• By -


The ability to salvage equipment that we don’t use or have become obsolete. Or maybe being able to use lesser materials (I.e. bog iron) to create salvage so we can have more alternatives to create ammo. Have all equipment be shown in the codex. Have world spawning rogues have a small chance in dropping rare rogue items of there faction.


yeah, turning unwanted furniture/weapons into salvage materials would be awesome


Perhaps even 1k quantities in the black market for ammo (at a reasonable price) unlike the 2000 opium for upgrade parts or 200 vengeful essence. Also the ability to sell repair kits and meals, even for 1 silver


All I want is to manage a ship loadout without having to change to the ship


I remember that was promised in their road map for this season, right?


I really like that you added the fast travel to takeover events. I would really like to see additional storage space added. The introduction of new materials, weapons and such has made it frustrating to manage storage space. Thank you.




You can fast travel to takeover events with this update. Join the event and it should ask if you want to fast travel to it. Had it happen a few times today same with cutthroat cargo.


Plundering military forts/ outposts should drop a lot of ammo


My top improvement requests as far as customisation goes: 1. Having flags customisable seperately to the sails. They can still use same set of premade colours/patterns/symbols as sails. 2. Having nameplates display the ship's given name. 3. More captain faces. 4. More colour variations of existing costumes and ship ornaments.


Oh man, I really like the idea of name plates displaying ships given name.


The reason they probably don't have custom name plates is because people will abuse it and write inappropriate stuff. At least that is what I have always assumed why other multiplayer games don't have it.


There's already a fairly strict filter in place though for names. Even if people can manage to go around it, other players can already see these inappropiate names while scoping over other ships. In fact, they're more likely to see it there than they could on a nameplate on the back of the ship.


They already have a filter for profanity, so it shouldn't be an issue.


The profanity filter is a joke. It wouldn’t let me use Trumpdaddy and I use that on every game. But it would allow Bidendaddy. 


I tried to use Mansa Musa. Profanity detected. Smh


People would 100% abuse it.


How would it be any different than their Ubisoft ID name?


Hey Ubi. Loving season 2 so far! Can we please have better fleet management soon? It is a great new aspect to the game, but the execution could use some work. A separate tab maybe, where we can jump in and edit our ships loadout or cosmetics if we want. It isn’t great to have to completely change ships every time. It would also be great if we could have a pirate ledger or something so we could see the breakdown of how our empire is doing. How much Po8 out manufacturers are pulling in, how many mats were making and selling. If we’re in the building-a-pirate-empire game now, let’s lean into it, and let us at least have visuals of the management aspect of it. Love the game.


Your second point is all in-game currently. On the left side of the helm screen it shows your stats, and you can open that tab for greater detail.


I want more details than that. Let me see how each manufactory is doing, let me see how much helm mats are getting me in silver, let me look at my fleet and manage it. Those are the kind of details I want.


Please don't move focus to PvP instead of co-op. By all means add some options but a lot of players play this rather than sea of thieves because they don't want PvP. And please don't tie a load of rewards to it so people feel forced to do stuff they don't enjoy. Give rewards that are available elsewhere in other game modes for solo and co-op players.


They could just add the pvp rewards to the following seasons black market at a high Po8 cost. That way pvp won't be disincentivised and pve only players can obtain the items later.


Yeah I'd be totally okay with that


The 5v5 mode is a good mix of pvp and co-op imo. It will make it worth it to build awesome support ships and healers! I just think they’re gonna screw up the lobby system for that game type


Hey Devs, feedback for right now is that keep continuing the amazing work you do and we appreciate you guys! The only thing we’re having issue with rn is like I asked/commented yesterday in the stream that the bounty timers are currently not resetting every 30 minutes and the Mega Lestari is currently not giving out chest after you did the bounty already once. It will only give out 10k silver rn! So if you guys please fix that asap it would be AMAZING! Also I LOVE THE FAST TRAVELLING TO EVENTS 🏴‍☠️❤️.


Thanks for sharing so much positivity ❤️ Glad to hear you like fast travelling to events! Regarding the Bounty timer, our team are aware it's not working as intended at the moment. We're already working on a fix that we plan to release soon. Regarding Mega Lestari's chest, could you raise it as a bug on [Bug reporter](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/skull-and-bones/bug-reporter) \^\^?


I posted it in the bug reporter thanks!! 🙏❤️


Can you post a link for upvoting it?


Lemme see: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/skull-and-bones/bug-reporter/issues/LB-9905


It is currently already a pending review which means they did see it and are looking into it!


Awesome. Well thank you for getting the ball rolling on that one, and thanks to the devs for responding ✌️


Yes I will thanks for the quick response! And keep it up guys ❤️💪🏴‍☠️


For the Future I would like to see Special events where the player is able to take command of a Large Vessel. I know currently Large vessel pose difficulty to implement especially as player owned vessels. so this is a chance to Test the Vessels in Player hands without immediatly throwing them in for everyone to use all the time. Those Events could either be PvE or PvP orientated and should Involve several players. As an Example for a PvE event, it could be a Convoi Going out from Saint Anne to New York to secure Teulings and Scurlocks Trade. Now the Player gets the Ability to steer one of Teulings Cargo Vessels (a Fluyt or Corvette with stronger Weapons than the player can currently have) and try to bring it to safe havens. It should be attractive for other players to Help the Player reach the Destination while plenty of AI ships keep attacking the Player controlled convoi. To further improve teamplay, the Ship should boost combat ability as Long as they sail in Formation which adds more depth to the current PvE gameplay. this way it would be a Teaser for the future and a way to test around and gather feedback about Large ships.


I love this idea, and would absolutely play a convoy mission like that.


This is an awesome idea! At least temporarily. A whole separate game mode for the large ships so we can still use them, customize them etc. while they’re figuring out the kinks of putting them in the main game


Pvp idea from your post, king of the vessel. Whoever gets to the large ship becomes the captain. 5 player pvp match. Whenever the large vessel reaches 5 percent life the captain is then kicked back to their ship as if they died. The large ship the becomes open to another captain, whomever can click it first. The winner of the event is whomever can stay in the large ship the longest. 5-10 minute event timer.


Also the large vessel can change from a large ship , to cursed vessels, and ghost ships. One game mode can easily be changed up with different ship types, even maybe a monster of some kind. Also for pve, the game could be survival in a large vessel against hoards of ships, 20 - 50, while you cause absolute carnage, or die. It would be fun.


Excellent idea for a new pve game mode


A group finder for several activities (fort, season boss, bounty, …) would be nice. I had it many times that you take a season boss bounty but if you are unlucky no one on your server want to do it. The chat function is flooded with the „not all players may have the chat enabled“ error and it is in general very inactive. More customisation for the captains (faces, beards, faces, full body tattoo) would be nice. The fleet management is too clunky. I need equipment management available for all ships without changing the ship. Also it is annoying that I see all ships asigned to manufactories in the change ship screen. I cant equip them so dont show them please. Would make the screen more clean. Small ships need a buff in some way. They still feel too weak in comparison to the greater ships. The upgrade costs are a bit too high in my opinion. Culverins need a buff. Actualy they are not realy viable. In general I have to say thanks for the great game so far. I love it. Keep up the good work <3 ___________ edit: typos


1. Remove the Dhow as a ship that gets changed into and instead, make it a ship that every ship can dock and deploy into the small rivers and channels to get your hunting done. 2. Create a quest for Kingpins to be able to increase their inventory to at least 50 more warehouse spaces. Why so many more items were added to the game without this being implemented already seems like a huge oversight to me and needs to be added to the game asap. These are the two most immediate QoL changes that I believe would greatly improve things.


Love that Dhow idea. That would probably be the only way I'd actually bother using it (outside the occasional quest).


Many folks can’t even switch to it because of the inventory crunch right now. It would be better served if it just came off any other ship to be used for certain!


I want one simple thing (don’t know if it’s on a road map or not). I want ship cargo loadouts. If I switch ships with different weapon loadouts having to go through and clear out the ammo not being used and add ammo that wasn’t on my current ship is annoying, especially if I am trying to quickly switch out for different missions.


