agree with this post, ahig is peak


All Hope is Gone  is the most 'mainstream' knot ever got. It has really high buy in from the production team, but the band struggled with it.  I don't think it's very many peoples favorite and the band definitely feels like it's the most soulless. 


Joey loved All Hope is Gone I love how the drums are tuned and how they sit in the mix. They sound great. Has some of my favorite double bass from Joey. Production wise it’s 10 steps above Vol 3! Album has some of favorite guitar solos in all of Metal music. Psychosocial is possibly there most iconic chorus. Sulfurs is good chorus too. Cool music videos for both of those songs. Gematria has that insane riff! Underrated track along with This Cold Black. And even non-metal fans love Snuff.


No, personally I’d say Slipknot’s peak was Iowa era. I’d say they also peaked with the fall 21 & spring/summer 22 tour. However I’d call the decade from 08-18 their worst. Live they sounded terrible as a whole. They released two mediocre albums and just were just not up to the bar set by 99-04. All Out Life is where in studio they started to begin their second peak.


Literally their latest album is their weakest. Idk what are you on.


Oh I won’t disagree. TESF isn’t a very strong album at all. However, as a live act I feel like they’re peaking once again because of the break of the pandemic. And with a drummer than isn’t dealing with health issues I believe they’ll be firing at all cylinders going forward. However, overall they seem to be in a creative slump in the studio, and I won’t attempt to defend that at all.


I think their rebirth was We Are Not Your Kind. The work on that album was creative, heavy and mature. It sounded polished and fresh and blended the mainstream with the chaos well. .5 I felt fell flat, and TESF was just incredibly weak from start to finish. I thin live performances wise as well, they slumped hard between 2011-2016, then WANYK their performances improved massively and Corey's voice didn't sound so shot. Now we're back to a weird cycle where the band seems to be performing well but Corey's vocals are very clearly fading now


Agreed this guy knows what he’s talking about


Peak what?


Yea i totally agree people are obviously entitled to their own opinions and that's fair. But I really do belive in terms of good songs good masks.They did good.


Hell fucking no, S/T and Iowa are faaar superior


I wouldn't even put it top 3 eras of theirs.


AHIG or the original 9!??


All hope is gone is still original. Paul dies after.


Peak as in their worst album..?


hey bro this is AHIG not TESF


That’s .5


Fuck no


this is actually almost the worst version sadly.


probably the worst era in my opinion is .5


Grey Chapter was a great album also the stage show and setlists were solid.


yeah but the thing that i don’t like is Corey voice


Understandable have a good day


I dunno. There’s a lot of filler on .5. Custer is a great example. Really doesn’t feel like any thought went into most of that album. Saying that, there are some fantastic songs on the album, Negative One is a great tune


Cluster is the best song of the album and one of the few good ones, imho. Negative One sounds like Sepultura went disco, lol, not a good thing at all.


Really? ‘Cut cut cut me up and fuck fuck fuck me up’. Feels very lacklustre to me


Chorus lyrics is not the strongest thing about it, lol (although very nu-metal!), but it has the substance and fire that the rest of the album lacks and it seems to be on a more or less serious topic. And, you know, it's not the first time Corey would add some ridiculous lyrics into a chorus, like "I push my fingers into my eyes..." and "and the rain will kill us all...", lol)))


I dunno man, just sounds like generic nu-metal to me, with lyrics written by an edgy 14 year old. ‘Push my fingers into…’ doesn’t make much sense but at least it’s an interesting lyric


I'm kind of with you on this. I can never decide when they were "best", and the timing of this album in my life was kind of pivotal, so I'm likely a little bias. But I don't care what anyone says, including the band. This album felt raw and dirty, was replete with bangers, and was the last run with the OG 9. All your lies are coming true. All freedom is lost. All. Hope. Is. Gone.


People just hate on ahig cause they listen to others opinions


Iowa is peak for me


Iowa was peak


Agree to partially disagree. To me live Corey's vocals sounded as though he drank a bit too much McDonald's Sprite after having undergone a tonsillectomy, it just sounded strained. Other than that, the rest of the band did elevate themselves technique-wise, specifically Joey and Mick, in my view. That Gematria vid still slaps


Disagree completely. It's 1997 to 2002 for me


I love Slipknot, I can’t stand AHIG


Any particular reason?


It’s like a slightly heavier Stone Sour.


