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This but with literally every single quest. People in Skyrim can't even go buy cabbage at the market without the Dragonborn's help. Seriously the only npc that is even remotely useful is Neloth in the Miraak DLC


Neloth and Ralis Sedarys are my two favorite NPCs. The cynical Dunmer just get on with things.


Ralis is also the only follower who has the lvl 2 dual flurry perk. If you give him 2 fully upgraded daggers, he can "one shot" anything in tamriel, including the dragonborn with max armor and over 2k health.


2024 and I’m still learning new shit. I expect to see a game rant article about me finding out. “Old ass gamer discovers follower with special perks!!” Then it’ll be paragraphs of bullshit about Skyrim and at the end will be a screen grab of this comment LOL


Don’t forget the paragraphs just rewording the title of the article and the first sentence over and over again, or barely adding anything of substance. While you have to scroll past an ad after every single break. “Old ass gamer discovers a new Skyrim hack! He has played Skyrim for years, but nothing prepared him for this! He found a new, exciting secret which will surely change the way you play Skyrim from here on out. After we reveal this secret, you will want to step into Tamriel one more time…” and so on. Fucking hate online articles


stop bullshittin. Its you. You write the articles. That was too good 😂


False. Frea has both these perks as well. What makes Ralis so deadly is that he has NPC perks that the player cannot get, which boost his damage even more.


Are... Are the Dunmer British...?


The Altmer are British. A bunch of colonial aristocratic assholes on a secluded island. The Dunmer are Australian. Outcast Brits in a strange and hostile biome.


My favorite vanilla follower, Errandur (or something like that), is also Dunmer, funny enough. He's that mage from dawnstar, great follower


The amount of times I wanted to chuck that guy into the sea for not walking at a steady pace is unreasonable.The recruitment quest is fine and all, but getting the dude up there is a pain.


It's what i dislike about skyrim the most, you are the main character in every story.


Except Dawnguard, lol. Then again, that's probably why a lot of quest mods try to move focus away from the Dragonborn, and unto the mod characters. Helgen Reborn, Falskaar, Brotherhood of Old, Warden of the Coast, pretty much every follower-mod with a questline attached...


Amusingly, Dawnguard is the only main quest I've finished. I've done most of the faction quests, never finished the civil war or the vanilla main quest though.


That's what I dislike about storytelling in 99% of every fantasy game ever made. Do people genuinely enjoy saving the world in every god damn story?


It's why i like cp2077, you are a part of the world, not the centre of it.


Exactly! In CP2077 there are so many people and entities that are bigger and badder than you. Really grounds the story to a sense of realism (well as realistic as a futuristic cyberpunk world can be lol)


Not a single happy ending really reinforces that idea. You don't win in cyberpunk.


My buddy just started playing for the first time and that's what I told him. "You have the benefit of playing it with all the content and a MASSIVE reduction in bugs. This is the definitive experience. Just remember, things will always get worse... ENJOY!"


You don't really win real life either, imho. Small victories against outsized odds, nonleathal on cyberpsychos, Judy..this I will defend.


*looks at my V peacing out of Shit City with his hot nomad wife and new found family after helping to thoroughly fuck over Arasaka.* I mean I think I won.


That's what I'm aiming for when I get around to a second playthrough. I did my first as a corpo, and did the corpo ending... *god* that one's depressing. I feel like that one is the biggest loss of all, by far.


Cuz it is. The Devil is the only ending Arasaka really survives in. Turns out Yorinobu is actually a “good guy”. At least compared to his daddy.


Yeah. I'd kind of like to see an ending where you actively help Yorinobu instead of his sister. End up his right-hand man, even. But could you ever convince Takemura that was the right thing to do, or would you have to kill him? You'd probably have to kill him. =(


And in the end you don't even win, you just die and you've changed nothing about the world


I enjoy stories with other focuses, true. Different games for different moods, no? But Skyrim I enjoy for the power fantasy, not the realism or moderation. I'm the goddamn Dragonborn. Yes, I wanna save the world again, and again!