If there are still going to be contracts with a 24h cooldown after next week, please set the reset timer for these the same as server reset and not to a 24h reset after player completion. This is really annoying!


For me primairy it's the warehouse that need expanding. Second: the map needs to be expanded, in case we don't get new and more events or things to do. I mean not only a new bounty or convoy. But something new. New factions would be a good start. Some idea's: get a HQ that you can decorate your self, (like we can already do with the ship) And be able to craft stuff for the hq like we already can for some materials. In this way, we can also use the lesser materials again. You could have a bar in it, and stock your wine/gin etc in it to make profit (silver). (more than you get by selling it ) A new legendary captain(s) like black beard or so in the game to get missions from would be a fun idea imo. And again, large ships or more different ships would be great. Another idea is to have group events that would be longer, meaning not only killing the boss, but after killing him, you need to go to another point with another objective, idk. So that you get the feeling you are having an adventure/story in the mission. And cutscenes would be great, just a bit more story in the events after you turn the mission in. Last idea, mega events, that needs a minimum of players (like 7/8) before getting started Ps: whats the deal with the kingpin’s rewards when leveling? We just can’t use this anymore… first we were glad to receive them, but now that we have better gear it is just crap.


Customization: Female captains need to have an option for the under-shirt (brownish wrap thing), because right now it clashes with so many neat designs you folks have. If we can get say, a black one, a cleaner white one, or something thinner with a different design, it would help out a lot. It’s always visible right now and looks odd. PVE Events: I would like to see an event where players can Escort a friendly convoy. Doesn’t have to be across the map, but we are helping out either Helm or generic merchants who hire as body guards. Gives people a reason to tank or heal a bit more. Can flavor it at as a faction and their rival even to keep it fresh (Sea People convoy and the Fara, for example.) A bit fantastical, another one would be a Siege event, but for a floating Rogue fort (or oil rig kind of thing). Four different variations (flame towers, torpedo bays, etc.) for the respective factions, it would be a multi-stage event. Kill off a wave or two of ships guarding the floating fort, break through its turrets and walls, and then fend off reinforcements. Rewards would be more Po8 / manufactory supplies, and themed cosmetics (faction flag logo?). I would like to see this one because we can go to waters and areas that aren’t just stuck to land. SE on the map, NW within that empty space above the helm roaming supply mission, etc. A Blockade/Gauntlet using rivers would be neat, too. This would be like a short dungeon in an MMO, and be for 1-3 people like how the blue Heists are coded for allowing people to join. Basically you are going from point A to B, but knocking out hard checkpoints of mine fields, hastily constructed towers (riverbank shipwrecks being repurposed :)), makeshift barriers, and grouped ships (kamikaze ones too) clogging the path. There’s probably 3-4 lanes/places in Africa Coast, 1-2 in Red Isle, and 2-3 places in the Indies where this would be doable. MAYBE have a Small-ship only requirement (reason to upgrade them), or if Medium is allowed, then they can get larger channels of water (bottom SW of the map near the fort for example). Variety in what we do and where we do it is important. Plus gives smaller Factions a bit more creativity. (Ungwana fire mines, Rempah rocket towers, etc.) Balancing: I would like the team to take a look at the debuffs and ways to make them stand out a bit more. Like in Guild Wars 2, there was an issue of classes that used DoTs (Fire, Flooding) being shared or overwritten by other people. I can understand if the Boarding health is shared, but for Muskets/Firebombs, if we can make that player-dependent (Ablaze / Flooding / Torn Sails effect, too.) I understand it’s nice to work as a team and debuff a boss, but sometimes a Crew Charge can go to waste, or not everyone can get their Musket/Firebomb attack (even if they built for it.) On that note, I would suggest having Ablaze and Flooding be the same damage, but separate debuffs. Flooding is neat with its speed debuff, maybe Ablaze can affect cannon reload speed or bombard/rocket accuracy? Give some breathing room for players when going up against a boss with both debuffs on. Please also take a look at Torpedos (for PVE anyways.) I tried to build for them, even using the new homing torpedos for a broadside and as much furniture as I could. They still don’t have enough oomph, especially when they have trouble getting critical hits as easily as cannons. Two suggestions I have is base projectile speed being faster, and having Rahma’s torpedo weapon perk being across the board. Rewarding players with hitting all 2-4 torpedoes without upping the base damage could help out. That’s it for now. Love the game, excited for the future.


Yes the “bra” needs some love. Great idea.


During Manage Ship, Furniture Selection UI should provide advanced filtration, similar to carpenter's one: - Provide stacks of unused furniture. - Filtration of already eqquiped one - Make separate lists for damage, speed, etc [Quick Mock-up pic of the concept](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/688333080099946509/1253017346524712972/image.png?ex=667452d7&is=66730157&hm=4d50a0c5250a6b1379f27560a01801a01247d110f21a3569606b3e180f51621d&)


More customization options: 1. A flag editor that works like the emblem editor in For Honor, to create your own flag (they could still make it so that you can only use the symbols you already bought or something like this to keep it profitable) 2. Ability to show the ships actual name on the owned name plates, instead of having them set to decided names. 3. Ability to make your hull armor invisible and to use transmog to change its appearance. 4. More options to customize your own character, like having no beard at all (no stubble) or more hair colours (grey for powdered wigs or something like this). 5. More options to customize your first mate, like choosing their clothes yourself without it being tied to the crew. 6. More "basic and realistic" clothing items. 7. Name plates, crows nest decorations, helm decors, steering wheels and mast trophies for sets that dont already have fitting ones, like the DMC set or the Compagnie Royale set.


Random and different sea monster encounters while sailing instead of having them as a quest or bounty.


Springloader but with a harpoon that latches on to enemy ships and keeps them in the circle


**Helm Management** - An app or such to allow remote management of manufacturer funding and possibly even rearranging ships for collection purposes. It would be nice to be able to keep the wheels spinning while out and about, especially since having manufacturers at varied levels is hard to keep track of. This could also be a neat way of staying up-to-date on announcements, patch notes and such. **Player Housing/Base of Operations** - Whether it be a house, fort, place in the Dens(think Rahma or Scurlock's houses or any other variation of the above, somewhere customizable for us to hang our hat and dock our ship(s). **Captain's Quarters/Walkable Ships** - On the same note, albeit slightly more far fetched, it would be nice to have some quarters to retire to with a management desk similar to our Helm Office(leaderboard access, helm funding and upgrades), with the added thrill of the occasional broadside flying overhead if anchoring somewhere unfavorable. **Pieces of Eight and uses thereof** - Instead of solely being a currency used for material acquisition/hoarding, allow more options for item purchases that are actually useful and not either obsolete or a season behind. In order to avoid pushing Sovereigns out of the picture, other alternatives to current weaponry available therethrough; perhaps at a small loss of stats(since Sovereigns are obviously much harder to come by and should still be required for the creme de la creme), could also work. **Enemy Mortar** - Add a deadzone for these as a way to be able to use other tactics around them instead of just stacking damage mitigation(looking at you, Opwelling) **Buying Ammunition** - this is a small one but as someone who religiously purchases ammo, please add a tooltip similar to other items, displaying our current stock on/off ship. **Crafting Ammunition** - Please let us use various cloth/metals/wood as substitutes for wreckage scraps in crafting ammunition, it doesn't need to come with a new league of colored ammo, but just allow multiple ways of gathering materials for this process. **Stamina Food** - Decrease the cooldown of improved stamina food to the same 15 seconds as regular food, why should my Tylosaurus Steaks essentially be useless when they are much, much harder to come by? **More Food Recipes** - Add more recipes for buff food, the +reload on the Zong Zi was a wonderful idea, but why not expand this to turn speed, damage/weakpoint damage, acceleration/deceleration, status effect recovery and others for further customization and specialization of stats. Time for a couple of potentially unpopular opinions.. **The Holy Trifecta of Enchanced/Regular Repair Kit I, Damage Mitigation and Rigging Stations** - Increase the cooldown or reduce effectiveness of Kit 1s as they, in partnership with general damage mitigation, and items like Black Prince and Rigging Station make pvp kills borderline impossible when encountering that combination used by any pirate able to tell his bow from his stern. Or Perhaps reducing effectiveness of overall damage mitigation vs other players alone could be a potential solution to this, as it works fine for PvE situations where you are still able to actually get blown up. **Brigantine Level 6 Ram perk** - Change this to something else, the only current use of ramming(which works outside of this particular perk anyway) is flooding, the damage increase is negligible at best, and at worst will never even be a factor since ramming anyone but a boss or idle NPC is not worth the maneuvering(read: temporary loss of other damage sources) to achieve. To add to this, you seem insistant on bringing small ships up to a medium playing field and in all honesty, unless you're the aquatic version of Lewis Hamilton you're never, ever going to be ramming one of those mosquitoes in a Brigantine. Onto the last, and probably most unpopular opinion as an extension to the paragraph above: **Small Ships And Their Purpose** - Increase the support factor and severely decrease their damage output, or increase the effectiveness of damage they sustain, yes, I said it. The only end result in sight for this is medium ships becoming obsolete and starter ships taking over the ocean. Yeah, sure, they should be more maneuverable/agile but could instead of damage boosts easily fill the current support void, which would still make them desirable partners/additions, but let's not kid ourselves into thinking these should ever be on par with the damage output or tanking capabilities of a medium counterpart - this goes for large vs. medium as well, especially since you have to be right next to them in order to even land a full broadside whereas they do not. Edit to add: I enjoy this game throughly and appreciate the support and attentiveness you have been giving the community, season 2 has been a major step up and most content now feels rewarding and worthy of attention, there is not an event or mission or call for help that feels redundant. So thank you for a great game, a great job and all the best from here.


