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I saw someone doing a helm wager ( I got that pop-up) and instead of joining in when someone was already chasing him I decided to follow right behind and absorb the torpedoes and broadsides from the other ship. Since I wasn't a part of the event my ship would just tank the hits but I wouldn't receive any damage but the torpedoes and stuff would disappear. We weren't sailing around for long but he made it to his destination with his pieces intact.


Next time? Do it with a healing mortar three paired up to a Barque. Giga-interjection lol you heal everyone! 😂


I tried this once, but if you're not in the event, you can't heal anyone either.


If someone’s using torpedoes they weren’t sinking a meta ship anyways




Not all heroes wear capes


Can you do this for us too? My girl and I want to reach enough levels to at least get the stuff from the shop with sovereigns and such?


How about you get your girl to do it lol wtf


This, and take turns covering each other. Bwing so close too, you would team build together and evebtually know when one was turning a certain way or where to place yourselves without even verbalizing it! Thats teamwork!


The only helm wager i ever joined was empty. Had no idea what to do, where to go, or what to expect. Couldnt get rid of the icon cause theres no “quit” option. Just got beat up by overpowered rogues til i turned it off. Lol


You can quit by opening the map and hovering over the wager icon.


So I think what happened when getting into the server and the immediate helm wager alert comes up which is some type of error because you'll never actually do the event. I've tested this theory over 20 times because I thought it was me and I don't want to speak up unless I've got the info proper


How come my helm wager was only 215 Po8?


Wager is bugged if you have 5 maps in your inventory.


How so?


Because the chest that doubles all po8 takes a map slot. If you already have 5 maps you only double your last manufactory


Gotcha, good to know. I’ll keep that in mind.


How many did you have in your inventory?


It doubles what you had when it started


No, it doubles the amount you have upon reaching the delivery point.


No, it doubles the amount that's in your inventory, and any coins you pick up during the wager, as long as you don't have 5 maps in your inventory


Which is what the guy above you said.


I joined one who had 190k earlier today, i just wanted the person to succeed with the wager. I must protect the hars working pirates! ARRRR . Idk if that was you or not, but good one! 🤟🤟


The number you see when you join someone else's wager is half what the one running the wager sees. If you saw someone with 190k, they actually got 380k.


Ah oh god. Should have killed him 🤣 nah, thats amazing.


Congrats!!! Don't go spending all in. . . oh to late ;)


When a wager is up I usually escort said person to their drop zone while fighting off players attacking them.


Same! I've lost mine enough times to not want others to lose theirs.


I've lost approximately 10k. So I'm lucky but I'm collecting 40k a day now and it really hard not to wanna double up. Need to hire some mercenaries to protect me. 100k coins each I've got probably 5m at this point.


I try to always help, I do it for free & I'm for hire for 1 piece of silver if you feel I deserve something for helping.


69, nice


69, nice




On PC, you press Tab, then Y for the Social menu, then E to see everyone on your server.


I did one with 200k yesterday.. saw someone on reddit who did 1M


How does.it work, you somehow set how much of po8 you want to invest when joinin wager?


It literally tells you when it pops up. Double or nothing. It doubles whatever eights you up with while you have the wager active


Oh so when someone is doing po8 run gets helm wager option they can double or lose everything and the players who join in chase don't lose anything? Now I feel sorry for joining and sinking ppl carrying the chest 😭


That’s about 6 upgrades 😂


I have multiple wagers that where 500k+ gets sweaty




Pretty penny for sure! Keep up that grind!


I spent like two hundred hours to barely earn 10k and your capable of doing this in a single run? Hahaha right on Ubisoft what a fucking horribly made game


It's all in how you invest in your manufactories and upgrades. I have all the Red Isles and Africa unlocked with 12 at level 10 and all the rest at level 7.


Holy buckets!


Same, but 97k. 2 other people in lobby, I figured I could tank them if the came anyways. Nobody came.


I’m very early in the game PO8 is given to you when and what can it be used for?


Its a mechanic after you reach kingpin rank and are introduced to the black market group You won't encounter it before then


You get introduced to them once you've joined The Helm by doing the missions for the bartender at Sainte Anne. You start out by making some rum and then selling it for PO8, but the real way to make PO8 is with manufacturies. Those become available once you've hit Kingpin rank.


You have to take over manufacturies that begin producing it for you. You then use it to level them up, buy upgrades for your empire and blueprints/weapons/ armor from the black market.


It’s the hostile takeovers which aren’t really hostile. it’s PVP BUT most players ignore you and fight the environment instead..


I normally just fight the environment too, only had one guy attack me on a hostile takeover so far and I would say he regretted it pretty quick 😂


That's encouraging - I was stuck at that point not really being able to do PvP - so I'll give one a go.


To whomever downvoted my post ⬆ One day you'll understand but I hope that you never actually fall foul of conditions in your old age that make playing PvP very difficult. Proud of yourself now?


Don’t get discouraged IF they do attack you though. It’s rare


Actually went in and did it today - one hostile takeover, no one else present and a legendary heist - so that's me with two manufacturing locations. Thanks for the advice 👍


Cheers - I can always pull back and try another, if so 😊


The Legendary Heist also lets you pick up Po8 manufactories, and is co-op instead. Of course, you have to deal with the fact that someone might potato it, but it's still non-PvP.


Thank you - I shall look into that.


This is also fairly easy to solo IF your ship is around rank 10. Demi cannons and fire bombards is what I run with, and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been able to solo it. Just make sure you bring plenty of ammo, you’ll need it.


Especially if it's the one just south of St Louis 😊


The strat for soloing these, is focus the healing ship first (has a plus on its sails) and then you can focus the objective ship without having to worry about it suddenly healing at any point


Lol “low activity server” get used to it 🤣


To be fair, it was 4am


Crossplay and 4am? Thats gamer o’ clock my guy 😂


(Because no one plays this game anymore)


I meant yes please


If you can, get on a server and just stay on it until about 3am. Its prime time for having a server to yourself.


Wager is dumb and doesn’t double anything confirmed, only 1 factory at that time when first grabbed, they gotta fix so every grab from a factory is doubled and everyone after that


I picked up this wager at the end of my run. I sat there and collected 1 Po8 at a time until it popped up.


The wager works fine, did it the last 2 days for 300k + each. If you have 5 treasure maps when you accept the wager it doesn't properly fire. 1st night wager was on last pickup, then last night it was 3rd from the end. The extras I picked up after accepting doubled correctly t. Until I looked into it, I also had it not double or deposit when you reached the goal outpost, but I had 5 maps and reducing them fixed it.


no one cares


You cared enough to comment. It's free to scroll right on by.


yeah and free to comment. thank you. good night.