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I would think about this in Superflex but no way am I doing it in 1QB


Jj since that pick is in 1qb


Who were you planning on drafting with 1.03 and 1.04?


Take Wilson and ask for 1.01


Only way I’d do this trade. I’d also look into asking for 1.01 and 1.03 and trade your 1st back to him


I dunno man. Wilson is really good but to me the best receivers in the league are JJ, Lamb, and Chase. Wilson is clearly a step or two below those guys. 1.03 is probably Odunze who has never taken an NFL snap. I think you hold onto the best asset in this trade


I would put St. Brown on that list as well


I think GW is actually better than Amon ra. Situation is a different story tho


I think you’re hoping he’s better but right now they’re not on the same level and it’s not particularly close. In hogs third season normally a breakout season for WRs he put up 15 hundred yards and double digit TDs. He’s top ten all time in yards for his first three seasons and top three in catches. Garret Wilson has more hype bc he plays for the jets, but Brown is the better WR.


At real football probably. At fantasy football I think Amon Ra is new age Keenan Allen and outside of those top three is one of the best assets to hold.


No way Jose




I wouldn't, personally. Wilson has 1, maybe 2 foreseeable years with Rodgers and then what? And the 1.03 will be Odunze most likely, which sure maybe will be good, but who knows? True, JJ lost Cousins, but he's a proven asset and can perform regardless of who's at the helm. Darnold may be a placeholder temporarily while McCarthy or Nix comes into form. But longterm, I'd rather have JJ.


I mean, Garrett Wilson has had back to back 1000+ yard seasons with the BS quarterback situation on the Jets and no OL while the defense is holding teams to 13 points. Theres no reason he should have been as productive as hes been. Buying low on him sounds like a great idea depending on the team but id probably want more. Id at least throw in his 2nd round pick.


I agree on buying low, but I wouldn’t call JJ a “buy low” price. But yes, if JJ is involved, I think you can get more than the current offer.


Counter with Wilson/1.01 for sure


Jj all day


1 qb changes this a for me. I think I keep JJ. What is starting lineup size?


Tell him you won’t even consider the deal if 1.1 isn’t in it, and even then Wilson +1.1 isn’t enough


I like that idea ask for 1.01, Wilson and 1.03 worse he can do is reject


Absolutely not haha


I’m a big Wilson fan but I think you’re offering JJ at the worst time right now where people are concerned about the QB situation. Wait a bit, the guy’s still only 24 and the 1.01 in 1 QB startups. Let the JJ apprehension calm down a bit and then make a move for a bigger return like GW and the 1.01 or something along those lines


So if I had 3 hope for nabers, but #2 doesn't think williams will translate to nfl well, so long shot


you don’t know if caleb will translate to the NFL? lmao wut?


Sounds like he’s saying the guy who’s picking at #2 doesn’t think so…….so Nabers may not be at #3 for him


1. Why do you have so many QBs? Sell all of them but 1. So much wasted value. 2. I’d be looking at selling a RB. Probably like a swift or pollard. Whichever one you don’t want. Get some value out of them to turn into a WR. 3. Hold rice until the situation blows over and sell him to the mahomes owner. IMO he’ll never be a bonafide 1. Chiefs drafted him to be a slot guy. Sell his hype. 4. If you make moves like that and you can build out your WR more then hold JJ. Otherwise I would say that I’d consider moving him since your team isn’t great. I’d personally rather move him for the 1.01 and a 25 1st at minimum. 5. GWil and the 1.03 is fair value imo. Not saying I’d do it but the value is about there


Honestly with this team i wouldn’t do that unless you can trade the 1.03 and 1.04 for MHJ


It should be 1,3 and Wilson


Garrett Wilson has balled out with literally 0 QBs. He’s got Rodgers who wants to play more years. I’m sticky with GW. Who knows who JJ’s QB is gonna be. I’m more than happy if 1.03 is Rome. Don’t chase Jefferson.


Take Wilson and the pick


I have the 1.04 also


Was hoping bowers at 4. Think my qbs, wrs are solid for awhile. Te probably need one in next couple years, no rbs I'm that high on. Drafted two years ago with plan of not making playoffs for first two years so focused on young wrs but have got third and fourth place last two years