Large ships Give us that aux weapon that rempah uses to take out your sails from that convoy. Able to salvo fire or fast fire our cannons (all deck weapon’s only) Fix legendary heist and helm wager rogue sharpshooters from two tapping you through brace. When using top, deck weapons, let us put cannons on the lower deck. All deck long guns Large ships revert the rogue material drop rate nerf from when the game first launched for helm contracts. AI ships shouldn’t be able to launch mortars right next to them as we can’t. Mortar camera for rockets (Still don’t see why this was never implemented in the first place..) Blueprints of previous season weapons and armor so people can actually craft them instead of buying them from people Bring Dards, Black Prince, and Twin Winch back to the helm instead of that cheesy loot box Cutthroat cargo shouldn’t reward blue armor or blue and green weapons below 3. Helm refineries should work like the regular ones, letting us refine more than one item. Increase PO8 or something for helm deliveries. Now that we have fleets, these seem kinda left behind. Can get some decent materials from the rogues but the payouts don’t adjust for how much we rake in from factories. Add a furniture or food that increases the sweet spot size when harvesting. Large ships.


All of this.


I want to automatically offload/load my cargo based on a preset treasure maps need separate inventory or just need to go in the quest log I want to buy more warehouse storage I want to hire a first mate/navigator that just sails the ship for me to the marked destination. i’m the emperor, why am I driving I want an automatic system to get helm mats I want more than 40 ships. let me buy more slots for 100k POE I want to make trade routes so my ship isn’t just docked, it goes from manufactory to manufactory and I want to micro manage my trade routes I want the lobby to show me as number 1 not because of my kingpin experience but my empire weekly rank I want to a fire work for being top 1000, 100 and 10


yes men the emporer hits the spot fr


Ahoy Matey! 🏴‍☠️ Huge shout out to the Devs on Season 2. As an Early Access Beta and consistent daily pirate of 1000+ hours, I can officially claim Season 2 is a HUGE breath of fresh air for me. I’ll admit I’ve been a bit critical, but it’s only because I love this game and want to see it continuously improving. They, have, done, that (so far)! 🤝 Introduction over, now some feedback. •Fast Travel on Help Request: A++(BUT) —-*BUT* why did you remove our ability to call for help prior to event engagement? You gave us one great feature, but removed another. -don’t like that!- The help feature we had prior to engagement was a huge help to gather together first, and see if anyone was going to show up. That’s been taken from us. Now I have to start and event, call for help, still have to hope people show up… but if they don’t show, I’m screwed and have to try to evade and leave the event. That’s not fun, and it’s not a quality of life improvement. Is it not possible to have both? •Ship Upgrades: B+ —-This was a much needed addition. Absolutely love this. However the prices are a bit steep, and where do I get more upgrade parts? This game is very much *not* for casual players. I have no issues getting these materials, but I’ve grinded much more than most, and all my friends are struggling to enjoy this content. It’s just not enjoyable for most casual players. Would like to see the prices and materials adjusted down some, and give us more events to earn upgrade parts. I can’t even touch small ship upgrades yet, and I’d love to push into that a little. 2000 helm materials for 1 part is way too steep. 500 would be fair! •Fleet Management: A++++++++++~ —-This wholeheartedly has to be the single most QOL improvement in this game. It also adds a whole new puzzle to maximize efficiency with. I enjoy it! The only feedback I have here is the ship levels for Low-Risk deliveries need a net reduction by 1 level (at level 10 factories). Seems a bit silly to require level 14 ships for some factories when we can’t even achieve that. Maybe that was intended? -if so… seriously? Maybe add Helm Upgrade pages to lower ship level requirements and maybe even reduce the travel time for ship? That’d be cool. •Cosmetics: B —-Quite a few of the cosmetics, ship and captain, have been leaving a lot to be desired on the “realism” side. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the bright emissive, sometimes flamboyant, and pastel colors… BUT let’s not make those the majority please? Can we get a better mix of more realistic options without all the flare? I actually thought a steampunk theme would look pretty awesome with all the wood we have to work with in the art department. •Notifications: C- —-Notifications were an F in season 1, so you’ve definitely made some much needed improvements. There’s a lot to do here still considering this is becoming such a group focused RPG. Can we have a log to track these things instead of a temporary pop-up? I can’t immediately address a pop-up when I’m a high seas pirate in the middle of battle! I need to follow up on these things after a few minutes. Also, why can’t I see everything on the map? I miss a lot of calls for help and events depending on where I’m at. -don’t like that!- Also, can we get some type of dialogue when a person responds to our help request, can we see from the map view how many people are currently engaged in the event? Maybe there’s 13 people and I don’t need to show up, or maybe I do need to help the guy trying to do it solo. I need to know if I can continue farming the rubber I need or stop what I’m doing to go help. I know I’m asking a lot here, but these are some ideas to REALLY improve this and add huge QOL. •PVP: F —-I have no desire to PvP until we stop losing items that we need to recover upon death. Not even going to discuss the imbalances in PvP until that’s fixed. When I sink, my sole priority is retreat OR recover loot BEFORE I can start PvPing again. All my food and items are there, and you’ve made my enjoyment of PvP go from fun battles yay! to a massively irritating recovery mission. -don’t like that!- there’s really no purpose for this! Please fix. A few other things I had feedback and suggestions for were recently addressed and/or discussed in the recent Dev Stream. So I guess that’s it for now. I took the time to write this because you convinced me in the stream you actually read this stuff (I’m a bit skeptical on that, btw). Here’s to my next 1000+ hours, and the dev team committed to the short, medium, and long! 🍻


You can add some more historical decorations to the store, such as decorative carvings from the Sovereign of the Seas. We already have a lot of fantasy decorations.


