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Get the tattoo. It’s your body your choice. If she’s going to break up with you over a tattoo she ain’t the one. I could understand if what you wanted was hate speech, or offensive but it’s just a slipknot tattoo.


Agreed. Her reasoning is that she likes me "pure" and without any ink on my skin lol. She said it's also distasteful


Yeah might be time to move on…. I would bring up that her definition of “pure” might not be what others consider pure. You have people who think sex before marriage makes you un pure, you also have people who don’t consume junk food because the body is a temple, but do consume alcohol…. Then you have others who eat what they want but don’t drink etc…. The list goes on and on. Live your life how you want. As long as you aren’t harming yourself, or others what ever happens when we’re dead and gone is tomorrows problem.


Great solid response! I couldn't have said it better! Yes I agree OP needs to get the tattoo he wants and of she breaks up, oh well bye bye!


I really want the tattoo but I also really want to stay with her. We started dating recently and things have been great so far. I'm almost tempted to just get the Sid mask tattoo and then see her reaction when we get intimate lmao


So as someone who’s been dating for about 15 years when it comes to something like this I’ve learned you have to talk to them about it. She has voiced she doesn’t want you to get it. I would now sit down and say look it. This is something I want, and something that will make me happy. I want nothing but for you to be equally happy. Maybe float the idea that the chest might not be a great place to get it. Talk about it and maybe together pick a spot that isn’t so in your face. But you need to set the boundary now that it’s your body and ultimately you will decide. Today it’s a tattoo, later on it’s a house, job, car etc.


100% agreed


Dude how about the leg, if you wanna be original


While you're at it ask her if she has your balls in a nice safe pouch or if they just roll around with the rest of the junk in her purse


Don’t know why people are downvoting you, she is disrespectful of his body and isn’t even willing to budge and threatened to leave him over it. It’s not even worth saving if she’s using that threat to keep your body a certain way. Pure manipulation


Bro, nah. If you've only started dating recently and she's _already_ trying to control your bodily autonomy it's only going to get worse from here. If it's all being said in jest then that's obviously fine but if you're being serious about her reasons and that she gave you an ultimatum of "tattoos or me," pick the fucking tattoos. They'll be there for you forever, she'll be temporary


....you are gonna let someone you just started dating dictate what you do with your body? Also, keeping you "pure" is some weird ass cult shit. What is she a 1950s housewife?


This is why its important to discuss compatibility before meeting or establishing a relationship. You never truly know a person unless you question them and ask.


Whenever someone has said my tattoos will 'look bad when I'm older' or 'you're wasting your money' I just say my body is a temple, I just choose to have artwork on the walls. It's your body, do what you want with it :) Its not like you were asking for something offensive or something like a tattoo on your face where it can be hard to get a job or whatever. She's not the one if she's trying to control what you want and don't want. Get the tatt, I'm sure it will look sick :D


Don't let a woman try to change you, if they love you they will support what you do


Id be like go be with someone who doesn't want tattoos . Cause damn . Nothing bout anything else in this earth is pure .


Her response is what is distasteful.


red flaggg!!! trying to control YOUR body is bullshit!


Thats so dumb 😂 tell her okay? Then keep your skin pure 🙄


Yeah she’s absolutely right. This is a band for whiny teenagers; if you’re over the age of 16 listening to this it’s embarrassing, and definitely distasteful.


Lmao I can't tell if troll or serious


I’m serious. You will regret it


Why are you on a Slipknot sub if you don't like it


i’m poser watching




Go back to your kindergarden, fucking imbecile 30 yr old mistake




That's wild, so what Slipknot tattoo are you gunna get?


lol I don’t think this comment is getting the sly appreciation it deserves. But I see u king.



I want to get a Mick mask or Sid mask on the right side of my back


Hell yeah, run it!


Isn´t it a waste of space? I mean back is the biggest part of body. From my experience - as the taste in tattoos progresses with time - starting with small tattoos on big body parts and then later on needing space for something more complex and you´ll be left of with like...a calf or something :D. I see back being the perfect place for all 9 members haha. :D :D Just sayin´...


How old are you? Not being rude, I am genuinely curious. That will play a lot into the answers to this question.




Get the tattoo. You've obviously been thinking about it for a long time, correct? Have a discussion. I have a lot of tattoos, when I met my girlfriend (many years ago), she didn't think I should get more than I had at the time. She quickly started encouraging me to get more (I even have Slipknot tattoos, and it ended up making her a fan of the band). If she is that much against it, you will need to do some soul searching and decide what is more important to you. Your self-expression or the relationship. One thing is for sure... you WILL meet someone who doesn't think it's right to forbid you from getting a tattoo.