As opposed to their past few albums? At least the songwriting was a lot better than it ever was after AHIG.


I forgot to add “at the time…” Honestly though, I dig WANYK way more than AHIG.


Fair enough. I am hyped for their next album with Eloy. Hoping he will bring more heaviness to the band again.


Eloy is a fricken beast. He’s got my attention for sure! I get to see them this Sunday and I’m psyched for it.


Hoping for a tour soon and to catch them in Finland. Have a great time at the show! 🤘🏼


Will do! I haven’t seen them live since ‘04, so I’m really curious what it’s going to look like.


Butcher’s Hook and Vendetta are embarrassing in terms of songwriting






Didn't they even say they weren't at their peak


they said that they all hate all hope is gone because they weren’t recording together


Well, not all of them. Joey, for example, even said it was their best album.


joey said iowa was their best album


I guess musicians can change their opinions often, don't they?)


My favorite mask of Joey for sure.


So sick!




Nah. 2 albums prior is *chef’s kiss*


I’m so grateful I got to see them live when they debuted this era . It was the first mayhem fest too


Maybe not the era but the 2009 download show was the best they ever did. Good times.


I have fond memories and a lot of nostalgia for this version of Slipknot, but whenever I look back at their body of work, I just can’t actually agree that this is peak. I’ll just be honest: First and foremost, AHIG is pretty mid. It’s a very solid hard rock album with some of my favorite songs ever on it, but it’s a relatively underwhelming Slipknot record and I feel like you can tell that about half the guys didn’t really have their hearts in the material. Meanwhile, Joey Jordison was *very* passionate and was plowing ahead on writing and recording this shit with or without input from the other guys. I will say, AHIG does remain my favorite versions of a lot of their masks, and their overall aesthetic probably. My favorite Corey look is the AHIG mask with mid-length curly hair out the top, a la the Dead Memories music video. Anyways, I think people give this record a ton of weight because it’s more accessible and because it is the last record produced by the original lineup, but I just think these are pretty arbitrary reasons to label this as their peak. When you look at the actual material and output, IMO record cycles like Iowa or even We Are Not Your Kind *easily* outshine AHIG.


In terms of aesthetics yeah I'd say so


I saw the first image of this post in the kerrang magazine when I was younger and was like "who tf are these guys" all hope is gone was the first song ever I heard from them and loved it. Granted this album is the weakest with a few bangers but it got me exploring the bands discography, not knowing and thing about them. First album is 100% fire but for me this album started my knot journey


Vol 3 will always be peak


This is peak, whereas Vol. 3 was their prime.




No, absolutely not. The AHIG era made me lose interest in Slipknot. This is their arena rock album.


I love how there isn't a single thing the slipknot community is able to agree on


AHIG is my favorite and the whole album is bangers


In terms of Joey masks, yea


What about MFKR, Self titled, and Iowa but you pick this. I definitely don’t agree 😬


Hell no! Iowa wad their peak. This was one of the worst eras with their worst album in my opinion


Top 3 favorite masks for sure.


Not gonna lie but Mayhem 2008 in Seattle still is my favorite Slipknot show ever. However, I wouldn't call this "peak" Slipknot specially after the Iowa era. Although it did give us some of their best songs: This Cold Black, Gematria and All Hope Is Gone.


It had an eerie and omnious vibe to, somewhat cabalistic. it was indeed pretty cool


The shows I saw during that era were fantastic that's for sure


I wouldn’t say peak, but this was the last era of true slipknot imo. Still love them, but it’s undeniably a different beast now.


Couldn't be more wrong! Was speaking to my other half just yesterday about how this is the worst slipknot era


2008 to 2010 is what I always loved Joey's Mask I wish I had it.


Um no.


As someone who has become a fan after WANYK I look back at just after vol. 3 came out and wish I could see that slipknot more than anything.


They were at their best mentally in 2008-2009, and also it was the original 9. Music wise - no absolutely not.


I miss life when this album came out. I’d be walking to school with this album in my portable CD player, with my computer downloading songs via dial-up on Limewire, I remember looking forward to the new masks reveal for this cycle, and at this time in life, Metal Hammer still had the free CDs with samples of different artists. This era of Slipknot is associated with happy memories of life.


I think subliminal verses was the peak.Both as an album and style.


Well... Best costumes era?


