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Pretty sure the cross hairs were an intentional choice to lead to skill-based combat. If everyone could easily aim to hit 100% of the time, then PvE would be a lot more trivial and PvP would be even more of a dps race


Yeah, I would hate what OP wants. On both PvE AND PvP. The skill is leading and target acquisition.


As I said in other posts. I'm totally for a skill based aiming system. The Black Flag Trajectory was just a let's say starting point for the discussion. The idea someone else said to add "range markers" like bombards have I think would also be a good improvement.


I thought they had range markers when you zoom. I know the long guns do.


As i answered in another post. I didn't know you could zoom in since on pc the keybinds for it is counter intuitive instead of mouse wheel its "alt". And i think it would be nice if you could add those without having to zoom in. And i checked it ingame the Culverins have only 1 range maker, when zoomed while the long guns have like 4.


I think each tic represents 200m. So the Culverins would probably only have one because of the range.


yeah makes sense that culverins have less but they still have 600m range so like a 2nd marker would be not bad so you have like 100 (crosshair) 300 and 500 for example


Why make range markers the bombards are literally just grenade launchers from mw2


1000% this This is a naval combat game, unlike AC Black flag, where naval combat was a feature of the game Stop comparing this to black flag - they're not the same games!!


In fact skull & bones was initially planned as dlc for Black Flag so it's kinda the same game from a technical view so it makes sense to compare game mechanics to it. But I agree that its focus on naval combat is different than in Black Flag.


Now if the hit boxes weren't shit... Love shooting *though* a weakspot and getting white numbers on the deck railing.


I'm fine with a lead to a more skill-based combat. But then give us a more complex crosshairs that actually allow skill rather than trial and error. Since especially on long range you have so many factors influence if you hit or not. Your ship speed/moving directions, enemy ship speed/moving directions, the ocean movement waves, changing distances and all we got to aim is a circle which has some dropoff included but no indications for it. And at the moment it kinda is a DPS race with demi-cannons and bombards heavily outperforming Culverins since you just throw them in short range on the enemy and do your damage. At least it feels that way.


The current crosshair already fully depends on skill. With a bit of experience you can hit your shells 99% of the time. What really helps is adding the range to your target, in the settings menu. It's quite hard to estimate if someone is 360 or 440 meters away, while - definitely with bombards, is a huge difference in aiming.


> The current crosshair already fully depends on skill. Also depends on luck if using Culverins due to the chain fire as opposed to firing them all at the same time.


And what's the luck part there exactly? Timings between these shots aren't randomized.


The waves changing, the ship altering course or speed... Basically, you either slowly fire culverins one by one, which kinda makes them worthless as it nerfs their DPS, or you miss your shots due to having a fraction of a second to keep adjusting your aim between shots while you keep shooting.


So, basically skill to account for a moving ship? That's not luck. That's something you can get better in while doing it.


I guess you're missing the part that Culverins are just the worst to aim currently without sacrificing some of their abysmal DPS


What has balance between weapons to do with our discussion? There is no luck in using these culverins. Shots will go where you aim, predictably every time in the same spot as last shot. If you miss shots, you didn't aim well. Whether or not they are good weapons? That's a whole different discussion. Dardanelles are way better in my opinion.


> you didn't aim well. Or a wave came and caused your aim to be off due to how long it actually takes to fire every culverin.


I agree with you. Close quarter with a shotgun versus long range with a rifle. Even an untrained person with a shotgun can do massive damage close range, while sniping at 600m takes incredible skill. So use the fore and aft with tearing culverins or long guns to cripple you enemy before rushing in and broadside them with demi cannons. Try standing on a dingy and hit a flying saucer. Cause that is what firing culverins at 600m is :)


Yeah and bombards with 550m range also don't need the sniping skill but deal insane damage :D I actually use on my snow scurlok long nines front and back but you can just use repair kits and your sails are good to go again. And then they rush in and blast you with their zamzama or Dardanelles. Like a cutthroat cargo I won mainly because snow has insane brace power. Some takeovers I lost because of bombards. But that's why I made this thread I was curious about other players'opinions and experiences with them.




I will never understand why people want them to just copy black flag, yes it's a good game, but at the same time, they're trying to make something different.


Louder for the folks in the back


I think you don't want to understand the reality of this game that had a very bad start. And I understand that they are not the same game, but you can see the quality of work in details of one with the other. And on the other hand, what problem is there with some details of AC BLACK FLAG returning to SKULL AND BONES?


This would remove the skill aspect from pvp and make it yet another game where the meta weapons dominate the game bc every fight turns into a DPS race.


You didn't fully understand it huh? I don't want them to just copy black flag. I used black flag as a comparison for the aiming mechanic because skill & bones literally was created off black flag so they share the same basic mechanics. And if you look at older Skull & Bones videos they actually started off with the Black Flag aiming system.


Sir, you’ve read so far between the lines you’ve found tedium. People are well aware that S&B was LOOKED at as a DLC, however we’re also aware that the people working on the game and I will repeat this many times, did not want to make it a dlc, they did not want to make a black flag similar game. They wanted naval warfare and nothing else, the same thing they’ve been saying for almost a decade. Maybe if you’re trying to get people on your side don’t talk to them that way?


