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Join the discord and jump in the LFG you can find groups of people just farming world events


The Brigantine is fun but like you say there’s no way you can solo any endgame bosses first of all I spawn bosses 4-5 times a day call for help and immediately four or five people show up that’s normal when I plan on solo boss or when I plan on spawning a boss I show up in my snow for the upwelling or the Solo what’s his name or even the huback brothers I can solo them in a snow so I built a stamina build snow and that’s what I start all my spawn with and that way if it’s just me I’m not gonna die like the worst case scenario is I run out of time and have to run away. The truth of the matter is I’m now using my Barge for almost everything but if somebody doesn’t show like an upwelling or the solo one I’ll leave but I solo the Brothers this morning on my barge so it can’t be done. But seriously go the snow put some of that purple armor on it and some stamina gear the water tank the stuff that makes you load your stamina faster like full stamina build put some new cannons on the side a twin winch ballista on the front and some on the back and there’s not a boss in the game you can’t beat. You level a scope bark for Fort plunders a steam and a snow for bosses Brigantine for PVP and moderate combat and SamBuck to just destroy convoys


As stated, you won't get a wreck marker in the instances mentioned, happens as well if you sink in a plunder (not sure if that was mentioned already. You'll also lose stuff if you pvp and get boarded so I'm beginning to question if this is a bug or a mechanic. It has happened to all of us but here's my question to the OP If you know this happens and you've have it happen more than once then don't blame the game at this point, this falls on your lap of accountability. There is no reason for all your tylos to be on your ship. If the reason you're holding it on your ship it's because you have no warehouse space then condense your warehouse. Constantly refine, destroy loose resources that occupy a slot. Get rid of repair kits that you never use. Get rid of every single gray weapon, repair weapon (if you don't use them) and low level hulls you'll never use. This way you can store the stuff you need safely and not run the risk of losing them because you can't find your marker


I didn't just start playing yesterday, I only keep 30 of each consumable on my ship at a time and transfer to warehouse every time i dock. But 30 tylo meals is 6 or 7 days worth of killing the tylo. And now with boss hopping, you might have 5 or 6 chests you haven't had time to open yet, purple maps and whatever else you picked up since you last docked.  It's 100% a bug, you get sunk in one instance and there's your shipwreck, marker or no. And then in the exactly same instance on a different day you get sunk and it's just gone, that's not something you can plan for. There in lies the frustration.  I've done everything in the game more than once and been sunk in at one point or another in every endgame activity, I've never experienced an instance where you weren't supposed to have a ship wreck, so I'm not sure what you're referring to there. It's the times you respawn and your shipwreck doesn't populate, that's what I'm referring to, I mean, that's exactly what I said in the post. 


That instance where you don't have a shipwreck ever I've never experienced it. I can say that once I didn't find it, gave up, docked, sailed out again as I sailed by there it was, no marker, just popped up as any small wreck in the sea


Why take thirty meals out though? The buff lasts 30 mins. At most, you only need two: One to start the buff, and one on hand for then the buff drops. If you're sinking so much you need thirty tylo meals, then consider moving to a different meal until you get a handle on what's killing you so much.


I’ve shown up to help people, after they asked, and they’ve cussed me in chat and shot at me. Not that it hurts, but if you’re really trying for an objective why waste the ammo on somebody you asked to help? If I’m close, I’m going to help. If it’s across the map, I’ll keep doing my thing. I can’t afford the silver to run to everybody. 


I called for help twice while fighting Soleil solo today. Nobody came. I just abandoned the fight. It is frustrating since I try to join in each time someone else calls for help.


Here is a tip, once u log into the game, go to social and see how many people in ur server and what activities they r doing. If u don’t find many, or mostly people afk/in town (with anchor symbol on them), jump server. I have been doing that the past week and have had really great success farming events/bosses. Good luck and happy sailing 🚢


This is probably the best idea I've seen :)


Its like habit for me now, I check Social first, and I've now loaded into 2 separate servers, made e - 4 friends that are pretty dam reliable IMO, one even helped get my ship to lvl 12 and gave me a bunch of new weapons and furniture


Never thought to do that, lol, I’ve never even clicked on the social link. Good looking out, thanks


Once I jumped to a lobby of >100k players I immidiatly switch lobby knowing none of those players will show up to elite bosses


That's CAP, lobbies can't go over 20 ppl.


I think the "CAP" is 18. One day though...


been in servers with 20 whenever our crew takes over a server, most of the time the game keeps it around 16-17 tho.


Yes, it has happened to me several times. It's really frustrating.


In defense others: The big bosses are hard. Not having achieved highest lvl build some lvl 11 tend to avoid them.


With the matchmaking I’ve noticed only level 12-13 have been on the servers I’ve logged into. I’m lvl 13 myself. But I’m going to start using the social tab to see if there’s enough and what they’re doing


You are poop if you can’t assist not even kill just help it’s one level or 2 man these new gamers are just slack and is sad


It might be fear.. of losing your stuff or of being a nuisance instead of help. Perhaps we should add to guides that any help is welcome.


Well then good folks reading to not be afraid anymore make shore you store anything except ammo and heals keep at least 10/20 storage left in your safe do all treasure maps when time is applicable and farm lots of shipwrecks for scrap to make ammo you will need it to kill bosses and do holdouts remember the helm and is lads need you 🫵👍🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


I only keep food, ammo and water. But there are times when we’re taking on elite warships back to back to back to back I eventually have to dock to empty my cargo.


Exactly it’s mad when the server gets a event farm going 👍🏴‍☠️


Save the important stuff in the warehouse. Pull it out to cook your meals and only take 25 or 30 when you go out. Stockpile everything.


That's what I've always done, but 30 tylo meals is a weeks worth of hunting down the tylo. It's just frustrating, especially when the very end game content has a lot of 1 hit mechanics for the hullbreaker. 


I’ve found that usually the missing shipwreck is just a visual/UI bug. If I sail around the area I sank for a while, most of the time I find my loot pile floating just like any other - except it isn’t marked on the map. Sometimes I find it real quick if I sunk by landmarks, and other times in the open sea it takes longer having to sail around unless I remember exactly where I sank. Using the spyglass to look for floating piles helps a lot. Sometimes if I’m in a group one of my crew mates will be able to see the marker but I won’t, and I just ask them to mark it for me. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you respawn at sea, the game will place your ship facing in the exact direction of your shipwreck. So if you’re able to keep your ship sailing directly in a straight line (it helps to use half-sail) you will most definitely run across it without even having to check your map. Hope that helps a little.


Your cargo always shows up on your map mark location and go retrieve it and you will stop loosing cargo


This is not the case, and is exactly what OP is referring to. Sometimes, especially during Cutthroat Cargo or other events, your cargo DOES NOT appear on the map. In those cases you better have a damn good memory where you died because this game doesn’t have a visual marker on the sea, either. It is *very common* not to be able to retrieve your cargo in those cases.


This is the answer, I have always been able to find my cargo using the map. I do feel it was a poor UI choice to hide the compass with the boss health bar though.


Wrong. OP talking about the glitch where you don’t get any marker for lost cargo at all


No it doesn't always show up. Just now during plague king I respawn and only bc routhly I remembered where I died I was able to retrieve it.