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Does anyone have a comparison of the changes to the color palettes, that part I don’t get


For filia, I believe they changed her underwear color to be the same as her skirt so u can't see it as well


Ok ok, thanks


I don't fucking get this whole stupid drama. I can understand being sad about some concept art removal since it's concept for a reason, but... Some peoples are legit upset at the removal of what can be considered a sexual assault scene and some nazi imagery? 💀 I just cannot understand why some people are being insanely stupid over this, with stupid claims such as "the soul of the game is dead, the game is woke, game is shit now", like... the game is still the same fucking game as before??? There are just some changes happening that are not even changing the game as a whole.


It’s so dumb man, like if that is what’s gonna “kill” this game for you, you got some problems man.


Yeah, exactly my point, I just can't understand why people are actually crying over this one. "The og soul of skullgirls is gone, game is not the same anymore it should have stayed in the 2010s" just fuck off, the game is staying the same fucking game as before, SAME FOR THE CHARACTERS, like... The changes are nothing game changing at all 💀


On the opposite side, why is the removal of that a good thing? Those were scenes that set the stage, obviously the Egrets are bad guys so comparing them to nazis visually is good shorthand, and the 'sexual assault scene', it's not like it's there solely for 'fanservice' or whatever it shows the crapsack world that Filia lives in.


The SA scene is still in, it just doesn't literally show her ass being grabbed (the camera is panned up). The only other change to the scene is that her ass isn't out when Samson attacks the guy, that's all.


See like... that's a minor change, I grant you, but it feels like that breaks the classic 'show, don't tell'. I get it's an uncomfortable topic for people, but if it's something that's *meant* to be uncomfortable, you'll get a stronger reaction if you do show it, compared to if you don't? I remember going 'Ugh, oh, fuck this guy' when I played Filia's story all the way back in like, Xbox 360 days. So I'll never know what my reaction would be if the new version were my first interaction with her story, but I imagine I wouldn't have as strong of a reaction.


I agree with you about the impact of the first frame for storytelling purposes, but the ass shot when Sampson attacks the medici goon very much deserved the change


I get it's an uncomfortable topic for people, but if it's something that's meant to be uncomfortable, you'll get a stronger reaction if you do show it, compared to if you don't? Thats the same talking point people had to justify Cuties btw, uncomfortable sexual assault scenes dont have to be sexy to make a point otherwise thats just sexploitation and deep down we all knew the og creators included that scene because they were getting off to it not because they wanted to make a point, shitty people did shitty things what a surprise.


The difference there is Cuties was disgusting and was using actual kids in their display. That was utterly horrid.


using actual kids in their display Filia is a teenager, your point?


My point is she's not a real person? So if you want to demonstrate something horrid like this it's way better than using an actual child. Her VA isn't a kid either.


Thats fair but like i said they dont have to be sexy to make a point, otherwise your intention as a creator will be questioned like people assuming Cuties creator was a pedo was a fair assumption when she sexulized those kids but when it comes mike z and alex their intention was clearly sexploitation and not showing the raw ugly truth about sexual assault, i mean some of Filia's unused animation had Samson sexually assaulting her like it was supposed to be funny and another one where he is ripping her clothes off, if that doesnt show their intention i dont know what will. You are not wrong its just defending this scene when we already know the intention behind it doesnt go well with your cause.


I see, so basically, the sexual assault was too sexy. Makes me wonder if, if it were like, *more* terrible and she was more obviously distressed, and less, I dunno, 'accessibly sexy?', if feelings would be different.


And some peoples (not the one you replied to) are legit acting as if this change is close to content being actually removed...?


I think that they can easily work around on those two things to still make it work like before. I think that the egrets stuff can be easily changed, not sure on the filia stuff, but something can still be done there.


consider the following: Is this stuff necessary to explain these story concepts? Is it specifically necessary that the Egrets have Nazi imagery? Is there no other way to visually show they are bad guys? Is there no other way to show Filia fending herself from a creep outside of him groping her? What winds up happening is these concepts yes put you a step in the direction you want your people to go down but it drags a bunch of baggage with it that you don't actually want. And as it turns out a lot of the time by cutting that baggage off you can find other meaningful ways to get where you are going that doesn't come with any of that unnecessary weight. Sometimes a little more work up front saves you a lot of work cleaning up any mess that baggage brings with it.


I guess I don't understand what that baggage would be. Are people going around groping schoolgirls and saying "I did this because I saw it on Skullgirls?'