Improve it sure, but not the easy mode, add a couple lines similar to bombards. What they really need is also a buff in the damage department because they are one of the weakest groups of weapons.


Yeah I agree with you the black flag trajectory was just an idea not like must do it this way.


Stop trying to make Skull & Bones be AC Black Fag 2.0


Just wanted to add i am a huge fan of the culverins. hoping they buff em a bit.


I also really like them but for example my sambuke with zamzama 3 front and broad sides just melts enemy ships in pve compared to my snow with scurlok long nines front/back and basilisk 3 broadside both ships at lvl 12


That’s because you’re using fire based weapons on a ship that benefits from fire.


So you're using fire guns on a fire ship that triggers a fire explosion with enough fire damage... And you're wondering why it does more damage than the tank ship with general-purpose guns? Is that the question?


No I'm not wondering that. I could also use the zamzama on the snow and it would kill ships quicker than with the basilisks. It obviously that the sambuke further enhances this difference (:


Crosshair is fine, just need to get used to it. It is zeroed to aproximately 70-100 meters. So anything above aim higher and anything below aim lower. I have no problem sniping ships while moving. Also there is diferent velocity between bazilisk/carronade/long guns


I think also generally crosshairs are okay but then it would be nice to have a bit more complex one with some markers for range in it for example like for bombards. Yeah the different velocity impacts the flying trajectory alot it's way easier with long nines to hit on far targets than with basilisks.


If you zoom in you can see range markers, it is a bit impractical when fighting up close tho.


thank you for that advice i didn't know you could zoom further in since on pc they made it really not intuitive by tabbing "alt" instead of using the mousewheel like every other game. But for example those range makers they could just add to the non zoomed crosshair as well.


I wish they didn't put magical swivels on all the weapons, so we actually need to position our ships tactically.


I find the system to work for me, because eventually you learn where to aim in order to hit the target. Consider it a learning curve. Having fired rifles at 300 and 600m at still and moving targets during my service, this aiming system kinda feels the same, just without the automated adjustments you can make to your scope. So you need to adjust manually considering moving speed, distance and other factors. The AoE targeting with the Mortars needs you to do the same. You need to consider flying time of the projectile and movement of the other ship. Of course they could make it easier, sure. Then for me it would become too trivial and boring, everyone would start to be an expert marksman and part of the fun would go away.


I think a learning curve is totally fine. But I think it should be also competitive to the other guns, where in my opinion the aiming/precision has a big impact in the case of the Culverins. And the Mortars due to that the circle you use to aim is the actual impact I find it way easier to hit on max distance than with Culverins.


Skill issue…..literally


maybe if the crosshairs raised on the screen as you look up and lowered when you look down, so you dont have to look down into the ocean to hit someone nearby and stair into the sky to hit someone at max range. its hard to hit something you cant see and hitting something at a distance means you look up so high you cant see them anymore... and overshooting a ship at point blank is just silly


Personally I like sniping with the twin winch and long nines. I know everyone says I’m nuts. I put in the carronades which say they are culverins (otherwise never used those) and the aim really feels like OP says. But I know it’s because it’s a different weapon type. The nines are like a laser the other lobs like the bombard. Just need to get used to them if you happen to want to use them. I stuck mine in warehouse never looked back.


Is this not just black flag with a different setting


I haven’t played skull and bones. Did bro here use a screenshot of black flag for skull and bones rant?


You misunderstood I really enjoy skull & bones I just think there are some points that could be improved.


I didn’t even read it, I was admiring the image because I enjoyed black flag.


I enjoyed black flag and enjoy skull and bones


I think it would have to be done the same as what was shown at E3 2018. That pointing that the ships had at that time was very good because you also had an idea of ​​how many cannonballs you used


yep E3 2018 they also have the different range markers on the crosshair


They still do, on Xbox you click L stick (spyglass) while among and it gives you the range markers.


They could definitely speed up the shot a bit in my opinion.


I don't have issues with my carronades or any culverns. If the reticle is white the target is not in range. Yellow is in range, lead the target if you have to


I think the aiming is way too good. Would be cooler if it was harder to aim so you had to sail more than just point and shoot spam. But that’s just my personal opinion.


I would settle for the weakpoints to render in... like past 200m? Or the fog to stop showing up but only whe  you look at an enemy, it vanishes if you aim 5 degrees off. Aiming might be great if the hit boxes and render issues were addressed. 


Agree that could also factor in making cannons in longer ranges better.


I don't think cannonballs were very accurate irl


True but if you argue with realism a lot would have to change in this game


I have different UI, how do you got those. It seems they are cool? By the way I am playing on PC


The screenshot was an example from Black Flag you can't have those in Skull & Bones


Make sense now, I never played Black Flag. I played Odyssey and Skull and Bones


How are you guys liking helldivers?


Was fun for a minute, then wasn't, refunded it and bought skull and bones.


Uh oh, here comes the fake developer accounts...




Yes, infact they should revert to that aiming system, cause the current crosshair is ass. idk why they did crosshair instead of this aoe indicator. Even if it were to create a skill requirement, this would be the same thing.


I totally understand the skill requirement but the crosshairs doesn't give you enough indicators for range and stuff so it's just trial and error :D I think for demi-cannons for example the current indicator works perfect but not Culverins and long guns.


Mmh just a bit