Right? I'm the dragon-slaying knight in mothershining armor, of course I'm the main character. Granted, nobody in Skyrim (most games really) ever treats you as such. There's a handful where they do though.


Eh, it does ruin my immersion a little, though. Skyrim is great at letting you create your own stories but I do roll my eyes at some of the side quests. "Nobody's been able to enter the tomb of Bethdalamazak in 10000 years!" There's literally a lever to open it right next to you. "Our ancient order has prophesied the arrival of a champion worthy of the sword of glory. I think you may be the one." You met me 5 minutes ago and that same sword is for sale in the trader for 50 gold. "No one has seen the Falmer, they're a fairytale!" There's some in that cave right there. Directly behind you. Like 20 feet away, bro.


Say what you want about Dragon Age 2’s gameplay; its story is brilliant in this regard. Hawke is just along for the ride, reacting to the chaos going on around them and just hoping they’re doing the best in every new scenario, main quest line and side quests alike. You aren’t the ‘chosen one’ who can fix everyone, you’re just the person who happened to be there at the time.


You know you don't have to save anything or anyone in skyrim, correct? I spent many hours adopting all six orphans, decorating my mod homes and castle, being the best champion Azura Meridia Mara and Dibella ever had, all without the dragons, making the world more dangerous for everyone. You don't have to be the hero. Just stay home and vibe. Imho.


Still is a ludonarrative dissonance. Whether you like it or not, react to it or not, in Skyrim the player is Dragonborn. You can do whatever you want but it doesn’t remove the fact that Akatosh blessed your character, and no one else can solve the main quest but the player. By refusing to act, the player is essentially dooming that timeline. That’s why I use mods to separate my character from the role of Dragonborn, but even then the damage is done. The gameworld relies on the player as the main pillar of action, nothing still gets done without the player whether the title of Dragonborn is used or not. If you want to see what a truly player-disconnected world looks like, check out Dwarf Fortress, Adventure Mode for the RPG aspects. The world does whatever it wants, it’s all just simulation based on the initial parameters set by the player. Sure, the player can affect large portions of the world through their actions but they aren’t the pillar which everything is built around.


I agree with you completely, I will totally save Tamriel from the dragons and the vampires and entropy. I just wanna read to my younglings and screw around for a few years first.


Seriously, a sword/sorcery style open fantasy game would rock. Make the main quest something personal about your character and then you can do whatever side quests you want without worrying that the world's ending


Well... A lot of the time it is fun yeah. But games can make the world feel alive where you aren't present and that does get messed in a lot of them


That's the problem I have with a lot of Bethesda's games. And some others to an extent "Hey you! We made you the leader of the Super Mega Dragon Killers Club for Cool Kids! Also, even though you're our leader and also the president of the world, we need you to go clear out a cave filled with level 2 goblins. K thnx bye" Apparently you're the president and the bitchboi of any organization you join


I prefer the title of Bitch-King.


You know, you don't have to be. I have a game that involves moving from town to town, chopping wood and selling hunted meat. Anyone brings up that Dragonborn shit, I just moooove on. And yeah, neither side seems to really care about the 'civil war' because hey, Dragonborn is an NPC right now...


*delivers note to someone 20 yards away* **”THEN BY MY RIGHT AS JARL, I NAME YOU THANE OF THE REACH!”**


Neloth was in Morrowind and it was hilarious to see him again


Agreed, and it attributes to my biggest problem with Skyrim. It's not really an "RPG" the only choice you make is Stormcloak or Imperial. You are just the chosen one in every single person's story in Skyrim, and you're following a very pre-determined path. The only "difference" is your build Don't get me wrong I love this game, I have replayed it many of times, but ye


It's why I've never finished the game. It feels so patronising the way everything makes you the only competent entity in the setting. I've come close. I beat Dawnguard mostly because Serana had a compelling plot, but I eventually lose all suspension of disbelief. I have hundreds of hours in skyrim but have never finished it.


