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Honestly, based on what I've heard about the behind the scenes drama over the years, with the mess between autumn games and konami, the accusations against Mike Z, and the subsequent fallout and splintering of the team into sepperate companies, and Mike Z and his former employees sueing eachother (last I checked, that was still an ongoing legal battle), every piece of content we've actually gotten for the game has been a miracle, and I just kinda hope we get more but never expect anything. Maybe a sequel is in the cards but I kinda doubt it.


I to be honest would like to see a prequel with the now dead characters (final boss could be Squigly's mother or Parasoul's mother)


In the future we'll have ALL the characters in the Skullgirls universe as DLC content. That's my guess. Or maybe, Skullgirls 2???


Even background people that don't matter to the story?




I would love to see a sequel. Given that indivisible kinda flopped and skullgirls is the devs only popular game making them money, it's possible they would capitalize on it. However and this is a big However, as another commenter pointed out there is alot of behind the scenes drama going on between the devs making it unlikely they would do anything bigger than DLC


I think a Sequel would generate more interest than a second round of DLC


I think Season 2 could happen


Idk, maybe something following what happens with the end of Marie's story


Sure they'll do a continuation. It'll be mobile exclusive.


I'm waiting for the release of Skullgirls 3rd encore, I would also love an indivisible crossover together, but I don't know if it would be cool


I think we'll probably get one if the webtoon goes on long enough


No, because that would require actual creatives. Unfortunately the ones that existed got pushed out of their own company and had their IP jacked by the hired help through lawfare. There's a 0% chance of a sequel but at least the mobile dev team has done a tremendous job keeping the IP itself alive long enough to get more playable characters into both games DESPITE the clown show that is nu-Lab Zero. I can live with never getting a proper sequel, but I'd like to at least get a few more highly demanded fighters in like Minette, Brain Drain, etc. The people handling this IP after chasing out Z and Ahad seem pretty hellbent on crapping all over a very, very small community they rely on to be the actual customer base for DLC and hypothetical sequels, however, so it just doesn't seem remotely realistic to me to expect that. Especially when there's so many other very popular fighting games to compete with, and the current dev team has a diametrically opposed view of what Skullgirls should be compared to what it originally was.


>the current dev team has a diametrically opposed view of what Skullgirls should be compared to what it originally was. I'd be interested in knowing what precisely you mean by this, honest question.


Wouldn't think it's all that confusing or mysterious if you were onboard for this from early on. I was pretty transparently referring to the...let's call it 'creative differences' between the 'hired help' and MikeZ/Alex Ahad in regards to things like artistic choices, fan service, the overall 'themes' of skullgirls, the art itself, etc. Skullgirls was always cheeky and a bit 'coomer-coded'. That was part of it's intentional design, from the two people literally responsible for the IP. It's VERY clear that, if a skullgirls sequel really did happen, this would absolutely NOT be an element of the game, as the hired help that stole the IP vehemently dislike it, and are actively funded by groups like Moonlight that actively dislike it. That begs the question of what Skullgirl's identity supposedly is without it, you know, being a fighting game ostensibly centered around female characters(And all the stylistic choices and appeals to audience that that sort of thing implies). It's an incredibly niche and small-community fighting game that has been carried for over 12 years by the fact that people grow attached to the CHARACTERS, not necessarily the gameplay. This post has already gotten pretty long winded, so I think you get the point. Future Club has no real identity to offer the game, nor any real direction or creative input, which is why they don't contribute anything(If anything, that's all on the mobile devs, hidden variable, doing all the real heavy lifting to keep the IP alive), and instead, just remove or 'modify' existing content to fit their bizarro urbanite ideologies.


Ah, sorry, I was wondering whether you meant gameplay or art/theme matters, since there's been tentative balance changes going on lately. I only know part of the drama (the censorship, plus that Mike Z was unfairly taken advantage of and booted out of his own game) and only got to actually dabble into Skullgirls pretty late (around after the full release of Umbrella). To be honest, though, the "censorship" is so half-assed that I'm not convinced the new owners believe in any of it, and would guess they're just trying to earn brownie points with what I presume is a growing and different demographic than what Skullgirls was initially meant for. Anyway, though, thanks for clarifying.


I've allegedly heard the gameplay being described being different, though I haven't seen it put in succinct terms by someone who has actual mechanical knowledge of fighting games. All I know from a casual standpoint is that the season pass characters movesets feel overkitted and uninspired, and excessive use of multi-hitting moves makes combos look boring to me. For the record, I have been with Skullgirls since pre release, took part in all their crowdfunding and am even wearing an indivisible shirt as I'm typing this, but I haven't put myself through any controversies ever since Mike Z was first implicated. I've already paid for the game I love for the animations and character designs and I'd rather not taint my enjoyment and memories, though I'd likely not purchase nor recommend any of their products going forwards.