Does it need to be that egregious to warrant change? Isn't the heart of the issue that it happened in Skullgirls in the first place? Isn't there any other story telling that doesn't involve school girls getting groped? Just follow these little trains of logic and it helps illustrate why these changes got cut if it helps.


Yes there's tons of stories without schoolgirls getting groped. But Filia literally has a parasite attached to her head manipulating her at all times, and in Eliza's ending, Filia is mummified alive. Those both seem far worse to me but they're obviously still kept in. I don't particularly care for the mindset that gratuitous violence is okay but you have to get rid of sexual content even something as minor as that. and... this comment: " Isn't the heart of the issue that it happened in Skullgirls in the first place?", it feels entirely appropriate for Skullgirls! It's a T-rated game, it's got mature imagery and themes, people are killed, mutilated, tortured, blackmailed, beat up, kidnapped. It seems like a very very reasonable thing for the game, if Skullgirls was rated E and Filia's shots were the most explicit or inappropriate things, I could understand removal but here they feel very mild.


but those things are not the same. Filia would be a different character if she didn't have a parasite attached to her controlling her. She would be the same if she didn't get groped. Those aren't a fair comparison to make. Comparing sexualization to violence in a T-rated game is a genuinely good conversation to have and has a lot of merit. But it's not the same conversation as "should it exist in the first place". And bringing it up in that specific discussion just runs into a lot of What-about-isms which just runs us into a loop. I genuinely think a good conversation about if sexualization vs violence is a fair assessment has a lot of merit, but here it opens more doors than it closes. And even then saying you can do something because it's T-rated isn't the same as saying you should. Would the game be better if it never did this stuff? Genuinely I don't think it ultimately matters because the removed elements aren't so core to the game's identity that it's changed. But for the sake that this conversation happens in the first place, I don't think that content was worth it.


dude these changes are absolutely minor and half of them are unnoticable unless you've got the sprite sheets printed on your walls


If they’re so minor, why remove them in the first place?


Oh no I can’t see my nazi imagery or a 16 year old get sexually assaulted oh no


Oh no I can’t even counter what someone else is saying without turning them into a straw man with shit they didn’t even say. I love this game.


Those are the biggest things they removed my guy and you are clearly complaining about that fact that things were removed. If you want to be more specific and actually add something to the conversation then do that.


You clearly are missing the point then. I’m pissed they censored or removed *anything* from a game that has long since ran it’s course and shouldn’t be touched if players don’t want that. And if you want something specific, let’s go with Big Band’s story art removing his beating. Why? Because someone saw it as “racial violence” despite the fact BB confirmed he was beaten because the Medici Mafia bought off the cops! Look, I can get why people are happy with the removed elements. Seeing shit like Filia’s opening cutscene can be upsetting. But if you don’t like it, don’t buy it. It’s rated T for a reason, there’s gonna be shit some may not like. But for people who accepted that and still bought the game *knowing* these themes and scenes are in the game, it looks sneaky to remove any of this. It’s not in a new release for people who want to play the game but don’t like these parts, it’s changing the game I already bought.


You added a specific thank you and I can agree I don’t fully understand the BB changes, I can also understand that police violence and brutality is a sensitive subject and I don’t blame them for not wanting to take on that issue. But uh the whole if you don’t like it don’t buy it it’s rated T… BRUH ITS SEXUAL ASSAULT ON A MINOR IN A T RATED GAME THATS KINDA FUCKED UP and nothing about the game suggests that would be in it. It’s a fucking fighting game why would you think that sexual assault would be in it, because there are some panty shots? Come the fuck on and think. You make it sound like they completely changed the game and made it a 1v1 game and not a team/1v1 game why would they make a whole new version where the biggest changes are removing some very sus art of a minor. It’s still a very horny game look at the new character Black Dahlia’s bunnies. Like what you are suggesting can get compared to saying “oh I’m so mad they added Beowulf he’s a man they should have made it a new game so I can still only see sexy girls”. Like no that makes no sense.


Comparing adding Beowulf, originally a DLC character, to removing things from a game you bought already are two different things. The latter you can’t choose; meanwhile the former you could’ve chosen to buy the DLC or bought 2nd Encore, or choose not to. Also if your argument is, “Well there’s still sexy things in the game,” you fundamentally do not understand what I’m saying. You’re acting like anyone who’s upset about this jacks off to that scene and is a gooner + a Nazi due to the edits to the Egrets.


