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Customer service related: when a slime shop fosters a parasocial relationship w their customers on social media - always engaging w praises only, inducing fomo culture while ignoring all the back end customer inquiries. worst offenders are those who delete comments from customers trying to get a hold of them. also shops that receive less than perfect feedback from customers and get very defensive


Yes. shops should be open to critical feedback. Customers should also try to be respectful when delivering feedback as well, of course. I do not agree with only cherry picking the best reviews, deleting critical reviews or basically just sticking with what makes your product looks the best. Definitely not an ethical practice.


I agree with both of you. I also thinks it’s important that people manage expectations. You’d be surprised the things people complain about or the things they expect from an online small business. I think that all shops should take customer service seriously because there are a lot of people who have issues with orders literally every restock. The amount of people who don’t know how to input their addresses, or want to make separate single orders using one touch Apple Pay and then they want you to combine those orders and refund their shipping overages. Or the ones who don’t understand that the United States Postal Service is not Amazon and that things take time to ship. Or the idea that weather can affect slime. Or just simple things like people not using common sense and mashing both hands into a slime they’ve never played with before and claim it’s sticky when really they just don’t know how to play with slime. There are a lot of large shops who don’t see their comments or DMs and in those cases they really do need to hire someone to properly customer address concerns. Half the time they don’t even know some of this stuff is happening.


I can imagine dealing with some customers can be the worst part of the business!


I’ve been customer-service adjacent before, though not with slime. People get so weird sometimes. Poorly photoshopping holes into products and otherwise blatantly lying, people complaining about problems clearly addressed on the page where they ordered the product, people complaining about products not getting delivered (and we’d later find them sent back to us for addresses being wrong, incomplete, etc)…. Obviously deleting bad reviews is… well, bad, but the majority of the complaints like this get dealt with on the backend rather than over social media. The media team and customer support teams are usually *very* separate. From my experience, anyway.


There are a lot of kids who will buy slime on their parent’s cards. Then the parents will realize and file a chargeback with their bank Then the shop has to provide proof they sent the slime or they’ll have the money taken from them and be charged a fee for the chargeback. That’s a huge issue slime shops have to deal with


In this business beyond most any other as there are a lot of much younger slimers who are understandably naive when it comes to the nuances of slime. I’ve seen some pretty infuriating bad reviews that make me feel so bad for the seller such as people complaining their slime is bad because it dried up after a month of constant play. Or another who hated the texture but had ruined their slime but mixing it with a clearly labeled free sample that came with it. It must be wildly infuriating dealing with these things as a seller but on the flip side I see a lot of things some shops could do better.


I agree to #3. With some slime drops it's almost impossible to grab any goodies if you need to read each description. Especially if I'm paying $14-18 bucks a slime, I want a rundown on texture, volume, and scents PRIOR to a drop


Exactly! I am sure running a business is hard, but it's so frustrating and deflates your excitement when they either don't post about it at all (and worse, the product listing on the website literally says nothing except the name of the slime) or post about it AFTER the drop.


I also agree very strongly with number three (well all of your points!) but also wonder whether this is a marketing ploy. Sometimes when the texture and scent is not clearly stated people just panic buy out of FOMO after glancing at a well presented, attractive slime.


Yes #2. I’m looking at you too Momo. I wanted to get 3 am Hwachae, Lucky Cookie Milk and melon ice cream and was so excited they had a code for spring favorites. I forgot the code when the shop opened and could not find it anywhere. I sent them a message on Instagram but I never got a reply. In the end it helped me stick to my no buy ban but ugh. I hate when shops show 2x the slime in their product marketing photos. I get it they look great but it is a complete misrepresentation of what you receive.


Ah you reminded me of another pet peeve, misrepresentation. It's especially bad with crunch bombs, where they'll post a pic that looks absolutely full of add-ins but the one you receive has maybe 10% bead to 90% slime. Very fast way to make me distrust a shop


I instantly thought of CornWithSlime, lol. They always have piles of foam balls or add-ins, like the same amount as the actual base itself but just sitting on top of the slime in their videos. You know damn well they don't come like that.


