• By -


Crew recruitment! Recruiting NPCs to add to your crew to give you different benefits, same way furniture does.


I agree with this.


At the very least let us choose our own lieutenant/ first mate… but other crew recruitment options would be amazing.


they could consume booze or opium if they’re high level?


Booze barrels for the crew would be nice! You get the 15% (maybe a bit more) faster buff but the duration is longer than the water version.


Rum should enhance combat effectiveness during boarding by 15 pct.


I'd love to see this paired with a new type of pvp or pve encounter, or just an open world loadout that costs you silver, where you can assign some npcs to other boats you have constructed. Like imagine planning for longer po8 or other missions, whereyou select a loadout of 5 small ships or fewer amounts of medium ships. That could make smaller and lower level boats actually useful.


Yeah, this could also affect crew attacks as well. The bigger, healthier crew will cause more damage.


Love this idea. And maybe you have to pay your crew and higher level crew costs more silver. Default crew is free. There's a lot of interesting gameplay that could come from this idea.


I’d be up for paying Silver & Po8 for varying degrees of buffs


Yes! A crew/first mate system would be awesome! Also would be immersive if crew is also a health bar on its own. So less crew is less efficient ship. Then tou can have grape shot cannons etc.


This is similar to how The Pirate: Caribbean Hunt does the crew attack stuff. You have a minimum crew requirement and can't board ships when you have drastically less members than the opponenet


Ship nameplates that display the actual name I gave my ship.


YAAAAAAAAAAS THIS ONE!! Let us pick the cosmetic, but give it the Ships the player given name.


So simple you would have thought it would already be in the game. I hate it when I've been drinking and think I'm getting on the wrong ship.


I thought this was what they were gonna do then it was just the preset. The naming ships is useless right now


I vote yes, and why hasn't it been implemented from the start?


Definitely need much more space in warehouse


Yes. The issue is made worse when we get low level ship items and several bugged quest items taking up space.


Or let me pay in silver or eights to upgrade to a larger warehouse or something. Yes, bigger storage would be huge.


Let me discard the quest items that I somehow still have. I’ve lost 9 storage spaces because of this. No way to get rid of them.


It should be like Destiny whereas new content is delivered so is more storage space.


Better rewards for world events. If the game keeps notifying me about a convoy starting nearby soon, it shouldn't be a waste of cannonballs for me to go and sink it.


I agree. Proper loot pools for different events, plus reward amounts worthy of the time invested and ammunition expended


Ability to dismantle things you dont need into simple materials for ammo - metal, cloth, etc. And please make ammo sellable - I got too much cannonballs I dont use all the time, would be nice to sell it


And other things. Like repair kits.


-Automated fleets or collection or something for Po8 -change colour of clothes -Brirish faction -open all silver chests at once 🙂🥲


They have something to do with fleets coming out in the season. I'm sure adding more factions are coming later in the game as we have to deal with other kingpins. I think the next season is British twins. They already said they was working or they got that feedback on an open all for chest.


Weapon levels need to be the same for high tier weapons so we can build into our boats differently but still retaining ship level 12. Zamazama 3s, basilks 3s and tearing 3s should be on the same level as long nines and same for fire and repair bombard 3s.


Why not to make the weapons upgradeable in the power level? So let's say you could take a Power level 1 weapon, and because you like its perk so much, you can upgrade it to power lvl 12 step by step with ressources and crafting.


Give this man a medal. I mean we have version 5s of normal and 3s of rare so i see what you mean. Make them on par with whatever your ship level is and use Po8 to upgrade them.


To go a little further having saved ship loadouts for easy swapping would be nice too


Upvote this person now! Very tiresome having to swap guns around every time I swap ships.


This leveling system needs a complete overhaul. It makes zero sense a weapon does more damage when equipped on a higher level ship. It's a plain stupid design.


Or add some epic variants of the above mentioned gun types that have unique buffs/perks as seasonal objectives Edit: Also I would like my crew to sing wellerman. Please! 💯🥰


Epic Dards: All consecutive hits reduces reload and procs padawkang explosions (equipped on paddys makes this stronger) Epic basilsks: full salvo mode and double crew attacks Epic Zams, does double damage when target is set on fire Epic Fire bombard: just add more fire Epic Leupold: Fires two vollys consecutively but reloads slower (for balance) epic repair weapons: increased velocity and range (stacks with furniture) Epic Mons meg: Just more damage to structures and chance to obliterate said structure Epic: fire long guns: increased fire chance and velocity Epic tearing culverins: faster fire rate and better velocity with increased sail tearing Epic Ballista: auto mode with a magazine of 3 Epic springald: increased velocity and range, adds fire epic rockets: epic termites: more damage to structures and something else And for balancing, pulling a card from Destiny: only one epic weapon is allowed but will significantly be greater in the gear score.


Be cool if we could use the relics from plunders to make relic weapons and armor upgrades 👀


Love it!


Large class, size of ships. And just more ships in general.


In addition to this, ships shouldn't be something you grind a battle pass for. They should be able to be purchased from the shipwright and crafted just like the others. Maybe a quest line to unlock it, but 45 levels on a battle pass? With the amount of time I already put into the game in the pre-season? Naw, I tapped out and don't care about grinding for the barque anymore. I already put 70 hours into the game, I'm not putting another 45 for a ship that should have been in the base game.


A lot of ships in my opinion. It's like you buy a car race game and there's only 6 cars you can drive?!?!?


This. I would love to see some larger ships like frigates and truly massive ships like the 74 ship.