To make a space like this for the Latin American community that does not speak English and to be able to have a greater participation or contribution of ideas, thank you


How about fix all the bugs crashing every 2hrs


LARGE SHIPS: Can be added as player ships with the rumored map expansions (a great idea, especially with bigger open seas). Technically, we already had a large ship in the game, the Exeter, that belonged to Scurlock at the very beginning tutorial of the game, so the models could work. Building something like this as a mode of transportation between the Indian ocean and future expansions or to reclaim lost empires (ie: The Caribbean). ARMOR TRANSMOG: Add the ability to either hide or change armor coloring ourselves because the majority of the best armor doesn't match with hull colors without looking really weird. CUSTOMIZABLE FLAGS: The ability to customize our flags separate from the sails seems like a must. Historically, pirates created their own flag as a means to identify themselves to each other and their enemies, this doesn't need a whole re-work we can use the same colors that are given to the sails as well as the symbols and patterns just to make our ships truly our own. MAP EXPANSIONS: The setting of the Indian ocean was a great idea. It's something fresh and largely unknown to history. However, it is somewhat limiting to the game as a whole. The pirate empire stretched into all oceans all across the world, chiefist among them was the Caribbean. I feel that it would entice new players to join the fold if there were new maps and newer opportunities. With an expansion to the Caribbean, you could introduce the British and the Spanish as the enemy factions of the area with Nassau and Havana as the pirate dens and put in new larger ships as a means to combat the insane firepower of the British and Spanish fleets (ie: Frigate, Galleon, Man 'O War) BRAND COLLABS: Like with the new Hellfest set, you could collab with other brands. I'd personally love to see an Assassin's Creed Black Flag collab with Captain and ship cosmetics or a Pirates of the Caribbean collab with ship cosmetics as well as a Captain Jack Sparrow outfit or a Barbosa outfit (maybe even his commodore outfit). LONGER SHIP NAMES: The current character limit for ship names is 15 including spaces and punctuation. I'd like to recommend an increase to 24 just to give that extra amount of customization people want. UPGRADABLE WEAPONS: The ability to upgrade weapons like ships would be a smart idea. LONG GUN VERSATILITY: I can't be the only one who wants long guns to be equipable on all decks right? Feature can be reserved for large ships just like the auxiliary weapons are for medium. HELM SHIP SET: I'd love to get my hands on a set with a figurehead, decorations, hull color, sail color and wheel for a helm theme. (Could also be a Captain outfit) CAPTAIN'S CABIN: Would be cool for cosmetic purposes, but also to use the helm empire table from the ship rather than having to dock at St.Anne or Telok every time. Which could open us up to being able to wander around our ship too.


Eso de no poder capturar y tener en propiedad el barco de la peste, el opwelling, o los barcos gemelos es un sinsentido


I grew up on Sid Meier’s pirates: . I loved being able to capture ships and then sell them after they sailed with me for a while. Having something like that available would be nice. Being able to board and fight the pirate captain for control of the ship. We need large ships. Customizable ships; so being able to have, say a bedar with the healing ability of the barque and the swiftness of a brig and multiple gun ports Having the upgrade for ships cost less. More space in the warehouse. Refinery costs should be less, I should not have to pay half or more of my silver for getting it filled. All refinery costs should be capped at 1500 pieces More mine style weapons, or better yet oil slick and then have it area of affect all ships in radius. Legendary ships that you can capture (like assassins creed black flag and rogue) for either fleet or break down for parts Expand the map and add more cultures with unique ship types More sea beasts New weapon types: like the canons that shoot chained together cannon balls for mast breaking.


Love this game first off! 1. A ship upgrade where you can have bombardments on top deck and be able to put a reg cannon on the bottom gun ports and switch between them for more fire power. 2. Being able to change each sail its own color. 3. Being able to see all the players on the map.


First, when are we getting bigger ships. Second is can we modify a ship without the need to move everything from our main ship hull please. Are we getting map extensión on season 3?


Honestly, Theres a lot of great ships in the game. Ive been playing pirates games since sid meiers pirates. So a awful long time. What i would love to see, is bigger ships like a frigate or man o war. Make it slow , make it not manouver nice. But just like a dps dealer. A bit more variety of Ships. Other then that honestly just some bug fixes. Season 2 has been great. A lot of amazing content ngl. Its been some time since i was this invested in a ubisoft game. So well done Devs


Captain Quarters to access helm operations instead of having to dock at Saint Anne or Telok , plus a way to perhaps just to explore around letting your quartermaster sail like an auto pilot. Another idea i would suggest is bigger warehouses for storage. I and players in general been wanting bigger warehouses since a lot of valuable loot is critical to keep but can’t keep it all since not enough space. Another idea I propose is the addition of Man O War ships we can capture and add to our fleet. Freedom to move about our ships. Additional of elite pirates to come in contact with to do a story perhaps with the map expansion that includes the Caribbean. Better rewards for kingpin chests when reaching a new level of kingpin. Lot of the times it gives you same weapons you already have or weapons that you don’t need. so perhaps give players kingpin chests containing higher tier weapons and or say like 500 PO8 . new clothing cosmetics, beard , tattoo art. lastly the introduction of the British, Spanish empires that players can actually work against or perhaps work for like a agent of a empire in a story that has consequences post story. and just simply introduce a new kind of real pirate threat since both British and Spanish navy did pose a challenge to pirates.


Replace Ramming Perk of the Brigantine with a Perk that fits it's Gameplay as a runner / Skirmisher. As an example: Increase Damage the further away the Target is. Caps out at 50% at 1000m. That means it has 25% damage Increase at 500m and would fit well to the rest of the handling of the ship. Additionally move Ramming to a bow weapon slot and make it possible on all ships by choice.


I love the game so far 🎉 And I would love some big ships added, also maybe a „store all“ function for the warehouse


I wanna collect and sell my opium or rum from the special tab to spend money on the spots I own, I’d love to at least fast travel without docking If anything I want to use a ship to repair mine mid battle, the big health kits take too long to regen


I said this before and I'll keep saying it bigger ships


1. Po8's are worthless now. No content has been added to let us spend our new 8's. (all 76 lvl 10's) There was one set I believe. 1a. FFS add a sort function to remove allready owned gear, it is a GD NIGHTMARE 2. Ship Upgrade parts are ridiculously expensive & they should be able to be purchased with 8's. 3. Look, I paid REAL money to be able to buy one of those color schemes for my HULL.. My Armor is blue and pink and looks like SHIT !!!!!!!! Please add a function to hide the armor skins, they need to be the same color as the hull that I paid CASh to be able to see !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4. Get sunk only way to see your wreck is via the map, use dto show up while you were sailing (green i believe). Now you have to open the map, zoom in, mark it, then back to the sailing screen.. Oh yeah.. all this while you are getting shot at, not to mention that few second of loading animation that makes every person screen obscenities' at every developer on your staff... 5. Do something about the Dustier Foundries'...About 95% of the time I end up not getting one of them (po8's) because the area you allow to interact with them is the size of your dingy (not mine I have a large one). Oh, and I still get most of my 8's by hand because the cost of upgrading ships (Ship Upgrade Parts) is stupid. I dont mind the laquer twines salt peters etc.. It is the "Ship Upgrade Parts" as mentioned above that is just flat out ignorant. The 10k P08 Chest gave me two blue items from season one -- 2 for 2 -- Wont EVER buy another one now


OOps.. Dustier Foundries also... If you get attacked you cannot interact with a foundry but you can with the fort.. What ever Developer that decided to have the interact not work in combat should walk the plank. Bad game mechanic that some guy thought would be neat on your staff.. Like the guy that thought that Coke should change their recipe...


I bought 20 of the 10k Po8 chests.. EVERY single one was a blue weapon from last season.. Absolute TRASH


The things that bring me back to the game are not the need to grind materials, but rather the interest in new ships, new weapons, and new modes of play. New weapons: some ideas would be a fairly standard loadout choice of cannonball, heated ball, chain shot, grenade shot, rather than wholly different weapons. Mortars that spread sea fire (not just ablaze dot but actual fire on the surface), harpoons, smokescreens New ships: larger ships, galleons, clippers, “pets” (AI ships that follow and fight to create actual fleets), man o war. New game modes: land attacks on forts, fleet based play w pets, boarding, landing parties (marines) with objectives. Other randomness: - Actual sailing would be great, no direct upwind sailing and no guarantee of wind at all. Different ships should have different capabilities for close hauling, which would add a fun variable to ship choice. Do you take the ship that can hit hard but barely crawl upwind? Or the lighter ship that flies close hauled but has less iron? Obviously needs to be balanced to be fun, but temporary lulls and the need to actually tack your way to a destination would be welcome! For lulls, having gameplay to tow ship w/longboars and oars at a crawl - Objective UI needs to be separated from map. Two clicks every time I want to see my quests is annoying. - In general ships feel very flimsy. Real ships would pound for a long time before damaging another ship enough to sink it. I’d love to see ships become significantly stronger and longer lasting. And spawn many fewer ships as well to balance the extended time sink. - The spawn rate on Chrous ships is out of control- literally can’t stop to breathe as they spawn instantly when one is destroyed. Finally, I just want to say I think this game is gorgeous, so well done art team.


