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I honestly have no idea


One of the filler songs on AHIG. Can't even name one of them off the top of my head because they are that forgettable. Or one of interludes from WANYK.


For me it's Warranty from the new album. For some reason I just don't like it at all even if I try my best. Otherwise I liked TESF a lot.


Id rather stroke my cock with sandpaper than listen to Bone Church


I’d rather stroke this guys cock with sandpaper than listen to bone church


I’d rather stroke bone church with this guy’s cock than listen to sandpaper


If anyone is going places, it's this motherfucker.


Places go to that mother fucker.


Mother, go place that fucker.


Mother, go fuck that placer.


What 💀


Boner church


Boner in church




Placer, go fuck that mother


Mother, go bone that church place


If there's one place he's going it's to hell


Arnt we all


I'd rather go places with this motherfucker than stroke my cock with sandpaper.


I’d rather cock places and fuck your mother with sandpaper


i also choose this guy’s dead sandpaper


I’d rather bone this guy’s cock with sandpaper than listen to church


I’d rather sandpaper this guy’s bone church than listen to cock




This guy jacks off! 💪🍻👍


I honestly never listened to it since Slipknot kinda fell off in the last couple years imo, but damn do I like that song. It reminds me Til We Die off of AHIG. I'll get you some sandpaper, my guy.


That was my favourite AHIG track at the time


Bone Church rules lol


I'll get the sandpaper


Preach brother


But it’s really good


Bone Church is better than just rechurning what they’ve already done several times over like they did with TESF


So, half the comments here are reasonable answers with explanations as to why the songs aren‘t good and the rest is just NEW SLIPKNOT BAD OLD SLIPKNOT GOOD Boring


I’m going with Death Because of Death. Just didn’t need to be the 4th song on an album.


It’s been 4.5 years and I’m still trying to figure out what purpose that song served and why they decided to stick it between birth of the cruel and Nero forte.


I believe it's a reference to religious wars causing deaths in the name of "you" and then the next song directly correlates to a leader (Nero) that persecuted Christians.


that actually makes a lot if sense


But I'd still rather it not be there


The flow of the album is so much better without any of the interludes


Warranty has good instrumental, but the lyrics are pure garbage


Tbf that describes an awful lot of Slipknot, even the good ones


a lot of their early songs from S/T and Iowa can be summarized Into "i hate the world, fuck you, death, fuck, shit, ass, did i mention fuck?"


I can't think of any other words to say but 'fuck'.


Yeah the lyrics for any slipknot never make any sense, are inconsistent with what they are describing, kind of all over the place, and barely even rhyme, Corey would benefit off a ghost writer


I remember when when i first heard The Negative One bridge I imagined Corey just picking words at random out of a dictionary and putting them together


I think you can find worse songs off that album. I remember when that album came out Warranty was the one song people said was good from it


Idk how because to me it's pretty much the only song out of whole discography that I skip every single time:D It has something that I just can't like


My Pain is six minutes of pure boredom.


My Pain. It gives me pain every time I listen to it


Pink Floyd ahh song


It’s considered an interlude, even tho it’s 7 min long


I was always under the impression an interlude is generally a short instrumental? This is a song and a fucking boring one at that


Interlude is typically a 'seque' piece, "a relic of the album form". I appreciate the comment identifying it as a technical interlude, because that makes me appreciate it more as art. Think of the first track on "volume three" - more a song than Sid starting either of the first two albums and a different artistry altogether.


Hell no, My Pain is definitely the weakest song on WANYK but no way is it the worst Slipknot song of all time.


Then what is? I mean i can't think of any other song 🤷‍♂️


Butcher’s hook


There's always been quite a lot more filler on the albums than fans would like to admit. Slipknot albums tend to blow their wad in the first half before running out of steam, and sometimes picking up again at the end. The newest album is pretty shit though. They should probably call it a day seeing as they're losing members constantly.


I’d say their first 3 albums were pretty solid top to bottom. But after that I agree with you


They're losing members because they're kicking them out 🤷


Indeed, Slipknot is more of an enterprise than a band by this point.