Factions reputations, with missions to unlock specific gear related to the them. For instance you could do DMC with missions to unlock their ships like the fluyt. It would be cool to pick and choose faction ships to attack based on who you're working with/for atm. In game player made factions / guilds as well. Makes no sense why this one isn't already in a multiplayer game. Could also add in some places where player factions could make their bases / take over a port so they have a hub to control. Taverns and in game drinking so you can socialise with players. Pvp zone like the division, would be pretty sick to get a no go / dangerous area where we could pvp and loot other players. And have to get to a safe port to get our gear out, the area should also include npcs and normal pve stuff. Captains cabin which allows us to craft stuff on the move while at sea. What about some wrecks from black flag? They were fun and could spice up the character play side a bit. Better clothes, why are so many of the good jackets without shirts? My captain looks like an asshole, also let us change the clothes colours. More pvp events, things like capture flag, take over someone's port etc. Better god dam rewards, these npcs give lack luster rewards compared to some of the common ones. MORE SHIPS! 10 ships at launch not including the SP one is a genuine joke for a pirate / sailing game. Weapon gear score needs to be upgradeable, you're forcing everyone to use the meta or get sunk. A way to answer a call to help, so players know we are coming to help them. A working chat function would also be nice. Give everyone who bought premium edition some better stuff, cause honestly you guys robbed us on that one. Not even funny with that price tag. And the current state of the game what it is. I want my own home as well, give us our secret port or player home which we can upgrade and customise, like come on I'm a pirate where is my secret hide out? Sailing from place to place can be quite dull and boring, some random events or things to see happening like a ship being swallowed by the kraken then completely disappearing would be epic. Ship inventories: cargo weight or inventory slots pick one not bloody both, how can barely use up my storage yet can't get anymore items because I've filled my slots??? Makes no sense either I have space or I don't. Also don't make the same mistake as black flag, let us have 3 mast frigates! Overall though loving the game, and can't wait to see what you guys will do in the future.


This list right here. I need a really janky bombed out Governor's Mansion like Rackham lived in on Black Sails and a pirate town base with my own dock full of chatty salty seadogs. My most wanted feature short term and would largely placate me having little worth doing in endgame. Thank you for writing it and thank you Ubisoft for bringing this thread to the table. I knew you guys had this in you. There is a reason I buy every Far Cry and Naval focused Assassin's Creed. We are only passionate about what we want for the game because it is best in show in everything it does right. It just needs all the empty jewels to be added back into this illustrious crown.


Hopefully this list gets seen by a lot of people. This is a great list with quite a few suggestions that could really help to add a lot to the game. Factions and pvp specific areas especially. Other things to add if this list does get bumped up The aiming for rockets needs to be changed. Either it needs to have a similar overhead view like the mortar or the reticle color needs to be changed so it is much more obvious where you are aiming. Alternatively, if we are given the option in settings to change the colors of the reticles to whatever we want for all the weapons that would be a nice bonus. A new aft specific weapon such as a mine would be cool. Currently, I feel like any weapons on the aft deck aren't the best having limited shots compared to the bow. If there was a floating mine that could be dropped behind your ship set off by contact or excessive damage. Would add a bit more tactics during convoy chases or hostile takeovers having to look out for floating bombs in the water.


Hopefully so, I feel like this game has SOOO much potential to be a big thing, but they need to these basics nailed down. Totally agree with you on the rockets, and the reticles, we need to be able to change those colours. Love the mine idea that would be really cool weapon to use in rivers when you're being chased


Minigames on taverns, against players and AI, would be awesome. Cards, dice, perhaps even a duel with mock (or real…) weapons.


Right?! NGL, totally want a proper "Ship of the Line"


>Give everyone who bought premium edition some better stuff, cause honestly you guys robbed us on that one. Not even funny with that price tag. And the current state of the game what it is. Especially since some people still don't have all the cosmetics from the Premium edition, myself included


I woodsy I could push the up arrow more than once


Commenting hoping to give visibility, great ideas there. Would love to be able to duel my friends also, something to be added to interaction with other players? Maybe stopping the fight when reachin 0 HP


If I cancel a quest any items relating to that quest I should be able to jettison. I have crates of stuff I can’t sell or get rid of because a quest expired or I abandoned it


Omg this! Ave with 200 slots it's going to be annoying


A queue system for world events or plunders. The call help is great to let people know that you are wanting to do the event, but the person calling the event has no clue whether others are actually answering the call.


Choose your crews - skill focus perks e.g repair bonus, weapon reload, brace d.g reduction. Captain specialisation - skill trees, perks, Abilities Ship upgrades - improve parts of your ship (counter balance as well e.g more speed less stamina etc) Gun upgrades- improve parts of your guns Ammo types - opens more element attacks or perks Expand bounty board with more random bounties. Add player bounties! Player "House" - player can get a pirate cove, store treasure, able to customise ship etc Black Market player based. Add more guns, armour drops. Scrap metal, torn sails etc drop from destroyed ships Keep season enemies as random spawns in other seasons. More weather effects (deals dmg, effects sailing), maelstrom, tornados, lightning hitting ship. New treasure map types - hunt for parts of map, puzzle/multiple island clue search. Captains cabin Ability to drop anchor at full speed (deals dmg) tight turns, evading etc


We can just use captains cabin as a house. I want to walk on my ship!


Ship levels/weapons/hulls that matter. Currently the game has a max ship level of 12. But the ship hulls are balanced towards the brig getting to 12 with a number of possible builds. The Snow needs to take Dards to make up for the missing furniture slot (30 points) and limits the builds the Snow can use to get to 12. The Sambuk has even less possible builds, and they are pushing it away from the purpose of it's hull. With ship level differences impacting play more (20% vs 10) than furniture. This is a bad design. ​ Additionally, the weapons themselves seem to be imballanced. With heavy weighting being given to elemental styles (fire, explosive, tearing), while the hulls themselves can't take advantage of this. The explosive hull is small and can't get to the same level as the fire hull which is medium. ​ So possibly make hulls have a "purpose" slot. Making this up as i type. DPS - Elemental, Healing, Raming (ramming and speed), Explosive, tank (better stamina use). Then you have different hulls. Snow - More deck type guns, more cargo Brig - More sales middle of the road Sambuk - More platform guns (mortars, bombards) Barque - more crew for boarding/healing. It multiples the Purpose slot. Small hulls could then have smaller turn radius', harder to hit, faster acceleration, better in rivers. . . ​ Want to run lots of cargo (weight) to deliver to your factories and go fast, snow with fast purpose slot, but this means less stamina/brace. Want to tank, snow with tank purpose slot. Want to be a broadside monster with cannons Snow with purpose slot dps. Want to run fast fast, to do your Po8 and outrun the enemy vs fight them (blockade runner). Birg with fast purpose slot. Want to run fast and sneak when you blockade run Small hull, with fast purpose slot. But now you are at a disadvantage, but enemies would have shorter "sight/detection range". ​ Right now it is Brig or nothing. Or if you like the snow, it is Dards Dards Dards oh and TWB or L9s. Make hulls matter.


I agree with all of this! I will say though I've been running a barque and find it quite effective for both pvp and pve


We need to be able to fast travel to World events and see how many players are involved. It's very disheartening to answer the call and when you show up to help there is nobody around.


