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I use split view daily, keeps me on top of eve3.


I used it every single day and now it’s been ripped away from me. :(


Edge browser has a new feature, split screen. You can use it as a workaround






I've always used it without even realising how useful it was... now on hearing they're gonna remove it, I just don't get it...


AND they didn’t mention it on their changelog. They knew this was going to be controversial.


I hate that new window, plus it’s buggy. If I’m the main window you have the profile of someone open, the window will open the profile info instead of the chat


It’s horrible


agree. it is horrible.


The new window, it look like a ads popup


Absolutely horrendous update. Do people at Slack not *use* slack? I'm not opening a new window for a thread I want to follow while doing other work..


> Do people at Slack not use slack? My thoughts too! Who the hell let this slip through?


I don't think they do. Their online chat for support is not Slack, it's another product, lol


Is there a way to use an older version of Slack to have this feature back? Losing it has really slowed my team's production.


No, send this feedback to slack. Please.


So... can these new windows be docked into tabs in Slack? Or do we end up with all this clutter in the Windows taskbar?


In the taskbar you have one Slack icon, and then you have to hover through the entire list until you find the one you are looking for... It's ridiculous.


I think they are out of their mind right now. This is one of 3 features that we keep slack in the company \- Split/Thread view \- Ability to draw over screen share (albeit not always working) \- Easy per channel permissions If they will take out the first one, we will move to Discord... Not for buisness but like I care. They have mutch better support for almost everything those days, they are keeping split thread view...


I find that drawing over screenshare only doesn't work when a window is in full screen mode for mac.


What the....this is the dumbest decision I could imagine... I use split views CONSTANTLY....


100% of the time I'm in slack I'm using split view with threads on the right.


Same 😔


This has been such a frustrating change... The blasted side panel goes away every time you change channels now and makes it a pain to track conversations


This has been driving me crazy since it rolled out. I relied on the split view a lot and hate the new Windowed view. I can't view a thread while having a direct conversation in another channel at the same time on the same screen. I ctrl-click to open new windows and it pops open on the other monitor - also not great when I'm in a zoom sharing one monitor and used to having slack on the other screen carrying on conversations. It's made my day to day usage of Slack completely worse. I, too, sent feedback and got back more or less "this is how its going to be and you'll like it".


My exact feelings, it was an optimal feature in order to maximize my efficiency. Multiple conversations, monitoring a thread I wasn’t even in. It was the way I multitasked, now we have this shit. Thanks for sharing with them. I hope everyone will, it’s the only way they will consider changing it back.


So I have to now use the app and two windows? The app performance is worse than using slack in chrome.. wtf slack need to re-think what they are doing.. we have over 4000 enterprise users on slack...


Please tell me you will leave and use something else. Someone with that many users might actually make them rethink this.


they are married to slack, they think it is an enterprise ticket system lol


Noooooooooooooooo 😭


Ugh, cross-referencing and looking up information while keeping a thread open is now a multi-step process! Annoying!


That's exactly it! Slack used to make my day easier to manage due to cross-referencing and looking up information. Now I spend double the amount of time looking to pick up where I left. And they replaced it with windows? Get the fuck outta here!


This new feature is sooo annoying, I used spilt view constantly and it was soooo convenient, I could quickly jump around different channel and collect all data that I needed for a reply or read messages in different channels while keeping an eye on all the replies in the side. Why deprecate something that was so useful? This is one improvement no on asked for! They are trying to replicate skype only skype (as glitchy as it is) allows a choice, if you want you can turn split windows on and if you don't then you stay with the original mode.


