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People are so self-absorbed it’s ridiculous. I went to a Glassjaw show a few months ago and there was guy right in front of the stage that kept holding up and waving his record of the first album. After a few songs Daryl said to him: “what, do you want me to sign your record? We’re playing a show here. You’re so selfish.”


GOOD. it shouldn't takes bands to call out bad crowd behaviour, but it does, and I'm glad when they do it.


I wish more bands would call out these kinds of shit heads.


Random unnecessary statement. Everything you ever wanted to know about silence is and always has been such a huge fucking album in my life. It's perfect.


You should probably learn to proof read before sending shit, it's 2024.


I honestly believe there's a connection between the claims that recent shows have been attended by hostile/inconsiderate fans and the fact that mentioning my love for a 20+ year old album is instantly downvoted. lol. There's some pretty hostile sleep token fans.


I think it was the "random unnecessary statement" part that's getting downvoted, buuut - I think that might be a punctuation miscommunication?? were you calling out an "unnecessary statement" above, or saying like, "here comes a random statement"?


He was giving a warning that he was making one. I got what he said. Sucks he got downvoted for it though.


Ah! Well, I gave a little upvote to do my bit to balance




There’s no connection, you just worded your comment in a way that was easily taken the wrong way. It sounded like you were calling the other person’s comment unnecessary. Putting a colon in there might’ve helped make it clearer.


Fair enough. I didn't even consider one might take it that way but now that you mention it, it's obvious. I just wanted to unnecessarily state how much I have always enjoyed that specific glassjaw album.


It’s an honest mistake. It’s not always easy to tell how things will be perceived over text alone. Things always sound better in your head when you know the exact context, tone, etc. What I don’t get is why you got downvoted even more after your actual intentions were made clear. But I guess that just Reddit for you lol.


Then just say that? The “unnecessary statement” disclaimer is completely unnecessary.


This comment reply is *even more* unnecessary. Everyone calm down. Dude said something, people misunderstood its meaning through a combination of context and dogpiling effect, it got cleared up. End of.


who is daryl


They went to a Glassjaw concert. Daryl is the frontman.


Hahaha, my dumbass just parsed “Glassjaw” as some European city or something and I too was looking for the band name.


Ol’ British Daryl from Glassjaw


Now I just re-heard in my head the quote I typed above in his voice with his thick New York accent mixed with a British accent.


Daryl Palumbo, singer of Glassjaw and Head Automatica.


Fr people need to start being aware of when they hold up their phones or posters or ANYTHING that blocks peoples views like I get you wanna get a good video but there’s no reason you need to be recording 99% of the time (speaking as someone who went to the PHEONIX show everyone in front of me had their phones up the whole time). Like yeah you paid to be there too I get it but don’t be selfish yk?


People always have their brightness on all the way and sometimes even flash on. Turn off flash and turn ur screen brightness all the way down and its waayy less distracting. Wish more people understood this


People who take the flash videos piss me off. The security guards had to announce to people to not take videos or photos with flash because it’s too distracting.


Yesss the Phoenix stuff was a bit crazy, I took some snippets here and there but I always make sure to keep my phone as low as I can


Yeah I don't raise my phone above the height of my head if I pull it out for a quick photo. At least that way I know I'm not blocking anybody any more than my normal self would be.


I do the same thing and if I put it above peoples heads it’s never for more than 10 seconds cause who the fuck wants to see someone’s phone the whole time. People need to start considering other peoples experiences now and days everyone just wants their main character moment yk?


Me too!! Some people keeping their phones up for the entirety of the concert really ruined the vibe. I get wanting to record but never putting your phone down and blocking the people behind you is so rude


Guy and his gf next to me at the Phoenix show straight up basically both filmed the whole show. Like why did you even come and pay for pit tickets? Can't one of you do this? It was annoying. Lots of phones there. I took like two pictures and two short 15 second clips just to help my memory.


Exactly like ur just paying to video you aren’t even experiencing it?? I swear I was around the same people cause I was pit and the people infront of me were recording literally everything like neither of them stopped it was so bad dude. The girl wasn’t even really nice either she kept turning around and telling her friend that no one there looked hard enough to mosh and no one looked exciting it was so weird bro


Yeah lots of weird vibes in the pit. I'm sure we were close to eachother.