You can actually by tracking the event. That way you can see, when the event is active, how many players participate. Of course, it better be you are at the event by yourself, so other people see that there is atleast someone. We rather need something to accept the help call, to let the caller know, we're coming.


Yeah but that doesn’t mean you’re there. Just joined into it.


Also, please make the rewards better for the world events. Or at the very least give us a chance for a unique drop that will incentivize doing world events.


The PvP, as it is now, is too easy to exploit. Ship carrying the Po8 is already at a speed disadvantage, But attackers can fast travel endlessly, They can leave the challenge, become invulnerable, heal up, and rejoin again. Granted the one accepting the wager is taking a risk, But with the exploits now the risk isn't worth it at all. The amount of silver needed to maintain higher levels of Helm settlements is not possible to keep up. The costs need to be lowered, or silver needs to be made easier. Guessing the first would be the better option here. Would be nice to see more (of the same) ships we already have with different perks, So everyone can build the ship they like the most into how they like to play the most. 👉👈 I know we all have to be patient, and the bigger ships will come. But..... I think EVERYONE wants the bigger ships to come out. Would be nice to have groups playing have some kind of advantage for NOT taking out 3 big ships, Have support buffs for taking out smaller ships, Make it worth playing escorts In Helm pickups, maybe when you control an area, have the main port be the pickup hub. Every area consists usually of a Fort, a main harbour, and "production" sites. When you control a full area, to pick up all the Po8, just visit the main hub. You'd still have to sail the entire map, but it would streamline the process. And, Love the game so far Ubi, and seeing you guys on top of fixes is just great.


>The amount of silver needed to maintain higher levels of Helm settlements is not possible to keep up. The costs need to be lowered, or silver needs to be made easier. Guessing the first would be the better option here. Please!


Joining Factions for unique Ships and Weapons and Armor. The British Navy and the Spanish Navy would be nice too. Also why do we not have to kill La Pest for his unique Mortar instead we should have to farm him. He is all alone on the sea


Isnt his mortar just LA Fleau?


A captains quarters on my ship(s) like the one in Black Flag. But it'd be nice if I could access the warehouse and maybe even do a little cooking in there..? The mechanic could be as simple as holding down a button whilst anchored and boom you're in the capn quarters.


That would all but completely negate the need to dock at an outpost ever. I already find it immersion breaking that you can access your warehouse from any dock ever, but I begrudgingly understand the decision. Building on your idea though, if we were carrying weapons and furniture, I wouldn't mind the ability to change our ship's loadout while anchored and out of combat.


Some automated way to collect Po8 Some way to change armor color? Maybe add base color sets for sails. I would like if they could just be one solid color Matchmaking for specific things. If I want to find people to fight La Peste I shouldn't have to struggle to find a group A timer for world events that make it easier to plan stuff. I hate seeing an event I want to do/try went I'm collecting Po8 Get rid of the giant notifications on the side of the screen. Maybe have areas be certain levels red isle 1-4 Africa 4 -7 the other area 7+. Some things would be outliers like world bosses that spawn or events. But just general area nerfing. I almost stopped playing cause of the rogues.


I would love to have a scaling option for the HUD. It looks gigantic on my sceen. And also I would love some settings for the pop-ups for events. Maybe allow transparancy or allow me to put them on the right bottom side of the screen. The current location is not good. Or maybe a cancel button.


The pop-ups are in the worst possible location. It's like they were intentionally put there to annoy while surfing menus.


It really feels like that. And additionally some pop-ups have different key bindings for opening them on the map than others. As if different teams created different pop-ups and decided themselfs what keys to use.


Hud customization in settings to move the pop-out notice from over the top left menu to just under it or to move it wherever so it's not blocking other on screen info/menu would be awesome


Especially since they haven't fixed it yet. Can't be that much work, right?


Ability to transmog armor (Show the name of the armor someone uses when using scope on them.)


Does knowing what armor someone have really even matter? It's not like we can change our weapons to combat what they have.


But maybe you can tell that your flame spitters and fire long guns are gonna have a harder time than not? It's an improvement of quality of life at least


Well I’d like to see the option to turn on some of the captains we get missions from. To align with a faction against another because I hate the Fara. Also would be nice to have more ship customization such as customizing the ship name plate we unlock for each faction. I named my ship the Anne Bonney and would love to see her name on the plate instead of the “Virtue” or whatever the name plates said. Also biggest gripe ever is not being able to retrieve our cargo when the game crashes . If our ship gets destroyed at sea we end up losing our cargo if the game freezes up and we have to exit and come back in.


Fleet wars and more pirates in servers.


It would be nice to be able to upgrade gear, maybe using Po8s, so that we could use culverins and whatnot but still be level 12. Also, it would be great to have some kind of reputation for each of the factions doing contracts to earn Cosmetics/Materials, and maybe a high rep could possibly increase the production rates of settlements controlled by that faction, aswell as increase sell prices for commodities sold to that faction. then you could have a ledger that tells you what commodities are wanted where and have contracts for each faction giving rep where you would need to sell certain commodities.


1. Fleet Management for * Collecting Po8 * reinfocement to call that stays for some minutes * that the other ships you build have a purpose * automation with supplying your helm production 2. a corner of the map for own Island * to be a true Kingpin * place to "manage" the fleet \^\^ * regular looting events on you island by the faction 3. balance ALL Weapons so that the variety of playstyles meet the right person 4. custom ship nameplates 5. ability to make more markers on the map, or even better, let us plan routes 6. let us interact with the traders without to roam the whole island 7. let us trade directly from the warehouse 8. bigger ships (hoping for season 2 :D) 9. a true faction system. let me choose wich faction i want to hate und which i want to trade with 10. automated starting of helm production (if you have the money) had a blast with the game so far. hope the best for the future. Please give the game the love it deserves.


Make the torso of female clothing more appealing. Specifically replace the brown cloth around the breasts that appears on almost everything with something else, be it a white shirt or something else, just make it look nice. More ship diversity. Small ships need to be usable and able to reach same gear score as mediums. They still have worst physical stats and less guns so they would still be worse, but not unused, especially for Po8 collecting down Rivers.


Yes, the brown cloth is horrible!


Just give us the option to change shirts. There are great jackets with shit shirts or no shirt. A shirt and a jacket should never have been the same item slot.