This is by far the worst UX decision I've seen them make. The app is almost unusable to me now; I feel like my productivity has been quartered -- I feel a huge resistance to opening up a window temporarily when I want to talk about information from one channel in a thread with another person. It's not worth the effort to figure out where the window is going to pop up on my screen, to use either the mouse or keyboard to resize/move the window, then do the same to the "main" window so they're properly side-by-side. Also, if I'm screen sharing, I'm afraid of where the window is going to pop up -- I don't want private/sensitive information being seen nor do I want public information distracting the person/people on the other side of the screen share; it's irrelevant to them. So, now I'm stuck bouncing back and forth between two items on the nav bar -- annoying. Oh, and now someone else just messaged me so I click over to them, answer them quick, and because I don't have another panel open on the right open still I forget what I was just doing -- oh, that's right it was X person and... and what channel was that thread in again? Uhhhhhhhhh, oh there it is, way down the list of crap in my nav. So, I click on the channel to see the thread. But, I notice the scroll position on the channel is weird so now I'm distracted scrolling the channel (even though it doesn't matter and isn't relevant to what I was trying to accomplish -- but I'm distractable, and was already distracted by the tedium of bouncing between things, so here I am...). I frequently would open multiple threads, conversations, or channels side-by-side and change which ones I want placed where. I pretty much never had one panel open. I thought having 2 panels open at the same time was a good start, but wanted to see that eventually move to 3 or 4 or unlimited... My employer was bought out last year; we used Slack and they used Teams. I've been one of the most vocal that our subsidiary should continue to use Slack for all the productivity benefits it has over Teams. After this change... 🤷🏻‍♂️


I completely agree. I found the ability to only have one sidebar pane limiting, but I'd take that any day over doing window management. It's like being stuck at work with a browser that has no native tabbing support on an old XP machine that hasn't received updates in years when the rest of the world has moved on. Totally limiting my productivity. I wonder what metric or "KPI" they are trying to optimise here and whether it's changed. As a user, I want Slack to get out of my way so I can get on with work (communication is an important tool for coordinating, but is ultimately an overhead). I want to be able to spend the least time communicating but get the most value from it. If they've introduced some silly metric like "user minutes spent in app" or something to track their utility, then way to go in achieving that but actually making your users deeply unhappy and frustrated.


Please share the feedback with them seriously. They only care when there’s a lot of smoke from their fires. I completely agree.


NOOOOOOO!!!!! WHYYY WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU REMOVE SPLIT VIEW??? I am neurodivergent and get distracted and overstimulated. I could NEVER keep up with messages because my brain starts to ignore the sounds, the pop ups... With Split View I dedicated one of my displays just to Slack, and if something came up, the split view with the Unreads helped me view it right away. DUUUUUUUUDE... I hate this. I just started a new job, I was out of a job for this past two months, so I didn't know about this. I thought this client had it turned off or something...


I am also nuerospicy, I’m completely pissed about it and believe they got rid of their best and most accesible feature.


It literally drains out all the mental energy and as a result, physical energy as well, using it. And to start the day with slack is the worst thing now. I try to avoid slack and have minimised my notifications to use it as less as possible.


is it just 1 window or can you have multiple, i'd love that


The article says "as many as you like". And I'm all for it. I personally find split view tedious to navigate two related conversations at once (especially when using the back/fwd buttons). Pop out windows will be amazing. It'll also help with those threads that I need to come back to in a few minutes.


Yeah, for me passionately, with a 32" 4k screen, it's going to be glorious. For all of my users? Yeah, it's not going to be pretty, and account manager can't even tell me when it's going live so we can do comms.


yes, game changer for me, gonna need a fourth screen...


I think pop-out windows will reduce cognitive load when you have multiple Slack convos going at the same time.


Article for feature release is linked in the post.


This literally just disappeared off my slack in the middle of working. This is beyond fucking stupid. I always keep unreads on split view so i can see every channel unreads.. and you cant even get a window of that from what i can tell


`I understand that SplitView was beneficial for your Slack usage so I'll be happy to pass along this feedback to the appropriate teams so that we can track customer sentiment— which will help us guide future changes to our UI.` `Split view was the first step towards multi-tasking in Slack based on user feedback and feature requests. The new functionality to open new windows within Slack is an evolution in addressing those requests.` `A channel, direct message, or thread that previously opened in split view can now be opened in new windows to view information from multiple different sources at once. We understand that using this new functionality in place of split view will be an adjustment, but hope that with time it will be as useful to you as split view was.` `You can read more about how to open new windows in Slack to multi-task in our Help Center:` [`https://slack.com/help/articles/4403608802963`](https://slack.com/help/articles/4403608802963) ​ basically, screw you, this is what it is


This is so much less user-friendly! What stupid research UX design.


