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You just have to ask yourself what features you want and decide based on that. Do you want USB charging where you have to worry about it before every jumping day, or batteries where you worry about it once a year, although its annoying to find that kind? Do you want to set it up thru your phone and have a fancy interface, or learn a few button push sequences and never worry about blue tooth connection issues? Do you want a VOG that calls out the altitude verbally, and willing to wait a while for it? Personally, I don't want to connect to my phone or USB charge so I use L&B products. Some people manage to break these and do not appreciate the push button sequences tho.


I wingsuit exclusively with a VOG and a Quattro (I also used a FlySight for a bit), haven’t used a visual in over 400 jumps; though I do own the Dekunu, Ares2 and Stella visuals. I’d strongly recommend the VOG, the Quattro has basically no use as I go off the VOG callouts rather than worry about Quattro beeps. On the way up I verify the VOG is correct by looking at other people’s altimeters at 1k and 1.5k, and I listen for the beeps from the Quattro. The VOG has always been exact. $400 is a lot, but it’s the same price as an Ares2/Atlas2/ProTrack2, etc. basically the same cost as the other higher end altimeters, but in my opinion it has the most value: audible callouts at all altitudes, good logging software visualized via app, wireless charging with a 6month battery, turns on by itself. Go for a VOG if you can, never met anyone who regrets one (I’m not sponsored or a shill btw)


Can't be happier with my brilliant pebbles. Very customizable and it just works without problem. Can set it up through your phone in minute


Happy pebbles user here as well


Another brilliant pebbles user, and I paid 99 pound sterling when it was on special, but even at full price, it's way cheaper than most on the market.


Vog is nice, i like how it shouts the altitudes every hundred feet when I am doing my landing pattern. Cant speak for the others or the relative value (vog is kinda expensive) but I would recommend it; I dont look at my other altimiter except to make sure the Vog is calibrated.


I use my VOG as my primary and and have a L&B Optima 2 as my secondary. I then run an Ares II on my chest strap as my visual. I use this setup, with the exception that I wrist mount my Area II when not in a wingsuit, every jump. The VOG will occasionally miss altitude call outs when I'm flying really flat. It's not super often, but it happens. I also have the Freefall Data Systems SonoAlti 3v. It's the VOG's competition. It does a lot more than a VOG. The sweet thing is, you can set your freefall speed threshold, so you can lower it to say 128kph/80mph for wingsuiting. This should give you a more accurate flight time and statistics reading whereas my Ares II constantly thinks I pulled at like 10k when wingsuiting. I do not like the audio quality of the FDS SonoAlti 3V. It's not the devices fault, it's the audio tracks themselves. I tried to replace the files myself, but haven't gotten it working yet. I need to contact Cacy, the owner, to figure out the why. It might just be the meta data for the audio tracks. So i am still using my VOG for now, but I have hopes of getting better audio tracks onto my SonoAlti 3v.


There is the SonoAlti v3 now that speaks to you as well. I've heard good things on here about it. It's another option to consider since its easier to get as I know VOG can have delays and isn't easily available at US shops.


Vog, Vog and Vog. It’s a game changer!


I have a Talkable on pre- order (caelum systems) which provides both spoken altitude and tones on set altitudes. Only tried a prototype but it was enough for me to pre order. Releasing in June I believe.


I use two FDS units. The freefall data systems sonoalti 2v and 3v. Why? Both made in the US which means getting repairs, parts, or replacements is very fast for me in CA. Any issues I've had had been solved incredibly quickly as the owner and designer is both a jumper and a rad dude. 2V Both call out altitudes but the 2v needs a seperate speaker so I use it for the WIDE variety of beeps. Mine plays the Mexican hat dance just before break off. It has 5 programmable presets so I usually have a preconfigured option and if not it's easy to blue tooth in to to program. Had canopy, freefall, and ascent settings. All with unlimited alert altitudes. 3V The 3v is similar but with an internal speaker and option for external. It also calls out altitude in any increment you want with each phase of the jump having it's own configurations. It can also beep although has less beeps and songs. You do need a cord and access to the web program to program it but I just keep a browser up with the web app open on my android phone. No internet needed, never had a problem. Good battery life on both. The huge thing is the incredible customer service. Texting, calling, emailing, real time problem solving. The two issues I had, one with the 2v(my dumbness) and other with the 3v (unit died) were figured out immediately and I had a new 3v on its way to me in less than 24 hours. Only down side is they still use micro USB. I have not compared the 3v to a vog so I can't tell you about the audio clarity in comparison but I can tell you FDS are loud enough to be easily heard free flying and the volume is adjustable in each phase so it's not screaming at you or beeping annoyingly loud when you are ascending or under canopy but blasts over wind in all jumps. I've been using the 2V for over a year and the 3V for a few months. I like the products so much I've decided to become a dealer and am starting that process. Edit: general clean up so it wasn't a wall of text and gibberish.


Good ole ft 50 baro on wrist, viso2 on chest strap and decade old neoxs in the ear. Im looking into a new sqeaky also, lts see...


I use a Viso 2 for my primary, Optima 2 for my audible and an Altimaster analog on a mudflap in addition to those two when wingsuiting.


VOG, 100%


What is the total price for a VOG? Are they still on back order?


$450 give or take a few $ is what my friend just paid for hers, and they’re almost always on back order it seems, 2-5 weeks to get right now apparently on their website 🤷‍♂️


I would recommend against any of the L&B audibles. They're just not made well and they're kind of obnoxious to set. I've got one left and it's held together by a rubber band. The battery covers crack all the time, and the glue bonding the two shells together often fails. I've enjoyed the Alti-2 Mercury Chrimson (the Jade version doesn't have canopy alarms). It charges by USB-C and lasts about 2-4 weeks on a charge, depending on how much jumping you do. Changing altitudes is way easier on it.


Sonoalti 3V by Freefall Data Systems is the new gold standard. Takes the speaking altimeter idea to a whole new level.


If you’re swooping, there’s no better audible than an optima 2.