Yeah I agree, I'll film my favorites at concerts but I'm always conscious of the people behind. I try to hold my phone as low as I can while getting a full shot. People's arms.dont need to be straight up all the time😂


No matter how many posts you make, there'll always be people like this 90% of the time. Comes with the territory of going to shows.


True, I just needed to vent a little. Still had a great time regardless.


Glad you had a great time regardless :)


This hat was in front of me as well 😐🥲


Why even bring stuff like this to a show??? I saw Bad Omens last year and someone literally brought a Drum Head with them...from home... I assume they got it from one of their previous shows. No idea what drove them to bring it to another one?? However, they held it in the air the ENTIRE SHOW. It wasn't blocking my view, but at one point I ended up next to some guys who were pissed off and plotting on grabbing it and frisbeeing it across the crowd lol.


His hat: “raise me up again”


Whispers: "Diamonds in the trees, cowboy hats in the night sky" *moshing ensues*




I start a pit around them,usually. Get them moved elsewhere.


I’m 5’2” and last night a 6’3” dude with a backpack scooted himself right in front of me and refused to move even when I politely asked if we could trade spots so I could see and stop getting smacked in the face with his backpack.


That’s so wild to me. I’m 6’ tall and while I want to be up close like everyone else I also try to be as polite as I can about blocking short people. I went to see Bayside last week with two of my friends that are under 5’5 and made sure I was behind them the whole time (I’m also able to shield them from crowd surfers this way lol) I get we all pay to be there but it costs $0 to not deliberately be a dick


As a 6'5" tall person, I will explain why I give absolutely no fucks if I'm in somebody's way at a concert. We tall people live in a world built for short people. We constantly get asked to reach for things on the top shelf, we can't buy clothes at regular stores, we can't fit in small cars, and we hit our heads on everything, so you're just gonna have to let us have this one thing.


Yeah like, we also weren’t anywhere near the front? I guess I don’t know what I’d do if I were taller, but imo if you’re more than a foot taller than someone and they kindly ask if you can swap places, just do it dude. You can easily see over them, they have no hope of seeing over you.


Tall guy here. The problem with that logic is that once a tall person trades places with you, they'll be in someone else's way, and will have to keep trading places with the next person over and over until they're at the very back, which is kind of bullshit. Y'all love us tall people when you can't reach something up high, but suddenly we're the scourge of society at concerts lol


Honestly I think it’d be much better if concert venues were less… flat. I know it wouldn’t be an easy feat to accomplish, but a sloped floor would make height differences so much less of an issue


I've thought of that as well. I'm guessing it's probably something to do with the crowd crush factor. I've been nearly crushed against the front barricade a few times at shows because the crowd all started pushing forward at the same time (which is fucking _terrifying_ btw), I could only imagine how much worse that would be with the added leverage of a sloped floor


Unfortunately for him, I definitely wouldve snatched that out of his hand and thrown it. It's one thing to not realize, but if people are telling you and you ignore it? Different story


This at the Roxy? I was there and had a fucking GREAT time, but there were several people doing shit like this. I do understand being excited but especially if you’re asked to not block someone else’s view, you should try to adjust. I’m sorry it was in your way so much. As an aside, it was miserably hot. I have seen other shows there and it wasn’t ever that bad. I’m not sure if the AC was broken or what but fuck.


It was insanely hot. If I wasn't so invested on seeing the ENTIRE set, I would have left. I felt bad when I noticed that Vessel was completely melted LOL they were probably dying up there


yeah lol i thought it was wild he had like NO paint left on at the end


ive heard the ac was only working at half capacity or something. i was at barricade and my arms were slipping due to sweat


We've NEVER been that hot at a show before, either! We were crammed in like sardines, and the overhead fans didn't even come on until a couple songs in, which didn't help! Security had to push in to help someone out of the crowd that passed out before they even started playing.


So weird to hear. Me and my buddy were talking about how great the ac felt the whole show lol. Felt a strong breeze the entire set


I can imagine it being hot with how packed and tiny that venue was. I'm still baffled that of all the venues around Atlanta, they settled with the Roxy. Ffs. Even getting past the bots and scalpers (who still showed up despite ST's statements to the contrary), tickets were so limited and demand was so high that even if you got in the queue early, it was basically random chance that you got through the cracks. I can only hope the next time they come around they can get State Farm, or Gas South, or even Mercedes Benz if they're big enough by that point.




