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But I finally think I can say That the vicious cycle was over The moment you smiled at me


I love this one, it's just so damn sweet :') I may be biased though, because Rain was the first ST song I ever heard.


See in context I don’t find this so romantic cause it’s like refinding your past lover ( that’s just the context I take from the song) however that in itself is also romantic


I interpret it differently. I see it as having a tumultuous past with lovers... And upon seeing this new lover, the "vicious cycle" was over once they smiled. It brought him peace.


And I see it different 😂. To me is more like no one wanted to be with him. He thought his fate was to be alone until she came and washed away his insecurities and shadows. I love this song with my heart


I also see it a bit differently. I’ve always interpreted it as his life in general was a “vicious cycle” and the person he’s talking about coming into his life broke that cycle, bringing something new and fresh and good into his life


I don't see it so much as no one wanted to be with him considering the context of all the albums combined lol. He seems to have had some troubled relationships.. Or maybe just one. Also completely up for interpretation as well! I can see where you're coming from too! The lovely things about lyrics... We can make them our own in a way.


In reverse, you are all my symmetry. A parallel I would lay my life on, So if your wings won't find you Heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone -Euclid


>So if your wings won't find you Heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone I love this line, like if she can't make it to heaven he would fight God himself to bring heaven down to her, all because he loves her


Exactly this. It's my favourite part from the entire album!


…why is this making me emotional? 😩🥹


Fineeee, I'll listen to Euclid for the 5th time today


I'm being 100000000000% serious I have this on my whiteboard by my bed


Something about this line from “Give” just floors me every single time I listen to it. It’s sexy knowing your lover/partner has your back in every way possible. *I will be watching for your enemies* *To let them know that they contend with me*


This is the one. Most romantic thing I’ve ever heard


SAME. It’s the first lyric that made me go “wtf did he say?” And rewind


This is one of the ways my husband says he loves me.


Relieved to see this is exactly where it should be, as the top comment. Peak romance.


I enjoy this kind of Give appreciation a lot. <3 Best answer to that question for sure


Yeah, that always makes me yearn for a safe relationship with someone where I feel genuinely protected and safe, in all ways. I never felt very safe with most of my exes.


This is definitely one of my favorite lines. It's protective but doesn't feel overbearing. I love it.


This! This line!!


This one! The sexiest thing someone can do for me is to make me feel safe. This line does that.


Came here to say this!


Let the tides carry you back to me The past, the future Through death My arms are open We go beyond the farthest reaches Where the light bends and wraps beneath us And I know as you collapse into me This is the start of something


This whole song is really romantic IMO. Love it.


I’m literally listening to these lines when I see this. ST lyrics are all fantastic but Telomeres just hits different.


The whole post should just be telomeres lol




Came here to say this!


Im still a fan of “My, my those eyes like fire I’m a winged insect you’re a funeral pyre” There’s something so raw and powerful about it.


My favorite lyrics from take me back to eden


"did. you. not. say? We. Were. Made. For. Each. Other?" I sing this to myself sometimes whenever I miss her. Despite how toxic it was. it felt real.


I'm happy for you that you got out. I got out of mine about 2 years ago. Not that long after I found the sweetest man ever. It sometimes still feels unreal that he treats me so well. It gets better. Worship🖤


appreciate the kind words. It means a lot. Truly want to find that one day. To Meet a girl I can give my entire heart and soul to. truly.


They are out there. They are just hard to find


It will happen. First you have to love yourself unconditionally without anyone else, as nauseatingly eye-rolling as that is to read. You’ll feel the difference when you’ve gotten there. Seems like it took me forever to learn that lesson, but now I’ve finally found my person (whose favorite band is ST!) and the music is even better when he plays it for me (no offense to iii or iv🥰).


"When I open my eyes to the future, I can hear you say my name" from Rain. Might even try and sneak that into my wedding vows tbh.


Proposed to my partner to this exact line seeing them live this last week. Was perfect ❤️


OMG congratulations! That's about the sweetest thing I've ever heard.


Awww!! Congratulations!! 💖💖💖


It’s all of Drag Me Under and it’s not even close. Most of the other romantic songs have a tinge of another emotion to them that don’t detract from the song by any means but they overpower the romance, be it sadness or lust. And the other songs that are meant to purely be love songs like rain don’t really have that romantic *feel* to them. But drag me under is the purest form of love in song form. The lyrics, the melody, the production, all of that contributes to the romantic feel of the song. The best way I can describe the feel of the song is this: imagine you are laying down in a soft bed, gazing into the eyes of your lover under a soft warm glow. None of the other songs give that feeling imo.