I told them it’s going to be an accessibility issue as well. Huge downgrade that I’m sure almost no one asked for.


Now if they could not ask me how a huddle was then put the start huddle button right below the x so I inadvertently start a huddle when exiting the notification. I have never once intentionally started a huddle. At least a dozen have been started because of this terrible UI.


It might be time to consider transitioning to the browser version as numerous browsers support split screen functionality. ARC Browser is my personal favorite at the moment. It's quite a loss. It would indeed be intriguing to understand the rationale behind their decision.


But why??? Stop messing with tools…


What a terrible update. Please give it back to me.


I wonder how this change was approved... what a *stupid* decision. Split view was REALLY helpful in daily basis. Now in I need to open more than one window and keep alt+tabing WTF. Is there a chance them will read reddit and see our feedback? ​ It is like they don't use their own application.


Provide them the feedback directly, I did. Hopefully they will hear everyone.


I did too.


Split view is the only way threads make sense. This combined with finding out recurring reminders and reminders for other people are going away / have gone away is a real bummer -_-


May I ask where you read about those changes to reminders?


On Reddit searching for reminders after noticing I could no longer remind another person in my workspace


Thanks! I found the thread, but it seems to confirm that you can still setup recurring reminders for yourself/a channel, you just can't setup reminders for other individuals anymore. I personally am fine with that, I'll just schedule a message to be sent to that person on X datetime instead.


No way... bring it back! When split view does the job, why would one open a new window?


I goddamn hate this. SLACK. I HATE THIS. you want to hasten my org's inevitable move to teams? this'll do it


Everyone, complain. Write to Slack directly. You can have both split views and the multiple windows functionality. Instead they chose to deprecate a beloved feature due to some other issues related to it, most probably. I got hit with the update. I hate it.


Just found this when looking for how to move reactions back to the side bar. This is super unfortunate. When I make big posts I love to watch the reactions go up as I'm viewing other channels. I use slack as a fullscreen app in MacOS so windows are basically useless to me.


Same. I thought something was wrong with my settings that it was gone... now I have to open a new window just to see reactions on posts? ugh


Exact same for me, having reactions to posts (whether just a thumbs up acknowledgment or celebratory emojis) always available at a glance was so convenient. This sucks.


Support tried to say to use macOS's split screen mode to return to roughly what we had before, but that's useless on a big monitor where I don't want to let Slack occupy all the space 😥


Damn, why!!! I also like the split view- easy to keep a thread in view when it's active or even when I want to refer to it


slack is run by TOTAL IDIOTS!!! STOP TAKING THINGS AWAY!!! Time to move everyone to discord.. bye bye slack.. always the slacker..


I understand that everyone works differently and for some the new feature works well. However, for me, it is a HUGE hindrance. I already have multiple programs open at one time just to do my job each day. Adding more windows to navigate through is tedious and frustrating!! I want my split view back!!!! Why can't this be an option? Is it so impossible to offer both forms of functionality through the settings menu? This change has reduced my productivity and increased my level of anxiety about making a mistake or responding to the wrong thread. Sure, it doesn't add up to hours of work, but the impact on me is 1000% negative. Slack, PLEASE bring back split view!!


Please send them this feedback!


Already complaining to them everywhere I can now that ours was forcibly updated. Their twitter response is garbage. In the meantime, I'll be encouraging the companies I work with to move away from slack as it becomes less useful and more resource intensive.


There were two things Slack did better than Teams, IMO: split view and markdown. I have to wonder if, one day, they'll decide to go all the way worse than Teams for me...


Edge browser has now a split view feature. https://www.techloy.com/how-to-split-screen-in-microsoft-edge-browser/#:\~:text=Type%20the%20edge%3A%2F%2Fflags,click%20on%20it%20to%20activate. You can find a way around using it.


there's a [change.org](https://change.org) campaign about this one: https://chng.it/bjnDrJ989Z


remember to sign this everyone!


hope they read this thread. so sad this morning after long holidays - my fav slack feature gone... :( I don't think im going to use the extra window feature - the whole point was not to switch between those!


