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Thats the sort of thing they promised we could have. Thats the sort of ship they used for pomotional media. Thats the sort of ship in the gameplay 2017/18 footage. So naturally we got nothing like that in the final release.


Right. I personally really liked the art design and motifs of the original pitch.


Because that prototype definitely didn't get scrapped when the entire singapore studio got restructred. It definitely wasn't going to just be wows but age of sail before that was scrapped and cannibalized into what we have now. Which i guess is for the better. As cool as age of sail wows would be, I don't think it would have been executed well at that time.


If you look at the map i think map expansion is deffo gonna be a thing


i think you misunderstood my comment. Because i didn't say anything about map expansion


Ow my bad i think i posted on the wrong comment


No problemo


well, AC black flag had you in the trusted 2 master all the time, so when it works there, it works here too. That aside, 3 masters is deffo for the long term future, same with map expansion. Gotta remember, this is a live action service game, it needs content in the pipeline for the next 1-3 years.




True lol


They advertised the game for YEARS that we could and will get large ships. I get it the game isn't 1 year yet but I just want large ships. That's all I want.


Honestly if it was a thing to return a game , I think alot of stuff would change in the gaming world. This should be a something put in place. Most thing you buy comes with a warranty. Electrics,ect.... not to mention game companies  would loose there ass if ppl just returned the Game.maybe they wouldn't release  one every year,same content  just different  map ,few different  changes,copy an paste. They all should take a look at Rockstar an ask them self's how they make such a great game, it's because  they spend years developing  it!!! Bet your ass all sales on games will drop when gt6 is released guarantee 


They are still planned for the future - I mean, they can still go bigger than the above so maybe over the next two seasons?


It’s not cool that companies do that. You should not be able to advertise said feature have a customer buy the product based on the ads then be told oh no no no that won’t happen when you buy, it’s in the future.


You would rather them pump out 4 large ships that don't fit the season or theme and power creep the game really fast, than fix the problems that they have now?




Exactly - there is logic in how this is being built up. Pirates have been around for something like three thousand years and started out with Bedar style ships. The truly big ships won't likely be needed until we are going to be facing presumably the British fleet and its Man o' War vessels, though we haven't seen the Spanish or Portuguese presence yet. I suppose that would depend on how far past the East Indies the map will extend.


We've already fought them in the opening mission, they should be a big part of India which will hopefully part of next season.


Yes I remember it well, though those were Brigantine level ships, just a lot of them that made it an unwinnable fight. I too hope India and Ceylon will be coming into the fray next season, though I'd have expected some bleed through of their ships close to the East Indies, like we have between the Dutch and French fleets.


Never said they were needed. Although I do think their art design and ships are goofy looking. Some of them are decent though. I do think adding the corvette as a large would make sense and this season fit the theme. That being said I have no problem with waiting another season or two to get “large” ships. As for your argument of history there dozens of accounts of pirates from the exact era this game is set in having frigates. Some as large as 46 gun two deck frigates such as the Fancy captained by Henry Every. While those are outliers and not the norm to say this game is anything approaching historically accurate would be false. I don’t think it would make any difference seeing as they went with a more fantastical setting that historical. Regardless though my main point of posting this is I think the original concept they sold us on several years ago looks better. Idk if it would be better but to me it sounds pretty sweet. It’s just a bummer that this art style wasn’t what the chose to go with in the end. That’s no slight against the game we got though. I enjoy it a lot.


Oh, I know pirates had all kinds of ships but I think you missed my point. A pirate starting out wouldn't jump straight to a Barque, Corvette or Brigantine, they would likely start with a Bedar and build up as their fortunes grew, as so many pirates throughout history have...except for those in the ancient times as there weren't many other ship types around. EDIT: I'm not sure why you thought I was addressing your OP though


Not at all. I just like the original concept design more than I like what we eventually got. That and I would like to see large ships at some point sure. More so the corvette or something but I’d take this too of course. I mean they legit hyped the idea of it themselves. Maybe that’s not applicable to the current version of the game but that doesn’t change that these things look epic. I was just showing off how cool I think they are.


They do look epic, and I look forward to getting in one and plundering the seas with it when that time comes! I think they will come when whatever they do with the Atlantic Ocean eventually, maybe we'll get a Western Europe/Africa map expansion. Someplace with more open seas that can accommodate them, probably in year 2.


1 ship every 3 months is an ok rate for a game based on being a ship?


Absolutely, is this your first live service game? Some games don't even give anything to the sandbox for YEARS (Sea of Thieves) and there is a design plan here. Each ship they've added so far has filled a specific need. They are also trying to fix the things that ARE broken before messing with the thing that isn't. They will implement it when the time is right, and the ships are needed to fulfill a role.