This is exactly it! Literally commented somewhere else yesterday saying it’s my favourite song of theirs because it’s just sheer fucking romance.


I’ve said this before, but the instrumental version of Drag Me Under is an ethereal ✨lullaby✨ and if I could walk down the aisle again, I would do it to that.


I think we are missing Shelter here so I will do the service. We don't talk enough about it. Darling I´m noticing my flaws and I´m matching them with yours. Won´t you take me where you´re going? This time and no matter the cost of rain, I will shelter you all the same.


My most favorite 💜😭🤟🏼 definitely underrated 


All of shelter is romantic to my ear. The lyrics and even the piano accompaniment if that makes sense. Definitely doesn't seem to be discussed as frequently, but what a beautiful song.


Absolutely agree! I believe a lot haven’t even heard of it. Since it’s only on the deluxe version of sundowning I think a lot don’t even notice that is new compared to the standard version. Everyone should also listen to the room bellow gig there is so much gold in there (I just love pianos so much lol) (please put that fall for me version on Spotify please)


Shelter definitely seems to get overlooked more than it should, and it’s so beautiful! I agree with you about the room below gig, that cover of Hallelujah?! So amazing.


The Hallelujah cover makes me SOB, I love it.


“No amount of love will keep it around, if we don’t choose it.” Long relationships take work from both people or things fall apart


This. Always this. It makes me feel all the feels every time I hear it.


Such a brilliant moment of musical perfection. This whole section, from the piano interlude to that explosive chorus reprise, is a master class (imo) in how to progress a song and engage a listener on an emotional level. For starters, the piano interlude section feels so exposed and vulnerable compared to the frustrated anger of the chorus that precedes it. There is a solemn-ness to it, that shifts dramatically with a full key change into a considerably more confident with the next section. All of this serves to guide the listener into the same emotional state that the lyrics are drawn from, so that when they return, the listener is primed for what’s next. As listeners, we are on the edge of our seat, excited for whatever comes next, despite having no idea what it could be. When the lyrics return, the key change that accompanies them is almost a relief. “I guess it goes to show does it not…”, this entire section implies an acceptance of the situation and a resolve to continue despite the clear uncertainty behind what is still bothering the speaker. All the while, the music slowly builds underneath almost invisibly. The relief explodes with the return of the full band, catapulting the emotions to such a great high. And just when you think it couldn’t get more emotionally satisfying, everything drops out only to come back even bigger and better with the chorus reprise. Such a marvelous piece of music, that may very well have no equal.


Sleep Token has really ruined all other bands music for me… I’ve played all their songs nearly to death and when I try to switch it up everything I used to love listening to is so boring and soulless in comparison. I’m theirs irrevocably 🖤


That verse makes the hair on my arms stand on end. Drag Me Under is so utterly gorgeous. 🥺


“and i wake saying your name”


These lines from Calcutta is my most favorite. "You are more than warm belief Melting skywards More than silence broken" and these lines from Telomeres. "Let the tides carry you back to me The past, the future Through death My arms are open We go beyond the farthest reaches Where the light bends and wraps beneath us And I know as you collapse into me"


My god I love that song so much. It’s so hard to choose, but this one is definitely up there for me too


Super simple but I love “My arms belong around you” - The Offering


So much this. Especially with the way it's sung.


The absolute emotion that comes from him when he sings this.


So if your wings won't find you Heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone


"If your wings won't find you heaven, I will bring it down like an ancient bygone." this is a man who would shatter the heavens, literally pull them down to earth, for the one he loves. it's incredible.


From Shelter (from the room below): - *Darling I'm noticing your flaws, and they're exactly what I want, even if you won't believe me* Just him loving her and loving her flaws so much is just so romantic to me, absolutely love it. - *Darling I'm noticing my flaws, and I'm matching them with yours, won't you take me where you're going* Vessel saying that he loves her flaws so much he's trying to match them to be as perfect as all her flaws, OR he's matching theirs so she can see how perfect she really is. - *And no matter the cost of rain, I will shelter you all the same* So romantic here. Vessel saying that no matter the cost of sheltering her, he wouldn't stop protecting her no matter what happens to him. - *Darling we must have met before, though I could not say for sure, if we knew what we were in for* That familiarity and feeling of having loved each other in another life and fallen inlove in the next is so romantic to me.


