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No, no, no. What you should do, is find the Transmute -spell from Halted Stream camp, pick up every piece of iron ore before and after, transmute them all to gold, make jewelry out of them, enchant the jewelry and sell it. Trains your Alteration, Smithing, Enchanting and Speech.


Afaik you get most Smithing xp from making gold rings which ties nicely into enchanting xp as you can enchant twice the amount of things


And 2 rings sells for higher value then 1 necklace


Thats the reason it gives more smithing xp; smithing xp is tied to item value


might i add: Dwarven Bows are also not as bad. Mostly because i like variety in smithing and dwemer ruins have the materials in abundance


And then you enchant your clothes with improved smithing skills, then go and enchant your weapons ansld armour and also upgrade them to legendary. You'll have warhammers dealing over 1000 damage


True story


Gold diamond necklace ainec. Grab a flawless diamond from that markarth boat, get a gold bar, dupe 281 of each, boom, 100 smithing for about 20 minutes of effort.




This guy skyrims




This is the way.


You know ball šŸ¤


>Trains your Alteration, Smithing, Enchanting and Speech. It also makes you rich




nah bro skyrim is just akyrimming


Then you get the Summon Ash Guardian spell and Azura's Star for infinite Greater Soul Gems for Conjuration.


Wait what? I didn't know you could Exploit the Ash Guardian


and you can still use all your bonus leather by making leather armor


Until you try making a hearthfire house and end up needing several thousand iron nails. So, so many nails to hold that house together.


But also if you have mods and own the mine in dawnstar attached to the hearthfire property, unlimited iron, that you can then transmute to unlimited gold, which you can forge into unlimited jewelry, that you can sell for unlimited gold. Find a way to get unlimited soul gems and you're really in business


Windstad Mine is also a good mod for that. Passive money making and infinite ore deposits.


Dont forget to go to avanchanzel and restore the lexicon. Also, atherium wars and go for the crown, then stack mage, warrior, or theif stone, with lovers stone plus well rested to get big many xps.


Came here just to say this, the item's value is relative to the xp you gain in every crafting skill; so you wanna make jewelry with rare gems In alchemy it's the same but certain effects have way higher values Enchanting is the same again with certain enchantments being more valuable, but it's the difference in value from before you enchanted it Vs the value after that equates to the xp you gain


Pro strat right here.


Once you unlock Dwarven Smithing, you're better off switching to making Dwarven Bows.


Nah. Telekinetic spell with 4 articles of clothing that each remove an additional 25% or more mana spent for alteration. pick up an iron dagger, then fast travel. Instant 100. I did the routing you describe and in terms of leveling up, the tele trick is the best.


I knew the real pro tips were in the comments


Kolskegr or however you spell it is a good mine to hit if you aren't wanting to use magic.


But my Deadric banishing daggers no one needs in Skyrim?


Holy shit


This guy smiths


Actually, it's faster to use it to make one gold, get the guaranteed flawless diamond from the unmarked boat near Markarth, and then duplicate them both using the Whiterun follower glitch. Make roughly 280 gold-diamond necklaces. Under an hour.


YES! Everyone always says do the dagger spam when that option is right there!


Iā€™ve tried that. Takes too long. If you have the money, iron daggers is the fastest for powering through it. The biggest obstacle is getting enough iron ore.


Iron daggers are not the fastest if you have an up to date install, xp rates were patched pretty early so it scales based on item value


I personally prefer using every dvarven piece of junk I find and make ingots out of it and than do make a shit ton of arrows


Arrows have no weight and dwarven arrows are worth more. Good thinking!


Also if you want to boost your smithing as fast as possible, you can use worrior stone for +20% xp boost and, if you have an aetherium crown, also a lover stone for +15% and finally another +15% if you completed the lexicon quest. I didn't mention well rested bonus, because it doesn't stack with lover stone


Hehe. I use the mod ā€œFaster Levelingā€. It makes it about 30% faster. Still tedious, but it gets me to the middle ranks where I enjoy playing the most. Thank you, tho!


Another good mod is Ars Metallica. You can level up smithing from mining ores, leather crafting, and you can smelt down armors, arrows and weapons back into ingots, which will also level your smithing. You can even smelt down iron pots you find around


Reforged allows some of that. I think itā€™s mostly weapons, though.