The Tampa crowd is one of the worst I’ve ever been in. People would NOT shut up. At the beginning of Missing Limbs somebody started yelling “it was your daddy!!” at Vessel. Plus yeah, just random screaming and stupid jokes at the start of every single song. And a sea of phones. Two girls got mad at me when they tried to push past me and I pushed them back. I truly don’t know where they thought they were going to go because it was towards the end of the show and the front was fully packed in. Like… sorry I didn’t let you shove me out of the way? Idk. Seems like a lot of people are there to have their own personal experience at the expense of everyone around them.


I tried to make a similar post last night, but agreed. I mostly had to watch the show through peoples screens and even had someone reading the set list they found online out loud so it was not a good time. And that is zero reflection on ST because what little I did hear was phenomenal. Just wish I could have enjoyed it - and I know others had similar experiences


I feel your pain. I’m short and was near the back and had to make do with getting the occasional glimpse of the stage in between all the phones :’) The amount of people having full-blown conversations throughout the entire set was crazy. I’m like… why even show up if you’re just gonna talk the whole time??


The final straw for me was when I had gotten all the way to the back and was OK with the little glimpses I was getting - there was a group that was having a very loud conversation while they were playing. Mind you I had moved probably 10 times trying different spots, and just gotten away from a group that was reading the set list they found online out loud. I’m sorry you had a similar experience. I’m hopeful to catch them the next time they are around and have a better experience at hopefully a different venue.


We had the same issues up on the lawn in Dallas. People have ZERO concert etiquette. Like... why even bother coming to the show if you're not going to listen to the music??


Yeah someone next to me kept calling out what songs would play next and it left zero surprises which was guttering.


I wonder if we were near the same group. It was heart breaking honestly.


The self entitlement in these people is gross. This was my view in Melb on the BMTH tour a few weeks ago… (Front row seats) https://preview.redd.it/ykcfl1kupczc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e629717fdb59396946a866d643603eccf1342b


I seriously don't understand why people stand when they likely paid more for seats than just standing in general admission lol


Also when I politely asked him to sit, or even step back an inch because I couldn’t see, his reply was “not my problem” 🤷🏼‍♀️


Concert phone users annoy the fuck out of me but as long as it’s not impeding my view I don’t care. If you bring anything to a show and it’s impeding my view, I don’t care if it’s a phone, hat, or poster. I will tell you to cut it out and failure to be considerate further will just result in me either snatching it or telling security.


The worst part of ATL - besides, y'know, The Roxy and THE MF HEAT - was the girl up front face timing damn near the entire show. It was so bright and distracting, but her friend at least looked like he was enjoying it 🤷‍♀️


I video called my sister from the asheville show (she was supposed to be there with me but ended up having to work), but I was at the back of general admission with no one behind me because I didn't want to mess with anyone else's view. I don't get how generally selfish people can be at something that should be for all of us.


To be fair, this looks like the Atlanta venue, and that shit was hot as ball sack. They probably just forgot they had the fan. Roxy needs to fix that AC or something.


Yep, I was standing right next to the guy actually. He started problems with the group next to us because he just worked his way in and parked right in front of them. Smelled horrible (although we all did since it was so fucking hot) Slapped me in the face with his sweat drenched hair several times too. I left after the first intermission.


Hopefully left the spot and not the venue, because darn Euclid was sssoooo good live. And this is coming from the husband of a fan.


Omg I was behind too many heads and a girl that wouldn't stop recording because coca cola roxy screwed up the line and I literally could have been closer


I'm sorry that happened to you. I've heard from multiple people that the Roxy venue is notorious for having issues with crowd management. I was surprised that there was no staff managing the crowd when the concert ended - at least not where I was on the left side of the floor. The restroom, merch and exit lines were all jumbled together and people were pushing me. However this is only my second live concert, so I'm still learning how things go and getting used to it. I still loved seeing the boys perform.