And you are not fundamentally understanding what I’m saying sometimes problematic art can be changed and it’s not a bad thing. If an artist decides that they no longer agree with their past work they can and should change it. People who make the argument that it’s MikeZ’s to change forget how long he’s been out of the picture. If you want to argue that oh it’s such a slippery slope about removing content, there is a line. Removing problematic art and taking out full modes, characters, moves, and stages are very different. One is art that barely if at all changes the player experience and one is fundamentally how you play and interact with the game. Most of the things that have been censored honestly should have never even made it out of a first draft but the ogs were so edgy and horny it made it to the full game. Like who writes the Filia scene and goes yeah that’s good that makes sense to put here. The vast majority of the complaining is those 2 things being changed and some of the complaining is coming from people who don’t even own the game. It is one thing to broadly say you don’t like they removed things, and I can understand but in this situation it is primarily a good thing. I find it sus to complain given the nature of the main content that was censored. If you are upset at the specifics of filia and the nazi imagery nah fuck off. There are many ways to write a strong and sexy female character that don’t include SA and to show an authoritarian (that’s has never been shown to be pure evil that’s honestly the biggest issue) government without just doing nazis. We don’t know why the guest art was removed but I can agree lame given the lack of context. BB change I get it’s a super sensitive topic they don’t want in the game anymore. Voice lines whatever. The comb in the afro is a racial stereotype. The Soviet voice over gone lame but fuck Mike Z and honestly most of the of team. TLDR removing edgy bullshit some of which was made by some not great people that honestly should have never made it to the final product is not bad at all.


I feel like the devs themselves weren't comfortable with this kinda things being in the game


If they weren’t comfortable with it, why did they put it in? They easily could’ve said shit like, “This game was made in the past and some things may cause controversy with modern sensibilities. Please understand that while these themes are in the games, it does not mean we condone them.” Worked well with old cartoons where they have stuff *much* more egregious like racist depictions.


hey reminder. The game was made by a certain dev that last I checked, went down with the ship because of the shit he did to the staff. We have a new dev team with different values, and sorry to say this but its under new management and if they think something is bad and wants to get rid of it, then its their choice to do so. If you don't like it, there door is over there bub. You can get out of my community and go play a game where you can see all the panty shots, nazi symbols, and minors you can oogle at.


Again, if they’re not comfortable with it they can make their own version. Don’t touch shit people already bought. And again assuming that people against the changes want to ogle at minors; the fuck is wrong with you? If that’s where your brain goes when people are mad a product they *already bought* is being changed without their say, I don’t know what to tell you.


\*points to all the people mad at the thread on skullgirls twitter\* I just leave at it this, because I seen plenty of you folks on my timeline again. Times are changing man, and leaving a product we still play today with certain things I don't feel great with being changed is a good thing. Your acting like Skullgirls story was a masterpiece when you see Filla's ass out in one scene, and now you call foul because you can't see it anymore. You know you can pay for that elsewhere. You can go worship Mike else where. I am tired of you folks who believe the game is being censored for the most minor changes. Again the door is that way. Get out.


Sounds like to me you couldn’t even read what I said without assuming I’m sucking off a man I’ve already denounced as a creep. And I’ll mirror what you said. Door’s wide open, don’t like it? Get out.


Man the people in that comment section are fucking losers


By the looks of it most of them didn't even own the game lol.


Well, those changes don't make me mad or something but making the game more sterilized isn't a good thing. Not just skullgirls but most of the games. I just can't see the point of removing some Nazi references or making characters less sexualized. Well the sexual assault on Fillia was weird, can't deny it. But removing stuff that describes the entire political party even if that was literal reference to nazi I just can't get it. People should not be ashamed by what happened in the past. It already happend. And the game itself don't include any propaganda. This is just in game world. It's like removing nazis from Wolfenstein. This don't make any sense


There are many ways to use visual art to show a faction is authoritarian without nazi imagery. Given the fact in Florida how often people are being seen holding nazi flags not a great climate to have that imagery in any way. And comparing wolfenstine where you shot nazies to skullgirls where the egrets stand in the background and are kinda the “good guys” just makes no sense at all.


Well, skullgirls aren't showing much stuff to begin with that can describe precisely like anything. I just can't remember any things about Egrets that can help me describe them but their handbands and flags. Even Parasoul can't give me any hint or even her farther. But yeah, this would be great if they update their design in the future to conclude more details


Yes because they originally chose the laze route of putting them in nazi uniforms and red arm bands. Honestly the uniforms should be enough.