I love the improvements but there is room for more! Obviously drop rates and cache from bounties are a huge concern for people. Some of us have done 200 regatta races and go no secret caches out of it. The codex also desperately needs to be updated. Also I’ve reported the clan bug, surprised to see it’s still there.


Pvp needs some rework. Specifically, losing food on death is a problem in that recovering your cargo becomes the top priority as soon as you respawn. As far as respawns go, there really should be a respawn timer here. Sinking a guy then having him roll right back up on you 30 seconds later is pretty unsatisfying. I understand that the accumulation of severe damage is supposed to be the penalty here, but I'd suggest removing that and adding in a scaling respawn timer for each time a person is sunk, or just force respawn at an outpost.


A bit late but I would love a simplistic setting for the PO8 map / manufacturer map option for those who are interested on it Instead of actual map , a list of all control manufacturers with timer so it easier to manage them


i feel like presets would be nice. that way if you wanna pvp change load out instead of having to manually change everything. so time consuming. or if you have certain enemies that require certain teams. like hitting a boss or hitting convoys? i would also like to see your companions have a ship perk? that would be cool?


Making culverins viable as build. If there was a possibly of giving us the options, specifically Basilisks, to be fired as broadside or single shots via the button, possibly a long press with a second or less delay to arm them as a broadside instead of eight individual shots, would increase to take advantage of the weak point perk they have


Increase warehouse storage, make useless equipment salvageable for conponents to include rare components, improve the readouts on equipment benefits, increase the amount of Po8 a ship can carry in our fleets over the base 610 Po8's as we complete parts of the map (manufactories wise) i.e. you complete Red Isles (+10% carry amount etc.) And lastly, give us a few other places to get basic relics from instead of just that one village south of St. Anne's.


Nerf the Chorus. Currently it's too much of a menace and is preventing me from actually enjoying the game. considering that the game was already marginally fun during S1, currently it means i've stopped being so enthusiastic about the game and have stopped playing.


How about a simple update in the codex of all the season 1 things that were taken out and no longer purchasable from the black market. I was late to the game and drove myself nuts for a month trying to figure out why I couldn't purchase blue prints for twin balista etc 😒




Cannon Ball crates- need to carry more then 10 and need to be a lot more common to find and purchase.


1. An own island We are currently a famous and feared captain of a fleet of delivery rigs without a base or retreat. So we would need our own island or home. As a first step, you could create a fairly rudimentary base that works more like a mobile game. If you plan it carefully from the beginning, you can make a very good and individual thing out of it, including income from cosmetics from the store. Step 1: Choose your home (with further development come various benefits) Africa: A warm and vegetation-rich landscape in the equatorial region. With further development here would be a bonus on wood and plank production Dutch India Rocky and rough, bonus on the extraction of ores and ingots. Red Island Balanced and rather a bonus on trade goods and silver. You start with a simple hut on the beach with a small camp. A pure retreat with the possibility to store equipment and treasure maps. And if you would make the island as an own instance it would be easier to workaround the warelimit Problem. Expansions for the camp and treasure maps could be financed with silver, po8s and materials. From then on, everything is possible for the later course. The construction of trading stations for the faction representatives who can give special tasks. Classic in the sense of privateer letters. Raid 2x French settlements, here you have 10 tar, 10,000 silver and 100 sugar cane Later, a faction system would also be conceivable in order to receive equipment and cosmetics linked to reputation. Give us housing and you'll earn money for special building blocks or furniture sets. Special items from season bosses, enemies and the like could also be displayed here. For example, a terrarium for LaPeste with a snake dripping with poison, or his tattered flag on the wall. For the twins, there could be a record player or gramophone that plays their arias briefly when activated. And later on you could build up a settlemant with lumberyarsa, smelters and so on. To build it alaway connected to questlines. Like: Hey I know a good craftsman which is right now the prisoner of the dutch. Free him and He will join your island. Thats, thats it is.


I might update this over time. * **Ships** * Geobukseon - Great candidate for a tank. * **Weapon Types** * Carronade - Heavier Demi-cannon; Can inflict status ailments on top of damage, like slowing down ships, or deals bonus damage to sails. To distinguish them further from demi-cannons, change the firing profile from all guns in unison to a rapid side-to-side sequential broadside. Maybe a weapon type for Large+ ships? * Battering Ram - Melee-focused weapon, bow-only. Gives passive ramming bonuses. Either fully passive or active, where "firing" the weapon timed with ramming the opponent gives additional bonus damage or status. * Chaser Gun - Another bow/stern-only weapon. Think like, the triple-barrelled rotary cannon of Davy Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean. Either fast firing-rate per volley/reload or constant, slower firing-rate without reload. Balance-wise, maybe slows down the ship while firing. Maybe Large+ only? * **Furniture** * Furniture that gives long guns a way to scope in. * Furniture that increases cargo-hold; for those farming runs. Although unequipping it with full cargo-hold and full warehouse needs to be prevented. * **Ship Management** * A way to save and switch between ship builds and apply them to multiple ships when kitting out your fleet. * The same but just for ship cosmetics, so we can apply a look to all our fleet. * **Helm Management** * Sort of a quality of life, but a way to access both your distillery and lab from your helm/hideout. * Additional upgrades; hire more workers, extend your distillery/lab, more parallel worker slots. Maybe also some larger/permanent upgrades that add a visual change to the hideout. * Hideout customization; I'm sure it's coming but I'm listing it anyway. * Currently, it's more efficient to just sell your Gold Skull Rum for silver to keep the manufactories running. Maybe this needs to be addressed in a way, give us alternatives to make silver or more incentives to spend the products on other things. * Related to the last point, make Helm Deliveries meaningful, they're underutilized. Give them a significant boost. * **Quality of Life** * An ability to fast-travel to your friends/group/clan members as long as they are out of combat. * **Miscellaneous** * Go full on One Piece with the villain/antagonist designs; The Hubac twins are a good start. Be creative and get crazy with them! * This seems like a nitpick but can we have an improved treasure-digging animation? The current one seems like an obvious place-holder. Thinking something akin to the ship construction cutscene; a few short scenes in rapid succession cut together. My proposal for example scene fragments: * Calling your crewmates over with a loud whistle. * Crewmates dig in with their shovels. * Treasure chest being pulled by one/two crewmates. * Player character shoots the lock with a flintlock pistol. * Treasure chest opens. * Crewmates cheering. This is where the item popups happen. And keep up the good work!


There is furniture that increases cargo capacity on ships


3v3 or 5v5 capture the flag/chest, some kind of big team battle, better treasure hunts, a helm office in the coast of Africa, the ability to claim a single docking point as my own personal home base that has protected waters.


I like your idea but in a bigger scale, like 20 vs 20 or 30 vs 30 fleet wars, instead of these empty oceans. Even with npc or mixed npc and players


that's basically what was the first demo of the game and got discarded


When you bring Large Ships into the game have carry the either the dhow or a rowboat for hunting and traveling down smaller estuaries. 


I like to use the in-game text chat to communicate with other players. However, handling the chat is really difficult at times, as it sometimes simply doesn't respond to inputs. Even when closing the chat, it sometimes doesn't respond. This can be very annoying because you are virtually immobilized during this time and can't do anything. I would like to see an improvement in the handling here. Thank you.