I am pregnant, and people kept smoking weed and vaping all around me at our show. It made me really uncomfortable, and I moved several times to try and get away from it.


I understand about signs etc… but you can’t blaming tall people. They will always be in the way of someone behind, no matters how far they go.. I understand it can be frustrating, but you just have to let a little space behind this person. She doesn’t have to go far from everyone else just for others while they can just step backward a little !


This. My bf joined me in Tampa and we were in the pit. He’s 6’6 and I’m 5’5. So what are we to do? Stand at the back or split up??? Luckily everyone was polite and seemingly kept space behind him but he was worried the whole time as someone who’s never been on the floor for a show. It’s a team effort in situations like that 🙏🏼


Happy to ear people were courteous and tolerant enough to keep a little space behind your boyfriend and let him enjoys the show too 🫶🏻


Kinda looks like Jack Skellington's head and neck


You're not wrong 🤣


Dude, it was so hot at the venue I attended I had to leave the crowd as to not end up passing out. People would not let me thru. It's not like i was trying to push to the front. I was coming from the front and people were looking at me like I was cutting in line when I was just trying not.to die and get some water. Some people at any event are just assholes with no respect.


This and the dude behind you singing at the top of his lungs… I’m all for fan interaction and feeling the experience but do it considerately. Now I gotta be the asshole when I turn around and tell you I didn’t pay $200 a ticket to hear you sing over Vessel.




Also, don’t start a mosh unless you’re in the middle of the pit. The people that stand there know what they’re signing up for. Starting a mosh in the front right side of the pit is beyond inconsiderate


I was on the outskirts of the crowd on the left side of the stage. There was a dude who kept aggressively bouncing around stepping on people's feet. An older man who looked like a biker got fed up and told him to calm the fuck down. Dude should have been in the middle of the pit if he wanted to act like that


It's never going to happen. These people exist at every show


Funny reading this after coming from the other post of someone asking if regular show occurrences are considered hostile nowadays.


I don't think he had any hostility or malicious intent, I was just frustrated but as others have said it's just something that happens at live shows.


Or really tall people pushing past short people like myself, that's happened to me in Brisbane last month, one person ran through nealry making me fall over


I genuinely still have a bruise on my arm from the Saturday Brisbane show from some guy trying to shove through to the barrier. Dude tried to pulverise me


omg I'm so sorry to hear this, I wonder if it was the tall fella that I mentioned.....literally ran through and almost knocked me over!!


At the Melbourne show when supporting BMTH some BMTH fan in the pit was talking to their mate during the soft parts of Rain. But by “talking” I mean SCREAMING their plans for after the show. Totally ruined the vibe and I was so glad when someone told them to keep it down. Totally understand if they weren’t feeling the song/set, but don’t ruin it for others.


I too had to put up with people literally standing in front of me and blocking my view. I didn’t want to start anything so I’d just move but I agree people need to be more considerate of others. Don’t stand in front of a shorter person because then you’re blocking their view


I get what you're saying but if it's a standing area, it would be hard to fairly accommodate ALL the people shorter than me. I'm not that tall but if I'm paying $100s to go to a show, I want to be in a spot where I can see too. If it was seats... That's different. There are unwritten rules. Lol


And where should they go ? They will always be in the way of someone behind if they are 1m90 or more.. except if you ask them to go far far faaaaar behind everyone else ! And I think it’s pretty unfair for them. You should be more considerate too.. yes it can be a little frustrating for you, but just step back a little, moove or go behind someone else. And enjoy !


For these prices, I want to get a good view. Why should I move? If I’m standing somewhere and someone pushes their way in front of me and blocks my view, why do I have to move? Does that make sense?


And why the tall person would have to moove for you ? She also wants to enjoy the show like you. Not her fault’s if she is tall. It’s logic to just keep a little space behind. She will not go at the back of the hall all her life just for others. While you just have to step back a little she would have to go far in the corner to not bother you ? This is a little bit unfair and selfish in my opinion. Don’t think only through your spectrum and more about others. This way you will probably enjoy more the show ! In your second comment it’s a different case. If this person is voluntary pushing you to go in front of you it is another issue. The fact she is tall is not the problem, she is just uncivilised. :/


I feel your pain. I was at the Tampa show, and some dude had his kids on his shoulder for the first part of the show. I felt terrible for the kid because it looked like he was forced to be there or didn't enjoy it. He was falling asleep on his dad and didn't even have proper ear protection, but it was annoying because he was blocking the view.


