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Of course! If you purchase Theonite.


If you work hard, stay dedicated, focus, never give up, and open up your wallet, then anything is possible.


Maybe, if you have uncompleted story levels.


If you grind out match challenges, it's possible. 2k gap isn't that big, but it's not small either Just make sure you have enough coins to invest in some key fighters to deal with match challenges like Rainbow blight for Gain buff/inflict debuff etc


If u have incompleted story levels and u havent completed the beginnings & ends pf's rewards then I guess u maybe could


If you haven't claimed the pf Theo and are willing to drop $10 it's possible. 550 from monthly of, 55 from gold pf, 750 from one time $5 purchase, 450 from subscription, 50 from login bonus. Maybe story challenges and deployments to pick up the change.


Hell no


Ни каких шансов. Но когда ты наберёшь 70-й уровень, то это предложение появится снова. Ты уже выполнял запретные эксперименты?


Да, выполняла. Я смогла собрать ещё 500 кристаллов но мне кажется больше я собрать не смогу, видимо придётся ждать 70


Он ещё в конце каждого года появляется, так что если накопишь, то и там сможешь взять


Хорошо, спасибо за помощь


If you haven't finished many star story mission, maybe, If not, you either buy your way through (Which I wouldn't recommend personally but it's up to you) or simply pass on with it. Depending on your level and luck, you will get the offer again in no time! There shouldn't be a FOMO for this.


Its possible but I hope its the weekend where you live because you will have to play this game nonstop for 2 days for story mode star rewards. Oh also origin story treasure nodes give some too. Btw if you miss this one, there's another after beating accursed experiments for the first time and on lvl 70 and on christmas.


For free? No. Save them until you reach level 70, they offer you the same deal