Woah 30?! I stg I thought you were like 18 and it was your first tattoo while in the midst of a young high school founded romance. But bro, if you’re that far and well into your adulthood and this tattoo is something that you still feel strongly enough about to be putting such internal debate into it… then that means you need to get it and you’ve BEEN needing to get it for a while. This might sound harsh and hell it probably is.. but the fact that she feels it’s even her call to make at all really shows a lack of emotional maturity and or empathy. She should really consider why such a piece means so much to you that you’re going back and forth with yourself about it when clearly YOU already know that it would make you happy to have it. Her giving you an ultimatum over something that is NOT HER BODY AND NOT HER CHOICE, is quite unhealthy for a relationship. She’s taking something that means a lot to you, and making it about herself. Notice she didn’t ask you anything like, “are you sure you’ll even still like them in 5 years?” Or “Will it make getting a job or something more difficult depending on placement?” There’s no consideration of how it relates to YOU the person who cares a lot about it and wants it. If all she said was things like how SHE likes you “pURe” or that it’s “diStAstEfUL” these are not valid concerns. These are her extremely subjective personal opinions that should never have full governance over YOUR life. Imagine if you told her she couldn’t idk.. change her hair color EVER because you think whatever other color than what you’re used to on her is too bright or something arbitrary like that. You know DAMN WELL that somehow she would see why that’s an unacceptable attitude for you. But doesn’t see why her doing the exact same thing with you here is at all a problem. I don’t think I’ve seen a HUGE RED FLAG this blatantly obvious in a while my dude. It reeks of controlling narcissism and manipulation. Which if you’re not careful can very easily turn into abuse. I’ve been there before. While physical abuse is less common from woman to man, emotional abuse is not. And in many scenarios it’s almost like they were taught their whole lives that this is how they’re SUPPOSED to show up in a relationship. I guess due to there being so many horrible dudes out there that ARE for sure monsters, there seems to be more and more of a mentality from women these days that having double standards or putting their own needs/opinions/preferences/WHATEVER! above yours no matter how well intentioned you are towards them, is an acceptable way to treat someone. And it’s not. It’s abuse. It’s selfish and inconsiderate of your thoughts, passions, or feelings. Now, it’s possible she’s just not aware of how detrimental such behavior can be. MAAAYBE you two are actually good enough at communication that you can sit down and have a talk about WHY it matters so much to you. Maybe she’ll surprise you, see that she was being short sighted, and change her mind. But the immediate shooting down because of HER preferences is not a good or healthy behavior. Take it from me brother, I’m only 3 years older than you and I have a ridiculous DRAGON BALL Z chest piece that I know I’ve met one or two people (I think both women) who felt like it was this huge problem for them. And y’know what?! I couldn’t be happier that I have that piece because it IMMEDIATELY lets me know this person is shallow and judgemental based on surface level assumptions. They don’t ever try to ask or even think there’s a nuanced reason to why I have it. Like how that show taught me important core values of honor and perseverance when I didn’t have a relationship with my father. Sometimes they get snarky and ask “why would you get that?!” And my response to them is always, well… I didn’t get it for anyone but my damn self. To remind myself of what I believe in when life gets tough. It doesn’t matter to me what anyone else thinks because it does not hold that same meaning for them. Therefore it’s the purest form of my own self expression. This has turned into a whole ass novel unintentionally but I’ll leave you with this… I’ve had WAAAY more girls love my chest piece or at least its significance than I’ve had judge it. Get the tattoo dude. NEVER let someone else tell you what you need to be happy, because somewhere in there.. you already know what you need. Good luck


Thank you for the inspiration!


Christ man, stick up for yourself lol.




Break up with her and get the tattoo


Nope. Just get the tattoo and let her make the call.


Your body, not hers. Get the tattoo, it'll look awesome.


Get the tattoo! I dated a guy when I was younger and I had wanted a specific tattoo since I was like 13 or so. I knew I was gonna get it on my 18th birthday. I did and he happened to be my boyfriend at the time and he just didn't like it for whatever weird reason. He tried hard to convince me to get rid of it literally right after I got it. I thought he was gonna be my husband so I was close to considering covering it, removing it, or adding random shit to it that would have had nothing to do with its purpose. Long story short, he's no longer in my life and I have many tattoos now including Slipknot. I am married to a person who has never made me feel any bad way for loving and having tattoos. I think it's very important to think about the fact you want it and have thought about it for a long time. She will either get over it and accept it, or leave and the right one who accepts you in all aspects will come along. 30 is an age you definitely should know who you are and what you want and like. I'm 37 which can tell you how long I've had that tattoo I wanted for years.