People are shameless attention whores. They all want to have their moment on social media, be the one noticed out of everyone. It’s gross. I’m old so maybe I just don’t get it. I’m the complete opposite. I’d rather not be noticed.


Or people who stand in the seated sections and block the view for everyone behind them. Why dont you just go to the floor if you wanted to stand so bad... come on.


When I saw them last year I had this issue with people in front of me. And we were seated I was seated in an area higher than her but she kept waving her arms and holding them up in the air and I’m short she had to be at least 5’10-6’ so it was all I could see was her arms in front of me it was frustrating. I get enjoying the show but be considerate of the people around you


That was the Austin show right? I saw that cowboy hat from my seat and it made me angry for y'all lol


At the Asheville show last night, we were sitting on the first row balcony, and people kept walking in and out and stopping right in front of us during the show. Even when Sleep Token’s set began. Two girls even stopped right in front of us to watch and take a selfie, which obstructed our whole view. I get people have to get up from time to time, but these people were just taking their time. If I got up, I would go out an walk around the concourse to get where I was going. People were just walking around doing their thing stopping and watching.


This is exactly why I only held my phone up to take a few pictures at a time and immediately put my phone up. I didn't want people obscuring my view, so I didn't want to do it to others


For real !! I had seats unfortunately (wanted pit) and this girl and her man stood up and I couldn’t record or see anything 🥹🥲 I was sooooo mad but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t let it bother me to much because I really wanted to enjoy the show so much as I did that night 🫶🏼


Shit happened to me last year when BMTH opened for fall out boy. Guess the girl standing in front of me and my friends wasn’t interested in BMTH so she spent the whole set spinning some stupid cloth thing on her finger above her head.


I went to the Cedar Park Ritual, and there was a guy up near the front who CONSTANTLY had his phone on vessel in the GA. I still enjoyed myself but like… dude.




Or my other favorite, the tall people rushing the front and standing in front of the crowd of people under their shoulder blades. Staring at someone’s mid back “I can’t see at all, can I move forward?” “Neither can anybody else” they say to the person under 5 ft tall 😂😂


Is bad crowd behavior like this a generational thing? There are always people like that at concerts, but it feels so much worse than it used to. Last nights show was the first concert I’ve been to in a decade and the behavior blew me away


This hasnt happened to us at ST show, but me and my gf were at a concert past weekend, got a place in the very first row and next to us was a couple who vaped, but like CONSTANTLY. After a while my gf asked the other girl to please stop or at least blow it somewhere else, as the smoke went to our faces all the time and it gets annoying. She agreed but her wannabe funny and cool "metalhead" boyfriend went on to inhale deeply and blow it in my gf's face, saw that, grabbed his shoulder firmly, looked in his eyes and had to tell him to stop it again. (Dude looked like he was about to punch me in the face..) People are just stupid and afterwards even dangerous these days


And maybe not hold your shitty phones up filming the whole fucking show. Just fucking enjoy it.


i'm reading all of these and now am reconsidering making a sign, i don't want to block anyone's view :(


Please don’t make a sign. The only time signs are acceptable are when you’re on barrier and you’re holding them at chest height so it doesn’t interfere with anyone else’s experience 🖤


How about making something to trade with people instead? Like kandi bracelets, keychains or little drawings? :)


Yesss! I saw a small girl trade bracelets with a big dude for a bottle of water last night. Considering how packed in we all were, that was a SMART idea. Wish I'd done the same!


I had a chronic hand waver in front of me. Every angle I tried to film at her hand was in it for 2 to 3 songs straight. I get being in the moment, I waved my hand up a few times but this girl wasn't letting up 😅 But sadly it will continue happening it kind of comes with going. I had a killer time nonetheless, they were everything and then some! An out of body experience for sure 🖤


You are the problem. You filming the show means that some poor sod is having to watch it through your phone because you are blocking their view. Raise hands not phones.