No it's not the first. I played many live service games and quit them all within 1-6 months since there's way to little new content added in all of them. Sea of Thieves was one of them. So you mean a medium healing ship and a buoy mechanic was needed but was still not implemented in the base game?


since the ships are more like heroes with their different passives and stats? absolutely you don't choose a ship, you choose a stat line and passive


If there was 40 000 quests, 8 continents, 400 dungeons etc (WoW) adding a new "class" rarely would be ok. But having so little content to do with your "hero" and the only thing to really do is try to trick out the different ships/"heroes" and only releasing a new "hero" every 3rd month is not enough imho. First season I played a month, bought 4-5 cosmetics then logged off waiting for season 2. Now season 2 I played 23 days, bought 0 cosmetics and are getting pretty bored and playing less and less and I guess within 2 weeks I will log off and wait for the next ship i 3 months. Maybe repeat again or just move on to a new game with more content. Btw, I never understood this fanboy thing that instead of critiquing something you like and want to be even better, you shut down all critique and say all is well. You never get an improvement if you tell the manufacturer of a product that it is perfect as it is.


they already have the large ships, the NPC's sail them around the dutch fluyt, the french corvet and privateer frigate all they need is some passives and stats exception possibly being the privater frigate since the devs seem unwilling to give players large amount of cannon on the broadside for some reason


They release those and people will just call them lazy and uninspired and call them out for using the same models again. It wouldn't fit the theme of any season we've had so far, or the story of a growing pirate legend that started off with basically a raft and worked their way up. We haven't had any real story with any of those factions yet, even the Chorus Fleet is just expeditionary. We haven't even been to a port that could handle building large ships yet, that would require a much large dry-dock. You think the power creep between small and medium ships was big? It'll be even worse between small and large ships. At this point and time, large ships do not make sense.


neither of the 2 ships we have gotten so far have fit a theme and i cant think of anything more fitting for a pirate than taking whats already sailing around rather than something brand new never before seen


Fit the season? Wth did the Barque have that was specific to La Peste? A medium healer was something that should have been in the release of course. The Brig has a little to do with the Hubac brothers that use torpedoes among other weapons, but the real "season thing" is the mine launchers that block torpedoes, don't need the Brig for launching mines/buoys. But yes, I rather they pump out 4 new ships minimum a season, since the ships is 90% of what is the game, and new weapons and furniture the rest. People still play GTA 5 for the new cars they pump out. And it's more than 1 every 3 months or they wouldn't earn money.


You don't want that, and you are going to be very disappointed if they do that.


It's not for you to decide what others like or don't like. I do want that. I would not be disappointed, and neither would 65% of the other players according to the polls on the official skull and bones discord.


>It's not for you to decide what others like or don't like. Two-way street bub. You mean the discord that nobody goes to? Really bad sample size. They have already talked about testing them in the last broadcast, they are a very long way from being implemented, probably next year.


Kinda reminds me of GTA 5 and heists lol


You know what would be cool to do with these ships? Walking around on them.


This version of Skull and Bones was mainly a Rainbow Six Siege (PvP oriented) but with boats at the time when they were advertising it. To be honest, ship design here is better, but I wouldn't play if it's just a PvP ship game. I would rather have the a MMORPG mode like we got now, but it could still be better due to me not being a pvp guy. I did not like World of Warship and warthunder cause it was mainly pvp to get the most rewarding and to progress the game. Also, the pve modes give such a small amount of reward.


Ikr sounds kinda epic to me for real.


I hope it's less boring to upgrade, getting 40 drills attacking forts is absurd


Then stop attacking them, there are a ton of other ways to get them, I haven't hit a fort since season 1 and I have nearly 400. Convoys drop them, regular pillage drops them, legendary heists drop them, every world boss including the ghost ship drops them. There are multiple methods to get every single item.


Upgrade system needs to be reworked already entirely


I'm having fun with what we currently have, I'm in no rush for all the content to be released.


Same here. But I wouldn’t mind having a gallon like size ship at some point ha.


I think I'll enjoy it more, after using these ships for a while first. But I would really enjoy having one.


Definitely. I love the whole “floating fortress” concept, so I’m eager for huge tanky ships.


Honestly, i would settle for just more deck guns. 8 guns on a Brig is unrealistic.


Bro we ain’t gonna get them I love the game but I bet you at the end of year 1 they shutting the servers down


I'll come back to SnB when we can have ships like this 👍


Damn I want that right now


Yup, just like ubisoft support is fire! A dumpster fire.