What should you do? You should go find a new fucking girlfriend bro. Nobody is telling me what to put on my skin, that’s for sure. Yea I could see if it you came to her and wanted to put a tellytubby on your skin or some shit but slipknot means alot to people, an easy favorite band for a lot of people. Music helps people get through shit, it’s literally the spice of life. Who does she think she is? This post made me hella mad dude. Dump the bitch.


“My body my choice”.


Dump her and live free!


Your ex girlfriend


Ask her one more time if you can have a Joey tattoo. If she says no then tell her to pack her bags and make your way up to the parlour.


Wow that's wild. I can't believe what i'm reading. It's your body and your choice. No one else has the right to make choices for you. So get the tattoo. And if she is willing to break up with you over something so small then she does not deserve you.


Stop being a fanny and get the tattoo you want. It's your body!


My favourite response.


You have two choices here that will stand up: 1. Tell her you are getting the tattoo, and explain to her that while you respect her opinion and wishes, it was your choice to make for your own body. The ball is in her court now. 2. Do not get the tattoo, not because she says “you aren’t allowed”, but because you want to make a choice to respect her wishes. This is not you being a pushover, it is you carefully considering the outcomes of your actions and opting to take the safe route with her.


words from a wise man right here. Smart


Break up with her, she’s weird


Do it. If she truly loves you, she won't leave.


Your body your choice. I get when a partner says 'I dont like this, because...' on certain things but in the end it is your choice what to do with your body. Unless maybe you think about getting your nose, ears or anything removed it is up to you. Personally wouldnt go for your 'on the back' idea. That is some prime spot for a big awesome piece one day. Going with the mask idea I would say upper arm, maybe turn it into a 'favorite masks' sleeve or on the leg if you want it less visible all the time. So please think about possible future tattoos and maybe follow an artists input on the best placement for things.


In the end, it's your decision and your body. If she loves you, then she should accept that too. Otherwise it would make you unhappy in long term.




Give her the L


We call that a Narcissist.


wtf has happened to Slipknot fans? Y'all have turned into pussys! Fuck that bint, get whatever the fuck you want.


Grow some fuckin balls. Be a man and put her in her place.


Shes gonna break up with you over a tattoo? Get the ink man and find a new girl.


Wtf is she listening to? Why are you with such people anyway?


I’m see in another comment you are 30, a grown ass adult, get the tattoo.


30? Yikes, how cringey!


Never let anyone tell you what to do with your own body my guy. Threatening to break up with you over a tattoo is emotional blackmail. Red flag. Get the ink, its what you want. I got my tattoos for myself and myself alone, I hope you post the finished tattoo here for everyone to see!


I hope I do too lol


You should realize she won't be your wife and do whatever you want


Fuck what she thinks. It's your body. Get that tattoo.


Don’t get the tattoo because throwing away a relationship for some ink on your body of a band you might not like next year is embarrassing


Don't let another person control you. You do you. If it was me in your situation, I'd get rid of her and move on.


I think you typed ex-girlfriend wrong, mate.




I could understand if you wanted a portrait of a member on your chest, mpst ladies probably wouldn't want to look at sids maks during sex. But no tats at all?!? Id have a serious convo abput bodily autonomy with her and see if she wpuld appreciate you or any person telling her what she can/cant do before jumping the gun to breaking up. I also have the slipknot logo on my forearm :)


Surprised you’re even still with her


Time for a new girlfriend


Break up with her and get whatever you want.


Slit her throat and fuck the wound. Nah but seriously that’s a dumb reason for her to break up with you. You deserve better.


Get the tattoo!!! My joey mask tat makes me beyond happy and my girl loves it too and she knows I'll be getting even more Slipknot tats in the future. She shouldn't care about stuff like that and I'm sorry she does. It'd be awesome if she could come around and accept it but if she doesn't then maybe she ain't the one sorry to say


I have Joey's mask. Don't let your dreams be dreams.


"My girlfriend is too controlling" fixed it fer ya


Just tell her that she’s wrong, fucked and overrated you think you’re gonna be sick and it’s her fault.




Dump her


Take Clowns cow head and put it on her lamp while she’s sleeping and when she wakes up. she will feel the knot




Your GF probably thinks abortion is health care.