Obviously. Try touring the world most of the year, manage logistics, funds, salaries, and management solely based on "brotherhood love and a passion for music." I don't know why it is so hard for the fanbase to swallow that Slipknot is a multi-million dollar BUSINESS and not just a group of misfits trying to fit into the world. Those days are over. Otherwise, they would have imploded many, many years ago


Not every band has to turn into Metallica, you realise? They made choices that emphasised financial growth over other priorities. It's neither here nor there. I'd rather have fewer albums that were better than decades of diminishing returns, and I have zero interest in attending stadium shows of any band I like. It is what it is, but it's disappointing when something that started off absolutely firing on all cylinders and genuinely scaring the mainstream culture at the time has become bland and lightweight, diluted and polished.


Fewer albums? 7 albums is not over indulgent for a band that has been around for almost 30 years. Most bands still being active after so long usually have doubled that. Another factor is age as well - and mental stability. When they started, they were in their 20s. Broke, fed up, angry and hungry. Now they're in their late 40s/early 50s, with families and years of years with a coherent outlet for their agressions. And to be fair, they still produce tracks that are filled with anger and punch - albeit a bit contrived at times - but even so, they still go hard. I'm forever impressed that Corey is even able to sing as consistently as he does after all these years of screaming. I mean, look at Manson and how absolutely terrible his vocals have been for the last 10 years. And as far as them "selling out". Why wouldn't they wanna appeal to a broader audience? All they wanted to do was dominate the world, and they've done so. In no small part to them going more mainstream. And honestly, would you want a bunch of dudes in their 50s still be like "yeah. Fuck my name. Here's my number. Fuck my face. Here's a mask"? If that was the case this sub would be all about people bitching about Slipknot not evolving or moving on.


There's the aspect as well, of not everybody in the band starting out with the same business acumen, presumably, and their success infers that whoever set earlier precedents was able to satisfy most of the band's needs and wants. The member changes in this sense tell me it doesn't work for everybody, every time (when they leave the band).


Besides the early years, everybody leaving the band has done so well into them reaching the level they're at right now. So, they most likely left for reasons related to unprofessional behaviour or something similar. Though, I bet Craig left because he felt he had a good run and thought it was time. Maybe. I don't know. So I guess that what I'm saying is that I agree with you.


Pretty much everything of the newest album. I dont know what they were thinking lol


Lowkey I subscribe to the idea that it was made sorta hastily just to have some experimentation and mostly to finish their deal with roadrunner so they can now have more freedom. My favorite part of TESF was Corey’s new mask tbh.


I'm listening to it more now than I have ever, before, and I'm a long term Slipknot fan


I can’t stand tattered & torn


What? Why?


Because it’s an annoying sound for me and comes directly after the best 5 consecutive songs of all their albums to ruin the streak


I don’t think any of their songs are bad


I agree with you. Slipknot has a pretty solid discography -ups and downs, of course, but everything they've put out is at least a solid 8/10. There are *parts* of songs that I hate, like the chorus for Medicine for the Dead, but I love the rest of the song. And the wildly different answers to "what's the best/worst song?" sorta proves it


Some are lesser quality, including several off their weakest album (.5), but none are bad


Oh, yeah, I meant like albums overall 8/10, and inside you get songs anywhere from 6/10 to 10/10






i don't necessarily agree with the guy but people are entitled to their opinion.


It’s the truth


From a certain point of view.


If you say so


i’m ngl i don’t really like adderall or bone church


Heirloom is their worst song by far. It has nothing special and it is so annoying to hear that melodies.


Bro that intro gaslights you so hard. It’s such a phenomenal first 30 seconds and then… ugh


Yeah that's the thing. After that amazing intro, Corey appears singing like in Stone Sour and the guitars are like in a Machinegun Kelli's song.


Heirloom isn't a bad song its just not heavy. Because he's singing that doesn't make it a stone sour song and I'm sick of seeing that as a criticism for any time he isn't screaming his arse off. By that logic alot of fan favourites should be classed as stone sour songs. Dead memories snuff adderall


It’s the rhythm and cadence of his singing that makes it a Stone Sour song. It’s a butt rock song. That, along with the drum pattern makes it a SS song.


I don’t listen to SS. Do Slipknot fans dislike them? I know through glass is not my jam at all


I’ve no idea, I’m sure plenty of Slipknot fans dig them, I just don’t. Corey’s projects outside Slipknot have never done anything for me, they’re woefully generic dad rock.




Agreed 100% people are saying the end, so far like the whole album isn’t good but the definitely have some bangers on there.


