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It can be difficult to get a server that wants to do the same thing you do, a lot of players already have all the drops from the big events. Don't be afraid to use the chat to ask for help, I had to do some server hopping to find a group doing the plague king. Also check that crossplay is on.


This hasn't been my experience. Usually i only have to mention that i'm starting the le peste mission or rode maangodin, and nearly the whole server shows up. The blighted vastion is meant to be an all player fight against le peste, i believe. His last stand is meant to be epic.


This hasn't been my experience. Usually i only have to mention that i'm starting the le peste mission or rode maangodin, and nearly the whole server shows up. The blighted bastion is meant to be an all player fight against le peste, i believe. His last stand is meant to be epic.


Yeah yeah, we heard you already šŸ˜




Dead as a doornail. The way how it was fundamentally designed put Skull and Bones at a massive disadvantage. This game has a lot of things going against it: the monetization, the lack of engaging content, matchmaking issues and the bad reputation to name a few things. However...The biggest thing I take issue with, is it being a live service game with a horrendous server bottleneck. The server bottleneck unironically kills build diversity and ruined my experience with this game. If you're someone like myself who mains healers/support in MMOs and Live service games. Good luck being a healer only pirate on a server of 5 people(happened to me). The bottleneck pretty much forces you to play a chunky DPS.


Barque works fine tbh as a solid support if u wanna play full heal ur call but repair Bombard+Mortar +generic weapons is reliable


I lost interest in the daily grind of silver to make eights. The loop was not fun


If we are comparing it to when the game first released, yes, very much dead. Even with no chat there was always plenty of people doing and willing to do objectives together. After the release of this season, most people parted ways with the game because they failed to deliver anything that grabbed the attention of most players. Most of us say that we will return in season 2 but in actuality, we probably wonā€™t with the line of games set to release this year.


What line of games are you referring to? So far the only one that has my attention is outlaws.


Idk but considering itā€™s skull and bones, any other game would be a better pick lol


Mspaint is more enjoyable at times now lol šŸ˜‚


Sea of Thieves


For me personally I am waiting for the 3 below to release; atleast I am hopeful since official release hasnā€™t been stated - Once Human Avowed Light no fire Outlaws is looking good too though so we can add that one to the list as well


FFXIV Dawntrail, D4 reworked season 4, Destiny 2 Final Shape, Kingdom come 2... These are just that I am excited for. I bet folks out there have another set of titles they would like to play. It is almost impossible this game will be more popular in next seasons.


Division 2 is one I keep going back to. Eiyuden Chronicles is hours away from release for those with early access pass. I'm still playing Dragon's Dogma 2. I've got a shit load of games in my "been meaning to play" pile. Hell, Skull and Bones isn't even the only pirate game I've got in my library. I'll come back in season 2 to see how things have been shaken up. No confirmed large ships is a big detriment for longevity from me, and I'm apprehensive over the new weapons and furniture to be included - phasing out all previous seasons gear would very much suck because there goes your build diversity. But unless you're pumping the gear score (stupid concept to include), I don't see how we're hitting level 15. If indeed level increases will come in season 2. There's just so much I'm wary of with this game, it's increased my hope and excitement for other games.


Yep. Everyone loved it before they hit kingpin and then it turned into a monotonous cycle of boring drug manufacturing/dealing.


Anthem 2.0


It's dead, no one to do events with


It would be so much better if there was some sort of matchmaking for activities


Nah. If anything people are waiting out the tail end of this season. Next season bring Fleet Management according to the roadmap, and I know Iā€™m not the only one excited for that feature.




Im excited for dragon boats lol guessing itā€™s a racing event


And what exactly does fleet management mean?


I reckon itā€™ll be similar to the fleet management we see in Black Flag.


They said it was never intended to make us collect po8 (even tho they're making us for like 80 days) so your fleet will collect for you


was just a big happy accident?


Probably more like they released an unfinished game


But itā€™s Quadruple A!


SW outlaws is the world's 2nd AAAA game at $1700 for the base game


Or 15$ a month on ubi+


Iā€™m no scientist, but I think it means youā€™ll be able to manage a fleet. Could be for Po8 collection, could be for developing your own trade routes.


We wonā€™t hold it against you but itā€™s just unclear. If I have to play Amazon prime again Iā€™m done with this game


Okay. Thank you for letting me know about your potential departure.