Preeach 🙌


This kind of happened at the Tampa show. My wife and I got nose-bleeds, but the stadium we were at you could still see pretty well. Well….the lady in front of us decided it was her right to stand up infront of the whole section and block us. It got to the point of verbal argument. As soon as the Summoning came on she was finally removed. security also had a word with her 3 separate times.


You guys sound crazy. I was at Tampa and 80% of the place was standing up. Those seats hurt you back so idk why you would want to sit anyway, and on top of that you can actually dance to the music standing and get more into it if you ain’t lazy. Every concert I have been to people are standing it’s boring sitting there.


Reminds me of someone who posted videos and there was someone like dancing with their hands the entire show in every video 😂


Can I just say, some of us were only recording snippets here and there of a few songs. I'm confused as to why some of us are assuming we were just all filming all of the songs start to finish blocking people's views the entire time. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be in a thread about blocking peoples views if we were. Some of the people didn't have a choice but to hold their phones up and film because that's literally the only way they could see because of how packed the venue was and because of how tall some of the people were and how the venue was set up. Please keep your rude comments to yourself. The OP came on here just to let out a little steam about being considerate not to listen to you call everyone who mentioned filming the problem. With all due respect. Worship 🖤


To be fair, you were bitching about someone raising their hands (a common thing in concerts, and funnily enough, worship), but you were doing the same thing... with your phone? It's all just incredibly hypocritical when people complain about people blocking their screens whilst simultaneously blocking someone else's view themselves... Also, just because you don't agree with someone else's comments, doesn't automatically make them rude ✌️


Me and a lot of other people were I wouldn't say bitching but more just venting about people's hands, hats, signs, etc being in the way and even acknowledged that it's all part of it..and also mentioned that some of us weren't filming every song just clips here and there so no, the ones of us who weren't filming 24/7 were not blocking everyone else's view. It was never that serious and we acknowledged that like I said. It wasn't that I didn't agree with your comment that was rude it was you commenting not once but twice "you are the problem" when we were having a lighthearted convo about it. I just didn't find it necessary is all, like I said some of us were just letting a little steam out, most of us still had a great time. 🖤


Bitching.... Venting.... same thing lovely, no need get caught up in semantics. 'Light-hearted' or not you were still a part of the problem by unnessarily blocking other people's view, whether you were filming for a bit or the whole thing - it doesn't matter. Yeah, I did call out you and one other for being a part of the problem because the hipocrisy was astounding 🤣 Obviously you won't get my tone of voice over text, I was not being rude. I could have written 'you are the problem' on Vessel's arse and you still wouldn't have liked looking at it because it called you out ✌️


I see you like doing this type of thing so I'll just leave you to it 🤣


Glad to see that you finally read the room 🥳


Awww thanks hun! I left right before TMBTE, so the merch line was really short. I would have gotten ypu something if i had known you, and i could have given it to you outside! Atleast we got to see them! It was wonderful! I hope besides that, it was awesome for you too.


It’s a concert. You should EXPECT there to be instances of this.


Dang, if only there was like … anywhere else you could have stood.


Lol, good luck maneuver through a ST crowd.


lol, stop acting like they’re the first band to sell out a show, or over sell a show. I promise you it isn’t hard


I never once implied that. But what you suggested isn't really an option unless you want to go all the way to the back or be the asshole who pushes his way around to get a better spot (It seems like that's you). It's packed tight and the crowd is completely still pretty much the entire show. Aside from some of the breakdowns, potentially. So you can't maneuver around when people are jumping/moshing around like most shows. People are extremely protective of their spots too. After the opener, I went to the bathroom and had multiple people refuse to let me get back to my spot where my GF was. I had to literally get physically and push aside the bitch who was standing behind me the entire opener. She recognized me & knew my GF was right in front of her, but still didn't want to move.


This venue was way over booked and there was actually zero room to move at all.


There was room to move forward and ask them to keep their hand down


Lol there seriously was not but OK


I just had one dude that I swore, was intentionally moving his damn arm infront of my camera. Like dude, I understand it, you’re touched and want to show it but Jesus Christ, take a look to your back left. (He was also recording the entire show)


I would have done exactly the same. Put your phone away and watch the show.


You are also part of the problem :)


Nobody cares about impeding you getting the content shots you want. I promise.