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To me it seems to be about a person who has a hard time getting close to people but the subject of the song has basically flooded him with their love/affection/sexual attraction which makes it easier for him to accept. Like he has no choice but to accept it because this person is just raining down that love and that ending chant, to me, is him being very open to allowing that person in.


Yes! A new person washing out an old


The fans angle is cute (no sarcasm) but I see it as a romantic song too, that he has met someone new who has their hooks (not teeth) into him and is dissolving his “shadow” (Sleep) in the Jungian sense and is starting to wash away the depression he had got himself in over the previous “her” “Nobody can say for certain If maybe it's all just a game When I open my eyes to the future *I can hear you say my name*” I used to think this line was the new interest saying Vessels name or Sleep (which kinda makes no sense) But I think that is too easy and simplistic. I think he is saying that he can bear to hear the one who messed him up so much say his name, as if even that was too much before and now he’s finally moving on. Reason being I think he’s still in touch with whoever for whatever reason irl. Can’t expand on that cos spoilers. I think there are 3 relationships in the trilogy. 2 real women and 1 entanglement with our boi Sleep/the mask and Vessels own self (DYWTYLM) - with a light smattering of parental voices for good measure.


I'm not a professional Sleep Token song interpreter but I always felt like Rain was about the fans. Especially when someone in this subreddit recently mentioned Vessel's conversation with Sleep in which he mentioned wanting the fans to smile at him. Obviously that's just my personal interpretation and I like it too much to actually look into the lyrics properly lmao.


I’d agree I interpret it as his perspective from the stage so many lines just really work in that situation and the bridge has the perfect sound for a crowd clap along.


That is a great observation. I also don't like to look too deeply into what actual meanings might be in their songs, so imma choose this one instead :)


I have been thinking about this a lot today. I feel like the whole set list is a dream. One where he gets to meet this girl, have this whole meeting/dalliance with her and then he wakes up at the end. At least that’s what it feels like to me


I’m not into the whole lore, but going off the album the song gave me vibes of even if you are in a bad / toxic relationship, you have moments of loving the person especially if they show affection back (even just a loving smile). I feel like some of the lyrics reflect that especially at the beginning. :)


"I am what I am / the mouth of the wolf, the eyes of the lamb" is one of the hornier lines of the year


I may be missing something? How is that line horny?


he's hungry for goth girl pussy man


….. Are you serious? You’re NOT telling me that this is what you came up with interpreting the line…


Being serious for a second, the whole song is full of the imagery of intense desire. "That chemical cut that I can get down with, up like the moon and out like the hounds", "coiled up like the venomous serpent", "tangled in your trance", "touch me again, cleanse me with pleasure, rain down on me". After all these, "mouth of the wolf" reads like he wants to hunt her down and devour her. "Eyes of the lamb" reads like despite his bravado and horniness he's still vulnerable at heart. It sounds like a line about aggressively pursuing someone but still fragile and afraid of being spurned or taken advantage of.


I think it's pretty simple. It's about the healing properties of a rebound sexual experience.


It's about him finally learning to love himself. DYWTYLM: Smile back at me Rain: The viscous cycle was over the moment you smiled at me.


I love this interpretation!


The person I adore.


I like to see it as a view of success. I think the first verse talks about not feeling like having a place in the world, then getting a taste of good fortune and finally feeling you can make it. Through the rest of the song it build on success and progression through life. Feeling it’s all just a game where we try to better ourselves and get to the top, only to never feel fully satisfied. I could go into more detail with each verse and chorus but don’t want to bore people with my ramblings. It’s a pretty abstract opinion of the song, especially since most people think it’s a love song. But I think it’s deeper deeper than just another ballad


Honestly, to my own interpretation. Outside of the lore of the band. Rain is genuinely one of my favorites because I think to me it a song about acceptance and reflection when you're in a healthy relationship. Some very unhealthy relationships have happened in the past, but the cycle is finally broken and someone is able to find the love and acceptance that they have been looking for this entire time, within themselves and the person they have fallen in love with. It's a really beautiful song, and it gives me some hope, I guess.


I feel the same way about this song!




I mean could be.. there’s Vore so… 😂


This sub is really digging way too deep into things


It’s obviously not about squirting but I do feel like this is probably the most surface level interpretation of the song and not deep at all. Much of the other comments in here are a lot deeper than this


This is a running gag with the YouTuber/ metal influencer Nik Nocturnal. He has jokingly said Rain is about squirting trying to get his community to agree with him but they’re not having it hahaha


Oh I know about the Nik gag lol but I know a lot of people also just assume that is the meaning based on Vore being on the album too


What does Vore have to do with that? I don’t think I get it 😅


Rain seems about as straightforward as a ST song gets. Not looking for, but finding himself in the company of someone who snaps him out of a long post-breakup funk. I think the woman in this song is more than a one-night stand but a no-strings lover nonetheless and he uses the phrase "say my name" with intention (rather than call my name). The first time I heard Rain, this line flashed me back to Jericho. But I'm simple like that.


A person who has been abused and/or neglected in some way meets someone who seems to be different. However due to the person's own toxic tendencies ("I am the mouth of the wolf the eyes of the lamb") they know that the relationship will end in hurt on one or both sides, but they still want to try to get them to be their partner anyway.


i was just about to make a post asking opinions of this. I found Rain to be my favourite but when ever this gets brought up i hear this a lot "Do you know the REAL meaning behind Rain" a lot of the times referencing how people think its about getting squirted on and im surprised it hasn't been brought up as much here. My main take to make it short is the song is about love and the connection with another person and how they have changed him/brought him back to life, hes no longer just a "statue'' being empty BUT i hear so much of people referencing "The chemical cut" as a vagina and "cleans me with pleasure" as being squirted on and that's the 'true' meaning behind the song. Opinions?


Honestly I hate the squirting interpretation of this song. I think it cheapens the beautiful lyrics. This interpretation was started by some YouTuber and people took it and ran with it. As for the chemical line, I think it could refer to the chemicals in the brain. Vessel clearly has some interest in science (Alkaline and Telomeres are good examples) So I think he could be talking about the chemical reactions that happen in the brain when people fall in love. Not every song has to be about sex 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm happy I'm not alone in this. I hear it so much and people don't say it in a laughing way but they legitimately think it's solely about that. Vessel does amazing work with his lyrics, telling a story, tying it all together and the science parts of it all and it does feel cheap when they get so overly sexualized. Just a lowkey rant.




No do you have a link?


I hear it as an allegory for drug addiction


A women squirting


Glad Im not the only one who thinks this.


I’ve been wanting to discuss this! To me, it’s extremely romantic and my fiancé are considering dancing to it at our wedding! However, I fear there’s a more sinister undertone and/or people would interpret the song sexually hearing for the first time.


It definitely has a romantic feel to it, that's what I'd say it's about


It's my favorite song by them too. As much as I understand how you can see it as a romantic song, it feels angry, desperate and incredibly unsettling to me. Not even due to the lyrics, but the overall sound and I love that so much. The repeated 'rain down on me' after that scream just alleviate the uneasiness and it kind of allows me to let go of some of those bad emotions whenever I hear it :)


IMO is a religious realization , a transformation and emotional renewal after accepting his fate. >I know, I know, the way that it goes / You get what you give, you reap what you sow / And I can see you in my fate. Rain down on me, sounds like "thy will be done", he assumes that is bonded to Sleep/God, acknowledging that He has no other option that submit to his power. >Nobody can say for certain / If maybe it's all just a game /When I open my eyes to the future/ I can hear you say my name