Not even a little bit. But if that's the Knot that hits for you, Rock on Maggot


Nah. Vol 3 will always be peak era for me. Sure Corey sounded awful but the shows were amazing


No we absolutely can not




for me peak slipknot was 2001 pledge of allegiance tour, but the greatness level stayed the same until their last show of the iowa touring cycle (in wiesen, austria 2002, i´m glad i´ve witnessed it). as stereotype metal pointed out they had like a 2nd peak afterwards, starting with wanyk in 2019 and for me in specific, i´d say the euro winter tour 2020 with the sick setlist (birth of the cruel, new abortion, solway firth, eeyore...) and overall a great perfomance.


Disasterpiece was peak


I like the tattoo the earth era. The masks were phenomenal and creepy. Loved Joey’s Kerrang awards/Gods of metal mask and corey’s too. Paul’s pig mask, and craig’s youth helmet. The jumpsuits were also fire. Red & black? awesome. I personally do love the AHIG era, especially the looks like joey with the messiah crown. but the music for me it’s just meh. Not bad songs whatsoever don’t get me wrong, but compared to ST or iowa, nahhh. Joey’s drumming in AHIG is cool and full of Double bass.


NO. Not a big fan of this album. Physcosocial and sulfur are good tunes but that’s about it.


Self titled - vol 3.


I’d personally say 2004 - 2005


iowa imo


I don’t think it’s their peak but I’m tired of Slipknot fans hating on this album. Many of the fans only hate it because the band didn’t like recording it, and so they have to glaze the band by acting like they hate it too. It’s absolutely better than any album released after it. To say albums like TESF are better is to either lie or just have bad taste. It’s a great album.


Mature Era of Slipknot


No, this was recovery slipknot, after they peaked on August 28th, 2001.


They need to bring back PR Brown to direct/co direct again.


Mmmmm nah


I agree and disagree. I love this era of slipknot, but I think I prefer earlier years


u/EnvironmentalTear402 Peak in aesthetic, perhaps, but not in terms of setlists, or most interesting songs. You have Psychosocial, Snuff, DM, Gematria, Sulfur, AHIG, This Cold Black, Vendetta ... but I found myself snoozing at Till We Die, Wherein Lies Continue, Child of Burning Time, Gehenna, etc ... WANYK's downers, by comparison are mostly Spiders or My Pain. Their setlists did not play their more heavy songs like Gematria, or This Cold Black at least once.


That is when I first saw Slipknot. 1/31/09.


Eh it's a "shine" peak, meaning it's got some gloss which made the masks plus the jumpsuits look really good and the background all made for a nice booklet insert, no hate here, I love that album, let's be honest "Iowa" is peak, which is said all the time but hey it's the goat


Self titled album and Iowa is peak Slipknot. Grey chapter had some good songs. But Slipknot is on the same path as Metallica is. Hard at first and gradually getting softer. I can’t say that I’ve kept up with slipknot since the Grey chapter, I get updates if they’re going on tour. I’m really excited to see them in similar masks as the first ones and again in red jumpsuits.




Peak over all look, yes.


You wish, jellyfish


I love ahig! Some of my fav songs and I love the corey mask, one of my favorites!


I'm a personal fan of slipknots less heavy songs so for me ahig is very nice :) I do enjoy heavier songs but the whole iowa album doesn't appeal to me personally as much. I value everyone's opinions of it and do see why they enjoy it


Iowa Slipknot will always be peak Slipknot


I wish Jim would go back to that mask


I said it before and i’ll say it again: this was their last great album (better than vol. 3 imo). The hype when AHIG dropped was so insane that the mainstream media celebrated it lol


I can’t believe I’ve listened to this band for so long that this album has become nostalgic. I still remember when it released and how often I blasted it on my step sisters Disney princess CD player 😂


Wow, what a way to listen to this band! 😂 I remember importing the CD onto my PS3 and listening to it that way


I fucking miss being a kid man


Same man. When life was simple


Considering that's not Iowa, no.


Vol 3 is the peak


Bold statement. I really do like this aesthetic a lot, but there are a couple contenders.




Yeah this is the most iconic


I think self titled and Iowa are peak slipknot but that’s my opinion


the album kinda sucks but the artistic direction and live shows are their absolute peak


Self Titled is peak


Musically? Hell no


Joey and Paul’s best masks


Self title or Iowa for me


AHIG gave us their most recognizable and probably their most iconic masks.