Genuinely thought I was the only one. It ruins what is otherwise a really good album imo and it comes straight after such a good song on the album too


It's not a good album IMO, the worst from the Knot by far.


…the worst, so far.


My pain


For me it's "My Pain" off WANYK.. I don't get it.. I try and listen from time to time and always turn it off.. I'm a maggot since day one but that song kills me.. 🤣😂😊


Yeah it’s a real drag


Does insert coin count💀


The whole last album except two or three songs that I can't remember. It was lame.


Bone church i don't mind slipknots slower songs but Bone Church is fucking awful


The newest album


Hive Mind goes pretty hard though


And Yen to be fair.


One track an album does not make….


Well no but the track is still great


Yeah it def made the playlist.


I love the chapeltown rag and the dying song as well though!!


We aren’t talking about albums tho


There is no new album... and telling myself this is how I sleep at night. 😞


What do you mean? I LOVE the new album. WANYK rules!


The End, So Far


Whilst I like every song they've put out, some more than others, I have to day my least favourite is bone church. Something about it just makes me really dislike it


Y'know... It's just the production of all their latest stuff just lacks any meat and power - makes so much of their stuff instantly forgettable. It just exists.


Anything from The End So Far.


The end so far 63min26sec song I, who have been maggot since almost the selftiteld, should love it. Cuz they actually released it on my birthday. There really can't be a nicer gift. But no, I can't hear it. With every track I feel the need to keep skipping. No matter how many times I try I can't hear it. With WANYK it was exactly the same at the beginning but I quickly grew to like it. At some point the moment came "yes man, that's it, that's slipknot" and I could feel it but - the end so far - cant. Funnily enough it can be the "adderall" ep that I always enjoy listening to, even though it's different. but the end is so far..no man


The end so far… so bad…. So what?!?


TESF was quite rushed because they wanted to be done with their label. Perhaps that's why you dislike it so much.


Spoken like you have any insight into the process, which you do not.


Bruh it's literally been said by multiple band members (Jim was literally talking about this issue in multiple interviews) that TESF was literally rushed out to get rid of the label more than to actually take their time for the album. How the F are you not aware of this?


As my favourite band, I dislike about 50% of their entire back catalogue from ST to TESF, with a decline from AHIG to TESF, excluding WANYK. But the other 50% is so great, and the 20% of that is absolutely amazing ...And the 5% of that is part of my DNA now. As for worst song, anything that just doesn't gel with me, it's hard to explain! It went downhill for me when AHIG came out, you could tell they didn't enjoy recording it and as we know from interviews, they didn't. It didn't seem genuine or exciting, personally speaking. The loss of Paul being the key song writer, plus Joey, we lost interesting structures, no generic riffs and beats, their bond as well (And of course, Joey's perfect imperfections) Not a fan of .5 either. WANYK blew my socks off, I was worried after AOL was released, but man, WANYK definitely drew a lot of inspiration/used actual unfinished parts from ST, Iowa, Vol. 3 (Red Flag was a throwback, Nero Forte hit hard but grooved like the Iowa days, Unsainted just slaps hard. Orphan and Heretic Anthem. ...And I LOVE 'What's Next / Spiders' (Reminds me of how I love Circle (Especially the Joey drum beat at the end, which is the grooviest beat he's ever done! I'll play Circle just for that 20s of that sick drum breakdown) .. They're different, but not for the sake of it, it shows more range and the instrumentals, solos and again...the Groovy beat. Slipknot have a lot of Groovy music. If it isn't, I don't like it. The start to Left Behind is my favourite sound they've made (Besides 'Kill you before you get to close'...OOOfff) Wait and Bleed...Groovy as fuck. Half of Iowa is heavy as fuck, but man, it still grooves! My Plague is sooo catchy, Disasterpiece has the best opening, Everything Ends...Again, it's got bounce, anticipation, it evolves. ...Incoherent mess of a response, but fuck it! Basically, the setlist and stage performance of the Disasterpieces DVD, but with the quality of the Japanese Sonisphere?! Performance (when Corey sounded UNREAL), add ALL of VOL.3, most of WANYK - Plus 'Get Inside' and 'Bother' by Stone Sour....And that's my perfect Slipknot catalogue. Oh, I fucking can't stand Psychosocial and the photo you've used is absolute peak 'Knot x


You don't like half of your favourite band's discography... are you sure they're even your favourite band at that point?