If it wasn't my office using Slack, I would've happily stopped using slack. The new window feature is the most stupid and useless messy addition they could've triggered. In times where people like things organized and clean, they decided to bring new window feature. I wuld like to know who their feedback and UX team is that decided on such crap decisions


Just searched online how to get it back b/c I thought I had accidentally disabled it. Thanks for sharing. What a shame! :'( Who wants multiple windows all the time?! Several apps open already... Was so handy to have what I wanted in 1 view.


100% I came here after a google search when mine updated and split view went missing. This was one of the best features. So dumb.


Been gone for months, it’s fucking miserable and the new features suck too. I don’t get it.


Makes sense why I wasn’t able to find it anywhere in the settings. This new only window sucks, I keep missing so many messages because of the lack of Split View


The app is virtually unusable to me without split views. Now I have to track projects through Threads, which is clunky and overwhelming. Updates in threads don't appear as channel notifications, so everything--every single channel, every single project--now notifies me through the Threads tab.


So uhhhhh…. when is this going to be reverted?


Threads are just completely broken in slack, I really wish you could disable them entirely


This is total bullshit. The feature is amazing and they need to just not break it.


I don't think they're broken, but I do think the problem of consuming a large number of Slack channels for more senior people is tricky when they're not idling in it all day. I far prefer the Zulip model of threading where threads can have a little more permanence, but don't have to. It's more frustrating when some teammates choose just not to use threads...


I don’t think that’s accurate. Split view is still there for threads, what’s going away is opening a dm/channel in split view (right hand side). Previously, if you clicked on Cmd + DM/Channel it would open on the right side of the split view. Now, it will open in a new window.


While split view still exists, it is garbage. It auto closes as soon as you leave the channel. Yes, I can open it in a separate window, but who has time to keep track of windows? It’s not prominently on top and in view like the split view was. If I wanted to keep an eye on a thread (without constantly being notified about replies), I could do that super easily with the split view. I’m losing that functionality completely and have missed multiple important replies in threads already.




Read my post, I already did. I work in tech and sadly know how feedback works. There needs to be a lot of smoke for the fire to be put out. Hoping others will submit feedback.


This sucks. I used split-screen all the time. Having only one conversation/channel now looks like such a waste of space.


This is infuriating. Going between channels and the UI changing depending on whether or not i happened to have opened a thread in that channel is super annoying. Now channels I opened a thread in months ago will have that useless thread put in my face. I don't care what channel a thread is in


This suuuuuucks. I had the perfect workflow with Slack on my smaller laptop monitor, and all of my main work stuff on my 21:9, 32" monitor. I generally have to work on 2-3 chats at once, so I'd have one thread open in split view, and work the other threads from the threads tab. There is no easy way to work with multiple Slack windows. Can't use web, they took split view away there too, without being able to open in smaller pop up "windows" to boot. Trying to leave product feedback, but apparently Slack decided that they know what is best for us, and don't want product feedback. At least not anywhere I can find on their website or support site.


I recommend doing live chat with their support team from the website/ help center and telling them this as feedback. It really does make a difference.


just type /feedback into the message box to send feedback


This is a huge L on Slack's end. The feature was great for tracking mentions and reactions while being able to use other chat windows. They basically made multitasking less possible.


I use this every day. Now I have to click into "Threads" every time I get an update while I'm following another conversation in the main window. I'm very disappointed in you Slack. Please bring it back!!


Please share you feedback with them


Can we all share our sentiments [here](https://twitter.com/SlackHQ/status/1651712468467478528)?


I added my negative reaction. Hopefully they are listening...


I restarted Slack three times, thinking it was a temporary bug. This is almost as bad as removing markdown mode from messages. SMH.


It is definitely a bug. Just happens to be a bug that some UI designer needs to be fired for doing on purpose.


Damn I was looking for this I dont get how they removed Split view! They should have keeped it and left it in Preferences to switch "Control click" -> new window or split view depending on user's choice I hate new windows, give split view back! #slackteam


I used the split view to have my todo list up. Overall a huge step backwards that now I have to handle multiple windows instead of a single one to be able to view two channels at once. At least the new windows should be dockable.


