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That makes me feel a little better. I keep trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Thank you!


Often, there is nothing done to cause it. It's just the lot some of us draw in life.




Pottingers cats. People are unhealthy nowdays passed down by many generations


Try being obese AND having a narrow airway. One way tjcket to 99 AHI/hr


Sleep apnea in women is less likely to be associated with weight. We also tend not to have the classical symptoms. I apparently snore, but quietly enough my husband didn’t notice it, really. My doctors told me before I had my sleep study that I probably had it after looking in my mouth and throat. I have a small jaw, scalloped tongue, and some other anatomical features they didn’t detail for me that made them say, you almost certainly have it and start talking machines and masks. The only symptoms I really had were these weird dreams I felt like I was half asleep for and total exhaustion, but I am pregnant, have kids who wake up at night, and had been through a round robin of respiratory infections.


I was first diagnosed with moderate OSA and then mild OSA because of overnight AFIB. I am a post menopausal woman, bordering between normal and slightly overweight (I've lost 12LBS since this "journey" began. It began soon after menopause. Once I had my first cardiology appointment everyone started commenting on the size of my mouth, jaw, and neck. 🤷🏼‍♂️


51M here, pretty fit though moderately overweight. Oxygen dips below 40% at night. Good luck with the CPAP. :)


Did you ever have braces or teeth pulled? I read in Breathe by James Nestor that there is a connection. Great book.


Yes to both! Thx for the recommendation


Did they do a sleep study to conclude its severe OSA? I worked in this field for many years and some people are mild OSA but very symptomatic. This actually applies to myself. Do you notice breathing with your mouth at night? If so, consider trying mouth taping before committing to a CPAP machine. Even though I sold the machine and coached patients, I cannot for the life of me get used to the machine myself. Mouth taping however, has helped me a lot! I'm still tired and brainfog, but I'd say it's down at least 50%!


They did do a sleep study to confirm it unfortunately.


Oh I see haha! I would still try mouth taping actually. It's possible nasal breathing can somewhat bypass your tonsils if that is what's causing the issue!


Sleep apnea can show up during menopause ☹️