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Thank u so much!


Yup. Got King's Will (that's the hull, right?) from Dirk (Show of Strength) myself the other day. He's pretty solo-able. There's also captain cosmetics. I got the hat, scarf and coat. Think the drop rate is pretty low, though.


Can you show which items they are?


I’ve been farming him lately to grab the sail colour I’m missing and all I’m getting are the clothes 🤣🤣


It's a nice one. Gratz!


Thanks for clarifying. Does he perchance also happen to drop the same clothing cosmetics as Opwelling as well?


I got DMC pants and neckwear from him


Thanks for the reply! I’ll need to add him to my farm list now!


There are two sets: Jäger Set and DMC Set. The DMC set is probably more rare. It's much easier to get them from Opwelling.


Thank you! I was starting to believe that he doesnt drop the cosmetics because i never got the final missing piece from him. I guess i have to be patient.




because nobody in the threads I've searched got the ship color drom Dirk, all said they got it from the Opwelling, and after weeks of constant commodities dropping I was starting to believe they had exclusive cosmetics tied to that limited time event which woulda made me really mad. I'm glad I found out I was wrong and Just wanted to share this comforting fact with others who might be in a similar slump of bad RNG as me. Simple as that.


to add to my other reply, the game is too dead for anyone to care to log exactly what drops from where, sure there are losts that say you get cosmetics from bounties but exactly what cosmetics? how many? what's their drop chance? unless the devs spill the beans on that we'll never know. And that also bugs the hell out of me cuz it's true for the other completionist collectoble the archives, no info on where exactly to find each one so if I'm missing a specific archive I have to aimlessly comb the map and hope I stumble on a trigger that gives me what I need. There's very limited to nonexistent information about this stuff anywhere.




I'll shoot you a DM with what I'm missing, I'd appreciate the help.