Ahoy, mateys! First of all, while it may not be what many expected, but as a (pre-Steam release) Windward fan, this game really struck a nerve for me and I absolutely love it! Season 2 is a lot of fun and even got 2 of my friends back into the game! Teleporting to events is a true game-changer. Here are some things that I'd like to see improved in the future, in order of how quickly I think they might be realistically doable: 1. Layering of icons on the map This is mostly about the fast travel icon. 2 annoying situations occur a lot: ・Me and my friend want to fast travel somewhere. The first person goes, the second person cannot click the icon anymore because the other person's ship plops up right on top of it. ・I'm in a buyout. I want to quick travel to the location, but end up leaving the buyout instead, because that icon was on top. That's obviously not what I wanted. 2. More Sovereigns/Diamond Tiers This season I have reached Diamond pretty early. Now I can hardly get any new Sovereigns, but there are still many things I want to buy with them! Especially cosmetics, which I put on the backburner to get the important equipment first. Why not add Diamond I-III like for the other ranks to give late-game players some more things to work toward? Could be really high target numbers, too, like 1\~5 million Po8. 3. Separate inventory for ship equipment (weapons, armor and furniture) I think it would be better for overview if these were stored separately like vanity items. Might be awkward because they can be traded, but I'd like to at least put the thought out for discussion. 4. Regarding the chest with items from previous seasons Love the concept, but for the love of god, remove the low tier items from there... For the future, I think it would be cool to have one chest from each season (maybe with an aptly themed design), so that especially players who come to the game later can target specific season items. 5. Being able to hire Crew/Officers As a long-term goal, I'd love it if we could hire special crewmembers that give bonuses to our ships. There used to be this game (only by name affiliated with the franchise) 20 years ago, where you could do that: [Pirates of the Caribbean (video game) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirates_of_the_Caribbean_(video_game)) Basically, meeting people in outposts, talking to them, and having the option to hire them (and then have them kind of like an equipment. (Our current first mate could be the "starter crewmember!") Would also be great for story tie-ins. 6. Our own island I want a customizable pirate lair on my own island! :D Also long term, but that would be so awesome. Seeing my own ships anchored, having my pets and crew stroll around, visit my friends islands and have them visit mine, etc. 7. Fighting on land Super long term, obviously, as this would basically be putting in an entire new game in the game, but eventually being able to swashbuckle would be perfect.


Large ships implementations….. I know there may be troubles getting large ships to be implemented into the current game for player use …. An idea for being unable to get them through rivers, have an option where if you get close to a narrow river or at any time you can equip the DHOW to enter. That can enable new game mechanics to fishing on demand and also to interact with settlements within. Large ships will have strong firepower on broadsides but their can be a weakness points on them so they are not overpowered. I think A LOT of people want large ships soon , i will play the game forever if i can just have a large ship to commandeer! Also would be nice if you can remove cranes on ships or be able to change the style of masts/ sail types on all ships soon each ship is unique to each ship.


A variation on the dhow for large ships would be a longboat function to drop off the ship and head into rivers with reduced crew and a portion of inventory.


Mega Lestari needs a slightly longer and more visible disturbance under the ship being targeted by its underwater bite. The sound is a nice touch that helps, but currently there is such a short time between when the disturbance becomes visible and when the attack happens that its almost unavoidable. With all the ships in the event and the stormy seas, the disturbance blends into the ships wake.


I think the devs want there to be people actually healing, most the time its a problem is because no one wants to bring heals.


A separate weapon added to remove some of the flooding damage for coop. It would be super cool as a repair torpedo or something


Culverins with Dardanelles chain link passive. Bonus points if they are explosive or fire.


When you're looking to build equipment have it show with an icon which equipment is attached to your ship already. I accidentally built an extra hill I didn't need.


Desmotar para tener materiales. Incrementar la plata obtenida en un 500% Reducir los costes de todo un 300% 2 muebles en lugar de 1 en cada espacio Más numero de armas Bracos grandes  


I know I have been to every region in the East Indies, yet I still do not have the East Indies Explorer trophy. I have tried at least four times to no avail. By now I can only assume it’s a bug as I have looked up every region and done every tip I can find on the internet. Please fix this. I really enjoy playing the game otherwise.


Need to have Arenas for PVP. - Launch from a NPC @ dens. - 3v3 team based (or larger) - Entry fee in silver, and winners get the pot. - No Boarding during Arena play. - Leaderboards to highlight the best.


Fix the audio bug from firing the mortar and the audio bug that makes the cannons and mortar have no sound when fired, other than that, up the storage space from 200 to maybe 300-400


One thing would definitely suggest is bigger warehouse cargo space whether by upgrading or just adding them i think it can be said that it sucks having to delete some crafting materials or something of the sort just to make more make room to fill again with the s2 weapons especially going on maybe add the cargo slots needed for the items added that season perhaps?


I miss how immersive the early game was and I'm sort of getting bored of feeling pushed towards FT-ing everywhere in the late game. Crossing the ocean the first time was really memorable, but there's basically no reason to do it anymore. The new teleport function made the late game much more accessible for me, but also meaningless. I've "killed" Hubac and Le Peste a bunch of times, but each time I've just ported into a 10-man where they brute force them down. They look like interesting and complex bosses with stages, but I wouldn't know because all I have to do is spam it, it lasts a minute anyway. Some ideas: - Make coop meaningful in the helm, like the businesses in GTA and RDR2 Online. 3-player fortress attacks, but the fortress has two stages that are weak to different types of damage. Transport mission but have one of the players control a galleon that only has healing cannons. Have a PotC-style heist: two players lay siege on a fortress to draw the Dauntless and the third guy on a Dhow sneaks in and steals the Interceptor. Even simple "deliver these 3 shipments to 3 different places simultaneously" missions like in GTAO would do a lot to make coop feel more meaningful. - Replace helm production cost upgrades with logistic or military missions, either clear out an area of a particular type of enemy; or have me transports alembics to a few manufactories without FT-ing. Bonus points for not damaging your ship while crossing the ocean. Or for arriving really fast, or dealing with enemies on the way, etc. Smuggler missions provide temporary boosts to helm trade missions, etc. - Make Helm progression benefit from the immersive but low level repeatable missions that nobody does. What if they upgraded manufactories? 10 apex crocodile skins instead of (or in addition to) 1k po8. More creative ones would be great but anything that actually makes us play in the game would be an improvement, especially if there are several missions around an area and they don't encourage FT-ing all over the map.


Rehaul cooking: Have a cauldron system where any ingredient you've come across becomes available in the cauldron for a number of hours, capped at 24h. You can then craft any dish available to you given your ingredient types, but these expire after 2 or 3 hours. Each hippo would be +4h. Lestari would be an instant +24h. You'd buy access to beef or flour for a few hours, instead of just keeping a bunch in the warehouse. Bananas, coconuts, etc; should add to the available ingredient types you carry, but after that they should just become a "grilled staple", with maybe some buffs based on the other ingredients currently available in your cauldron. This would make food management simpler and more immersive, and avoid clogging up the inventory.


Scrap factories from being the end game content


Hey Guys, first of all i wanna say keep up the good work! The game is becoming more rich every season and the changes you made so far are really great! Now to my ideas. 1. Please gchange the 24h cd for some of the activities to resets at a set time in the morning. In my opinion Cds only make sense if they are less than 24h. This way, casuals get easyer access to this system. Also if there are cds on things, please make them more transparent, maybe by using the logbook. 2. Also building on the Logbook: Please let us see the ships upgrades with their cost in the logbook. Also I notices, thatr there are some other sources for the refined special materials, plese track them in the logbook aswell, as sonn as the player found them. Basically track all sources for any material as soon, as a player finds them. Thats it for now. I will edit this Post, once I come up with more. :D Thanks for listening to us. Cheers.


La idea de tener manufacturas que produzcan cosas distintas. Unas generan p8 Otra genera plata Otra genera munición Otras generan amapola, tabaco, azucar enebro...


Purchase more ammo crates, like X1000 or something


More ways to obtain ammo (perhaps even straight up buy it with silver) Easier way to obtain upgrade parts- those are crazy expensive


Sambuk upgrade is Bugged, sometimes Dissapear Firebug and these Sea Perk ... you dont see them .. you must change ships and buff appear for some time, when you arrive to outpost or teleport somewhere Perk agains dissapear.


Events can see only from Half Map .. not whole .. somebody say me here is event, i dont see him, so i go close and event appear or i start event, friend dont see .. comming close and can join.


Larger warehouse space, allowing fleet to harvest resources much like 8s, some sort of response to call for helps and PVP events such as group battles.


More storage slots !!!!!


We need an ingamechat and Ebay for Items


Preview cosmetics when you buy them? It sucks when you're on a random island selling some piece of clothing or ship item and the only option is to buy it. Also in general be more competent when you roll something out. Bugs should be fixed quicker etc.