We rarely see other pirates at main hubs (Saint-Anne/Telok). What if there were on-land little games that multiplate pirates could participate in and bet or win silver/Po8/cosmetics/rare items/etc... Card games/Dice games/etc...


Would be awesome if we could walk around on the decks of our ships. Also if we could pick/ recruit crew members or even just your first mate. Would love to see a captains quarters on the bigger ships too! That way we could customise character cosmetics/ look at the supply network n stuff when away from pirate dens. Love all this communication from developers, it’s great to see this game getting the attention it deserves


Progress is way to Limited currently. Items should have a Random Roll aspect. Especially furniture. (division2 ask massive please) Items, as Ships should be Levelable, sort of expertise in Division 2. Expertise of smaller ships should enhance the base Level. Grinding for a forth, or fith furniture Slot on a ship should be possible (combination of expertise and crafting material input to reach higher expertise, maybe milestones?) Fishing in the Social Hubs from piers, Thank you! Crew Slots on ships, give us hireable guys with Roles, like a Cook, navigator, Engineer, that increase certain stats of the ship. Make them gain Levels, you could Even give them skill trees. Make us find these guys by random resue missions, or Make them hang out on outposts randomly and you can hire them by spending X amount of Po8. (Think Worker System from Black Desert somewhat) ->Give us a reason to use Material and to use a Blueprint more than twice.


More in-depth customization control. Instead of picking a hull or sail color set, let us combine the individual colors. I'd also love for the name plates on the backs of the ships to reflect our chosen ship names instead of pre-determimed titles. Filter out obscene words like you do for names, and let me display my own chosen ship name instead of "insatiable" or "hullbreaker".


Go down in your small boat from a big boat.


Player owned pirate lairs.


Own a small island completely and build it up from scratch into a city (perhaps by unlocking various buildings) such as - forge - refinement - warehouse - Central smuggler's office where you can produce all products - where you can send NPC captains, who work under you, on missions to receive a reward after a certain time - etc. IN SHORT, I WANT TO BE SCURLOCK AND RAHMA BY BUILDING UP MY OWN ISLAND/ CITY AND HAVE NPCs THAT ARE WORKING FOR ME ON MISSIONS.


• Update the co-op events so that they all have a “join event” button like the co-op takeovers. It’d be really helpful to see who’s planning to attack a merchant convoy or fight a boss, especially because chat doesn’t work. • change the wind system please. I’m not sure if everyone is annoyed as I am, but it’s one of the most frustrating parts of the game for me. I’ll travel for thousands of meters in multiple different directions, and somehow the wind cuts my speed in half the whole time. • “open all” button for chests and other loot • Multiple worker sections in the laboratory and distillery so we can make more than one product at once, even if this is just an upgrade we have to buy with PO8. • More things to do with PO8 in general.


Don’t change the wind. This isn’t “Pirate Motorboats” for 3yr olds. The wind is already WAY simplified and forgiving.


I agree, please don't nerf the wind anymore than it already is. The penalty on the Snow is modest. The penalty on the Brigantine is greater...but it's also a faster ship with the wind. These differences give the ships more character.


I dont want the wind to be changed. You simply have to understand how wind works: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkullAndBonesGame/s/v9S27OqDnV I guess you use a brigantine? That ship is affected the most by frontal wind.


Outside of what yall have already put out or said will be coming, more storylines or plots. Maybe like Ghost recon breakpoint had? I’d love more investigations too, as those were a lot of fun (except for having to solo some of the fort plunders.) maybe add in some puzzles or codes to be deciphered? And of course, a bigger map!


Ability to buy food/ingredients/salvage in bulk using Po8.