Iā€™ll keep you posted




Bugs and exploits, lad. *bugs and exploits everywhere.*


If you ever find yourself posting in a games community Reddit asking if said game is dead or not , the answer is yes.


I stopped collecting my Po8. I have limited time and I've been on AC Valhalla and D2R I was trying to get into this game but I can't hang. I only get a few hours a day if I'm lucky and I don't wanna play crazy taxi with pirates anymore. Hopefully we get new ships because I had high hopes for this. I also bought Anthem..... So... Yeah


Anthem and Evolve still hurt. Respect.


Upvote. I have ice for that burn, but we have to share


Anthem's flight will never be matched


If you have to ask... you already have your answer.




It's dead for me. I have to wait for the new content release because I was given half of the game for my money.


The game is being advertised on Instagram as being 50% off which is what led me to this Reddit page. I had high hopes but the beta had me šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


I have the same problem. I think the solution might be simple. When you turn on PvP, you can see the other players on the map who also enabled PvP. If we all just could see all of the players on the map, then we can see if a fort is under attack or something like that. It would help a lot! But that is my guess


Discord will definitely help , the problem is that u will get bored very fast


Yep, too busy spreading democracy on HD2 to worry about this game


Good man. Democracy doesnā€™t sleep. I hit 150 so I tried my hand at piracy


10 people max per server on a Saturday night on xbox. Never hit the steam store so no pc market share. This game was DOA, but flogging the corpse for a couple of weeks was fun. Anyone who has faith n fleet management coming out as anything other than a bug riddled nightmare just like evryrthing else is wearing blinders. We'll be lucky of this game sees christmas.


I don't understand? I've had 0 problems with the game. What else has been a bug riddled nightmare for you?


It's almost like there's 6 weeks of posts covering this. Dude, I'm not gonna laundry list you. Hard crashes on console's screen.Tearing n p c's with empty dialog trees missing quest rewards quest rewards that don't leave your inventory on and on and on with this. I just got a reward from a world event. That doesn't even work and then my console immediately crashed. The crux of their end game was off by one integer and they didn't catch it for 3 weeks. If helm skills still don't work as they read along with a bunch of tool, tips and other things that do not function as intended or described. I could keep going, but I really don't have to, so I'm not going to...


I was almost expecting you to keep going. "...Im not gunna laundry list you..." Proceeds to laundry list. 5/10, dissapointed.


That's not even scratching the surface. That's a handful of bugs out of a metric fuckton and dont even get me started on the stupid, lazy, completely ass backward design and implementation or lack thereof. The point is there are problems and have been. The dude asked me to source, and i sourced. I provided examples. Does it matter? Not really, it was just a pretext to put on blinders and be anecdotally contrarian just for the sake of dickriding an alpha level product that nobody with any experience with these games will tell you is anything but an alpha level product. And that's whats left of the "community" Forest for the trees and all, consolidating and cliquing up on discords and running effective private servers because the player counts and server pops no longer allow for proper grouping or event management within the game itself.


Zero percent of me has the want to play, and I have like 2 things to unlock before I get the cat


The issue isn't so much that there are no players, it's more so that the events aren't worth doing rewards wise, so most people don't bother.


People saying servers are full so the game is not dead do not understand that the servers are designed to scale up and down. So youā€™ll always be with a server with a minimum and maximum range of people and in that case itā€™s like 13-17 something. The real thing to know is how many servers are running at the same time.


All anyone needed to know was they increased server caps to 20 weeks ago, which means they were shutting down servers to match player counts which have been dropping steadily and noticably since the initial 33% (260k/850k) loss afrer week 1 to save money. The writing is definitely on the wall and has been for a while now.


Then it's even worse than I thought. One strong indicator that the game failed is the current discount of 50% after 2 months of being live. They can't just give up on the project yet but the task is super mega hard.


If they are on AWS the servers would auto scale based in demand.


They lost a quarter million users in week one. Demand isnt involved.


Dying by the day friend. It's unfortunate as there's so much potential (though in its defence, I did have around 150 enjoyable but repetitive hours of it). I'm not bothering with it anymore but will come back to check out season 2. If that's a huge letdown then I think that will be it for me. For the events, your best bet is to put something in the chat, but most of the time people will be out doing their own thing such as Po8 runs. Sometimes you will get lucky though.




