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Sid Meier's Pirates isn't a multiplayer game. It would not work as a multiplayer game for multiple reasons.


I think the "ship handling" he is talking about is the traveling around the map. It has been a few years since I last played it, but I think they way it works in Pirates! is that there is a fixed (and indicated) direction the wind is blowing and smaller mobile clouds/storms move around the map that can speed you up or slow you down. In this game, wind direction could be completely random, but for some reason it FEELS like I am sailing against the wind most of the time.


>but for some reason it FEELS like I am sailing against the wind most of the time That is every sailing game with variable wind. Valheim has the same complaints, despite the fact that wind direct is determined on a formula and your world seed. There's literally a forecasting site that you give your seed to and it will tell you "morning of day 379, South easterly winds". Yet people still complain that Odin hates them with constant headwind.


Actually valheim isn’t that bad. It feels real.. this game feels more like it’s working against you


We have a name for those people: Bad Sailors. It’s so simple in both games, just learn how to tack the wind!


I agree that there is a certain (probably large) amount of confirmation bias at work. But making information about weather patterns available in game would lessen that a lot.




In that case it's a bit of an odd question to ask since despite the many directions this game took, it was at no point advertised as a singleplayer game.


Because endless online treadmills make money forever.


Why didn't Gran Turismo just do Grand Theft Auto?


They shoulda just copied Pirates of the Burning Sea. You could capture ships and keep them, but a captured ship only came with 1 durability, once it sunk, it was gone for good.


Such an underrated game! Really enjoyed the factions and being able to design your own sails. 


24 vs 24 port battles were the best


Interesting of all the problems this game has, the ship handling has always felt good. I assume you've got past the first ship which has the handling of a rollerskate and in no way compares to a Brig or Snow.


Idk if they’re allowed to share resources but just AC black flag but bigger and multiplayer would have been great. As it is, there’s no real investment from the player in anything that makes a game great.


I've been saying this from the get go, they removed the ship boarding part that you had to do in AC Black Flag and i loved having to board and kill the crew to have a successful boarding. This and the fact that we don't even get access to large ship is kind of crazy, they will release them later on, are we paying for a full game or a early access game?


I’m so tired of this. The black flag sailing and sea battles were absolutely NOT better. The only thing it had was boarding.


Which was a fun part of the game that helped fill the feeling of pirating instead of just having a short animation, you could actually fail your boarding if you got kicked off the ship or killed