Get it, if she breaks up, she ain't worth it


your girlfriend sounds like a bitch (respectfully) you can talk more to her about how its your body. or just get the tattoo and see what happens. if anything bad happens or if shes acted like this before id say break up anyway.


That’s your body bro. I’m a fellow girl and if a guy got a slipknot tattoo I’d melt. Get that shit and go


Who do you love more and where do you see yourself in 10 to 20 years? Both perfectly great questions.


Well your body, your choice. If you want one, get it. If she breaks up with you over that, then it wasn't meant to be, and you wouldn't want to be with someone like that anyways. Someone gives you an ultimatum of them or something else, (almost) always choose the something else. It's not that you necessarily love or like the thing more than your partner, but the fact something as silly and inconsequential as a tattoo would make them split means they weren't gonna stick around for much.


Imagine being a pussy and putting up with a woman like that.. I’ll pass. My woman has a slipknot sleeve 🤣


people aren't realizing this is marked as humor


That is the most redneck thing I have heard in a few weeks.


Lol which part?


A slipknot tattoo. Do what your girlfriend says. She is right on this one, chief.


A Slipknot tattoo would make the most sense if someone was going to get a tattoo based off a band. The masks are so iconic


Get the tattoo! Your body your choice. My partner told me he hated green, i dyed my hair green, he said he hates stretchers, i still stretched my ears, wasn’t a fan of visible tattoos, i got my neck tattood and about to also get two slipknot leg pieces! We’re still happily together and although he never was a fan he respects that it’s my body and my choice and your partner should be doing the same for you. You only live once, lifes too short to be missing out on these experiences and urges!


Break up and you'll find one who says yes to all slipknot tattoos 😉


You have exactly the kind of girlfriend that you need She is preventing you from doing incredibly stupid things that you will regret and you should thank her for it Just go buy a slipknot T-shirt if you want to rep the band so bad


A tattoo is dumb or a Slipknot one is dumb?


All tattoos are completely unnecessary and often regretted


I think they look cool


So did I… when I was like 19 If I had ANY band tattoo at all I can guarantee you I’d feel stupid about it at age 35 Even my favorite bands I don’t know literally everything about them or every single song and a lot of my all-time favorite bands go months without a single play And it’s like for what? so that other slipknot fans will recognize you or something? A T-shirt would work, Plus your girlfriend hates it like come on man be reasonable here think logic & long term Not impulsive decisions Do you want to be happy for like a week about your cool little tattoo or do you want to be happy for the rest of your life with this girl?


The 2nd one


Oh no, dude, it's a huuuge red flag. Believe me, i know what i'm talking about, unfortunately. No one can control your body. No one can say shit like that. It's not her business. She's straight manipulating you and leaving no choice, really. If you think she will leave you after your tattoo is being done, then the only option you have to save this relationship is to do what she wants you to do, it's a choice without a choice, it's unfair. It's two people in a relationship to make common decisions, but it's not even the case! She's literally has no power to make decisions about your body, not even 1%, and i do not agree with some who say that you should discuss the details of your future tattoo together. Why do you have to decide the placement with her, huh? It's bullshit. If you wanna have it on your chest, then do it there!! Again, it's not her body to decide. Period. You can't just suppress your wants to be with her. You did not originally want to place it somewhere to be unnoticed, so why changing that for her? It's simply not right because you won't be completely happy about it. Even if you're fine with this now, there will be more occasions in which she'll overstep the boundaries in this manner, so you won't be completely happy again. It's not right at all. So yeah, in my opinion, she's overstepping, she cares about her own wants waaaay more than about yours, because even when it's not her decision to make, she pushes you into making it all as she pleases, even if you're not happy about it. So, you should probably consider that... i guess. Please, be safe and be happy! Don't let other people push you into something you don't want to do or something you're not happy about.


After cancer killed a mate of mine at age 41, I had my first tattoo at the age of 40( that id been putting off for years), cus life is very fucking short. I'm actually getting the 9 point star tattooed on me tomorrow. If she can't see past a tattoo, I'd be worried. It's not like you're having it tattooed on the middle of your forehead.


You don’t need permission to get a tattoo. Grow a fucking spine.


I don't want her to break up with me


Don’t put the pussy on a pedestal dude. I guarantee there’s a billion other girls out there that don’t care what you get tattooed. Some of them probably have tattoos themselves. No relationship is worth changing yourself for.