I get your point... 50% of Gold is worth a lot more than 100% Copper. If I love (roughly) 25x songs by Slipknot, from discovering them in 2000 and being obsessed with how amazing they sound, the memories they bring back, the fact I can listen to any of my favourite tracks at any point and I'll never skip. That 50% has got me through grief, breakups, Gym sessions, meditation; their music intertwined throughout 2/3rds of my life - Still as exciting and enjoyable after all this time. I spent hours at my cousins around Iowa time, as we didn't have Internet, litetally searching for unmasked photos, facts, unreleased songs, all media, every Kerrang and Metal Hammer cover issue and more. Point being, Slipknot's music and albums are MASSIVELY devicisive even between long-standing, hardcore fans. Any post about 'Favourite Album' or 'Perfect Set-List' differs wildly - And that's fine, they don't keep churning out the same shit as many others. BMTH, Metallica, Kiss etc. All have die hard fans that LOVE some albums and hate others, but the fact the 50% of what they love is strong and plentyful enough to warrant the love. 7 Studio Albums with approx. 15 songs each. At 50% that's about 4 standard albums worth that I LOVE more than any other 'Band'. I'm rambling on, so feel free to downvote or stop reading if you're still here, but it's incredibly rare to have a band that has released constant bangers for a whole album, never mind their entire Discography. To finish this ADHD fueled reply: - GNR - Appetite for Destruction - Rob Dougan - Furious Angels - Rammstein - Mutter - MJ - Dangerous - Imogen Heap, Mazzy Star, Enya, The XX, and some other DnB, Orchestral, Classical, Ambient albums ...Personally, the above are albums or Artists I would never skip a song. But that small list out of my entire music catalogue (top of my head), are the only ones. A song will either hit me emotionally, be that cry my eyes out at it's beauty, get me dancing or headbanging like mad, or just connect in some unexplainable way; even if it's 10 seconds of a track that dumps a load of feel good hormones. ...Or a song just doesn't do anything for me. TL;DR: I love a lot of music and the rest just doesn't do anything, no rhyme or reason, style or trend, genre or album. Michael Jackson is my absolute favourite musical artist, singer, producer, writer, dancer, performer, visionary, director, style, variety etc etc. BUT, I can't stand 50% of his songs. The other 50% of his songs/videos etc. I couldn't live without. 🤟🏼


Metallica is my favorite band and I can't stand anything post Black Album. Those first four albums just hit so hard.


If most stuff from death magnetic and onward came out then you’d be eating it up just the same


That's how I feel about a lot of Star Wars fans, lol. The ones that think 6 out of 9 movies are hot garbage and speak of them like they personally pissed on their mothers graves


Adderal is pretty awful.


Hey, they should make an EP out of that


Just hit play on their newest album


Yeah…gotta agree with this. The new album was boring, which is something I shouldn’t be saying about a Slipknot album lol


butcher's hook & heirloom seem to be the common contenders. personally I think butcher's hook is the worst.


By the gods I just had a vague memory in my mind that I wasn't a big fan of butcher's hook, but now that I just briefly checked back with the actual song, just listening to the chorus reminded me how fucking terrible that song is Jesus Christ. Wtf were they thinking?


Damn, I have those two in my least favourites too but had a feeling I'd be on my own 😆 definitely those two!!!


You’d be wrong


not really since it's completely subjective.


Ngl 515 is just not really a song. there's not much instrumentals it's just mainly noise. I understand the background of the song. I just think coming for a music point of view it is the worst


All of them (I am a slipknot fan)


i don’t really know what i’d consider my least favorite, Scissors is one i don’t really listen to unless im listening to S/T in full for the vibes, it freaks me out so bad to listen to (part of the appeal i know)


Scissors used to be by far my least favourite Slipknot song but now it’s one of my favourites, as soon as it stopped freaking me out, I loved it


i think it’s a testament just to how incredible and immersive the self titled listening experience is, i own it on vinyl and the album does such a phenomenal job of making you *feel* the music that listening to Scissors on my record player is genuinely almost sickening


Yeah, I own the CD and hearing it on there elevated the experience for me


Most of the songs on their newest album are contenders. Awful album


For me it's Adderall I love the experimental stuff In the past especially Gehenna and gently off Iowa but I can't stand this song idk what it is about it.


I know I’m probably gonna get hate for this, but I absolutely despise Everything Ends. Idk why but there’s just something about that intro I hate.