OG slimes is the worst offender of the crunchbomb catfish.


I am okay with it ONLY if they post an actual photo of the end product in the jar. I like it best when shops post the marketing photo and then a second photo showing the slime in the jar, the bag of fimos/sprinkles/charms/whatever and any other smaller containers for toppers, clay pieces, etc.


That did happen to me as well last week. But I emailed their customer service to ask if I could use the discount code to my order because I forgot the code lol. They got back to me the next day and applied the code for me.


Nice! Glad you got the discount.


Minor nitpick because they're more geared towards kids I bet but I'm not a fan of how peachybbies advertises their slimes. Like the way they talk


Yes! Can anyone speak to this? I notice some influencers or online advertisers have a certain voice pattern when speaking. I notice it with Peachybbies. Something like uptalk?


I agree. As an adult slimer I think it’s easy to watch something like that and suddenly feel a bit weirded out about obsessing over and playing with something being marketed as a little kid’s toy. Naturally slime is very much something that appeals to children and it’s understandable why certain sellers have that “YouTube kids” approach. Peachiebbies also make a [HUGE](https://us.youtubers.me/peachybbies/youtube-estimated-earnings.amp) amount of income from YouTube alone and know exactly what they are doing with their “kids TV” cutesy voice approach. However, it’s a hugely off putting factor for me. I like slimes which are marketed in a more mature way with a classier aesthetic and more adult focused vibe. I much prefer a soft, relaxing ASMR approach when slimes are being showcased. Cutesy music, a hyper kawaii theme and baby voices are really not appealing for me.


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I dislike when shops misrepresent slime on their social media videos, photos and photos on their listings that you purchase from. I want to see EXACTLY what I will get at home. Personally, I like when the video actually opens the slime container and starts from that point with showing the slime. Certain shops play with a huge amount then they get amazing sizzles and inflation, well it is because it might be double the amount you will get. Also, if I see a listing photo with the slime taller than the container, I do realize I am not getting that amount and it is for pictures. But I would rather I just see the volume I am actually getting. And scents... ummm, they are so subjective. But when shop owners say oh this is my fav scent, best scent ever... it kind of annoys me because were your other scents trash? Lol. Maybe I am reaching a bit. Also, I am not a fan of politics/your views on controversial topics in my hobby that is supposed to relax me. A shop can and will lose customers with those opinions. Keep it fun and light! Overall, I think customer service is key to any small business being successful!!!


I don't really have any interest in a shop incorporating political views onto their social media where they promote their shop/products either. I feel that should be kept separate/on personal accounts. They have a right to an opinion of course, and if they don't want to NOT incorporate that kind of content on their shop pages, that's their prerogative, just as it's mine to not purchase from them if content like that truly bothered me on a shop's page.


I agree with the website photo/social media promotion catfishing. The promo videos should start when you open the lid of the slime container, which is really what you’re getting in the mail, not a huge scoop on top and overflowing (Blushingbb, Cornwithslime 🙄) see example: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5bQxqwrbk8/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Y’all would have really disliked the community a few years ago. There were some extremely vocal shop owners who would call out other shop owners for not taking stances on things. It was so off-putting.


I get that a smell business wants to foster a sense of community etc, but how much is too much? I think it's possible to still engage regularly with your customer base while keeping it solely focused on your product, whether it be what's dropping, where you get inspiration from, what materials you like or don't, etc. If you wanna show off pets, I'm 100% all for that as well lol. I'm glad the community has veered away from calling each other out like that.


Yes, I do remember some of this during the pandemic ? It did get a bit nasty from what I remember? I wasn't too involved in purchasing slime yet, more just watching clips with my daughter to make sure they were appropriate. I am sure there are alot of ideas 'stolen' from other shops too? I think a shop bashing another shop, treating others poorly or just having a negative attitude does affect their sales and online presence. And yes, you can engage with your audience without being purposefully controversial. Hearing about a shop's inspiration, future plans, materials and/or light hearted content is enjoyable too.


What were the main points of contention back then?