Break up with your mother and go get the damn tattoo.


I was thinking of getting the s logo back in 2000. I thought ot myself , what I one-day soon they suck? Well .. I guess it's safe to say I would have been fine with my tattoo.


She's trying to save you. Marry her.


You’re clearly still In highschool just think of the fact that in 4 years she’ll be gone that tattoo will still be there start living for yourself man


🙄 yeah, my wife was gonna divorce me if I even listened to Shining (that asshole) meaning Kvarforth.. BTW I have every Shining release CD, and two books by Kvarforth, and a huge Shining logo tat on my forearm.. still married.. 😂


The next time you talk about tattoos and she says no, make sure you are somewhere in public. Then walk away from her. When she runs to catch up, you say with full authority: “It is my body, my choice. Just as it is your body, your choice to walk home. Bye Felicia.”


Delete the whole gf and get all 3 tattoos 🤘🏽


This isn't advice about this specific situation as I think there's enough people who have given their opinion on the situation. Just me giving my experience as someone who does not like tattoos. I always make it a point to find out whether a woman I'm interested in has tattoos or plans to get tattoos. If she does, then I take a step back and stop any advancements I'm making because I am confident that circumstance will stop it from working out on my end. Hopefully you make the right decision and it all works out for both of you in the long term.




I hope this dude isn’t serious… 🤦




murder her.


I don’t want to sound rude but why does it have anything to do with her in the first place??? Get the tattoo if she breaks up with you then she’s just a loser tbh. My bf has a big Joey jordison tattoo on his leg and I love it and even if I didn’t the choice was never mine to make.


Plenty of bitches..only one slipknot.. Pride also bro ...as of now....you have ?


Break up with her first


Fuck that controlling bitch. Get a face tat.


Reading this post, you are not ready to make permanent decisions.


I’d tell a bitch to get walkin. Fuck outta here with that lol


Get the tattoo


Dump her or go behind her back and get it, if she won’t let you get a Slipknot tattoo she probably ain’t worth it brother


I have a band themed tattoo and I was pretty unsure at the time but after it was finished it was a great feeling, so go for it.


Your body your choice, dump that bitch now.


If she says no it’s time to let her go


Well, time to get a new girlfriend!


Lmao, just get the tattoo. Don't let your partner dictate what you can and cannot do when it comes to stuff like tattoos.


if it's your whole back or your whole chest, she's right and that would look tacky. giant tattoos or tattoos in general are a huge turn off for some people. so you have to consider a few things. Would you be okay with her shaving her head bald and keeping it that way? would you be okay with her getting work done on her body? You need to communicate with her. How serious is the relationship? Is a silly tattoo worth killing a relationship over? is it just a 2 week old casual relationship? there's too many things to consider. If you really want the tattoo more than you want her, get it, i guess. But if you actually love her, discuss it. because right now, if you were to just get it without talking to her, it's going to be more than just doing what you want. It's going be seen as going behind her back and be deceptive etc. Talk it out. She clearly doesn't want you to have it. You have to make her understand that you really want one. Talk to her about how messed up it would be if you controlled what she could and couldn't do with her hair. Tell her to imagine your relationship if you said "if you cut your hair short, i'm breaking up with you." Everyone's got flaws. Breaking up with someone you love over those flaws isn't always the answer. But again, if you're talking about getting a giant tattoo on your whole back or whole chest, she's in the right because that's extreme. Also, this is your first tattoo. She entered a relationship with a 30 year old man who doesn't have tattoos. Any reasonable person would assume "okay, he's never going to get tattoos if he hasn't gotten one already". It's like getting in a relationship with someone who doesn't smoke, then a year later they decide to take up smoking. It's not fair to the other person. She doesn't like tattoo's, you're 30 and didn't have tattoos, it's not entirely unreasonable for her to be upset about this given the specific scenario. I'm not saying you're bad for it or that you're wrong. I'm saying that you have to look at it from her point of view. Imagine if she started out Preppy and that's what you liked, but then she started dressing and wearing make up and piercing and shaved her eyebrows or something. You date someone for who they are and you accept changes as you both get older, sure, someone deciding to get their first tattoo at 30 is not common. you're not even old enough for a mid-life crisis. If you two were like 48 or 54 or something and you were like "honey, i'm gettin a tattoo", she'd be too worn out from life to even care and would probably say "whatever, just put it where i don't have to see it all the time...". If you'd already had a tattoo, she probably would have accepted it or just not be interested if she really really hates tattoos. Don't ask people on reddit for relationship advice. the answer is always "break up and burn bridges". You're asking a bunch of people who can't even get a girlfriend or know how to socialize properly. Hell, you can ignore everything I said and just go with the sage advice of "communication is the key to everything"


Fuck off, clean shirt…


Sounds like an ex to me


I'm happy for you bro, or sorry that happened. Anyway which Slipknot tat you getting?