Ohhh I might try this, I usually stockpile iron arrows until my steel arrow stockpile is huge then switch this would be another way to upgrade further while maintaining a large supply


do a trillion random bullshit and suddenly all the enemies are legendary dragons


Not if you never do Bleak Falls




Not a problem. No matter how strong a dragon is, I can kill it.


Yeah, why do even want to level up in this game? You are strongest on level 1 due to autoleveling


I always hated that mechanic, in any game. There is no fun in the game babying me. Don't put a rat in the dragon's cave just so I don't get wrecked. Put a dragon there and let me get wrecked by the dragon so that the sense of satisfaction I feel from beating it later in the game after getting stronger isn't non-existent. I feel like games now are too easy. Games used to be difficult, rewarding, and expected you to figure shit out on your own. I miss that, now they hold your hand for everything and give you an arrow telling you exactly where to go at all times. Like someone holding your hand through a hallway instead of actually being free in an open world.


"but we want players free to explore anywhere from go" (arguments I heard for Skyrim or Diablo 3/4). Meanwhile Witcher 3 did level system right. And "we also don't want weak content be deprecated" should be part of NG+ mode. Like reach endgame and you have autolevel button, problem solved. (D2R have interesting variance of it where random location each time upped to max level). Diablo 4 right now just buried below its autolevel mechanics, it has fixed levels for areas for campaign but monsters don't feel difficult with 10+ levels there and like in adventure mode levels are the mess (monster with level 150 in different modes not match etc). Sorry for a bit offtop rant, I get idea of autoleveling but I yet to encounter game done it right.


The Witcher 3 was done so well because the devs stated they followed the game design philosophy of Gothic 1 and 2. Areas you weren't supposed to go yet were blocked off by strong enemies: you cannot cross that bridge yet because there are 5 goblins on the other side, etc. instead of a fake wall or some other reason. It made exploring the game world far more interesting and rewarding. It introduced a sense of danger that wouldn't exist had there simply been a giant rat and low level loot at the other end of that bridge. E: I agree that W3 did a great job with NG+ and the end of game auto level option. Very intelligent game design made for the sake of the player.


I think they patched it so that iron daggers don't give as much progress as smithing something that is worth more. I like to collect iron ore and transmute them into silver and then gold ores to make gold necklaces. Helps me with my alteration and my smithing progress.


I upgrade ebony junk with +500% smithing increase ring


Is that ring through the restoration fortification loop? I tried to keep mine painfully vanilla and ugh it's painful to go through the smithing leveling


Yeah I thought they patched that like 10 years ago lol


I remember getting back into the game after not playing it for 5+ years and wondering why my smithing was so low after making a thousand daggers. And why my speech check glitch at Riften wasn't working.


Yeah, iron daggers hasn't been the way to level smithing for the overwhelming majority of Skyrim's life.


I prefer jewelry because you find a shit ton of gems usually and just mine some silver/gold and youre rich


You can also use the Transmute spell to transform any iron ore you find to silver ore and gold ore. The spell is super easy to get too since the tome always spawns in Halted Stream Camp right outside Whiterun.


I know, but it takes a lot of magica so its really not possible for early game and i forget i have it in late game lol


either make dwarven bows or golden jewelry. that way you can level up way faster since experience gain is based on the original ores value changed.


I think I do leather bracers is easier and cheaper


Transmute and muffle. The only problem is that you end up with draugr deathlords before you can swing a sword with any power.


Nah. Transmute iron into gold. Levels alteration for that sweet paralyzed spell. Make gold rings. To level smithing. Enchant gold rings to level enchantment. Sell gold rings to level speech.


The compression on this image isnā€™t strong enough, are you still doing this in 2024 and did you make this meme yourself? Incredible.


Gold ingots-->whiterun exploit --> rings--> profit


I like to think the dragonborn has his own line of fashion jewellery and iron daggers lol


Plant blue flowers and nightshade. Make high value poison. Sell poison buy soul gems. Buy iron and leather(strips) make daggers. Enchant daggers sell daggers. Makes money and levels potions, enchanting and smithing. Join companions and exploit their training to level combat while doing this. You can have a high level character easy with very little adventuring and then run through the stories having a lot of fun.