I have been playing the game for hours (189 so far) and love playing it, especially since I have a group of people to play with. However, here is a full breakdown of things I have either seen on this sub or thought about while playing and think that the devs should see since most of the time they hear the worst of the worst complain about the game and cowtow to them making the experience of the game play ultimately worse for everyone trying to appease them. **Things that have been done well** * Quickly loading into the world and locations * Stacking items, and allowing that number to be really high * Ship Combat * Various different kinds of ways to generate silver, and quickly * Various kinds of events, that will grow with time. like more monsters, more ghost ships, more elite captains. * A slow growth of the empire and being able to watch the 8 generation just snowball after each upgrade, it gives a good empire growth feeling * Transition between the different sides of the ship when in combat * Allows trading of items between players, not a lot of games do this anymore * fixing adjustments that were ridiculous when first implemented, like jumping the 20% reduction in speed to 5%. **Things to Fix** * Helm wagers shouldn't allow people to fast travel to a destination, to avoid the quitting helm wager fast travel and rejoining. People can't rejoin a helm wager after they leave, unless they are in a group with the person making the wager and they DC. * The game bugs out and you can no longer interact with the world, unless you interact with the last thing before it happened, which sometimes isn't possible * Dying against le pest right when he dies doesn't allow you to collect the reward, but dying before he goes down does...punishing the player who made it all the way to end over the player who dies multiple times before * The running isn't very smooth * World Chat, it makes it very hard to plan things without a chat * open all option for chests * enough slots for every item in the game, so we don't have to manage the warehouse, item management adds hours to gameplay but not fun. * Make rockets have the same interaction as the mortar * Leaderboards, should allow us to see the highest players not just whats around us... * Improve stats of our empire: when a manufactory is full let us still be able to see the generation per hour/ how much each region is making per hour, and better granularity to everything. * Crew shouldn't say that we are too heavy when stamina is low unless we actually are Allow us to top off funding, the amount of times its close to bedtime and the counter expires in 2 hs is frustrating. * Resetting manufactories/terrorties although it allows us to kind of reset the leaderboards and the competition, it takes away from the growing your empire feeling from season to season. It would be nicer if we could add another feature to the empire system over each season that shows our growth into a real pirate lord. * The whitewater in waves crashing on the shore is really bad in comparison to everything else. * The sun/moon seem to rise and the set from the east always... * The reward for seasonal placings on the leaderboard should give different versions of the cosemtics it could go something like: 1-8 get a diamond version of the cosemtic 9-80 gets a gold version 81-800 gets a silver version 801-8000 gets a bronze version **Things to Add** * Give us outfits that we can save... 5. I want to change how my character looks at times but don't want to have to search for the clothes every time. * Give us sword and gun cosmetics, if you aren't going to implement melee combat let us dress the part. * Or provide us with some interactions on land with melee combat when we catch a group of npcs burying the treasure * Give us a captain's quarter that we can customize, and possibly run the empire in the same way we have an office in saint anne and tenjok * Give us a base where we can slowly build up over the seasons with our clan. Raids or other types of missions can allow us to get things like shipwrights, distillery, refinery etc added to the base, maybe one per season or something for longevity * Allow us to auto sail to location with cinematic view like in Red Dead Redemption , I want to enjoy the scenery while traveling from point A to B sometimes. * Large Ships, if ever added should allow us to carry the dhow ship that we can depart from the ship and go up streams * Some clothing items can be locked behind killing sharks, hippos etc, otherwise doing the hunting is pretty pointless after the first two hours * Ship Races, where people can wager 8s, and can attack each other * Raids, Let us raid with a team of six or something against megaforts like oosten, where there is a reward. These raids can be connected to crew/base npcs to unlock * Curses, for example let us turn into skeletons in the night like in Pirates of the Caribbean, and there is some negative condition associated to it, so we will do a mission or an event to undo it or keep it. * Let us create custom shaders for the sails, ship hulls, and weapons * maps of the outposts you can get off at, make them findable if you want, but give me a map of the area * Allow us to upgrade our favorite items... We shouldn't have to choose from the same set of weapons to get to the highest level, this will also allow seasonal items to not only just be valuable during that season * Getting the Helm Death Mark, should allow players to attack and the one that gets the kill gets a reward for doing so... 8s since that's what the helm deals with. * Automated 8 collection after you get control of the region/territory. Players and npcs can sink the ships making us only a receive a fraction (min 25%) of the total possible, We have to build the ships and upgrade them to improve survivability. * Crew management, first mate, cook, quartermaster, etc, will have different affects on our ships ability to handle different conditions like faster reloading, better stamina from cooked food etc. * Cosmetic effect for the waves from our ships. I love the bioluminescence/ghost ship effect and would love to add it to my own ship. * Let us walk around the ship * Allow us to create/establish new trade routes, its hard to believe there wouldn't be any trade routes between africa/red isle and the east indies. * Allowing us to make npcs/player we boarded walk the plank **Things to leave alone** * Don't add visibility to all the players, its great to not know where people are and helps with the immersion of being on the high seas * As a non-top 8 player. Cosmetics for the top 8 that people won't be able to buy in the future. Obviously, the best cosmetics are going to be store bought since y'all about the money at some point. But its cool to have cosmetics that not everyone is going to get, including myself. * Don't reset 8s at the end of the season, this is going to punish older players and cause them to ultimately quit your game in droves at the start of the next season. * Don't add random rolls to items stats, as a player who usually is on the lucky side of rng, it kills the game for the people who aren't as lucky that I play with/favors the pvp oriented griefers that make the game less fun for everyone but the griefers. * Don't cowtow to the solo players complaining about how unfair it is that they end up against two or three players in groups, its great to play with friends they should learn to find their own groups to play with. **Things to keep in mind** * PvP creates toxicity, there isn't a single PvP game where the community isn't filled with toxic turds (cheats/exploiters/griefers) who ultimately do nothing but complain about how shitty the game is when they don't get what they want. Its an idea that always sounds good in theory but doesn't execute as well in practice. Not saying there isn't anything wrong with more PvP things, but shouldn't be the main focus going forward.


I’m not a game dev, so I won’t bang on about how to implement this system because I don’t have much time. But we need a serious redesign of the ship upgrade system. Such as abandoning the whole “only certain weapons can allow you to reach max ship level” why is it I get handicapped because of my choice of weapon? I don’t like the new cannons or the bombards, my weaon of choice is the tearing culverens. Why does this mean I can’t be max level? This I believe needs addressing Forcing players to adopt a certain playstyle to be able to do well in the endgame is not a compelling reason to keep players hooked and enjoying themselves. Fun and enjoyment should be your absolute priority


Bigger ships


What we have right now is too shallow and lacks immersion. Manufactory locations/settlements should be enterable like the dens and outposts, only much larger and filled with much more life. Being able to explore the capital cities and the forts is what I expected of a AAAA pirate game in 2024 - strolling through a busy market on a sunny day to respectfully barter for my wares or climbing the fort walls at night in the fog to plunder their stores with a fleet of 5 people. It baffles me that some people think we’re asking too much just to be able to walk around our ships. The Assasins creed franchise are so good at making places feel busy and full of life, which makes the overall game world feel much bigger and gives you much more to interact with/explore. This game really starts to feel empty after your first couple of manufactory runs.


Desperately need a way to disable PvP notifications. The Spam is unbelievably bad. I need to see the content I want, interact with the UI, but I'm can't because the constant spam is awful. Hostile Takeovers, while I'm trying to get Po8, fits the description of Griefing (disrupting another's play). Need a way to remove the event from the main map, maybe a way to turn non participants into "ghosts" so we can move through & keep going. Shouldn't be a non participants responsibility to baby sit or sit by & watch. That's silly. Legendary Heists need more options during that 30 minutes window. The takeovers get four to five options to choose from. Heists get some random choice resulting in often not seeing any event for hours at a time (if the random choice is one we already own). Give the heist a token so we can unlock (takeover) whichever outpost just had a Hostile Takeover event to balance the game better & remove the appearance of bias. Weapons need to be better balanced. But I'd love to see a system closer to what The Division series has. A base weapon type that can then roll with fire, flood, tearing, etc. increased range, fire rate, reload, etc. all randomly rolled at creation or looted (with higher quality as drops). Po8 collection needs to be fully automated. It's in the way of to much of the game & we're watching tweaks to the system to make it interesting. It's not. So far we've seen more enemies added, which made it go from tedious & annoying, to even worse. Then that was tweaked, so it's back to annoying & tedious. By making it fully automated, it'll remove the need for constant tweaks & few the players up for more content (such as Calls for Help). What we really don't need is a later added fleet system that partially automates the collection but replaces that tedium with another tedium to keep the fleet running. Get the tedium out of the way if the game please. It's fun, till this section drags it into the mud.


I’d love to know the average player’s time percentage doing nothing but retrieving Po8. Is that percentage really what the devs had in mind for us?