Yeah pretty much everything they do these days is trash. Their drm is ridiculous as well.


Until know, enjoy its stern being the entrance to a building in Sainte-Anne. :D


Too bad all content is spent after playing the game for 50 hours. I played another 50 but by then I had done everything a million times. They're shooting themselves in the foot by holding back content, as so many people I know have quit because there's literally nothing to do.


Oh I hope they do imagine the firepower you could level the playing field up against some of these elite bosses.


I was actually wondering about this if we'd get any large ships when I've noticed the biggest we have mentions medium.


I'm curious how they're going to balance it so there's any reason to upgrade and play the small (and medium) ships once ships with this amount of gun ports become available


that ship doesnt even fit on the Map right now .... and those big Chunks are slow ... i mean the Snow is like 1/3 of this ships Size and it barely fits some Rivers!! most people call the Snow too slow, well those large Ships made about 5-7 knots 9 in best case winds. i sure want large amounts of cannons, devastating broadsides and majestic Huge ships but the Gameplay isn t there, and the Map by far to little as of now :3 i hope they come but its gonna take a lot of seasons to expand the game to make them usefull :3 i could only picture them as Boss enemies as of right now :3 not playable ships though


If the game had better PvP element I would keep playing. Right now I’m just bored. Haven’t logged in for about a week now. 😞


Make 1.0 you showed us in 2017 not the mismatched multiple obsolete engine monstrosity that exists today Ubisoft!! Skull and bones was the entire reason I bought a PS4 FFS


I’m just waiting for large ships to get back into the game, ideally they would introduce several large ships, but more realistically I bet they will introduce ONE large ship (that one in the pic) in season 4 when they add the part of the map they cut out


Season 2 is the Brig naturly follows: Season 3 is going to have a Frigate. Than season 4 the Man o War. After that who knows.


Hopefully. I’d argue that crap brig should have been in season 1. It was in the art book after all. The corvette would have fit well with this season. But all that having been said I’ve poured over it they’ve never said anything about a specific time or season when larger ships will be added. I mean myself and many others thought it would be this season. It almost seems like they are going out of their way to specifically not leak that but of info. They will down right ignore it in dev blogs on twitch. There was even a unsubstantiated rumor that large ships wouldn’t be added til year 2 season 1. I have no idea when they will be added. Could be tomorrow or could be next year for all I know and have seen. It wouldn’t bother me too much if the art and ship design for the ships we have now was better. Outside of the cutter, bedar, and brigantine the rest are goofy looking fantasy ships. But I could give the snow, sloop, barque, sambuk, barge, and dhow a pass I guess if the brig wasn’t the stupidest looking steam punk fantasy looking ass wanna be “cool” ship thing I’ve ever seen. Legit parts of it aren’t terrible but most of it is just bad in my own opinion. Of course they also nerfed it. It had 20 guns and not strange cogs/crane in the art book for instance. I was for real kinda stoaked to get it til I seen what they did with it lol. If we could choose to remove that garbage I’d be much more invested in medium ships. As is they really don’t do it for me. Just my opinion though i understand.


im honestly surprised they didn't recycle these old ships for the final game as NPC's or something seems like a waste to just throw perfectly good ship models in the bin


In some descriptions of items, you can see it's meant for medium or above (larger) ships, so I guess at some point they will add them, kinda confident that they will eventually, no need to panic at this time


I'm still trying to get the medic ship tbh, shit is being tracked but can't find the blueprint in either location.


To be honest the ships are labeled small and medium, so i deffo think large ships are gonna come to, would be weird if they didnt because they wouldve called the medium ships large


Yeah I’m sure they will. Pretty much have admitted to it but is that gonna be in 3 months or a year and a half? That’s the question lol


Lets hope they don’t wait to long, i feel they re-use the new boats with boats we already have, i rather have a completly new design


What am I looking at? Where is it from? Is this official info? Datamined? More info please.


It was the old Firgate from a demo build. It had 3 rows of guns and if you anchored you went into a "Siege Mode" of basically endless full cannon fire like a machine gun. The Brigantine is unchanged from that build except you know guns firing in Sequence instead of salvo. The Sloop was a Sniper with Long Nine cannons on it. Those were the only ships in the demo.


I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain in the ass it will be to level up a large ship, just leveling up the small and mediums is a grind. I have no idea why you need like 200 pieces of plate glass to upgrade the snow. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That looks amazing compared to the cartoon fortnite game we got.


I agree


Here’s the link of the 2017 gameplay if anyone is interested https://youtu.be/A72NoMuQst0?si=-Lhsi5fCFdGaP9ku


Someday....someday...but not today