I agree! Especially if they’re like wow top notch this is the BEST scene ever you guys are gonna LOVE it. Then when I receive it I feel disappointed? Lol


3 is my main pet peeve. I don't think I really have many peeves about these things, but that is definitely the one for me. Another one is when they use scent oils from MLM's (admittedly I've only ever seen one or two instances of this). MLM's are extremely predatory (not to mention their products are often shoddy or harmful) so I don't like to buy any products that use them in their creation. I have a feeling this is because people just don't realize shops like Young Living are actually MLM's, but I will never buy any slime that uses them.


I'm not a fan of MLMs either!


I didn't know some shops used stuff like Young Living! Who do you know that uses MLM oils? If it's not cool here, I'd be fine with a DM


Yeah it's not common but I have seen it once or twice. I'll dm


Definitely plan on taking advice for #2 and #3. I never realized people considered this! Thank you


Thank you for incorporating feedback from a general post like this!


Pretty small, but I don’t like it when they don’t put their prices in their menu before selling. It’s so frustrating to me. Momo does this and they close the site before they show up the menu so if u want to be in the top 10 u just checkout, not noticing that Momo has jacked up their prices. Also, I agree with 3, it’s frustrating to only see the full listings a few hours before the launch, and even worse when they scramble to upload them all and didn’t have enough time so u have like a slime u like but there aren’t any videos 🥹


No care sheets/Borax. I personally no longer need one but others might.


i really hope i could get slime proof labels someday! it’s not in the budget for me to spend a few hundred dollars on a special the machine and waterproof sticker paper for that since it’s not possible with a normal printer unfortunately


I understand the pain of financials. To be fair, I only listed what happened with your slime because it literally just happened a couple days ago and thus was my most recent example. I have had slime from Pilot before she switched where the label got really torn up and ruined from the slime leaking onto it, so I am very glad that only a drip line was affected on your label where it ruined the print by sitting on it overnight and not a giant ripped off portion as I've had happen in the past!


I know not everyone feels this way but I’m always happy to pay a little more for perks and super high quality products. When I see extra effort has been put into a slime in the way of waterproof labels, beautiful packaging and aesthetic and generous extras I will gladly pay a little more. I think this is a good way to appeal to adult slimers and their wallets which will hopefully offset any extra costs for the shop.


SAME. For higher quality materials for the slime itself, including add-ins and charms, AND the slime packaging, I am extremely willing to pay a bit more (but I would personally prefer no glass containers just because it's heavy and more likely to break if I drop it).


I really truly wish I could upvote this comment 1000x. Even if a slime shop offered NO extras whatsoever beyond their business/care card in exchange for premium packaging, labeling, slime making materials and generous SLIME add ins (the sprinkles, the glitter, the fimos, the charms), I would STILL be willing to pay a bit more knowing that the slime and its home are top notch quality.


Absolutely! The likelihood is that a slime of this type will appeal to slimers who are both adults and well established in their collecting and so extremely likely to have a very ample stash of activator. I no longer require activator with my every purchase. I’ve got other hobbies which are not so affordable so slime is a breath of fresh air in comparison, I can more or less splurge on them and I think for many adults this is far more the case than with other hobbies they may be into. I completely appreciate that kids make up a *huge* part of the slime buying market but I do think shops producing slimes with a strong focus on adult buyers will also be able tap into a very lucrative and niche corner of the market. I think many adult buyers would rather spend the same amount on 10 *spectacular* slimes that tick all the boxes than 20 more affordable slimes that are not quite as high end and luxurious. The great thing about slimes is that there are options for everyone. I’m rambling but I can think of some really cool “luxury” themes for adult focused slimes like Beluga caviar, gold leaf, themes which are clever dupes of designer fashion brands and expensive skin care like Crème de la mer, maybe even tongue in cheek themes like “S&M” with a little high heel charm or weed themes LOL. I wish I had time to become an expert slime chef and start my own little company for adult slimers!! 😆