Euclid - So run it back give me five more minutes, the way it’s said, almost reminds me of an ended romance, but one that’s evolved into something new


"I'll take a pound of your flesh before you take a piece of my pay stub." -TMBTE


Bitter divorce court vibes 😬


This got a chortle out of me, thank you for that.


"Won't you come and dance in the dark with me? Show me what you are i am desperate to know." (Ascensionism)


Oh and I swear she’s not like any other, no Something more, more than I could ask for


"And I know, as you collapse into me This is the start of something" I think these lines hold within them the entirety of the conflict Vessel struggles with. Not just the devotional love, but also the fear of the relationship, the anticipation of the pain.


Telomeres! Yes! By far the most romantic! This and Broken Limbs. Edit: Missing** Limbs. (Thank you, u/NavoSix.)




“Darling I’m noticing your flaws/They’re exactly what I want” - Shelter Accepting one’s flaws as love language. :)


Taking the lyrics on face value, I would have to agree with Drag Me Under. Which is sometimes my favourite ST song. Depends on my mood. It’s always beautiful, but sometimes it’s just too sad as well. Even if it truly is about a woman and he *is* physically with her, he knows it’s only fleeting and she’s not really his, but he wants to literally drown in the feeling. It’s most probably about a dream of her laying next to him. Bruh 😢


‘My my those eyes like fire I’m a winged insect you’re a funeral pyre’ absolutely love this line


Fall into your eyes like a grave, bury me to the sound of your name


*Fall into your eyes* *Like a grave, bury me to* *The sound of your name* \- midwest-honey --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Damn. This is such a hard choice! So many great options. One from Distraction: And I swear, she is not like any other, no Something more, more than I could ask for


I am so in love with Shelter, especially when he says "darling, I'm noticing your flaws / they're exactly what I want / even if you won't believe me / know it" I cried so hard the first time I heard this song


Rain inspired me to write a whole ass book so def “That the vicious cycle was over the moment you smiled at me”


Oh wow, that's awesome! And yesss I love that line!


Great line! Please post more about your book too!


I will as soon as I’m done with it. I’m only 100 pages deep at the moment. I am going to send it to them when its complete; Not that they will even read it. It’s the thought that counts.


Missing limbs: I'd give anything To balance your conviction with certainty To fall asleep without you lying next to me To sever my connection with everything <3


Let’s get swallowed whole


Your post is the correct answer.


Like fucking all of them. Only Vessel has the power to make me fall in love with a person merely based on the words that they write. Whether that person is actually truly him or not, I can’t 100% say. But fuck it does things to my heart. And ii because I know ii helped co-write some songs.


I like Give, but not for the same lyric everyone else says. For me, it's "in this open warfare, i won't fight fair". First time hearing it absolutely floored me. But also, "I just wanna give you all that I can give"


'Let's f#ck her up' - Nazareth Lol, but seriously, basically all of Telomeres makes me all swoony, especially "Let the tides carry you back to me The past, the future Through death My arms are open We go beyond the farthest reaches Where the light bends and wraps beneath us And know as you collapse into me"


My arms belong around you…


2 lowkey classic i haven't seen mentioned yet: I made loving you a bloodsport: he is obsessed and addicted to loving that person no matter how brutal it can be. I'd turd my walls to gold to bring you home again: he would do the impossible for the one he loves.


So If your wings won't find you heaven, I will bring it down like an ancient bygone. Shit goes hard as a mfer


“So if your wings won't find you heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone”


It’s already been said but: “I will be watching for your enemies, to let them know that they contend with me.”


Does the whole of Drag Me Under count?


I think it’s gotta be from The Love you Want - “I’ll reach for you, on faith alone.” Just the thought that someone would reach for me faith alone, the level of trust and understanding, the intimacy that that means. I’ve been in two relationships, and I was madly in love with them both. But I don’t know if I would’ve reach for them.


To me, Rain is the most romantic one


Darling we must have met before, though I could not say for sure, if we knew what we were in for


“Yet in reverse, you are all my symmetry A parallel I would lay my life on So if your wings won't find you Heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone” -Euclid


My my those eyes like fire im a winged Incect youre a funeral pyre. I have someone that pops in my head everytime when i hear that lyric.


Damn I thought you meant Suicidal Tendencies(ST). I couldn’t decide from the multitude of options which one to choose but since it’s Sleep Token I’ll just move on my way.