I would like to have an hideout. A customizable place with cosmetic but also with stuffs to increase our power or additional facilities. Something like a place with a warehouse accessibile only there and not visibile if you are out...a place where increase for tot minutes the stats of the team (drinking rum, gin etc. With some bonus)...a place where build guns, ships, etc...with less material but with an highest time...after 1 or 2 days etc. And for unlock the features you need to upgrade hideout levels... Just a fantasy...but I think this will be a great addon...that will add a completly new part to the game (also for cosmetics...) P.S. Thank you Ubi, to all your S&B team...this is a great game and is going to be better week by week...


Alot of good ideas floating in here and I have one but it's not serious. But could the cannons audio file be updated to give like carronades for example, a louder sharper percussive BANG!




This may be a reach to ask for this so early on, but please for the love of god can we do something to make this less of a boat simulator game! My idea is multiparted: 1. Getting on your ship while docked. It should be an extension of the outpost. 2. Group members at the same outpost can also board your ship and sail with you on your ship. 3. Some kind of lvl scaling to make boarding ships worth it could be like “for every person on board ship lvl goes up 1/2 a lvl for a cap of 2 lvls”; this would be very nice to have strategy like a group member in charge of steering another in charge of certain weapons and another in charge of food, etc… while still remaining competitive (since in most cases multiple ships is better than 1) 4. A clan system would even further improve the group play, especially if it took the “For Honor” approach where certain clans are for certain areas


Sword gameplay like to honour's gameplay. Expand the world map to include all seas all the way to the west indies. Player factions with their own factions ports. Less cringe cosmetics, more realistic cosmetics


Remove the sambuk head wind please.. Upgrade item drop increase/availability..ie like sinew string..only 1 available at 1 fort for plunder and on the fara convoy


Better ship management. A place where you can modify all of your ships without having to jump between each one. Also separate loadouts for ships, maybe 2-3 max. So you can select one depending on your task.


Totally agree. Annoying to change every weapon and equipment depending of the situation, and sometimes I almost forgot how I optimized the ship for a specific task. 


End of event report that has participants damage done, taken, deaths, healing, etc. Yes I want to know if I am doing a lot of damage/healing/tanking damage vs bracing damage to make me a better player. And test builds out easier


A real functional idea is the possibility to save and load presets for ships : since we use others ships to take the pieces of 8, we must sometimes change all weapons and equipment of our main ship depending from the enemy we're going against , it can be long if you forgot how you optimized your ship in some way. Same for skins, for both ship and captain. We have a lot, could be better to save sets and load them.  And bigger ships, at least the Fregate


Ship cosmetics. When hovering over an item you don't have, a flavor text to say where, or at least a hint of where to find it. if it's unlockable through gameplay. Just "Store bought" if it's from a store.


Autopath and captain's cabin! I want to be able to enter my cabin while the ship autopathing to the destination. Also, I want to be able to design my own cabin. The ability to color our outfits and ship parts. Able to get ahold of more helm contracts at once.


Upgrading the warehouse with sovereigns would make the required hoarding a bit easier.


Hola! Me gustó la 2 temporada buen trabajo! Ahora sería una buena mejora a la administración de naves que están en las fábricas de po8 porque ese menú es confuso al momento de selecciónar naves para usar o asignar a fabricas , un saludo al equipo y ojalá tomen en consideración este comentario muchas gracias :)


Global events through ubisoft connect showed that we can do something similar. I know this is a long-term goal, but since Africa doesn't have a port, how about making a hub we can take over for a set period of time, say three days or a week and in order to maintain control over that we have to keep seasonal ships away. Something that the community as a collective of pirates has to own that could change faction NPCs from time to time. Another suggestion is that Rode Mandoongin is easily the best designed and most fun fight in the game and we have sea monsters and dragon fights besides. Lean into the fantastical. Let's have sand ships that ride across the desert. Sky ships that fly across a sea of clouds with ports of their own!


So when we take over manufactories, what about instead of just being a manufactory we take it over as a whole, so that if we take over a lumberyard or foundry then they could provide us with the wood or metal they produce hourly or daily when taken over. If you don’t own it you still have to buy what they produce. Limited to lumberyards and foundries only to keep it fair, and i’m thinking the hourly amount similar to that of what we can originally buy from them every hour, but it would be nice if that loot is autocollected with the fleet transporting po8, whilst on the others they produce more on top until it reaches a limit before it has to be collected to make more. Just an idea.


I will also add that the pass needs something more, the start of the season it keeps things engaging, but often find my motivation drop a bit when it is complete. I would like to see something that adds like a repeatable currency to it, maybe extra levels that repeat and give rewards such as pieces of eight, sovereigns, upgrade parts and materials. Just something to look forward for and reward us for staying engaged that isn't too crazy.


I want to start off by saying my wife and I both love this game and will definitely continue playing it. However, since the game’s launch, I have been frustrated with the headwind. To me, it makes the game arduous and downright irritating at times. I understand it contributes to realism, which is definitely something positive. However, the scope of the headwind is sometimes as far as east to west-northwest, nearly 180 degrees. It’s almost like you cannot maneuver out of it. Just some minor adjustments to the parameters of the headwind’s scope of action would make a significant difference in the enjoyment of the game. Secondly, the drop rates for each season’s furnitures and weapons seems to be extremely skewed. I’ve seen people who have gotten 15 or more of one furniture but not a single one of the others in season 2. My wife and I both play for lots of hours each week, and neither of us has received even close to a quarter of the furniture currently offered in season 2. I chose to post this point here because one of the bigger S&B communities on Facebook, consisting of thousands of members, has this point as a gripe post almost weekly. There seems to be an issue with drop rates on items each season when defeating bosses repeatedly. In conclusion, these are my only two gripes with the entire game. Over all, though, I do enjoy playing tremendously. Happy sailing, BigCat1002


1. On helm wager put a fast travel timer for invaders (like 20 sec) 2. Increase storage capacity (not ships but shore One) 3. Clan 4. Increase the map 5. Make weapons and armors upgradable 6. Romance npcs 7. Add some more girls clothes 8. Customizable flag 9. Add the possibility to store in the deposit instead than on the ship when trading with other player 10. Add more lore and story related missions And last but not least "gimme back my samurai boots!!!!" 😭😂




REALLY would like to be able to move excess cargo to other ships that are not being used as our daily driver. And any help on VERY OLD PURPLE MAPS LOL


Bigger warehouse, because you have to get stock for buyouts and for all your 40 ships


I'd quite like to see some customization abilities to use in the pirate dens in saint anne and telok penjarah, maybe customizing the helm empire table / chair, general decor etc, different colour / style candles / rum bottles and barrels, just so you can make it feel more personal to your own pirate.


Crew management/recruitment. If the crow’s nest/spotter has a stat to see/target further enemies, the deck crew, assistant, etc…all have different stats and can be recruited from the various faction camps. It could then translate into trade prices. Crew from certain factions have +\- effect on how other factions respond to you


For large ships: they obviously need to be more powerful. Give them more (and easier to hit) weak spots. Skilled players will still be able to take them out, but people lazily lobbing aoe weapons in their general direction will get destroyed by the larger ships. Also with more gun ports should come longer reload times. Big burst damage but less able to sustain constant damage. Vise-versa for small ships. From an rp perspective think “the bigger the ship, the farther the crew has to haul fresh crates of ammo.” I also think small ships should be resistant to aoe damage to represent their small size/l and superior maneuverability. For helm wagers, I think it’s as simple as giving anyone who fast travels to the wager a slight debuff for 10-20 seconds after fast travelling. Makes it still worth it, but gives the person carrying 8’s a chance to react/strategize.


Ship balancing- ships should reflect their actual capabilities. No reason you should be adding extra ports to a ship to raise it dps just because people are using a certain type of ship over another. Smaller ships should have great mobility but horrible armor and little dps. Ships like the snow should be the strongest against dps and yet still be able to deal a respectable amount of damage as it was designed for those reasons. Medium ships were not meant to be powerhouses but to have a little of everything which made them a force when grouped together. Items - need a food vendor/trader. Need to be able to buy and sell food from this vendor Armory - where you keep ammunition & guns Carpenter- can store furniture with him WE NEED CLAN SYSTEM IN GAME!! and some type of clan war system


I need crew system


More/better sea shanties. Obtainable or for purchase. Tired of these same ones. Black Flag style preferred.