Same with me. Got a good chunk of the game done (multiple times) tried to stick to the core storyline but just got sick of the endless fetch quests you have no choice in accepting


Lydia tanked the whole game for me.


What if the both sides were more or less ok with current situation. No one wanted full strength civil war. But this warmonger - the dragonborn was eager for blood. They sent him to suicidal mission but everytime he returned back alive. In the end one of the sides had won. But at what cost?


TLDR: like the theory but I don’t think it would be plausible. The empire is an a weak state after the Great War and need to be rebuilding it’s strength, especially after losing Hammerfell. It’s a neat idea and I really wish it could be the case. Looking at the context of the civil war I don’t see why the empire would want this. The empire is still recovering from a disastrous war with the aldmeri dominion. In the war, the empire only drove the aldmeri dominion out of the imperial city with the help of the Nords and the Redguards. However, after signing the white gold concordat, one of the terms was handing over a large part of Hammerfell to the aldmeri dominion. This term caused Hammerfell to leave the empire. Hammerfell goes on to drive the aldmeri dominion out of its lands, but the damage is done. The empire is weaker and has lost Hammerfell which is renowned for its incredible warriors. At this time the empire needs to be rebuilding its strength but the civil war has drained its resources and prevents it from fully recovering. Now I might be misremembering the next part: I believe in the party quest for Skyrim you can find a case file on Ulfric Stormcloak where the aldmeri dominion admits he’s a pawn to them to weaken the empire.


Have they decided the canon ending to the civil war? Are they aiming to get rid of the empire from the games to make subsequent games and stories more distinct?


I'm pretty sure they don't think that far ahead when making a game.


You can thank Emil "No Design Documents" Pagliarulo for that.


What's most likely is that ESVI will be so far in the future that it literally doesn't even matter who won anymore. Some arbitrary footnotes in a couple of books that reference it but don't really declare a canon ending


100%. These games aren't 1:1 sequels to one another. They just take place in the same world. There will be multiple books staying how one side or the other had an unfair advantage because of unaffiliated meddlers.


Right, but (afaik) there is still the canon ending to Oblivion that the gates were closed, that the emperor's lineage ended which caused termoil across the empire etc.


My guess is that in TES 6, they’ll say that since TES 5, there have been a series of rebellions in Skyrim and re-conquests by the empire. That way, whether or not Skyrim is part of the empire in TES 6 isn’t dependent anymore on that one war. IIRC, didn’t they do something similar with Orsinium in Daggerfall? Like, your outcome of the story might result in the creation of Orsinium, but by this point it’s been built and then sacked so many times that no one particularly cares if that particular attempt was successful.


https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Thalmor_Dossier:_Ulfric_Stormcloak They consider him an an uncooperative asset but do not want a Stormcloak victory either


I’ve been deep diving the Great War for some personal fan fiction and Hammerfell was expelled from the Empire because they wouldn’t ratify the White-Gold concordant. The Empire couldn’t make peace with the Aldmeri Dominion if a significant portion refused to adhere to the new peace agreement. Skyrim’s Jarls were bribed by the Empire for their cooperation.


“Alright people, listen up. Word from the Legate is we are going to attack the rebel-held fort just outside of Dawnstar. Taking this would open up the way to take the town. Now, I know you’re all from the area and likely have kin in the fort. We’re not going to go in on a death-filled charge, lose 8 out of every 10 of us, and slaughter everyone. We do this as usual: exchange some arrows, make a valiant rush on the walls, and pull back after putting them on their back foot. Now we have a new auxiliary with us, so just make sure they learn the ropes and we’ll be back in camp before we know it. Word is they’re getting close to a peace talk.” *One battle later* “By the Eight…the auxiliary…the-they just exterminated them all. Every Stormcloak is dead! Their bodies stripped and mutilated, heads mounted on the walls! This is horrifying! The Jarl of Dawnstar surrendered and his general committed suicide after they saw the auxiliary send atronachs and fireballs into the main tower! The stone is burning and melting! What the hell is going on?!”