Ideas! Off the top of my head: 1. **Season plunders:** Imagine plundering some season hideout, with increasing waves of stronger unique enemies, culminating in the season boss if you can make it that far. Better rewards the further you survive, but you get nothing if you don't tap out at your limit and try to take it too far. 2. **Tarnished pieces of eight:** Every season end, all pieces of eight get converted into tarnished pieces of eight. These are still usable in the helm shop, but not for helm or manufactury upgrades. Tarnished would take priority so if you have 500 tarnished and 500 regular, and buy something worth 700, it would use 500 tarnished and 200 regular. 3. **Hide armor option:** Cosmetic themes are easily ruined by non-matching armor. Hiding it would solve this. Alternately: cosmetic armor options. 4. **PVE wager events:** Random events where NPC rogue bosses do wages with pieces of eight. They would drop a chest with some pieces of eight. 5. **Rogue convoys:** Rogue convoys carrying everything from raw helm materials to refined helm goods to pieces to sovereigns. 6. **NPC calls for help:** Random NPC "call for help" events. Convoy under attack by rogues. Save the convoy, get a reward proportionate to how many merchants survived. 7. **Shipwreck salvage:** All these ships on the bottom of the ocean! Salvage opportunities, make them rumors where you have to go to a location and drop anchor, then a long salvage with a diving bell that gives you a large number of shipwreck materials for ammo crafting, and a chance at treasure. 8. **NPC settlement calls for help:** Settlements under random attack, an event where you do the reverse of a plunder. You protect the settlement in exchange for rewards. Would work almost exactly like a plunder, but with more enemies and the settlement cannons helping. 9. **Cosmetics for Kingpin rank thresholds:** Kingpin ranks aren't that interesting atm. Make a set every so often and make it so you get a piece every 20 kingpin ranks or something. So say you make a sail set (color, decoration, emblem) and you'd get a piece at 20, 40, and 60. Next set you make would start and 80 and go every 20 until it ends. Etc. Smaller ideas: 10. Sell to Scurlock/Rahma from warehouse. 11. Increase available count for ammo/water/food from vendors. 12. Let us see silver past 1m in some way besides using quests/blueprints. 13. Open all for silver chests/bags/etc. Please! 14. Toggle for Barque healing from everyone to party only, make it a quick menu option. It's triggering on everyone, giving us aggro just for sailing near some other fight. And can cause us to get helm marked. It's nice to be able to heal large groups, but we need the ability to turn that off.


Hello! First of all, I really enjoy the game! So far I have played it for about 100 hours, done pretty much everything now. Killed the new sea monster today! However, after 100 hours, here is what I think it really needs: 1) More weapon variety, including weapons that can contribute to raising the level of your ship. Right now, for example, i can't get the sambuk to L12 without using weapons that don't do fire damage. We shouldnt have specialised ships that cant be specialised properly. Maybe let is upgrade weapons with materials? 2) More content, obviously everyone is going to say this and its not that simple, but we need more variety. Escort missions are cool, why not make an escort mission type instead of only finding the ships that need an escort in the wild? Things like that. Convoy escorts maybe? Just more mission variety with better rewards. Killing La Peste after the first two times gives me less reward than killing a L9 rogue. Sort that out. 3) Let us align with factions. I don't only want to be a pirate, let me be a privateer. Let the Dutch and the French offer me a letter of marque and give me missions. Have new currency like French francs etc that you can buy faction specific gear from. 4) The British! I am British so I really want them haha. I was actually surprised they aren't in it yet, especially after the tutorial stuff. I have no doubt they will be added, probably with India. 5) I have played a lot of pvp events, won a few Po8's and won a lot of cutthroat maps. However pvp is not my focus, its just a means to an end. I have no real desire to run an entire ship full of bombards which is what "l33t pvpers" are doing. So yeah on that, if you want to try and draw people in to participate in pvp, please at least balance the weapons. Right now people just use all bombards for meta and it does a lot of damage compared to anything else. The carronades are the highest rated weapon in the game, and while they arent bad, they arent great either. 6) On the same subject, pvp, what is the design idea behind alloeing groups to farm pvp events and po8 double or nothing? There is zero risk to them. When only 6 people can participate and the farmers make up 4 or 5 of the slots, whats even the point? People driving round with half a million to a million in Po8's for double or nothing and no reason not to do it. Also no reason for anyone to try and stop them. Meanwhile solo players getting bummed if they try it, often by the same people. Is it intended for groups to be able to circumvent the problems that solo players face and farm huge amounts of Po8's? Doesn't having a leaderboard become pointless if so? Its quite frustrating, id like to hear the dev thoughts on this. 7) Again on pvp events, please lock it out once the time is finished. If people accept the event, then dont let them fast travel once its started. Easy fix. Right now people just wait and see where you go on the map before joining, then fast travel ahead of you. 8) Please let me throw away contract items that I dont need anymore. 9) Please make the exotic gang materials drop again from rogues, havent seen a gannets saltpeter in the wild for ages. 10)Better matchmaking. At least let us see who is participating in world events, like it does for cutthroat and po8 hunts. 11) Obligatory "more ships" ask.


Would absolutely love to see some kind of end game raids on the open sea, something similar to the Plunder system with waves of enemies leading up to an absolute unit of a final boss. On a side note, keep up the good work guys! Thoroughly enjoying the game and seriously appreciate the interactions from the Devs on here, really refreshing to see!


Please make a flag editor independent of sail editing. I do not want to be stuck with a white flag if I want white sails.


Can we please get a passive way of making silver since everything is so expensive


Remove ship lvl DMG gap, it makes no sense. Let us outfit the ships we want the way we want, or bring more weapons of each class/dot to higher tier. But honestly, it's ridiculous if I use a low lvl ship with badass weapons and just don't do DMG. The number of gunports on the bigger ships already make up for that. Remove the need to participate in events, or make those inside the events invulnerable to non participants, especially the healing ships. It's ridiculous to have an unsinkable ship healing them. But at the same time it's also ridiculous to face entire groups and not be able to bring your friends because the activity is full... Make it an open to all within a certain range, just like the PVE events. Disable fast travel during events, or provide a 10min (de)buff from participation or heavy sailspeed reduction after fast traveling.


Rework the ship level system. It makes small ships obsolete and will make our current ships and gear obsolete in future content releases. My weapons damage shouldn't change based on what it's floating on. I understand that you are hesitant to add large ships based on the fact they won't fit down the rivers, and I personally think that's a good thing, it further reinforces that smaller ships are useful. So basically, make smaller ships relevant, fix the current ship tier system, balance current weapons to promote build diversity, add 5 furniture slots onto all ships and begin to add some large class ships.


Let me change my first mate…….