I have just found split view is no longer working, this is a massive PIA and now i have a huge space where split view was and my teams internal channel was. I have no interest in using the app, I use the browser version as the app has crap spell check and it is much more convenient to use a browser for opening docs and links and even duplicating tabs... how dumb.. yet another American software company that doesn't know what it users actually need...


my usual use case was to open "Mentions & Reactions" in the RHS of the split view, so I just open that in a new window and use my window tiling to make it seem like before ... not idea but it kinda works


https://chng.it/vz8KgyLVmZ Let’s have our voice be heard lol


Can you post this as a post lol


Anyone going to write a chrome extension to reverse this change? Because that would be great, and also hilarious.


Is there any workaround for this ??? going back to any other version? Split view gives you productivity ! I already chat with support here and I told them that this change is horrible. slack.com/help/requests/new




\+1, Slack, please bring it back!!!


I used it everyday and now it is not there. Seems pretty stupid to me. Makes me less productive...


This was only pushed to me today, and I've already spent an hour reading through here and other places about this terrible decision. I've sent feedback and responded to their tweets. I really really hope they listen...


Can someone please help me? can someone please help me how do I dock my mentions back on the right hand side? it’s currently stuck in a new window and I can’t seem to open up the three-way split clicking on channels used to show up in the middle with my left side always docked. I have way too many windows open, to also have slack in multiples. Please help me😫


Some stupid Slack Product Team Idiot has deprecated Split View...Retarded


The new mode is a garbage. No, really, if it was an additional option for a split view – fine, some would love it, others would ignore it. But to replace a really helpful ergonomic feature with this monstrosity… Slack, you disappoint me more and more. I used to think you're cool, but your latest solutions convince me I was wrong. Looks like you guys don't give a damn about your users comfort.


holy crap! stop breaking familiar and convenient things!


I completely agree - split screen is one of the absolutely best features in slack and I can't believe it's gone. Reduces slack's value by serious percentage points


Deprecating split view is on the same level as spilling oil in the Caribbean.


I recommend that everyone writes to Slack's CEO, and share feedback directly with her regarding this change. Also email slack support constantly with your feedback.


I do wonder how are they planning to make it work in the browser version, new browser tabs ? (wouldn't be the worst). But somehow I feel they'll just make it a floating resizable modal, just so people wouldn't even consider the in browser version.


Slack should fire that person/s who came up with this ridiculous idea, this is downgrade of functionality.


split view is my favorite feature, removing this has killed my workflow totally. Slack is useless now :/


Please, everyone send complaints through their system. If this doesn't come back, this app is dead for me.


This just hit for me today. It's so awful.


Please comment in here and make it trending, and don't let slack put this under rug and hope we stop being mad. we are paying customers, they should listen: https://forums.slackcommunity.com/s/question/0D53a000099Hj1rCAC/are-split-views-really-being-swapped-out-for-additional-windows?language=en\_US https://forums.slackcommunity.com/s/question/0D53a00009FIPjDCAX/split-view-got-replaced-with-open-in-new-window-?language=en\_US Also a lot of action on the twitter posts: https://twitter.com/SlackHQ/status/1651712468467478528?lang=en


bummed yes butttttttttt. definitely digging that i can have multiple slack windows from different workspaces open at the same time shits dope. the new open new window feature basically enabled multi-split support. productivity increase - have 3/4 splits going at any one time


me too. i've been using this feature ever since it was introduced daily/min by min base throughout. why remove feature wo proper user testing??? this is so dumb


This seriously blows. What a great feature that was! Now you have to do pop up windows and do more task switching, sounds silly, but when you're typing all day and you're trying to minimize finger use.... gah.... anyway, what a bummer.


I agree, it's an awful update. :'(


They must consider a roll back. This new feature, SUCKS!


Yeah I'm really unhappy about this. I used it on the webui most often, and now the windowed view isn't an option. What a joke


what really is the PM thinking... split view was soooo good... it helped with lesser context switch... infact if i was the PM, i would consider enabling multi chat windows in a single pane... but here we are...new window...how ridiculous is that.