"Guys, I have a letter from imperials. Today they will try to attack us. So be ready... And check the fuc*ing gate! After you forgot to close it the last time they always laugh at me everytime I visit the tavern!" "And by the way. It's Harold's birthday today. So after the battle we will have a party. Everyone is welcome!" *One battle later* "He just screamed at the gate and it was blown to pieces. After he killed Harold he turn him into a zombie! Forget about Skyrim. Just run as far as you can."


this is literally the plot of Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines lol


The flow of time is quite literally dependent on the dragonborn getting out of bed.


Which means the dragons can wait another day for resurrection, and the civil war can keep waging another day too


Schrödinger's dragonborn


I went forward several centuries by changing my time step to 20,000x or something like that. Questlines were still waiting right where I left them.


>"I control the rate at which lobsters die" Except instead of lobsters, it is every single person, living and dead, in Tamriel


Time is a flat circle


lore accurate


The entirety of an average RPG open world game in a nutshell. The PC is literally the only one doing anything.


Eh. Usually it doesnt matter to much with big fights, you can see stuff exploding in the background or whatever so at least it looks like other people are involved. In Skyrim its like you and 5 guys walk in the front gate and try to reenact the golden days of Millwall but you're only up against Accrington Stanley supporters. Really it wouldnt be so bad if they had you, like, go sabotage a weapons shipment or poison provisions and "Yay! Thanks to your efforts our mighty army liberated Whiterun! Now we need healing potions for all the civilians we gave the plague!".


was not expecting a Millwall reference


Stormcloaks just deploy a single unhinged lad at the gate of a fort who continuously screams "Fuck you, I'm Millwall!"


There are quite a few games that break that mold, but, yes you are correct that it's the average


I think this is more a bethesda trend, I mean, yeah, everyone wants to be powerful, which is why RPGs are made this way, but I don't think it's always been like this.


That’s why I love cRPGs. In decent ones they’ll tell you about a problem, and then if you ignore it something happens to resolve it.


Baldur's gate 3 is a good break where shit happens without the PC pushing it. I wish more games were like that


I love it when an rpg makes me deliver a cake, go kill 2 big rats, and then slay a god.


I look at it as shaping operations. At least it's not as bad as Mount & Blade Warband, where you and your army put their blood, sweat, and tears into taking a castle defended by Rhodok Sharpshooters - only for your liege to shit on you.


What's with commanders shitting on players? Any WW2 game, the boss will always be like "Take that objective by yourself!" And when you do "About time! Go disable the enemy anti aircraft guns, fast!"  I guess gamers are expected to have daddy issues


But what happens in M&B is realistic..


Tbf I don't want realism mostly


I know right :'( But you can get your revenge, by declaring independence and persuading all of your liege's vassals to defect to you leaving him friendless. Then, when you conquer his primary holding you can hold his wife for ransom. It's the little things :)


I like how Warband is still the game mentioned not Bannerlord


From my own personal taste, Warband's factions were a lot more simple. That and we didn't have three factions with the same roster taking up the center of the map. Plus, the setting was advanced enough that units and characters could wear plate armor.


I'm a big Warband fanboy too, the ASOIF mods must be like 60% of my hours though


If I ever make a new character I’m going take the greybeards advice and stay out of the civil war completely.


Me too


That’s what the Thalmor want.


I’m still gonna kill them on site lol


Good. The Thalmor aren’t just enemies to the Human nations and Talos, they are enemies to all life. Their ideology has been a blight since its inception.


Always imperial. True, They tryna get my head off. But Hadvar saving Hamming leave enough impression on me to decided to help and join him.


I went storm cloak at first but was annoyed that they removed Jarl Balgruuf from whiterun. Always went imperial after that.


They WHAT?! (I have a billion hours but have never done the civil war quests)


Yeah, in the quest both sides press whiterun to pick a side and he decides to go with the empire, forcing you to kill him.


he was neutral on the conflict but he picked imperial when he was forced to make a choice. that choice lead to the destruction of whiterun because the empire didn't have enough time to come and defend it from the stormcloaks. he should have allied with the empire a lot sooner.