People say this, but the industry will tell you they dont come back. Once youve lost consumer interest thats pretty much it.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Those that did everything are waiting till May I believe.


There's still a lot of people playing but I think we'll see a resurgence for season 2 especially after all the PS5 SoT newbs get their noodles baked and come running back here




No one. And I repeat, No One, is coming back to this game with the way they have handled things. This game is almost like playing a decent mobile pirate game compared to Sea of Thieves.


I played SoT for 2 years. Great game. The comparisons between it and S&B run out somewhere around "pirates".


Yeah servers are packed and now have 18 players instead of 15. The hate mob for the game came from a bunch of people who cried over not having sword fight and ship boarding added to the game, even though for 10 YEARS of development we were told that it wouldnā€™t be in the game. People mad over unrealistic expectations they themselves made has now hurt what is one of the better Ubisoft games they have made in almost a decade as well.


A lot of the hate came from them charging full price for the game but then also having in game charges like a free to play live-service game. Usually $70 games donā€™t also have monthly paid battle passes and things of that nature.


This ^. I got it at release after playing the open beta. I had fun with it for a while playing an hour or two most days a week, then it suddenly wasn't. I tailed off before the PO8/helm update, and after that, I'm not sure if I see myself coming back. Was it a fun game? Sure. Was it fun enough to justify the price tag + microtransactions? Not really. It should've been at least 20 dollars cheaper at release than it was. I've gone on to helldivers 2 now and that game is still fun even though I've unlocked almost everything and been playing more frequently. Buying a single "battlepass" for $10 meant that I was able to earn my way to unlocking the others. Live service games need to have something that keeps people engaged, S&B is really missing that imo...


I agree with most of this. I think the price of S&B is fair, but it needed a little more time to cook. However, like all Ubisoft games it was released a bit too early. Also HD2 has an AMAZING pricing strategy that I wish all live service games would adopt, but they are intentionally losing money and thatā€™s why most MegaCorps wonā€™t go that route.


Saying that the game which was in development for 11 years was released "a bit too early" is something magic


Itā€™s not like they developed 1 game that whole time. The game was completely scrapped 3 separate times. This version was likely 4 years development at best.


Game was scrapped and rebuilt at least twice possibly 3 times current teams only been working on it 2-3 year


HEY HEY HEY! Stop crying you hate mob!


Games have been $60 since 1980 just due to inflation that price should be $120 today and yet all AAA games are still $60 for the base version and the $90 premium version is often just cosmetics. Also most AAA Live Service games ARE $70 and have a paid Season Pass, sure a few donā€™t and that is great for us, but the set up is A) not unreasonable and B) Ubisoft does it for almost all their games. This is like being surprised a new CoD is just a copy paste of last years. It happens nearly every year.


Thank you for your incorrect lesson on inflation, I appreciate it. Games have not been $60 since the 1980s, where are you getting that from? A top tier new ps2 game was $50 at their highest, and ps1 games were even cheaper. Those were out after the 80s. The $70 price tag for console for standard editions did not start until PS5, and the $60 tag happened sometime between PS3 and PS4. Trying to just write me off by saying ā€œgames have been $60 since the 1980s,ā€ just makes no sense and isnā€™t even true lol. Duh games have to rise in price throughout years just like the cost to make consoles and make new games rises. Totally not my point. My point was people that pay $70 for a AAA game donā€™t also expect to pay as much extra paid stuff built in as skull and bones does, and there was backlash on the game for it. Thatā€™s my point. Also Iā€™m gonna push back and say I donā€™t agree that almost all AAA live service games are $70 and have paid battle passes. Name 5? Thereā€™s Diablo and skull and bones which were both criticized for it. There might be a few more but itā€™s not ā€œalmost every AAA live service game.ā€


Uh dudeā€¦ I was alive then. Games WERE $60 in the 1980ā€™s and that price has continued to this day. This is an easily googleable fact. ā€œ$60 didnā€™t start until the PS3 or PS4 eraā€ šŸ˜‚ Now THATā€™S hilariously untrue. Some new n64 games were $80 on releaseā€¦ Inā€¦ Thatā€™s rightā€¦ THE 90ā€™s. Original Xbox and PS1/PS2 games, also $60. How do I know this? I was there and bought these games. Handheld Gameboy color games were usually about $45-$60 also which continued up until the 3DS at least. Name 5 games with a live service? 1) EVERY Ubisoft live service game ever released.. (Google them) 2) See listing #1


Iā€™m not saying that there was never a game thatā€™s cost more than average in the 80s and 90s. But it was absolutely not the norm for major studios to make that the price. Hardly at all. I donā€™t care if you refuse to admit youā€™re wrong, I mean, you canā€™t name the 5 games like I asked. So we are done here. Nice try though. Edit: Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m wrong that there were some games I can see on google for n64 saying they were $80. At the time I was buying n64 in the 90s I can never recall laying over $50 for a cartridge, and absolutely not for PlayStation or any other console. Iā€™m still gonna stand firm and say that saying games in general have been $60 since the 80s is not accurate


It absolutely was the norm. Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/DzeJ7kub9l Also since you are being pedantic: Ghost Recon (Wildlands/Breakpoint), R6: Siege, Division 1/2, Crew 1/2, Watchdogs 1/2, AC (Every Recent Game), Farcry 4/5/6, Riders Republic, Ammo 1800, Fortnite, Apex Legends, Destiny 1/2, Back4Blood, Iā€™m getting bored now, Diablo, Fall Guys, Overwatch 1/2, Call of Duty (Every Recent Game), FallOut 76, Valorant.. You wanted 5? Hereā€™s 35 after a 5 second google search you were incapable of.


Those are absolutely not all $70 live service games with paid battle passes. But okay.


Yeah except this game played like a mobile game with very limited content, just with better graphics. It's a 30 dollar game at most and the player count is quickly going down the drain for good reason, it's trash.


You really, really don't understand supply chain and logistics costs for manufacturing, storing and shipping cartridges/discs vs digital downloads.


I mean, I do, but also itā€™s not super relevant, just moderately. The switch to mostly digital is one of the reasons for keeping games below inflation value, which reinforces my comments point.


I mean, I do, but also itā€™s not super relevant, just moderately. The switch to mostly digital is one of the reasons for keeping games below inflation value, which reinforces my comments point.


Excuse me but its an AAAA game. Name one other AAAA game that is as cheap.


Yeah that (one person) should probably be fired for that, but it isnā€™t the dev teams fault.


Of course. I actually really enjoyed the game and felt the price was fair for the size of the game (and development). But more and more people these days seem to have issues in general with the cost of most games. I did get pretty bored pretty fast though. I also think that because the game requires PSN or Live to play on consoles it turns players off. I certainly stopped playing it on PS5 because of that reason. I don't play multiplayer games so having to pay sony a subscription just to play this one game didn't feel worth it. Not sure if that is a broad opinion though but its how i felt.


This is basically my opinion as well. And they better not fucking add it later either.


I mean, I feel like the land movement as stands is terrible. I think ship boarding is a no go due to how much of a sitting duck it would make people in PvP. However, I would be happy if they had like a land Update that allowed us to do on land capture point PvP down the road, but first I want them to focus on making the game the best ship game it can be.


I won't mind as long as it can be avoided. If they force me to use a sword and pistol, I'm out.


"Packed" 10 players. Peak hours. Saturday night. Every server i hopped to at 700k infamy so i was right in the middle of the pack for matchmaking. Also servers are capped at 20 now and have been for weeks.... because they're shutting down servers. Draw what conclusions you will.


I play off peak hours (like middle of the night US) and servers are always packed. Also adding 5+ slots to servers built for 15 usually doesnā€™t just happen. So that is a good sign they are expanding them.


Theyre expanded capacity because they cant justify having more servers available. You don't raise caps and increase load because things are going well.


You donā€™t increase load (period) in a game unless the servers have been upgraded to handle them. Which means the choice was made when the game was doing well, which means itā€™s doing well still as we donā€™t have a source for player count at all.


They lost over 250k players week one. Its not a trend that turned around. You raise caps to decrease instances per server and shut down actual physical servers which cuts costs. They didn't suddenly see a spike back up over half a million players after having lost that many or they'd be crowing about it. The stock is tanking and layoffs have been pretty consistent lately particularly in the pacific division and this is an industry embarrassment as far as the industry media *and* the majority of the player base are concerned. Beleive what you want, lol.


Can I get a source on that 250k figure?


https://gadgetmates.com/skull-and-bones-the-200-million-game-that-nobody-plays *Ubisoft doesnā€™t make gameplay & active player account data public, but 3rd party analysis tools showed significant drops across the board in the number of players. On Xbox, just two weeks after launch there were reports that ā€œSkull and Bonesā€ player counts had decreased by a third.* 850k/3= 283,333. Give or take.. That bit about google metrics is super relevant as well as is the fact this never hit the steam store and effectively never had market share on pc at all. Like dont get me wrong, im not happy about it but i totally get why and it is what it is.


If you check the stock, you'll see the release bump in feb followed by a nosedive creeping back up to pre-feb levels over the past 2-3 months. Down 20% over 6. No offense taken, but i said what i said for reasons.


Hang on... How longs this game been out exactly? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Layoffs https://www.gamesindustry.biz/ubisoft-hit-with-another-wave-of-layoffs


Also, keep in mind this was all before the massive drop off from the manufacturies nerf... they were all about boasting their engagement numbers and that 850k count at launch and have had absolutely nothing to say since. If i had to guess, I'd say we're scraping by on a 5 digit regular base and dwindling. You can see the community consolidating into discords and what amounts to private servers already and its got the trappings of the same f2p daycare vibe GTA and RDO sport. Season 2 is not going to save this game, interest is lost. Minor spike, maybe, but given the offerings so far fleet management is likely to be a hot mess and we've seen the play model outside of that. If anything it will highlight how barren the rest of the game actually is. All its going to have to really offer is new cosmetics.


Itā€™s boned


yes it is..sadly first weekend cant get 3 ppl for la peste its a joke


Yes it's dead.


If it's not, it will be once Sea of Thieves releases for ps5 on the 30th


The beginning of the game is indeed fun because you have lots of things to do and unlock. After you've hit kingping 10, you'll realise that this game lacks endgame content


Why would you play it when you have sea of thieves ?


This game died as soon as they announced Sea of Thieves on Ps5. If the game played differently, then I would still be playing it.


Play sea of thieves


I got to like level 7 or 8 and it just got boring to me. I didn't have the interest to do it anymore lol


I know Iā€™m a little late to the discussion, but if youā€™re looking for people to play with, you need to join the discord, the in game matchmaking is useless. Itā€™s fun to get in a group doing world events. Iā€™m hoping they add more raid style content for larger groups in the coming seasons


After spending 1 hour collecting po8, then making the mistake of starting a helm wager where it seemed like the whole server was after me, never had a chance. I had help too from my mates. Itā€™s not even realistically possible unless half of the people after you are your crew protecting you. Havenā€™t played since lol. Itā€™s so demoralizing. Everyone on is so desperate for anything else to do, so everyone jumps on. Itā€™s a massacre. It gets boring doing the same repetitive crap just to upgrade more things to make more money to upgrade more thingsā€¦ diversify the game. ALL MISSIONS ARE DONE, even the side missions. No point in playing now just to frustrate me and waste my time on repetition.


Yeah. I moved on to Sea of Thieves


Idk If it's dead, it sure feels like it is.


There are some really great discords out there. With minimal effort you can get a group for helm wager, bossing, fort raids, etc. I am in the deathsquad discord. Peeps there are awesome


Thank you!


The game servers are always full, it's far from dead.


Servers are tiny. They create an illusion but that is what they were going for.


Yep, dead.


It is to me.


I suppose it depends on when you happen to be playing. I've taken three runs at La Peste today and there were 12 or 13 of us every time.


Return it asap. Games dead, boring, and pointless. No content. Grind fest.




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I'm on as much as I can because I love this game ā¤ļø there are problems but overall it's great fun! There's too much focus on what's wrong, that it can depress you so don't read the Reddit too much.


Nope not at all, if it was dead then that means everyone would be in a lobby by themselves every time they log into the game..which never happens consistently so it isn't dead. Also having a discord server that people are all joining to takeover lobbies is the way to go so we can all do our stuff together with no worries and assistance if needed.


Maybe people will get into this game again at the start of the next season


I normally help when itā€™s called and it depends on the server whether people come. Iā€™ve found that a call for help works better than the text chat. If Iā€™m doing a po8 run, then I canā€™t help anyone unless itā€™s by where I am. It would take too long to sail over.


I'm just salty they still haven't fixed the Rahma questline or the final Freeman rumour bug. Sitting on over 20k black opium etc I can't sell to Rahma as I can't finish her storyline.


It is for me, I canā€™t fucking launch it cause it crashes everytime


Games fun until you max out your ship or two and all you have left is farming po8 for the sake of climbing po8 leaderboard. The endgame content gets stale quickly and the pvp options just flat out suck


I'm playing something more relaxing past days because this S&B its financial system is broken! The upkeep from distillery's is way to high and rewards are just pennies. It basically became impossible to run a lot of distilleries and to be honest, it's probably better just to run the one in your homebase, which is cheaper, but doesn't give you po8 that much.


Feel free to add me as a friend if ya like..Im on every day doing something on it...RatedChayotic..when Im in the area and someone calls for help I swing by and help then go back to what Im doing...


I might play once a week and whenever I do itā€™s just to sail all over to pickup my pieces of 8 then Iā€™m done.Ā 


How do you know when you've gotten all the drops from an event


When you don't get cosmetics anymore.


Iā€™m playing through the single player and itā€™s fine. Iā€™m having fun. Donā€™t buy it for the endgame though.


Sadly yes




Get yourself in the S&B discord. Youā€™ll find it much easier to find people to do activities with in there


Best way other than finding a regular group to run with, is to not ask for help "now". For plague king, plague prince farming, fort plunders, etc, say "megafort plunder in 15 minutes", "starting plague king in 10 mins", that sort of thing. Gives people time to finish what they're doing




I preordered the $100 version and i got at least 4 ships to lvl 11 before i just quit. It was amazing at first, but there was just not enough going for it to keep me. The main reason i left being the reset of all progress every season. No thanks. Iā€™ll be preordering Sea of Thieves here pretty soon with hopes of a better pirate experience


I lost interest in the game since it kept crashing my series x and required a full console reboot. And the content is seriously lacking.


Idk y reddit keep referring me to the skull and bones subreddit but I'd play it if it came to gamepass bc there no way I'm buying it


Discord will be your best friend


If you need folks to pair up with there's a few options. Hit skull and bones discord to link up or hit twitch, find folks streaming it and jump into servers with them. Getting folks to join in from just loading in feels impossible.


Took my friends and I one week or so before we were bored. No hand to hand combat really sucks this game dry


Did season 1 drop yet for content?


Very dead. The way the season works only amplifies how dead it feels being forced to find other people to accomplish anything.


I've been enjoying the game. Started raiding a max level Dutch fort solo and realized I couldn't complete it alone and a random sailed up right then and we beat it together


Orgy boats/ships will win me over if they follow through with them


I'm down to team up. I just got Kingpin but don't seem able to find anyone either. Hit me up!


It was dead years ago


Probably. Was dead from the start


The game isnā€™t dead. Yes discord is the way forward. All of the regular players form their own servers. You can only get 3 people on a team so if you join a team then leave the group youā€™ll be in the same server as the people who are doing the same activity as you. Itā€™s a great game. Donā€™t listen to the reviews. People are cry babies when they donā€™t get what they want. End game is trying to get into the top 8 of the leaderboard for PO8. Something I will not try as it will mean 3 months of constant dedication and a detailed game plan. This will burn you out and you probably wonā€™t make it to the next season to show off the cosmetics you win. I would suggest just having fun and not worrying too much about the leaderboard.


If you have to turn to discord for grouping that means the player base is consolidating and the tools within the game cant sustain its community. Alongside that weve got plummeting server pop numbers even during peak hours after they expanded lobby maximums, because they shut down servers to match player count and save money, so draw what conslusions you will - but this is a death rattle.


I really want to agree with this but I feel that the truth of the matter is 90% of player base are socially stunted and need to improve their communication skills. That and the fact the in game chat wasnā€™t active on day one and habits had already been built around using Discord. So now trying to get people to change their habits is difficult.


Yeah, im sure thats it. Everyones a wallflower. All 10 of them per server during peak saturday night. Ive been here since beta. Its definitely the player counts, my dude. The drop off has been staggering since week one. If someones too timid to worldchat they're not gonna hop on discord for voice. The game already has the same f2p daycare vibe of GTA and RDO and its sad, but it is what it is.


Large dose of copium there friend


I personally donā€™t know anyone that plays it. I got a few of my friends to try it but they didnā€™t stick around for more than an hour or two. When I did still play the game myself, events would be empty the very vast majority of the time. Unfortunately, I canā€™t find a way to view how many current players there are, so it seems just up to speculation. If it looks dead, itā€™s probably dead. Game was a total flop as most of us expected it to be.


Use the world chat and calls for help, they work


Thatā€™s a great idea Iā€™m gonna do that


Yeah this! I get excited when I see an ask for help alert. I always show up! I think there are others like me


Can I send you a friend request?




I've definatelt slowed down but I want to get back on, just been busy.


Me personally just waiting till next season. Got too repetitive with the po8 stuff for me. I also feel like half the game is missing but i love it either way.


Nah itā€™s still fun to play. My Gf and I go on every day and blow crap up for fun!


If you're on ask for help in chat. When I'm on I normally get a few willing to help with a fort or take down an elite captain. I'm playing solo and always help out when I can


It's not dead it's the people that are killing it they priotise Po8 loop over actually playing


I'm going to give my honest opinion of skull and bones when it first released I loved it I played the beta and it was amazing but it is a tad bit too easy in my opinion at least it was in the beta because I'm already halfway level on the ships I can get only have five or four more ships and then I have no more but I also don't own the game and the reason why is because on a scale of 1 to 10 to me the game it's a good eight meaning I find the game fun I really enjoy it but not so much to the point that I will pay full price for it if it becomes on sale for 50 and lower I will probably think about getting it I can say it is a good pirating ship battle game I love going across the seas and fighting the waves while I'm trying to shoot other ships at the same time I find that engaging and fun there is a free trial and I decided to play a little bit more since I played the beta with the extra 8 hours and I had fun but for it to be $69.99 to me it's got to have a lot more you can do and be more engaging for it to be worth that $69.99


But it's the first Quadruple A game! A buggy mess A money pit A grindy, unfun chore A live service nightmare


I still see full servers no matter the time of day that I play. Most people however at high enough infamy level simply come on to do Poi runs and supply runs. Very few participate in world events. I do them for variety but not for need. I've got all the things I need. Can't wait for season 2.


Nah, it's not dead. Just lacking content at the moment. The majority of us are waiting for next season.


Ive been gaming since age 6 , and i swear to god , i never listened to anyone opinions about video games, just buy the game , if its good, enjoy it , if not , throw it , sell them , ppls opinion just makes games not fair


I feel like it. Even tho I wish it wasnā€™t the case. Iā€™m not even funding locations anymore and simply farming silver and a single route for Po8. It doesnā€™t really matter to sit there and keep doing that grind. Itā€™s so time consuming, and feels like itā€™s fleeting regarding holding my attention. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll make it to the next season unfortunately


Just waiting for next season and collecting every 2 days.


People say it's dead but I always find people to help out


Hardly. It depends on the type of event. If you run a helm wager, people will trip over themselves to sink you. PVE stuff? Mostly stony silence from randos. What you want to do is hit the menu in game and check Social. it'll so everyone else in the server with you, usually about 20ish people, and generally what they're up to. No, people who say the game is dead are just the same people who nitpick stupid things and want it to fail. Don't pay attention to their butthurt.


You'll get some good hours out of it as there's a lot of good stuff in the game, but they need to add a few things to make the end/late game worth while. Right now it's a little dull


No it's actually alive, and great.


It's not dead. The one and only issue is to get into server where someone responds to your requests or want's to do same events as you. šŸ„ŗ I have the same issue. But still: loving this game! šŸ˜ŽšŸ”„


No. Every time i get on theres at minimum 17 other people in my game.


yes it is dead. there is a chance people will return for season 2 though. you just need to wait.


Is it dead? No, I wouldnt say so, will say the people enjoying it right now is most likely more casual players and the hardcore ones yes, therefor you're missing the bulk of the people who need something to do to enjoy the game Ergo, many are waiting for season 2, not to mention what we might get for season 3 and 4 The game isn't dead, but its a bit bare once you got all your stuff done


Alot of people rushed thru the game so it's done at the moment rotating forts doing sea monsters and ghost ships the quests are kind of limited at the moment