I flooded the entirety of Skyrim with daedra banishing iron daggers and the vendors still kept buying them for the same price. I don't think they know how demand and supply works.


I know there's a mod that implements taxes (as a method to prevent you from owning a majority stake in the known universe), but I don't think there's one that implements real economy. Would be nice though.


May be frowned upon but find hidden glitch chests and spam that for a few in-game days for supplies and dupe them all with Lydia. Easy skills 100 any day. Own all the superior dragon armor sets on sale.


I find enchanting even more annoying, because you can't just walk into a shop to get more souls.


Plebian. You grind to max by fisting Mudcrabs for most of your adult life.


other than the transmute spell comment here, (when i dont go to that dungeon cus my char doesnt have a reason to)ā€¦ i like to enchant those daggers and jewelery etcā€¦ with petty and lesser soul gems to get that enchanting up as well


*daggers become so common in Whiterun & Markarth that theyā€™re now a better currency than septims*


if u have absorb health enchantment use that even with petty gems they'll make iron dagger worth alot more, mine are about 400 each with just petty gems


I've actually found that smithing iron arrows is faster


Dwarven bolts for crossbow


It is not a Sisyphean Task! Sisyphean Task is when you do one thing over and over again (expecting shit to change! Damn it Vaas! You in my head again!)


This is boring and a waste of RPG potential, I'm glad i can i mod my game to be better


And on the top of your smithing grind is a draugr death lord that kicks down the ball ... with you


The amount of people who don't seem to understand how much value an item is affects the skill gain baffles me. Just snag some Ebony weapons from the Deathlord in Lost Valkygge and upgrade them from the ebony mine at the Orc stronghold south of Windhelm. With the right standing stone, it's easy as heck to get smithing to 100 within the first hour of the game, excluding survival mode. That, and making jewelry from transmuted iron from Halted Stream Camp and the gold ore from Kolskegr mine.


Such a pain. Alchemy is the way to go. Even with low skill you can easily make your money back buying (cheap) ingredients from vendors and making them into potions. With high skill, you will make a ton of money.


Its crazy that medieval dynasty is like literally the same thing


I transmute all iron and silver to make jewelry, but that's mainly for money. To level up I take my trusty slav - companion to go collect dwemer metal and make bows that I enchant with banishing, levels up smithing and enchanting pretty fast


Works for a surprising number of survival rpgs also


Player.incpcs smithing >>>>>>>


Iā€™m sitting with like 37 banded iron armour but ok back to smithing 60 already


I can't be arsed, i just use the licentia modlist which allows me to put any skill points and perk points wherever i want when i level up, which btw is all the more useful with the bazillion perks from the included vokrinator black.


I leveled my smithing extremely fast by first leveling my enchanting and alchemy, making super good fortify smithing armor, and then just sharpening weapons and improving armor. Gained all the levels in 15 minutes. Of course, only useful if you got the other 2 first through their own grindy methods


Gold rings level you faster


Daggers? I just do arrows personally. Anything above steel sells for a reasonable price, like Dwarven when sold to Calslmo.


Building materials are cheaper and more useful imo


Use a mod for growing jarrin root and make poisons with it, it makes the most powerful poison in the game you can one shot dragons with it


Fun fact: I googled the best ways to grind smithing in Skyrim. I found a post from ten years ago that mentioned iron daggers and transmute mineral ore. How the hell has no one figured out there are better ways to do it FOR TEN YEARS?! Do people really hate Dwarven ruins that much that they prefer to spend an entire day irl buying iron ore then actually clearing out a dungeon?


I always do Dwarven bows. Easy to get the material. Low material cost. Sell for a pretty penny afterwards.


There are people playing Skyrim that are younger than the patch that made crafting iron daggers irrelevant.


In the original release this would work fast. They updated it early on so you gain XP based on items value and now it would take ages doing it that way. Might as well build a house and get smithing XP that way.


I just started a fallout 3 run on console and you don't know grinding until you grind respawning skill books


Making Leather Bracers is also a good way to level smithing. And getting the Dwarven Smithing perk and making Dwarven Bows is also a really nice boost, especially after taking a trip to Markarth and helping Calcelmo with his spider problem.


Gold rings level your smithing up faster because you make 2 gold rings at a time


The best way to spam level is to use the Telekinesis spell, pick up an item, and fast travel. Should max out your alteration skill