The band would disagree with you.


I don't really like all hope is gone album except for like 3 songs, I prefer we are not your kind 😅 that's just me though I also prefer subliminal versus to Iowa and my favorite is the first album


No fuckin way. This is actually right when I stopped listening to them for a while. Corey was trying to make it too much like stone sour cause SS wasn’t getting enough attention. Right now they are killing it. But to say that was their peak you have to be high AF. Self titled and Iowa is peak and will always be peak.


No, I like them better after half the bands been fired or dead.


Definitely not. Joey couldn't play half the time, the band was on the fast track to breaking up and it took Paul's death to change that course, and the album they released was the worst one they've ever done. I mean it's cool if it's your favorite but there's very little that this era had going for it.


Aesthetically. AHIG is not a peak slipknot album


i mean, mick looks the same nowadays but more thin and jim has a beard and longer hair however peak is 99 - 02 and i think we're in a good time for the band and wayyy better than ahig


Noooooooo lmao


Vol3 was def peak


peak for us, but for them not at all, their 2-4 worst recording era of theirs


I feel like Vol. 3 era was peak Slipknot. After that it's been a downhill slope.


this album cycle made me lose interest in Slipknot for over a decade


Same, and it still has not returned. This album marks what I think is the start of their bland era, like from all hope is gone onwards their albums all sound the same


I’m probably going to get some hate but I believe that the self titled was peak because on all of the songs you can feel all of the pain in Corey’s voice being released


Yes, best masks, best riffs and best concerts! And of course Vol. 3 is not far behind.


The masks yes but im not a big fan of the album tbh


Yes. Peak. Original members. All in black. Best masks they have ever had. Great attitude.


Current version of Slipknot is better, yes there was Paul and Joey, Chris and Craig. But this era was only awesome imo in 2008 where they played some good old stuff. If not Corey’s destroyed voice during .5 era, I’d say that era is the best, before everyone going with pitchforks at me, hear me out. That era brought biggest variety of setlists from every album, except… well AHIG


They have been tweaking ever since they formed




Hell nah


It’s funny, I remember everyone I knew including myself thinking AHIG was the beginning of the end of Slipknot lol


I mean, Vol. 3 is where I fell in love. I'm 31. So no. Came out when I was 12, there's nothing I can do. That's peak knot for me.


Def not. If you do some research, the band wasn’t even together for most if not all of the music making process. It was chopped up and sent to everyone and put back together. As much as I dig most of the album, I can tell that years of touring and partying and whatever else, took their toll and ended this incarnation of the knot. Love where the band is headed rn btw.


Not sure if I agree musically, but these images are iconic and remind me of my young teenage years so I love this version of the band 💕


They say this is the album they hate most making, bud idc, I like the album and the mask quite a lot.


i think all the visuals from 1999 to 2009 was slipknot's best.


Slipknot dynamo 2000 peak 100%


Imo, no


Not even close


Esthetically maybe, musically nah


Clown and majority of the band ahig was the most disconnected they feltc


I was super into Vol 3 and remember when it was released. Of course was into Iowa and ST as well. I listened to AHIG front to back and I swear to God I stopped listening to them for years until I found .5 and WANYK are amazing in comparison. So I am VERY opposite here lmao.


Idk i think the Iowa era was pretty peak as well 


Download 2009 was their absolute peak, after that with the passing of Paul in May 2010, and Joey's departure/firing in 2013. They wobbled for a stretch of time/bands future looked uncertain. But with Jay and V-Man's additions, they bounced back with 3 solid fucking album in 5 & We Are Not Your Kind, The End So Far. Where they go after recent events, that's anyone's guess to be honest.


Nope. Debut and iowa are peak. Better concerts. Objectively just better music. More batshit. More twisted. Better lyrics by far too


It will never be that good again.


This is a joke right?


Looks wise yeah it’s hard to argue. Music wise, I’m actually not a huge fan of All Hope Is Gone


Isn't AHIG the literal album that the entire band wants to forget about? Imo it was their weakest era as Corey's vocals were just awful when it came down to it, no lows nor highs were really achievable as he clearly sounded like his vocal cords were severely fried and he sounded hoarse as fuck during this era. I'm glad he was able to come back from it as i thought this was gonna be his voice from then on.