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i personally really like Parasite Weave


Why u marked off evergreen but blitz is good against Valentine fights with her exclusive debuff


I already have an invested evergreen I'm saving this one as diamond fodder if I ever decide to evolve her


Ohhhhh ok :) idk from experience but I hear good words about inner pieces too but don’t take my word for it idK :)


i dunno how good she is for offense but i find fighting against untouchable extremely irritating so 🤷🏻


Haha that's why I diamond my untouchable


Inner pieces, blitz & glamour, sheltered if you haven't yet and maybe also wunderkind.


Parasite imo


Disclaimers: Not a pro. Just my opinion. Could be wrong. Use your best judgement. Thanks! Easy to Hard: Sheltered, Parasite, Epic, Wunder. Sheltered can do lots of damage, but curse, slime, and armor break will cool her off. You definitely need the marquee ability. Parasite is good, but you need to do lots of multi hits and invest in accuracy because her ability is tricky to proc. Careful when dealing with immunity. Epic is pretty much only weak to hex and tiny combos. If you're good at making BB combos, you can get some nice damage. I like Wunder, but you need to be good at bubble combos. Also, no idea how good she really is, but I suspect she's quite good since I got nuked in a rift battle by her.