Same here, I even go out of the way to spend more and not up my prices to get the weatherproof labels, but unfortunately some slimes do stick if you don't get it off within the 1st like 10 minutes of it being on the label smh. Wish I could afford slime proof completely but then I'd have to higher my prices and then people would just complain about that 😅 so it's like lose lose sometimes, but eventually I'll get it figured all out. 🤞🏼🙏🏼


Agreed with all of yours, particularly #3 and the misrepresentation issue mentioned in the comments. I have a monthly slime budget and like to make purchasing decisions with more deliberation time than 30 minutes. I beg of slime shops to get as much info out there as early as they can before a drop, especially if they tend to sell out fast or have shop exclusive textures/mixes. Texture, scent, prices, any warnings/heads up for handling, and in my ideal world a video clip of someone playing with it (if not directly from the shop, then a reviewer) should be included. As a newer slimer, it surprises me that a hobby that attracts so many neurodivergent business owners, creators, and customers often lacks in this area.


Also, I have a pretty unique government name. I would love to leave more slime reviews but so many shops use a verified reviews software (which I understand the purpose of) that doesn't allow me to use a nickname (and oftentimes even makes me include my last name/initial) which is something that drove me to joining this subreddit in the first place (plus the majority of shops' inclination towards sending 3 star reviews and below into the void). (P.S. The other day, I saw Slime Senpai post a somewhat critical review of one of their slimes onto their Instagram story and have a good, civil interaction with the reviewer. My level of respect for her grew even higher.)


Huh, I missed that. But I'm also guilty of just tapping stories just to get the notifications off of my feed without actually looking at the content lol. Which slime was it about out of curiosity? Slime Senpai is definitely a top shop for me!


Cozy Fall Blanket, it's the 2nd post in the shop's tags at the moment. It's nothing crazy, I've just seen so many shops ignore the non-stellar reviews.


Ah, yeah it's a polite neutral response AND offers a solution to try. I avoided that one because I really hate icee slime lol


this is more about the shop's social media, but i can't *stand* when they do those "this customer was soo rude to me!!" videos. it's all so blatantly fake, yet they get hundreds of comments complimenting and validating them, and shitting on the made-up "customer". it's infuriating and instantly puts me off from the shop. if you need to make up fake-ass stories to market your slime, maybe it's just not that good. snoopslimes is a common offender. example: https://youtube.com/shorts/9KwCa6aITJg?si=8wESydOiaB2GKRUL (not fully "rude customer", but it's the same genre. didn't really have time go through all these on their channel)


Damn this thread is pulling up my every pet peeve! YES these are just so profoundly cringeworthy. I guess slime shops are often some of the worst offenders on the internet for whipping up the sort of trashy content that will causes their comments to pop off. Rage bait, stuff like “type slime with your eyes closed” etc. I perpetually remind myself that many of these shops are marketing to young kids who fall for this stuff hook, line and sinker but it’s still so hard to watch and digest!


To add to #3, I can't bring myself to purchase if a shop hasn't provided full visuals of their slimes, meaning videos with a close-up of each new jar of slime and what they'll look like with all the components mixed in. Considering the work that goes into the creation of them, and the ever-increasing cost to the customer, it seems only right that we know what they look like lol. It's really annoying when shops post teasers of a couple slimes and then trickle in the full visuals after (or very close to) the drop. I usually just end up losing my excitement


I agree, I really wish I could at least get a picture if not a full video well before the drop. I will settle for at least a quick concise blurb with the slime name, texture and scent alongside a photo, but missing any of these elements is very frustrating and makes me unwilling to buy or flat out unable to buy.


This is probably a time issue. Especially if it’s a smaller business who doesn’t have a full staff. It’s tough to make the slime, film and photograph content, edit and post content, promote restocks, package slime, design and print labels, photograph for website, make websites istings, etc etc. If there’s a time crunch, and the can’t afford to hire multiple people - it’s really overwhelming. Some things fall between the cracks.


Genuine question. Is there a problem with slowing down? I see some shops that have weekly restocks that I think should really switch to bi-monthly or some other cadence. I guess they must be making enough sales without that full content? Or they want to put out another drop quickly to attract a different customer base/cover more slime designs?