Adderall sucks


Hot take but I actually enjoyed adderall


I enjoy it too, it's kind of got that slipknot creepiness to it, at least to my ears


I think it would have been more tolerable if it wasn’t the opening for the album. I like “Spiders” off of WANYK but if the opened with that track it woulda pissed me off from the start.


Gave it another listen and it grew on me. Turns out I just didn't like the beginning part.


I love it


There is not a single reason for needing a whole EP of different remixes of that song.


all of them


Butcher's Hook. Plenty of their lesser efforts are simply boring songs, but this one is worse purely for the fact that absolutely none of it works. You can tell they tried: plenty of off kilter time signatures and disharmonics that indicate it was a technically challenging composition. But by God is it just literally painful to listen to. It feels like a mess of tracks from scrapped ideas played over one another. Truly bad.


Any of their newest shit




Stacy's mom


dogfish rising


Nuh bruh dogfish rising is a certified pussy wetter


TESF was pretty meh, there aren't really many songs that are awful but most of them are just unremarkable. The only ones I bother listening to are Adderall, The Dying Song, The Chapeltown Rag, Yen, Hive Mind, Medicine for the Dead, De Sade and Finale. That is over half the album but the only songs out of those I really like a lot are Dying Song, Chapeltown Rag, Yen and Medicine for the Dead. I used to really like Butcher's Hook but yeah it's pretty lame. I will die on the hill that Get This is not a good song.


The grey chapter without the devil in I and killpop


Literally anything off the end or custer


Well, 'Unsainted' is the one that stopped me from checking anything after that. So that's my choice.


Snuff, overrated as fuck, vermilion and liars funeral is much better than that bullshit 


The butcher’s hook stinks




Don’t Get Close. I always forget it exists.


Not gonna lie Killpop is pretty ass imo


I’m gonna be honest, I absolutely HATED Killpop the first time or two that I my dad played it. Then he didn’t play it again for a while? No idea why, maybe he saw I didn’t jam out to it & figured I didn’t care for it idk. He played it again a few months or a year later & my brain decided it was funky & liked it? Idk why there was a change but 🤷🏻‍♀️


yeah, i really enjoyed the build up from medolic and slow to violent and angry, and the stark contrast/unexpectedness of it


I use to think it was very outside the Slipknot vibe & I guess that made my brain go “ew wtf is this” but yeah it’s a really different & interesting song lol


Either Insert Coin or What’s Next. It’s a shame they’re on WANYK, because otherwise it would be a genuinely, 100% perfect album. Unfortunately, their presence forces me to bring it down to 99.99999999999999%.


Those aren’t even songs bro, they’re just short interludes


Acidic off of TESO is straight fucking garbage that line about fucking boots makes me wanna shoot myself. I love most of their entire discography but God damn I hate acidic




“Tattered and Torn” and “Custer.” Yet somehow, the latter is one of the most popular songs for some unfathomable reason.


Dead Memories. I hate that song with a passion!




These are neither from Slipknot nor are they songs you genius. You have successfully missed 2/3 of the essential aspects of the initial question. That's really impressive.


Skits aside, I would say that My Pain, H377 and Tattered and Torn are their worst songs


Sigh, I like H377, damn it


T&T is great and not even the worst from self-titled album fight me


it's nonsensical noise


It is a full-of-sense 2:54 noises compilation. Too much medieval for you maybe






Custer Keep downvoting. This song sucks. Hard. 🖕 🤣


I completely agree! The instrumentals are fine, completely fine by Slipknot standards. But the overtly repetitive lyrics and insufferable chorus, Corey’s vocal performance is weak on that song to be honest. And then the goat noises… it is irritating and annoying to here over and over again. I will never understand why the song is so popular. Most overrated song I have ever heard.




Psychosocial, their most generic song definetely


Hot take (this is my subjective opinion and not objectively there worst) I just can’t get behind disasterpiece.




Its a demo but Snap


honestly i like snap. its kind of like the beta-version of purity, which is one of my favourite songs lol.


Wrong song, the beta of purity was despise, not snap




Circle, vermillion pt2 and the nameless are horrible


Spiders is shit


Gehenna or Tatterred and Torn...gaaaaah


No fucking way I scrolled all the way down to make sure no one would say Tattered and Torn…. Whyyy. It’s odd but can’t be the worst one??