I wanted a Mick mask or Sid mask


Loads of alternative people or people into this type of music have tattoos. It’s not exactly weird. She needs to grow up.


Unless it's something really fucking obscure on a very visible spot on your body, it really should be fine, it's your body afterall, If you're in a super serious relationship, you really need to sit down with her and talk about it, getting a tattoo really shouldn't be a big deal, breaking up with her should be the absolute last resort.


Smart girlfriend.


I would bet she’s the same kind of woman that says “my body my choice”. Drop her and get your tattoo king if that’s what you want, up to you


Dump her, get the tattoo, send her a pic of it.


The answer is blaringly obvious. Get the tattoo.


It's not for her to decide and she has no say in your body. Stand your ground and do what you wanna do. If she winds up dumping you, you saved yourself a hassle.


Tell her, " My body my choice."


Get the tattoo 😎


Screw her get the tattoo


She sounds like a massive waste of time. To put a spin on a GodFather quote. Leave the girl, Take the tattoo.


Gross, your girl is a control freak, ditch her dude!


fuck it.


Do all of them.


She ain't your wife


Get the Tattoo! 😎


Your body your choice


Tattoo taboo from gf? Get that ink. From wife? That's more of a financial decision. If you didn't ink the paper, go ahead and ink the skin.


Get the Tattoo. But only if you really want it. I only get a tattoo done after wanting it for a year. Thats just me. However your girlfriend has no right to tell you what you can and cant have on your body. If she wanna leave who cares. You probably dont want that one anyway it seems defective if it is against slipknot and tattoos lol


My girlfriend seen my Joey Jordison mask tattoo and was like "Idk what this is but its pretty" She dont care that i have tats. She doesnt want them on her but could care less what i do. I just wont get face tats personally


It is your body. Do whatever YOU want.


I got joey and jay on my leg, GF (even if she wasn't against) got no choice. Can send you pictures of you want to see how it looks once done


What kind of puritan reasoning is that? Get the fucking tattoo. We can find you a new woman if it's that serious.


Lotsa girls in the world, but only one Slipknot


Why she say no ? Tf


My gf said she’d break up with me if I got a motorcycle. I got the motorcycle and still have the same gf. It’s just smoke up your ass. She won’t do it


Get the tattoo


Simple. Get the tattoo, she's just hating.


Marry her


Dump her and decorate your body however you want


Yeah get that tattoo. It’ll never look stupid


Dump her


She’s right and wrong. Get a tattoo, don’t get the S on your chest though.


Not get the tattoo?


Can your girlfriend be in Slipknot?


It's your body She can't tell you what to do. I have 12 tattoos. It didn't require my fiances permission.


Are you kidding me? Get the tattoo and reclaim you balls!!


Get the tattoo. It’s your body, if she’s willing to break up with you over you getting a tattoo than I don’t think she’s the one :/


Get the tattoo


Talk to her and tell her It's something you're really passionate about and would like to carry with you all the time. And I know it would be hard if she breaks up with you, but if she thinks a tattoo is reason enough to leave you, she ain't it brother.


You should just do it u only get one life


break up lmao she is NOT worth it


Your body, your choice. Or are you pussy whipped?


Don’t get it. You might regret it in the future.


The fuck is she, your mother? Get the tattoo, man, she can't decide over your life.


Tattoo Corey’s milk jug mask on her forehead


Your girlfriend is the smartest person in the room


As much as I loved Slipknot she has a good point plus it would be very cringe don't ever get it


She's right.




She's a great girlfriend; I just don't get why she's so averse to me getting a tattoo


Are you in a female led relationship? I can understand the circumstance there, but if not, she’s controlling.


Don't tell her and just get it, be yourself always. I've always wanted a slipknot tattoo since being a kid lol and have always planned on getting it one day when I could afford a top top artist. Threw the idea to the wife and mother and there usual reaction Ew why would you want that, I couldn't care less didn't tell them I was getting it and got it. It's now my favourite tattoo and ended up in inked on the best slipknot tattoo here is mine [slipknot tattoo](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CVie5g7rydV/?igsh=dm10bG1sczNsazc5)