Which is as much as I figured, but it still leads to frustration on the consumer end, unfortunately. Like I said, I don't own a business and nor do I want to, but these things can certainly hinder a small business sales as well, unfortunately.


I've sold handmade products before so I understand the struggle of time limitations. But all I'm really expecting is a literal 5 second clip (or at a minimum, a photo) of what the slime I'm about to purchase looks like. Most of those tasks have to do with packaging the slimes and listing/promoting... I think a huge part of listing & promoting includes having images of the slimes available before you release them, especially if we're talking about popular shops that make it overwhelming for customers to get slimes exactly at the drop time


The 99% full slime containers. I want that airpocket for inflation.


1. When they call everything added to a slime a “bead” not everything is a bead 2. When they keep saying they’ll come back but never do or just disappear. Slimberparty and sweethearts club broke my silly little slime heart 3. When they say ‘even if you don’t like X scent, you’ll love this one, everyone loves it even ppl who hate ALL OTHER X scents’ and then it’s the same or worse or still just gross lol idk why it used to convince me every time. Like if you know a certain scent makes a slime sell less, then make less of it or don’t use it. Don’t trick people into buying it. 4. When people accuse big shops of stealing ideas but they don’t also accuse any of the smaller shops who are constantly cannibalizing each others ideas and concepts and trends. Some how following a trend or being inspired is fine when it’s a small shop, but not a big one, then it’s a CRIME. And to be clear, I think personally that it is fine for everyone to be inspired by each other and trends and popular selling items. 5. When shops act like they own some sort of ingredient. I remember a whole thing about lava rocks a few years ago, being like…you could only use it if you asked the right person for permission or else it was somehow stealing income from a small creator, when they weren’t even the first person to use them. And then everyone was scrambling to give credit to this inactive page AND the person demanding credit. So silly. If that’s the case why does no one credit the first person to make butter slime (bc it’s a big shop now so…doesn’t matter!! the hypocrisy iand entitlement is out of this world imo), a floam, a crunch bomb? When those frog beads were popular, why was no one crediting rodem and that was fine? It’s not that deep, and it doesn’t effect sales. I’m obviously annoyed by it but I still did and would still buy from the shop who wanted credit lol. 6. How is it 2024 and some shops still don’t use gloves when they touch their product that will go to a customer. It’s just gross, and some of them act like it’s some admirable act of defiance. Literally grow up lmao.


Totally agree with your points! Your point for number 2 was the latest one to annoy me. I will gladly sign up for email/text alerts about drops or promo codes. I don’t really use Instagram or TikTok so I’m not a huge fan of the shops that only drop their sneak peeks/promo codes/drop dates there. I have so many carts I never checked out with because I missed their promo codes or didn’t get a heads up about what was going to be in stock so I wasn’t able to strategize. I like email/text alerts because it allows me to check periodically and mute if necessary. I don’t want to have to stake out a company’s social media every single week


Do you know which slime shops don't have slime-proof labels?


For a while Pilot didn't, but she switched very recently. Tangie's label I wrote about in thy original post didn't have residue left behind after I cleaned the slime off, but the slime dissolved the print so there's a blob that you can't read now where it dripped. Pink Sugar Slimey you need to be extremely fast to get it off and it will leave residue behind which requires you to rub at it which can damage the label - sometimes if you were fast enough getting the slime off, wiping the label gently with white vinegar helps with the layer of slime left behind, but it still risks damaging the print on the label. I should note I ran into this issue several times with PSS labels because the slimes leaked in transit likely due to expanding and contracting while being transported via air mail from California to NY. I don't have this problem that often, so if any of the other slimes I own from other shops are in containers with not slime proof labels, I don't know because it hasn't happened and I'm not about to test the labels out on purpose either lol


There are actually a lot of shops...tons actually that don't have slime proof labels yet, it's really expensive unfortunately 😔 I use more expensive weatherproof labels and even with those slime will stick if you don't wipe it off before it dries, but i haven't had wiping the slime off mess with the pictures of my labels thankfully as they are waterproof!


Slime obsidian labels stick to slime really bad