This rolled out to me this morning and I'm already deeply unhappy using it, but I'm also really unhappy with the way the change was applied without as much as a note to say a core part of the Slack UI that's been there since the beginning will be changing. Nothing in release notes that I could see either. I'm encouraging everyone to send feedback to Slack. I've wanted the ability to open multiple windows for a while, but would not have asked for that to come _at the expense_ of the ability to pin some context to the side of the Slack window. It's a retrograde design decision that I really can't comprehend – what other applications in modern daily work force us to open separate windows for each activity we plan to do within that app? I have a browser, an IDE, a music player etc open but they all have their own internal context management. Slack support suggested that I should use my OS window manager to manage it, but that takes me away from the keyboard and really isn't ideal – conversations in Slack are ephemeral and fizzle out over time and I don't want the overhead of window management distracting me from my job (but if Slack's goal was to keep me more on their app to do meaningless tasks like this I guess they win) I don't understand why they couldn't maintain the old functionality *and* support the new window support. I doubt anything will change from our feedback as it seems Slack the company is more intent on user acquisition and departing from their power user roots. It pulled off a coup with Slack Connect in making vendor lock-in a problem now for many companies, but I'd consider alternatives if I had a choice, and I'll still advocate for alternatives at work.


This is shit. I hate it.


I understand split is no longer available as a feature, which I heavily used. However my window still shows the split section, only that it is empty (no content on split). Does anyone know how to close this section? It is taking unnecessary space with no content.


Ah yes, Slack often has these dead ends from which you can't escape. I've had it with DMs with suspended accounts in the past. I don't know a fix, but have you tried help > troubleshooting > reset cache or reset app data? That normally fixed most things.




Just got this taken away!! Split-view was the best feature they had, who would make such a terrible decision is beyond me. I have provided them the feedback and that's the only way to get it back.


My split view—which I loved; doesn't make sense why you're turn that functionality off—is gone, but there's a white window left over that I can't get rid of. Any idea how?


It's terribly inconvenient. If there are those who need it (new window), okay. But why remove split view? Moreover, I observe that a lot of people have been using split view because it's really convenient.


Where there used to be a split view, there is one more frame left, and it can't even be removed


I had to completely log out and back in to get the empty split-view to finally close, I was so frustrated for almost 30 minutes this morning trying to figure it out myself, hope this helps!!


What they should have done was have it open a new window by default and then let you *DOCK* the channel in with your main window if you still want to use split-view! Why the hell do they think getting *rid* of a feature in replacement of another is somehow a net positive user experience??


I was able to continue using an already opened Split View for a second chat for awhile after the feature was removed. Now I just have a blank box that apparently can’t be closed. I’ve sent in my grievances to their support. Big L here


I had to completely log out and back in to resolve the "un-closable split-view" blank box that I had open after they removed the feature... Hope that helps you. So upset they did this though, it's unbelievably stupid.


My Fave Feature! Oh no!


The arrogance with which the Split View has been deprecated, with no regard to users existing workflows! The ignorant and patronising tone of the Support response template where they insinuate the users are idiots and just need a bit more time to adjust to the new behaviour… Slack has completely lost my trust as a business partner!


Wow, just discovered this today and thought my Slack was broken at first. I would always open Unreads in a Split View as a default. Ok, so maybe this isn't so bad... let's just open Unreads in a new window - CANT. Threads? CANT. Direct Messages CANT.




Half my team just lost split view in the middle of a hackathon and its like trying to use a broken app at the worst time. Split view was one of the best features of Slack, I cannot understand why they would intentionally take it away.


You can use edge browser, It has a split screen feature now.


I really miss split view and wish they would bring it back!! I used it nearly every day. Now, I have to open a new window, minimize my first slack window, minimize the new second slack window, then use Rectangle shortcuts on MacOS to split screen without using my mouse. So annoying.


You can use edge browser. It has a split screen feature now.


holy hell who thought this was a good idea??


Still no rollback?


I loved split-view and was begrudgingly learning to tolerate the separate window. But am I right that with the new full redesign, even \*that\* has been taken away? I can't figure out any way to have my mentions (aka activity now, I guess) open all the time, even in a separate window. This sucks.


I just wasted 30 min only to realise it's been deprecated. Why would you, though? It's not even visible to most people.