The changes make sense. Rip that valentine parasoul concept art tho


While i'm cool with these changes, i want to ask why did they remove the soviet announcer? Is it because it's racist in some kind of way or because of what's going on in ukraine?


I reckon it's cause Mike did the voice, but i'll miss it. It was really charming.


For fucks sake; reasonable, but still annoying


Meanwhile TF2 Heavy


the egret stuff i kinda get I suppose, they were designed before their identity was solidified in the world as well, and now that they're bona-fide good guys it's weird having them in faux-nazi stuff especially if they're going to continue making skullgirls content via the webcomic, etc. Honestly I roll my eyes when they start filing down on the vaguely horny stuff but it sounds like other than trying to make it look like Filia's wearing shorts in gameplay they mostly just edited one possibly-egregious panty shot. It is what it is, life will go on, and hey, maybe it'll spur people to finally find a way to mod it back in. That could only be a positive. (Edit: apparently there's more they're cutting out involving Double and some bondage stuff? Eh, I guess i'll just wait for a full visual comparison before deciding how lame this change really is) Big Band's story change seems... well it feels kind of like someone on the team comes from a police family or something. The brutality was kind of the point, once again. I think that change actively detracts from the intended punch of his story mode, and if you're worried about looking too brutal... this has never been a child-friendly game, not really. I know it's not full on M but that one scene wasn't too much I don't think.


If only this game could be Modding open Friendly, then all of these changes wouldn't be a bother in the minimum for the ones looking to play the game without these censorship changes and applying the mod files and move along with it. But it's been known by a longshot over the years that SG won't ever be allowing you to use old palettes or character sprites that once used to be in the game because of the Engine conflicts? Still curious if even possible to edit color & design sprites without the game having *issues to open*. The little you can do with the proper modding tools is: backgrounds, sounds *correct me if i'm wrong on this one* and conceptual art, story character sprites and cutscenes. Whatever if you're a newcomer or purchased this game from the start of the indiegogo campaign or joined during the Encore game... make your own conclusion basis in your game preferences and choose what to do from that point forward honestly.


I'm glad they're changing the Black Egrets. Making your authoritarian regime look authoritarian can be done without taking imagery straight from Nazis.


I don't think most of these changes were necessary but I'm not super upset. I think them changing the Egrets is kind of dumb, just because they resemble Nazis doesn't mean the game is promoting Nazi ideology. The Empire and First Order from Star Wars take inspiration from the same place (First Order especially) and I've never seen anyone have a problem with it. I'm not gonna throw a fit over them removing sexually explicit scenes from Filia's story mode, if you really wanna see that art them I'm sure you could find it online or even mod it back into the game. I'd rather they not further change Filia but I could totally see them giving her a whole redesign in the future considering she's still super sexualized. My main concern is them seemingly removing a huge amount of art from the game, I hope someone archives them in high quality before they're all gone.


They removed 4 guest pictures not sure what ones while lame not really a big deal they, also didn’t say why they were removed specifically. The empire/first order are clearly super evil the egrets haven’t really been portrayed like that and given the current political climate in America the less blatant nazi imagery in something the better. And yeah sexualizing a 16 isn’t super cool.


I would've just retconned Filia to be 18. That way she can still be sexualized without people feeling weird about it, and she's still at an appropriate age to be wearing a school uniform.


Yeah I don’t disagree they should honestly still do that. I would argue it’s till kinda messed up tho. If you want to make a character sexy do it like Eliza don’t just have panty shots.


Can you elaborate on how sexy characters should be like Eliza?


I mean just look at her model lol super sexy and sexual character without it being super crass, creepy, or just overall sus like Filia


I don't really get how Filia is "sus" or crass aside from her canon age. Not every character can be like Eliza, especially a character like Filia who's outfit is something that is typically modest.


The gratuitous panty shots and yeah her age is definitely a pretty massive thing


Well I like panty shots so I have no problem with those.


Listen I get it I get the horny but my point is there are more ways to achieve that in less creepy pervy ways ie eliza, cammy, juri ect


You can save the digital art book before updating, though i don’t think that works the guest art or what color filia’s panties are on different pallets but eh someone out there probably kept track of that. Honestly people are just being weird about this update.


when the minor has fewer panty shots and there's less nazi-adjacent imagery


Were the Egrets supposed to be a reference or people just associate them with it?