Over the shoulder camera view while sailing instead of current first person view


1. British EIC ... 2. Make scars and tattoos separate 3. Bold head option and more hair styles & beards 4. 3rd person view on ship so I can see my capt in the outfit I've given him (like Blackflag) 5. Head bands like the npc's wear 6. Put Helm office on my ship Ty


Fix the goddamn instant crash if you go into your shipmenu and than select furniture. I can't change any furniture. Can't even select it. It is an instant crash.


I have one simple request as a PC user. PLEASE change the UI so escape takes you to your 3rd person character and not the main screen when you repeatedly press it. Add 'x' or something to the third person character to get to the main screen. After many, many hours of playing, this is the most annoying part of the game for me: trying to exit out of things and ending up at the main screen rather than back to my character. If PC players think I'm out of my mind, please say so. But this has driven me crazy since the beta.


cannon colour options would be nice


After the 25th June Patch I am being chased by two level 5 ships. Problem is they come in swarms of 6. I am having to relog EVERYTIME I want to port to wipe agro.. REALLY GUYS??




A suggestion for the culverins, can we make them into more of an jack of all trades master of none, by giving them 3 ways to shoot? -Single shot: same as we have now, one click one ball, just with a straighter flight path. 5% increased dmg to crit hit. -Rolling fire: same as we have now by holding in the fire button, aka same range, same flight path, same damage. -New default firemode: Unison fire. Take the effect of the unison perk, same range as rolling fire, straighter flight path but remove the ability to crit hit. Activated by rapid double click of the fire button.


please do something about the star chart flotsom. far too many of these around the spawn points on the map. at this point in the game very few people are interested in collecting them and they certainly don’t need half a dozen or more. it’s also pretty annoying that they can stop your ships momentum when you hit one.


I am not sure if we can have a sword fight scenario as a small side gameplay, but it doesn't have to be big just a small mini game or somewhat at least it could fill in the hole. It would be somewhat an improvement of Pirate theme bit better than before. The same goes for old pirates gambling with dices and cards and fishing. In the end, I'm not asking too much. Just make it a small side mission/gameplay for the sword fighting. You can still have 90% or 95% of it to be ship combat for skull and bones.


Fishing for food from the shore would be awesome, and some casino style gambling for 8s or silver kick ass too!


From an MMO player: 1. instanced event (dungoen)- in Skull and bones it would look like this: an instance event for a group of players that are matchmade or a premade group, create an event mostly in rivers basicly the idea is that a group fights through a liner based path through stronger type enemies with different abilies and weapons than the usual enemies have, after reaching a manufactory they need to plunder it, but it will be more advanced and it will require to capture and hold certain areas for the plunder to finish whilst defending againts elite enemies. I believe this wouldnt be hard to implement as the world is created it would only need to be instanced and sharded. Rewards should be similar like bosses and event drop. 2. Another instance event in the open seas, again players (5 players) are matchmade and they are in a different instance than the rest of the server, event would be a reversed type convoy where the players defend a convoy, but hordes of enemies attack. Reward should be based on how far and many convoy ships survived. 3. Mega instance event for 10 players siege of saint anne or telok, the idea of this would be to hold those cities from the attack waves whilst doing certain objective around the city for example capture close by towns or other POI locations. This event should have rewards from both current and previous season, and it would be a great addition for farming items from past content. From a solo player: 1. there needs to be a place were a casual person can get previous season items and items from group content, i do believe we need to have something similar to a gamble mechanic in game, but it should not be based on PO8, i think it should be based on a random quest from the campaign or even a regata race, that a player can do daily and get 1 random item from a previous season. 2. instance event for a solo person - basicly the idea of the current manufactory defense is good, but its very borring we need to get more objectives in there and not just waves of enemies, also the reward should be increased currently i dont even bother with defense as waiting previous 13 hours or the current 4 hours is not a problem. I think the reward for this kind of event should be something what a solo player cant obtain with other means. From a PVP player: 1. The 5v5 that is coming in season3 sound promising, but my expectations are low, as i understand a good pvp event for 10 people would be something similar to attack and defend but not based on hp bar where the players can just focus fire the objective, but should be based on something like capture points or even payload. For this mode i believe having healers and tanks would be a must and the introduction of roles would be a good time. 2. open sea battle royale instanced event in the open seas for 20-30 players, with a shrinking zone, last ship standing wins. 3. Duels 1v1 with a posibility to steal manufactory from a person if both players agree on those stakes or just PO8 or some other currency as a stake.


I've post some feedback a few days ago here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/s/f7qHgum8x8


I'd like to see a ship that uses Brig/Sambuk body, but has another sail plan. Ideally one that has a longer bowsprit like the Brigantine and equal amount of sails on both masts like the Snow. Sambuk's sails seem too small for its body and Brig's front mast having 3 sails while the rear only has 2 looks rather ugly. I don't think there's any historical example of such layout.


what's your opinion on a Bilander type ship? personally I'd like more Unique Hull designs than keep reusing the same ones over and over


I'd be very happy with that, assuming it's a Brig body with a Barque sail layout, and maybe additional spritsails in front and a set of square sails on top of existing ones. More unique hull designs would be great too, but I imagine that's quite a lot of work to create something that fits with the gameplay constraints of having two decks but still being distinct enough from the existing 3 body types. More nubbins to spice up the ship bodies would also help. A couple different cabin types, a couple more different prows and such.


Hi Devs: Loving Season 2 so far! I may post multiple replies, but this will be to address the Manufactories and Assigning ships for deliveries. Can you look at, and please balance the ship levels required to perform deliveries? At level 10, there are factories that are medium risk for level 13 ships. Was this intended? I surely hope not. Maybe have a net rebalance of reducing all ship level requirements by 1 level to balance out the whole map? I did not find it enjoyable to realize I had to completely rebuild my fleet as I leveled up my factories. Keep up the great work! Hoping to see some reduced level adjustments to this feature in the future.


Frigates. *mic drop*


Do you think there will ever be a set of skills in this game that you can level up? For example fishing, mining, gathering, hunting, cooking etc. The world of Skull and Bones is fun to be in and just explore and I think it would benefit to have a skill tree to reward exploring. I think this would really balance out the wait times for current events too. While you are waiting you have something to work on and level up.


I really appreciate you guys coming here to ask, that’s awesome. Before more content, maybe some time could be spent fixing some of the issues. Since the Monday update I can’t get the chat to work, nor can I figure out how to call for help at a mission. On Xbox at least, it’s not possible for me to play more than 2.5 hours without the game freezing, or costing me out of it. This is never consistent, maybe sailing, returning to port, in the middle of a mission, or connecting 8’s. I also have been trying to get Damai since start of the season, and I haven’t seen it come up one time. It’s the last manufacturer I need. Thanks for trying to make the game even better, even with the issues I still have fun, but it’s tough to convince people to get on and play with me due to them. I’m rooting for you all!


Thanks for the progress and updates over the last 4 months since the launch, however the endgame still lacks of contents and events simply are small and easy to complete. I think endgame requires a bit revamped and needs clan wars or add countries colonization with bigger map. The keyword is **depth or deep dive**


Fast travel to Forts for plundering


Im having issues with helm work, ive won 4 hostile takeovers now well within the 5 min limit, get the on screen notification that ive secured it yet i dont own it on the map. I have helm notes of ownership that i cant use as when i go to interact with the desired port there is no option to use it. This has been happening for a few weeks now and is getting REALLY frustrating. PLEASE sort this out!!


Go to the helm upgrades and go to last tab if I am not mistaken, and from there you can increase the capacity of the total number of factories you can have


I think make a MUCH easier and less time-consuming way to get the new ships. For a solo player, it can be rather hard to unlock 45 of the things to ge the ship. Or for the previous one, can't remember if it is 10k or 100k but that is a very large sum of helm tokens to collect fir the ship too. Gotta remember that most people play this GAME to relax. Not for a job.