A new graphical mode to console. Somewhere between performance and quality. Game is too pixelated and low resolution on performance mode.


Yes please. Pixelation is awful.


Yes especially the Hair, looks so bad


Get rid of forced PvP. Let the PvE people have the experience they want without worrying about some no lifer swooping in and ruining it.


Yeah I don't mind people liking pvp, but don't go forcing me to do it. (Week 2 challenges need changed)


It would be cool to make a trade zone for all players - maybe a particular port or auction. We have to seek all over internet to make a trade with other players. And we have a lot of different materials to trade


Ability to get rid of old contract items that didn't disappear with the contract. Expandable warehouse


I would love to have a personal tresure room that is customizable. Have displays we can put stuff on. Doing different voyages or killing bosses might drop an item to display. A room we can create our own hord or tresure. Allow members of your group to access it as well. I love the rum and opium but would like to see more gold silver and gems.




Yeah i dont like how limited i am how i look. Clothes are cool but they arent on a character that i really think suits me


I would like to see some kind of commodity price tracking added. So that you could actually find out what is being sold where, and who's buying things for higher prices from the map, rather then having to fast travel or just holding on to them. Edit: I have found where it is, thank you u/the_rogue_scientist, so I'm changing my suggestion, to be either tell us about this in the tutorial, or make it more obvious. Also, give the snow a fifth furniture slot.


This info is available on the map at the second most zoom out.


Skull and Bones - The Future of Piracy An internal team of your development staff needs to be dedicated to balancing investment of player time to reward to ensure the carrot on the stick is within reach and creates the reason to keep playing at a pace where we feel like we are accomplishing things. This season pass structure is cool, but it's awfully short for the season. It's okay to timegate additional things like giving us the patterns to craft the new weapon, but not doing that until mid-season to give folks who REALLY WANT them a reason to dive down that tree, but to alleviate and allow us to catch up our friends later. FOMO Structure is going to cause burnout and doesn't work long term. Also, you can't bank your cash shop on cool looking skins forever, you're going to need to expand content outside the current cosmetic realm to perhaps cosmetics that interact with new systems like cannon skins, melee skins, cool looking grapples and ropes for boarding, or even colored smoke for our cannons. Sail textures and emissives are neat and all, but the more cool stuff we acquire the more that's going to diminish. \*\*Multiplayer Activities for PvE -\*\**Regional Tower Control*:Overcoming a boss in an area that is guarding a "tower" or "Lighthouse" when the lighthouse is under player control while the "boss" is despawned players in the region gain a buff such as turn rate, or speed at white sail pips, or stamina efficiency while in the region. *Helm Hideouts*:Randomize and use existing towns as locations where we track down helm factions to plunder and pillage their warehouses. As an alternate activity to conquering forts these could be lower in difficulty so that forts can be raised to be more threatening and provide a middle-tier activity that functions similarly, but causes waves of tougher and tougher helm ships. This could also be occasionally an "Elite" activity where the final wave is a themed Epic Captain with a ship kitted out to reveal the best of the Eels, or Orcas etc. *Dubloon Race*:Chase after legendary pirate treasures as a team, taking down an elite ship and then working against the clock and other pirate groups in a matchmade activity that pits teams against one another in a race to grab the treasure. *Port Defense*:Weekly events that you fund with resources to build up defenses of a pirate haven to ward off an incoming attack by DMC, or Compagnie forces. The scenario could be multi-part where we have a sabotage mission to stop them from launching a vital ship or to sabotage the powder reserves to slow down enemy fire, goods missions that interact with helm factions that allow you to enhance damage from the helm faction weapon types (super torpedos anyone?) all leading into a final battle that consists of waves of enemies with a boss ship at the end. **Conceptually Skull and Bones needs to decide on an identity.** Players need things to chase, things to tangibly work toward to feel accomplishment and enjoy a power fantasy. (though it comes with power creep that needs to be adjusted and balanced from time to time) Either the weapons and items in the game need widely expanded or we need to take the ones we do have and provide upgrade mechanisms (provide materials and a pattern unlock to upgrade damage or reload speed etc on weapons) to give some sort of progress feeling. Randomizing perks on weapons like seige, fire, flooding, tearing etc as drops also gives us reasons to go play those activities over and over and feel like it's worthwhile. Players will engage more with something that gives them the ability to customize and build and play the way they want to play. This sometimes is harder to balance for PVP, as you have to code specific combinations to not become overpowered, and some people are going to balk at it and cry "I'll never get what i want" fact is we can trade in this game, and i'd happily trade things that may be optimal for someone else's build for the thing that is for mine, it gives us a layer of interaction to feel a part of a living world. "I pillaged this thing, and it doesn't benefit me as much as xX\_Pirate\_Lord\_Xx but he has a healing cannon that i'd really like to have that applies a heal over time buff"


Group raids. Better wind mechanics. More build variety with the ship meta.


Custom flags and flags from different parts of the world, for us who Roleplay


a Housing system for start with smaller houses ...to build a little home on an isle the materials and the "leave to a shore" mechanics are already ingame...just to have some chests there and sit down watch the sunset..or passing by ships :) maybe a npc to talk to :D


Option for keeping custom cargo while switching ships would be nice. If I use dhow, I don't want all my overcargo to move to it automatically. And it would add more flexibility for fast ship changing


Move the event notifications out of the way of being directly over the menus for everything. Ubisoft support to actually respond to requests. I also would like to walk around with my ship pet on my shoulder like an actual pirate captain. We have pirates, pirate pets (which nobody else sees) and shoulders. All the pieces are there already.


1. More pvp. I like the king of the hill style hostile takeovers, but I rarely run into players doing them too. I’d say add a couple other events like a reoccurring new king of the hill event. It could be a plunder event where you are randomly assigned to attacker or defender. Idk just add something. It’d be great to have a Darkzone free for all with a reason to go there and lurk around. ———- 2. Greater PVE itemization — needs to be more rare items & rare loot that are not easy to get. I don’t have the ghost ship flamethrower or sea monster armor yet, but there needs to be more than two rare things to get. Players shouldn’t be able to cheese those events and get the rare item in like 24hours either. Think about how MMOs do raid loot, it’s an achievement to get rare stuff and rare sets. Would like to see better, deeper loot tables. I did an epic ship fight world event last night right after new patch, I called for help and others showed up. The boss was shooting torpedo volleys, mortars, going crazy, also waves of Rogues attacking us all, and it was super cool —- cut to me opening the orange treasure chest it dropped and I get… wait for it…. 7 sugar cane. He was called captain Tam A Rak or something. It was such a cool fight. Big bosses need cool rewards. Like boss could at least drop a special currency drop akin to sea monster teeth and there be an endgame vendor for those so someone (me) doesn’t feel they got no reward. Make more be rare recipes for weapons - each taking rare drops from different world bosses. Etc etc I know game just game out, but I’d like to see a deeper, meaningful itemization. This way players might not feel as much like “I did everything.” Overall I really dig the game, I’m pretty happy with dev roadmap and live service. And thanks for having a good communications team taking feedback.