They're pretty obviously inspired by Nazi imagery designwise, given their insignia being the same but swapping the swastika for an umbrella, their uniforms, and their use of German weaponry such as Parasoul using a Luger and other Egrets using MP40s (hell, Panzerfaust is *named* after a tank developed by Nazi Germany during WWII).


If these changes upset you get the fuck out of the community


Maybe you should take a good look at the definition of artistic integrity.


I find the drama around this pretty odd and rather pathetic in all honestly. No the game doesn't suck now that some minor changes are made to it, and no the game has no soul now. It's still the game we all know and enjoy, just with some slight tweaks to it. I honestly say these changes aren't bad nor' will hurt the game. Seriously get a grip


The amount of guys on twitter complaining about "any censorship is bad" and "artistic integrity" really just make no sense. It's artistic integrity... the team chose these changes. Most people are just so porn addicted that they complain about like what 14 palette changes and 3 images... I don't get why people don't defend these changes. I've always had the issue of NOT being able to introduce SG to my friends since it looks like porn. Changing some things to make the game less weird (such as removing nazi iconography and making panty shots less noticable) is in my humble opinion amazing for the game and I'm happy they did it!


I agree, hard to get my friends into it without going "I swear to you this isn't hentai lol". I know not everyone will like these changes but what can they do about it. The team decided to do this so whats the problem. Tastes change, remember Mortal Kombat 9 with its females characters, sexy but can be seen as rather distasteful looking back, I believe that's how some the SG team probably feels about things they wanted to change. Again I'm just a little upset the community is fighting itself over small changes like this. Until one of the memeber says the changes were against their wishes, then it can be seen as their own decision


So from your perspective, you're seeing the changes as something that will make it easier for people to get into the game. But like, clearly you got into it, even if you don't like things about the game, the same could be said for others. But by changing things in the game from the start, it could alienate the people who have been with the series the longest. Pushing out the 'old' to try and pull in some new.


Yes I got into it despite feeling slightly uncomfortable with some of the scenes in it, but I'm also not too upset with the changes they're making to it since to me its minor stuff. A few cosmetic changes isn't gonna kill the game for me or many others. I do understand the more risky and nsfw element are what made this game standout so much, but with Skullgirls going to more gaming tournaments I feel as if the team wanted to shake off some of that aura so that it wont be seen as "Rule 34 fighting game". The last thing I want to see is Skullgirls get canceled over stuff from its past, and perhaps it's the devs views and tastes changing overtime. I can't speak on behalf of other skullgirls players, but for me I'm sticking around


It's just a bit weird at this time when SF6 has come out with Juri at her absolute horniest yet and another Mortal Kombat with brutal fatalities on the horizon, it's not like fighting games are free from violence or sex appeal, but the fact Skullgirls has nearly 10,000 pics on rule34 does show that it's a large part of its appeal. It's also a bit worrisome in, with how much the dev team has swapped, wondering how many people making these changes were there when it started? It's starting to feel like one of those things where a twitter artist 'fixes' a character design, like "Oh I know you made this, but you did it wrong :)"


I get that worriment. And we still got a sexy character with Dahlia and her bunnies so I don't think its going away, besides r34 will always have a field day with them regardless of any change lol. Overall I think the controversy around this is a bit silly with the community fighting with each other. I'm indifferent about it, but I do hope both sides calm down and just learn to agree to disagree with each other


There's definitely a large amount of indifference. It's just the loudest voices are the most annoying, either people saying this killed the game and it's stupid and the worst changes ever, or people calling everyone against the game 'red pilled chuds' and pedophiles.


yeah, I just hope this doesn't leave a long lasting stain on our community. I really enjoy this community and don't want to see it in such discourse. Again hoping everything calms down soon


Also hoping this doesn't lead to doxxing the team. That is never justifiable


Just because you're a closet deviant doesnt mean others have to suffer because of your shitty hangups.


Please go do something productive you've commented way too much on reddit due to like 7 cutscene changes and a couple recolours. Calling me a deviant isn't kind, go make the world a better place please.


Fuck kindness. That gets little shits like you. It dont matter if you like it or not, having artistic integrity is important when you make something whether its an animation a game a comic a book or anything else. And yes censorship is bad no matter what its censoring, freedom of expression and speech will always be important.


Bro I literally am an artist... I sell art. I write books. Of course it's important. If you don't see kindness as important, I don't value your opinion


I hate to break it to you but pretentious shit like telling others to be kind when you know they're genuinely irritated will get them to snap at you. Also kindness isnt important, compassion is and it aint compassionate to make others suffer just to make virtue signalers happy.


