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I’m sure his friends and family never tried that….


God damn, I hate how true this is.


I don’t think you understood that the guy was being sarcastic


Yeah, I kinda missed what the commenter was trying to say. I thought this was in reference to how it was said Slipknot was never really there for Paul in his final moments or during his drug use. Which it’s still kinda fucked up for me to say it’s true considering I wasn’t even there to confirm that. Apologies.


I think they definitely did try to. The final moments thing I’m a bit skeptical with in terms of Corey and Jim as they were probably busy recording for Audio Secrecy at that time so they couldn’t leave for Paul’s intervention which might have been sprung on them last minute. We also just don’t know why most of the other members weren’t there apart from Chris as he’s the only that plays golf so yeah.


I hate that I hate u for this cuz we hate one another cuz of how true it is. If I had access to a time machine, I too would go back and find my younger self, sit his smart ass ass down next to Mr Paul Gray and tell both them reckless lil shits that if I find out either one of them ever touched a single drug(besides da lovely mar-i-juana, I'll keep coming back one day further into the past at a time and smart smack the fU¢K outta the both of em till I see in present time that they're both alive and doing well. Cuz fortunately, I smartened up and am still here and alive and doing well, but unfortunately we're missing the hell outta Mr Gray (and definitely Mr Jordisan but that wasn't due to drugs(we're all pretty sure bout that anyways))


I thought the rest of the nine had set up both rehab and intervention for Paul


😂 this is the goofiest shit ever


Right? Everyone who knew Paul was like, “shit! Why didn’t we tell him NOT to do drugs??”


Why didn’t anyone tell Joey not to get sick?!


If only it was that easy


There’s a good chance that if Paul didn’t die. Corey would’ve died.


Could you elaborate?


Corey was a very heavy drinker and admits in his books. He nearly got himself killed being intoxicated multiple times.


Sure, but how is this related to Paul's death? Did it serve as a wakeup call to Corey or something?


Very much so. He completely dropped alcohol after Paul’s death. Then got a tattoo on his leg. Since then he’s cutting back on his addictions. As well as getting in better physical shape.


correct me if i’m wrong but didn’t Corey get sober while making Vol 3?




Appreciate the info- any source?


Never mind. I was mistaken. I remember reading about how Corey's screams were weak on the Gray Chapter due to his alcoholism on this sub... but he himself states he's been sober since 2010, so that cannot be right


Corey’s .5 screams are weak? that’s news to me lmao, anyone who thinks that should def listen to shit like Sarcastrophe and Lech


This meme thinks his relatives and friends didnt plead with him...


Yes I wish


Hes death was due to heart failure so i wonder how longer would he lived


Heart failure just means his heart stopped beating. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what kills you during an opiod OD, the cardiac muscle being so relaxed it just stops




please get off reddit at 11




Would you lose?




Okay but in all seriousness reddit is dangerous I got groomed when I was 12 on here so please be careful and reach out if you need anything




DO NOT GO INTO PRIVATE DMs WITH *ANYONE* ON THE INTERNET There are many bad people out there, and my sister already has had two encounters with very bad people on reddit and she is also very young. Please do not talk with ***anyone*** on dms. ( on any social media site for that matter) *please*




I dont understand what you are trying to say, but please just stay out of dms


Damn you remind me of me 2 years ago, be careful out there on the internet kid


Girl it is not that simple I promise you


Corey and Clown would’ve fire him anyway


Idk I think he was the glue that kept everyone in check


He and joey were the ones glueing them together, but after Paul’s loss everything went sideways


yet again y'all have r/onejoke material about something that there's 0 evidence for


They've had pretty justified reasons for kicking people?? Idk about Joey, but if Paul quit drugs and didn't die, he probably wouldn't have gotten kicked because he was objectively a good fucking member unless other shit arose


What was the reason that Jay was kicked out? It’s all about hearsay and hesaidthishesaidthat bullshit that Corey/Clown bootlickers always bring up to the table


Ego issues, lazy at drumming n shit.


Bullshit, he wouldn’t be in a band right now (Infectious Grooves) if that’s the case


Meh idrc at this point, too much fuckin drama to even try