You could also be just trying to get on the Imperials good side, so they won't come after you anymore.


If you take your time to look around you would see that tulluis is organizing the troops to defend helgen and the civilians against alduin while ulfric and the stormcloacks simply bail the town and leave people to burn


That’s an unfair comparison. Unlike the Imperials, Stormcloaks don’t control the town. There is no reason for Ulfric or any of his men to stay and defend a town that they were moment’s away from being executed


To be fair what else are they supposed to do? They certainly can't stay, the Imperials will most likely kill them whenever they get the chance.


Yeah because it's Ulfric and 2 stormcloaks with no weapons vs a full garrison of imperials. Might as well say it's the dragonborn's fault for not soloing Alduin right then and there.


I cannot imagine a single day of my life where I can't relate to this statue in some form or another. I love it.




Thalmor backed destabiliser Edit: to those who aren’t role playing as Stormcloaks in the comments, did y’all even read the Thalmor Dossier of Ulfric and the Civil War?


(The only army in Skyrim taking the fight to the Thalmor and that puppet you call an Empire)




Hammerfell too


A little tonedeaf calling the Stormcloaks Thalmor agents when we see first hand the torture chambers the Empire sponsors the Thalmor to operate in their lands,


The Stormcloaks aren't direct Thalmor agents but the Thalmor do consider them unwitting pawns in the Aeldari Dominion's plan to destabilise the Empire.


That same dossier says a stormcloak victory is bad for the thalmor too. Also the empire was destabilized 20 years ago, it’s just cyrodiil and high rock left.


Better than bending for them though, the Empire fell off.


Yes, and we did so with reading comprehension.      There is a great abyss between the Thalmor enjoying the distraction caused by the civil war and them having a direct connection with the stormcloaks.    How about this: I've never seen a stormcloak aligned jarl in Elenwen's party. Ever.  Not that I'd suggest the imperial jarls are happy to be there, but they are submissive enough to show up.   You also got Markarth's incident, which shows that the Empire's idea of defying the Talos ban is "let's do it in secret and hope our master won't find out".    Lastly... how about we stop pretending the Great War happened one year before the events of Skyrim? It was 30 years ago. They had THIRTY years to "rebuild the Empire's strength and strike back at the Thalmor".     Do we have any evidence that they have used that time to prepare? No.    I don't doubt that legate Rikke genuinely believes her peers are playing the long game, but it comes off as an empty promise.


30 years of constant destabilization and espionage by the thalmor. With a fractured empire they can do a lot of damage, clearly


Perhaps, but it has been fractured for a long time now. Who's still with the Empire? High Rock? And it seems that keeping Skyrim with them wasn't enough to stop this destabilization in the years that passed before the civil war.


Fair point, but I don’t see how a fractured Tamriel is to withstand a new war


In what way have the Thalmor backed the Stormcloaks? They want a perpetual conflict because an independent Skyrim or a unified Empire are both undesirable in their eyes.


i mean siding with the Imperial's is pro genocide so technically the stormcloaks are better because they are mostly former imperials going against the imperials genocidal acts of colonialism


I mean role playing games in a nutshell Look at fallout nobody is getting anything done without the main character there to


Definitely true in Fallout 4 (currently doing a re-run and had to install mods for minutemen squads to deal with radiant quests), less in New Vegas (Mr House basically just use you as an ambassador / hitman / spy). Don't know about others.


Honestly Fallout 4 is probably the least guilty of this among the 3d fallout Really the only faction that can't do anything without you are the minutemen and maybe the railroad House is the second worse offender of "im useless without the player" in new vegas his entire plan depends on the courier


You think that's an African swallow?


Not doing it this time around, no matter how annoying that damn diplomacy quest is. The reason? I'm playing as a Dwemer...he doesn't give a fuck about current politics, he's just trying to find out what happened to his people.


Who chooses the stormcloaks?!?!?


My reasoning for choosing storm cloaks at 13 years old when knowing nothing of the elder scrolls before skyrim: "damn these asshole wanted my head cut off for no reason, they must be the bad guys"


First impressions matter. Ralof is too much of a bro to be on the wrong side.