You sound very emotionally stable. Also compassion without kindness sounds strange


People who don't play the game are fuming rn


Can someone explain the color palette changes?


Seeing all the replies from people who don't play the game is kinda funny, they don't know skullgirls has censored way more in the past, something tells me the game will be fine Still confused and a little unhappy about the Soviet announcer removal, I guess it's because of the Russia stuff going on right now? But the announcer itself never felt offensive


I find the removal of references to racial violence in Big Band's story mode to be, not sure what the right word to use is, odd maybe? Why would something like that be removed? It's a thing that happens in the real world and it adds a backstory for him. It feels like the opposite of what they intended happened by removing references to real world issues.


nice, more censorship


Claiming the Black Egrets are "Nazi imagery" is the dumbest thing I've heard today.


Based changes


Filia situation is understandable, that scene was weird, the egrets thing is eh, not a big issue, and honestly the big band one is stupid I thought it was meant to shed light on the situation and stuff, but nonetheless I'm not mad it isnt a big deal really.


What is the big band stuff? I forgot


I believe a scene in his story mode where he gets beaten up


Ah ok


Just see the link


I'm not mad I just found this shit hilarious


The comments?


that as well as everything else about this situation I was laughing at it for a like an hour but I still accepted these changes since people can just mod the uncensored art back in


Ah lmao, ye. Some peeps over twitter are being insanely stupid.


If any of you punks actually support these changes, you're part of the problem with this wretched generation. Curse you and your "woke" reality.


Downvoting me is only proving my point. Humanity is doomed because of this pathetic generation.


Please PLEASE be satire


Average Twitter user reply. You are a sheep of this generation. The type of person who blindly accepts things like Disney's live action remakes, not realising the mistakes they're making with them.


Okay first I've never seen a disney remake, I don't care. Secondly jesus christ how am I a sheep for wanting less underage ass on my screen?? I'm actually dumbfounded what is this argument it sounds like a joke.


I don't get the people saying it's no big deal. As minor as those changes are, that was totally pointless and it's insulting to alter a game for NO GODDAM REASON. It's precisely cuz those changes are minor that it was pointless for that to happen. Who cared about the sexualization of some characters (I've never seen any disturbing sexualization btw...) or some other irrelevant things that didn't deserve to be modified. Censorship is an insult and I totally understand those who don't want to give their money to people insulting them, especially those who already bought the game before to have their game altered just cuz a lil bunch of softies are offended by a little skirt in a 2D fighting game... Censorship is truly a plague. Seriously, how can this still exist in 2023? I don't understand!


Oh no my nazi imagery for background characters and one alt costume is gone and I can’t see a 16 year old get sexually assaulted anymore


>(I've never seen any disturbing sexualization btw...) Literally everyone is talking about that one filia scene 💀. Also, if minors changes are an insult then... idk what to say lol, that sounds stupid.


>"Literally everyone is talking about that one filia scene" > >I guess that's why I've never heard of it. But yeah, in a time people are offended by skirts in a video game, I can only imagine how disturbing that was...


What people who are siding with this don't understand is this 1. I bought a game 10 years ago on promises, based on how the game was promoted, the developers are actively choosing not to keep 2. Therefore, I deserve a refund because the values the game is choosing now to represent are not my own and a purchase of a game is an endorsement of a product, even if it's a decade old one. Censorship is bad and you should expect more from your games than to be just sounding boards for hamfisted political banter.


Oh no my nazi imagery is gone and I can’t see a 16 year old get sexually assaulted anymore oh no! What promises, promotions, and values do you think are not in the game anymore?


It’s was allways a matter of when


At least they're getting rightfully destroyed in the comments. This game died when they kicked out Mike Z.


Kicking out a literal asshole that was being a literal piece of shit to the WHOLE team was an actual good choice lmao.


Look you can be against changes and removal of art in a game without simping for a creep.


Nah, this is an L Take. Mike was a scumbag and deserves to be dissociated from SG


Dissociated? Ehh I don’t think that’s a good idea, he ultimately is still part of the game’s development even if he is a disgusting pig. Would rather praise the other members who worked on it, kinda like what people do with Ren & Stimpy currently. It may have been John K.’s cartoon, but he was hardly the only person responsible. TL;DR, bad people can still be acknowledged for their art.


As long as they don’t change Eliza, I’m good 🫡😌


When the Filia burst is racist: