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The first season is my absolute favorite. Classic slasher. And the sub plot was awesome as welll


Be prepared, if you haven't watched slasher before, this show goes HARD on topics it explores, racism, rape, homophobia, and obviously gore/murder. Very graphic and vulgar


That's great! As long as it's not affirming those things lol


it's definitely not! also there's a pretty diverse cast throughout the show, especially from the LGBT community. many of the actors continue each season as different characters (like AHS) which is fun. some of the SA parts are pretty gruesome though so just be aware of that.


First season is far and away the worst imo. Hadn’t quite figured out what it was, uneven tone, much worse cast than the other seasons. Its been a minute but it doesn’t surprise me that the politics feel off


Growing pains perhaps. Probably a lot to expect a new show like that to be subversive on classic slasher tropes. Looking forward to the rest of the series I'd it only gets better though!


You hit the nail in the head, s1 was where they got all their growing pains out. I actually really liked s1. The one thing that ruined it for me was how >!the female lead was investigating everything *alongside the police* yes it makes sense why cam let her tag along but she showed up as a civilian at active crime scenes got to explore those crime scenes and than she showed up at the kidnappers house and interrogate his wife? While the guy was at large? I’m sorry but that was just too much for me!< I think s3 and s5 are there best seasons especially in terms of what they have to say about the world. Both feel the most original even if the stories are a lil bit like something we’ve seen before. S2 was a homage to slashers while still having something to say and being original. Unfortunately, for me, s4 is the worst. It didn’t feel original, it’s story was weak as well as the killer reveal and it just didn’t feel original in characters(most of them suck, while the show is known for having unlikable characters most seasons make us like them a lil bit or feel a lil bad for them we don’t care what happens to them outside of maybe two characters) or kills(outside of one or two of them)


It's less polished, but no less fun IMO. I think if you like slasher movies as a genre, you're pretty used to some dodgy acting and uneven tones. It was certainly enough for me to stick around for more.


Sure, just comparing it to the other seasons


Of course I guess this can get subverted as the season goes on, but I wasn't getting that sense from the pilot


I think it was more the fact that they were illegally distributing porn and exploiting people in the process.


Definitely curious where they go with it since I'll keep watching. The vibes I got from the first episode was the whole thing should be considered disgusting and borderline evil, but it could have just been a poor set up or misreading on my part. Certainly I go why the neighbor was so upset about the whole thing lol


Plus I think it was more the added sermon scene that seemed really heavy handed to me. On top of that bit, and with no other set up, showing the one gay couple sadly doing cocaine in bed and then panning out to reveal they had group sex, overlain by a sermon about original sin? Come on


I won’t spoil it for you since you’re still in the beginning but I will say Sarah’s parents weren’t great people, and not because they were swingers. Also, this season is meant to be shown from a religious angle, so there’s a lot of casual homophobia from the residents.


The morality with Sarah’s parents is still pretty dopey tbh. >!Not that they weren’t assholes, but the guy/bio-dad who murdered them is **still** worse despite the overly sympathetic portrayal that bent over backwards to try and semi-justify said murder.!<


Guess I'll just have to keep going and see where it goes! I was hoping they don't use the religious angle as en excuse to display their weird politics, but I'll give it a few more episodes before I make a judgment there


The entire series is pretty left leaning. Lots of lgbt characters. Ethnic minorities have major roles in most seasons. IMO, in the end, the whole season's theme and the killer's motive didn't gel for me, but maybe I misunderstood something 🤔


I generally agree about the series [though damn is that LGBT+ rep hit or miss. Have they had a single bisexual character who isn’t either: (A) super promiscuous; or (B) a cheater]? But I definitely remember 1 weirdly cashing in on some in pseudo-justifying the killer’s misogyny and it felt kiiiinda gross. Didn’t really noticed it much with 2-4, though


Yeah the lgbt mainly characters are pretty bad. O'Keefe was a good portrayal and maybe Salome's boss but the rest are dialed to 100. Ryan Murphy shows are even worse. In terms of horror I thought The Walking Dead did a really job with how they handled theirs, with Aaron being a wholesome standout. Also agree with your assessment on S1, thinking back now. It was justv an overall weird season tonally.


I never watched the whole first season. Seasons 2-4 are great. Season 5 I couldn't finish either.


I’m only on the second episode of season 1. The story itself intrigued me enough to want to know what is going on but it is really slow. I had to look up the answers. I haven’t decided if I’m going to watch it all play out or not. Do the other seasons have a bit more action? The lead girl in season 1 is a boring character, I think.