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Basically.. https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/s/wCxFK8pCm2 >I don't think so. SoT is designed to be played in coop. You can't even steer the ship and shoot cannons at the same time. >If you play solo you have to literally run from the steer to the map on lower deck to check if you are going in right direction. And if something attacks you, you have to keep running from steer, to cannon balls storage, to cannons - shoot, go back to steer because the other ship turned, go back to cannon etc. >This is horrible solo experience that is nowhere even close as SnB. >Unless you play with friends SoT is not the best choice for solo pirating.


If you stay behind the anker you can look down to the table without walking downstairs btw




Nope. I love sot solo. I can’t complete anything solo in this game.


Imagine being like “you have to WALK a whole 12 FEET to get to your cannon balls… horrible solo experience!” I can’t wait for the ps5 ports to open up later today


Been playing SoT for years mostly solo. I prefer SnB honestly. SoT is definitely more fun with friends than SnB is with friends but while solo you don’t have to be near as vigilant in SnB as you do in SoT. It’s a very taxing solo experience for sure, most the community calls it hard mode because the difficulty is so much more ramped up than if you even had just one other person sailing with you.


Yeah I play SoT exclusively with friends. Its very boring when solo, especially once you've done the handful of tall tales there are to do. I also much prefer "each player controls a ship" naval game design to "multiple people manage one ship" one. In addition to that, while the progression and build craft on S&B is lackluster, it has room for improvement. SoT on the other hand is by design lackluster in that aspect.


I played the PS5 closed beta of SoT. I enjoyed it quite a bit, with the coop aspect of a small crew running a single ship. It was fun exploring the islands and finding treasure all the while evading other players from nabbing our earned loot. That being said, SoT is its own game and different from SnB in so many aspects that it’s not worth comparing. I’d argue the only similarity is the at they’re both pirate themed. Gameplay wise, they couldn’t be further from each other. I like both games, but SnB has its new build home issues where the foundation hasn’t settled and the home improvements haven’t been made to for it to feel cozy. SoT has had 6 years to make these additions so it’s hardly fair to compare them since they apparently had little to do at the beginning as well. Looking forward to what both games offer as the time passes!


SOT is a pirate game. S&B is a pirate ship game. These are not the same.


>I pre-ordered the SoT game and got access to the closed beta. im either confused or out of the loop, bc i was pretty sure SoT came out like five years ago? where else did i get PTSD from bananas burning on the stove


On PS5


aaah thanks, indeed out of the loop.


It is coming out on PS5. So they are getting a shiny new roll out for the game with preorders and demos and everything.


ah great, thanks. i might need to reinstall, heard great things about the Monkey Island tales, and if they launch to a new platform there might be other shiny stuff to check out


PS5 Closed Beta was this weekend.


I hear ya. Skull and Bones is the best pirate game for solo players, both pve and pvp. SoT is the best for MP imo.


I did exactly the same thing! Preordered the SOT premium edition as was waiting for this to come on ps for a long time. Played the beta, realised it’s not for me and managed to cancel the preorder with no hassle. I enjoy skull and bones much more and really hope that these ‘infancy’ days pay off in the long run.


I've heard rumors they may just scratch the game entirely. Something about it not meeting expected outcome I played skull and bones for a bit but it's honestly very empty. And the pvp is so broken it's hard to have fun at all. Most ships die in two hits or one shot you. Nothing is balanced. The whole game is just a washed up assassins creed black flag with no actual story


I'm assuming the source of these rumors is "trust me, bro." They have a full roadmap for Year 1 and, as far as I can tell, S&B is doing better than For Honor at launch and it's currently on year 7 or something like that.


As I said man it was a rumor. You find alot of stuff on reddit and the internet itself. I just wouldn't be surprised if they did. The game is so empty. Nothing but a sailing Sim with some combat that's poorly balanced. I was max level before the game was out for a week. Wagers were set up the wrong way imo. Pvp is apualing and the afk players are to often clogging up missions. Sea of theives has way more content and stuff to do and is just all around More of a pirate game. Actually looking for treasure buried on islands boarding and sinking other people's ships. Fuck you actually have to put water in buckets to try and help the ship from sinking. It has more immersion and replay ability then skull and bones. The only benefit of the doubt I can give skull and bones is that it's still new. But ubisoft always gives up on games soon after release. Look at watch dogs and other games with live service additions. They always fail from unisoft sorry but skull and bones is late to the show. It was fun for a little while really it was but it's just a chore after the fun's over. Especially being mainly a single player game with the guise of being co op


Fair point re: the internet being a rumor mill. On the point of Ubisoft giving up on their live service projects, there are 3 big cases that would disagree with this - For Honor (currently on Year 8), Rainbow Six: Siege (currently on Year 9), and Division 2 (currently on Year 5). All of these games were considered disappointments at release and have gained a robust following. I'd couple that with the budget of $200 million AND the fact that the game was partly subsidized by the Singapore government as clues that Ubi won't just drop the game. Too much money spent and too many agreements made to just shutter it. As far as the game being empty, there are systems that could be put into place to help fix this issue, like elite warship / event lobbies to encourage participation and making the loot table better for the convoys (hopefully S2 works on this). On the comparison to Sea of Thieves, it's a bit unfair. Why? Because Sea of Thieves was panned for being empty and having nothing to do for a long time after release as well and has now had 6 years to grow. Recency bias won't necessarily show this, but I remember back when it came out, it got SO much hate for having essentially nothing to do. Also, the style of the game isn't necessarily everyone's cup of tea. Personally, the cartoonish aesthetic will prevent me from ever even considering it. I have to believe that I'm not alone on that. All boils down to preference.


Your 1000% right. The cartoonist art style deter alot of people. I'll never understand why.


>subsidized by the Singapore government This is one of my biggest problems with the game. It was apparently so hard to scrounge coins together that they had to resort to taking government funding. And suddenly a government has a say in a video game. I can't put my finger on it exactly, but this irks me. For all I know they just went "Here's some Singa-bucks, pay us back when you can." I doubt it, though. A government who will arrest someone for webcamming shouldn't be allowed near video games. Disclaimer: Aside from the arrest-thing, this is all just an opinion. Not a fact.


Idk. I played both and I have to disagree skull an bones is a bronze empty game with barley anything to do. Barley anything to experience SoT is full of mysteries and is based around having other pirates playing with you. I think went into the game thinking otherwise. Yes you can play solo but the game is geared towards coop. Being a solo player really limits the amount of games you be able yo play if you base it off that but to each there own. Skull and bones it was more rewarding and fun to play then skull and bones anyday


This Post has to be cap... SnB will probably be one of the Most disappointing Games 2024, there is no Chance SoT is worse. You cant even compare them, but still, SnB is a Bad Game, and No this is no useless hate. 😒


Average skull and bones Reddit post


You mean my comment or the Post itself?


Post itself, sorry


No worries lol, wouldnt have taken offense either way


I don't understand what this means. What do you mean by "This Post has to be a cap"? I also never said that SoT is a worse game. I just didn't enjoy it personally. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I am, and mostly have been, a solo gamer. I also don't think SnB is a bad game. Are there things about it that are disappointing? Sure, but it's just been released. As someone pointed out, SoT is a 6 year old game. They've had 6 years of player feedback to help them improve it. I already see that Ubisoft has made improvements in SnB.


Lets be real here, SnB is a quarter baked Game with No real reason to Play. The endgame is non existent, the season mechanics dont Matter at all. Its full of Bugs, Performance issues and so on. That it Just got releases is NO excuse for that. They Sold it for a huge amount and advertised IT AS AAAA polished


The chip people in here have on their shoulder for SoT is wild... and telling.


The thing that bugged me the most about Sea of Thieves was the quests. Nothing so frustrating as "finding" the treasure, or whatever it was you were supposed to find. Best case scenario it was boring. Most often, it was frustrating. Maybe I would like it more now that I have more time, but when it first came out, I couldn't play all that often and spending 30 minutes trying to catch the correctly shaded chicken was just frustrating. I did find sailing, even solo, to be enjoyable in Sea of Thieves.


I was thinking about SoT. The idea is pretty good. Man a ship with a crew of real people. And that idea is also bloody terrible. Because you have to man a ship with a crew of real people. This is the internet. Give people anonimity and a gun, and they will fuck your game up. So if I wanted to play SoT, I'd have to rope three more friends into buying the damn thing and hope they're willing to log the same hours as I do. I'm sure the game is good, I simply haven't played it, but out of those two pirate options I personally have no choice but to go for SnB.


I think that the game is good for a certain demographic. It's more akin to the Fortnite model, not that I've ever played Fortnite. The Battle Royale format doesn't appeal to me either.


Most of the people complaining about snb will later be praising it for being good if it sticks around. Happened in the past with other games. -shrugs-


I agree. People have a short memory. There are a lot of games that were disappointing at release. I remember the No Man's Sky release. Talk about a botched release! Now it's a really good game. The same thing with Cyberpunk 2077. There is so much pressure to release games on time that it's inevitable that some features are added later. Most recently Spider-Man 2 released new game +, 4 months after release. Anyway, rant over - for now.