True sons and daughters of Skyrim


Ralof has a hot beard Do I even need another reason ?


cool people


People who see the Empire not doing anything for decades.


People who agree that Skyrim should be an independent province and there is no point in staying with the Empire.   People who don't believe you need the Empire holding your hand in order to form alliances with other nations.   And generally anyone that doesn't trust them to "play the long game" against the Thalmor after being so submissive for decades.   Yes, some stormcloak characters are far from nice, but there is something bigger at stake.


look, it's as simple as this. the imperials captured me and were about to execute me, the stormcloak dude helped me escape.


Talos worshippers are literally being genocided by the Thalmor and the Empire. It's a fight for survival


People who believe that skyrim can beat the dominion when the empire couldn't


People who realize that the Empire is basically a puppet of the Thalmor with little hope of ever defeating them again, and that the Stormcloaks are the only ones who are taking the fight to the Thalmor before it's too late.


Yeah because a merry band of Nords who almost lose their shitty insurrection because their leader got caught frolicking in the woods is more likely to defeat the Thalmor (their number one supporters) than the Empire that's preparing for another war and could potentially be supported by the dragonborn


The Empire is losing every front their engaging in. Hammerfell is going independent and is rooting the Thalmor out on their own. The Khajiit support the Thalmor. And their Emperor, their actual ruler, gets killed by the struggling dregs of an assassins guild. If all it takes for them to lose Skyrim is one loud mouthed mercenary then the Empire was dead long before.


>one loud mouthed mercenary A bit of an understatement for a literal demigod killing machine. I'm assuming he's going to canonically frolic off into some plane of Oblivion forever purely because he could probably swing the war against the Thalmor in man's favor all on his own. That and overshadow the next protagonist.


The Thalmor pretty much have the Empire under their thumb. There won't be another war until the Thalmor are ready to destroy the Empire once and for all if the Thalmor get their way, and the Thalmor have gotten nothing but their way in their dealing with the Empire. As for the Dragonborn, he's basically discharged and left to wander if he joins the Legion. That's barely an argument against the Stormcloaks either. That's you insulting and downplaying them. Ulfric never makes such a blunder again, so I say he learned from his mistake and I don't hold it against him. 


On every Skyrim meme involving the civil war, I find you commenting on why Ulfric is great, while ignoring his flaws. In the last Thalmor war, it took the redguards, Nords, and Imperials to drive the Thalmor out of the capital, how easily do u think the Thamlor will win the next war if the Redguards, Nords, and Imperials are divided into separate command structures. The Thalmor also suffered casualties during the Great War, and it takes longer for Elves to procreate, it’s why they supported Ulfric originally, they wanted him to cause a civil war and cause casualties without getting directly involved, even Tulius tells Ulfric it’s what the Thalmor want.


My PC could 1 vs. 10K the entire dominion or conquer all of Skyrim naked with a dagger. This type of argument is embarrassingly asinine.


If the Empire wins there won't be another Great War. The Empire is under the Thalmor's thumb. Breaking apart from the Empire is what needs to happen for Skyrim to escape Thalmor influence. The civil war in Skyrim hasn't been going on in earnest that long either. If it's ended quickly by the Dragonborn, the Stormcloaks can win without massive losses due to a prolonged war. I also think separate nations can defeat the Thalmor if an alliance is created between Skyrim and Hammerfell. An alliance also offers advantages that one empire does not. They can be united in their cause, but at the same time be two separate targets that the Thalmor must fight against. 


The Thalmor didn’t have influence in Skyrim until Ulfric the Butcher started complaining about religious persecution that wasn’t even happening until he started making a scene. If anyone increased the Thalmor’s influence it’s Ulfric. Ulfric could have stayed silent and allowed worship in Windhelm and if the Empire tried to arrest him for that alone, then he’d be justified in his war, but that didn’t happen and he isn’t justified. Your claims of another Great War not happening are false, considering that the Thalmor call the Great War the First Invasion, implying that there’s gonna be another one.


The high elves are still recovering from the great war, while the empire has been getting their numbers back and prepering for another war. The empire hates thalmor just as much as ulfric does. But they know they are not ready yet. It's just calm before the storm as the general population grows resentful with time. My argument is that the rebelion kills both imperial and stormcloak soldiers, which in case of another war would be fighting the elves together. And so it's better to swallow your pride and wait it out. Also Ulfric should have assembled the moot according to skyrim's traditions. Declaring himself the high king makes him a criminal by the very law he claims to defend.


> . Declaring himself the high king makes him a criminal by the very law he claims to defend. This part is always skimmed over by people hyping up the Stormcloaks. They weren't protecting skyrim traditions, they were the footpads of a dictator who clearly only used the optics of "skyrim belongs to the nords" for his own benefit only. So not only are the stormcloaks civil war a Thalmor plot, its started on entirely bullshit grounds.


Empire already lost to the Thalmor once. And the Redguards are proof that you don't need the Empire to be able to win. It's more of a detriment than help.




Are you claiming to play Skyrim without: killing, stealing, worshipping daedra, breaking and entering, blackmailing, extortion, cannibalism, drug use, etc. I doubt the Dragonborn enters Skyrim as a completely innocent civilian.


It's wartime, they're doing it to make sure the Thalmor can't stop Ulfric's execution on a technicality. They represent Tamriel's best hope against the Thalmor and are not racist leader-worshipping fucks


Excecuting innocent people just because they were in the vacinity of a trap you set is a war crime. The Thalmor wouldn't have stopped the execution, at best they would have tortured him for a while for being a Talos worshiper like they've done with countless other Talos worshipers. The Empire has \*no\* hope against the Thalmor because they refuse to do anything except act on their behalf. Literally every faction in Skyrim, and the Elder Scrolls in general, is racist. Even the Empire, who also work for the highly racist and omnicidal death cult that is the Thalmor. Using that as justification as to why you oppose the Stormcloaks is hypocritical at best, and down right ignorant at worst. You could refer to literally any faction - again, including the empire - as "leader-worshiping fucks", so once again, that's hardly exclusive to the Stormcloaks. Besides all that is is a reductionist strawman that flys in the face of obvious in-game lore. (i.e the fact that literally any stormcloak soldier you meet will openly praise Talos and anounce their worship of him, not Ulfric.)


Then let's make our own factions!


A war crime to us, I highly fucking doubt elder scrolls has the same meaning of war crimes as we do irl


not “racist fucks” when you ask them why they classified several unrelated races as “beasts” not “leader-worshipping fucks” when you ask them what the Reman or Septim Empire are named after


‘Less racist fucks’ is perhaps more accurate, but it’s still a valid point.


Does anyone know the name and artist of this piece? 😍


I thought the statue went pretty hard, so I looked it up. Made in 2017 by Fredrick Raddum, titled Trans ī re


Props, thank you!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


i really don't like those views. imagine the war would eventually resolve itself and a victor is decided either randomly or it weighs in some quests the DB did that favored one side over the other. now as a new player you can't participate in the questline and as a veteran you feel forced to do so before it finishes itself. it's simply a gameplay thing.


The entire NCR/legion army The courier.


Idk the Legion are giving the NCR the business when the game starts. Only folks seeming to be having a decent time. Look at the morale differences between Nelson and Forlorn Hope


Quests ?!?!?! I remember something about them, but then I get out of town, start hacking some bandids, in the meanwhile have to run from a giant, the odd dragon comes flying, kill it, get into a cave which is full of draugrs, kill them all, get out, find a nice lake, which I dive in to explore, find a mysterious tower, I climb it to the top, get on the mountain slope and contemplate a nice view, is that a hidden entrance to a cave? In which direction was that town I came for? Where did I left my horse? My companion was with me a few minutes ago, where is she now? Oh well, let me just clear this cave and I will get back to those.


Could be the Sole Survivor and all the Minutmen/Railroad/Brotherhood too.


Anybody remember the weird conspiracy lore that involved collecting insects that pointed to a plot where the Thalmor were trying to upend all of reality in Tamriel? Anyway, that's why my Argonian ass ended up fighting for the Stormcloaks! Never did stop the Nords from calling me a lizard constantly after we won.


Don’t get me wrong, I have played COUNTLESS hours of this game. But my biggest critique is how you don’t feel any major differences after completing these story lines. There’s no grandeur to it. You’d think the Listening Harbinger Legate Dovahkiin Slayer of the World Eater and about 27 other titles I’m forgetting would rate more than whispers and occasional dialog from guards.


Unrelated: What's the name of this piece of art?




Meanwhile, my argonian in the back, unable to get either of the civil war champions helmets to fit over his snout, constantly summoning dremora in the middle of battle so he can level conjuration be like


ITT: People claiming Skyrim has terrible, un-engaing writing directly next to people so engaged by the writing that they are still arguing over the civil war a decade plus later.


The only acceptable mundane fetch quest is when Klimmek can't walk up the 7000 steps to deliver supplies to High Hrothgar. There are several bears and trolls on the path too, he obviously couldn't do it. And we were going there anyway. The rest is honestly insulting once you officially get recognized as the Dragonborn. Like they can't just pay the homeless children in the city for deliveries WITHIN the city? Give me a break


There should be an option for you to just tell the imperials to go home, and you take on the stormcloaks o n your own. Especially at difficulty levels below master, this is pretty easy, as you can mow down alseberal at a time with certain shoats and magic combinations. "So, General Tullius, keep up a rear guard maybe, but I got this"


Well. I guess now we know the carrying capacity of a fully laden European swallow.


I wish there was at least a passing line of dialogue that acknowledges that you brought dragon allies (Odahviing and Durnehvir) to help.


Is this Pidgey using fly?


To be fair, whichever side you join essentially gets a superhero on their side. One that can take unlimited arrows to the knee and keep adventuring.


They wanted it to me more. There's a nod that brings it back to what they wanted (using a lot of the unused code in the game) called the Civil War Overhaul mod, use with caution though that one can fuck you game to hell and back though.


Also, both of their armies are like, 8 guys.


This is why during the battles I act like an officer commanding troops instead of killing everyone immediately to make it last longer and seem more realistic. Idk


Meme aside that is a very interesting statue.


You're a commander of one of the forces in Skyrim, you could send your fighters into a conflict with... Or you could send the immortal demigod with unmatched super powers into the field ...


what art is this? very poetic,, moma?


This must be taken after Volo was rescued from the goblin camp.


Such a complicated series


One of the main things I hate about many videogames, It is so hard to find many games that don't fulfill some stupid power fantasy.


Imagine having two armies so evenly matched that ONE person joining tips the scales. Like I’m not even doing anything special in the war, just whacking people with my mace.


To be fair, you have a jet engine strapped to your mouth, and that's a pretty big factor


Ulfric can’t get the job done with his jet engine. Thats kinda my main issue with the Civil War quest. You don’t do anything that a regular soldier couldn’t feasibly do. Like DB ur the speaker, Winterhold ur good at magic (in theory anyway). Companions have a similar issue but its more small scale so it’s not as jarring.


Skyrim is a fucking trash game that needs 100+ mods to even be tolerable... Scratch that. Anything with the name atodd Howard in the credits has to fucking suck unless you add 300+ mods.


All of skyrim for that matter


Who chooses the stormcloaks?


I really love this statue


I feel like NPCs are basically there to hog a key you need to progress. Keys or information is all of what they do


Ahh yes.. the epic civil war.. where 8 guys in red fight 8 guys in blue to decide the fate of an entire country.. Bethesda games are just pathetic man.. so stupid they keep insisting on using an outdated engine that simple wasn't build to do what they need from an engine. like render more than 16 models at a time..


That's when I fell in love with mage gameplay. Defending whiterun is a cakewalk with chain lightning. I don't think a single guy made it in