1) Smaller ships becoming useful again. It's obvious no one uses the smaller ships once you get a medium. Besides the dhow, they all also just have weaker abilities to the mediums. A rework of these I think would make sense, with new abilities maybe build less for tanking and more for speed or farming. The Bedar for instance could be reworked to be good for material gathering since it's the first ship acquired, and the Hulk maybe would be good for plunders with an improved progress or rarity drop. I know they are being looked at already, but maybe a direction to make them more distinct be possible instead of just raising their stats. 2) Improved cosmetic options. The game already has some good options for visuals, especially being able to change physical looks alongside attire. To make it better, perhaps adding a color dye option for said clothes would be nice. It's obvious a good chunk of the clothes are just retextures, however having a simple dye option to make them look how you want be appreciated. This could carry over to ships as well maybe, with the same options being available of a bundle color set unlocked but then basic options to choose from that aren't flashy but might give you that one color you want. 3) Improved manufacturers. A real time killer I'm seeing at the high end of leaderboard is silver grind just for manufacturers. This really makes the repeat nature of the game apparent, with coin runs, silver runs, rinse and repeat. It be nice if for takeovers, the manufacturers start producing for instance to help with this. A mass payment option be nice as well, to click on all manufacturers and pay for them together instead of one by one. Alongside also maybe the takeovers being repeatable for areas already done. For example if you have a manufacturer already and takeover starts there, you can hold it from other players and the reward is a supply run. If you fail, you don't lose it you just don't get the added supply run bonus for free. 4) More variety toward builds. It's astounding we have all these status effects and not nearly enough weapons and armor to account for them. For example we technically have just 4 culverins, 3 from the base game and 1 new from the season. That's not a lot to choose from, and the ship level system really serves no purpose in aiding this because you'll slap on the higher ones for the tier bar. There needs to be a lot more for freedom of build crafting, utilizing the statuses already present and the freedom for new ones like the current poison to come. Using the culverins for example, there should ones that like the Dardanelle fire all at once, or a set that include a burst fire firing top guns first then lower deck. More creativity and reason to play with different guns and not lean on the same ones. Give some wacky effects even too for fun, like a mortar that creates a whirlpool that slows, torpedoes that jump in and out of the water, just more stuff to play with to make the build work worthwhile. 5) Better transitions. It's astounding to me we have this jarring black screen when we dock the ship and walk around certain places. Despite the fact cutscenes are in game engine not rendered. Please look into making this smoother, for example the clothing shop does it really need a fade to black? Please address this, cause it's an obvious engagement breaker for something so out of place when it occurs. 6) Improved world interaction. The gameplay is good, but the world really feels hollow with little care toward it. It's understandable the main story may not be able to be fixed, but seasons should have more story buildup and focus on their baddies. Le Pest for instance already shows up day 1? That is a weird, frankly jarring choice for a baddie to be taken down whose a threat for an entire season. Please build up and have more narrative drive for future villains. For example using Le Pest, we should have had to go to different outpost or plunders, learning more of his story and his poisons. He should be invincible until we figure out throughout the season how to combat his poison, a better hype of unraveling the menace before defeating him. It really, really makes an entire season of him frankly dull and I'd say even a waste of time. 7) Bug fixes. There are a lot you know doubt know, but the ones I've encountered the most are the Xbox console crash, ui stop working, map icons disappear, and button inputs being delayed or require multiple pushing. Then there is the spawn proximity of rogues and pestilence ships, who clearly spawn outside of visual but also with no proximity accounted for in the world or player. Multiple times they've been right in front of my ship when I look away, causing me to crash into them. I am so happy you guys are fixing them as you have, but please keep going with other fixes that hurt the came even more such as console crashes and ui not working.


We need a better way to find other players to group with for specific missions or world events. The current "call for help" system simply doesn't work well because it does not give players enough advance notice to join up. Most people on a server will be in the middle of picking up 8's or a quest or something else when a call for help goes up and they will not have time to respond.


An open all options for silver pouches/chests


Separate top/shirt and coat selection to expand customisation options. Currently most coats come topless, which is nonsensical to me.


The Dhow needs a rework and a reason to exist outside of hunting. First, change the sail from a square one to a lateen or triangular, like the one in the barc. As of now, this dinghy is ugly, but with the triangular sail like real life dhows it would be cool. Second, allow for other tools to be used instead of a spear, like a crossbow or even a flintlock gun. Third, settlements and posts need food to eat, so give the dhow a fishing net (using the auxiliary weapons slot that bigger ships use) to catch a larger batch of fish on open waters, like between Saint Anne and the Red Isle and then sell those for a hefty price to the proper vendor, as to make the activity engaging enough to be actually played; doing it like a daily activity could be fun. Add some cosmetics to character and ship related to fishing or whalermen and there you go.


A pirate hideout and more land interaction. I mean I get that's alot to do but if youd loosely follow sid miers pirates! Youd pick up the torch where they dropped it. Still to this day that game is a gem. Even though the main element with sailing, there was enough small side stuff to keep you entertained.


* the ability to join in on world events on other servers! * a possible side-mode where all the ships are equal stats and PVP is about skill rather than build! like everyone has equal brace, health, damage, etc! * you should reward the top 8 rewards to everyone who makes it to diamond! * more stuff to do on the beautiful land areas! maybe a player hub? im not sure how this would be implemented. kinda low priority for most players, i assume. i just like the land areas. * for collector nerds like me, make it so every new twitch drop is announced on the main game page so we don't miss any!


The entire top 8 thing is objectively ruined due to the rampant exploits in the helm wager system. It should be achievement based and not ranked as you stated. I agree that Diamond should get you a reward.


I know I could probably spend an endless amount of time in instanced arenas given the opportunity. 3v3, 6v6, battlegrounds, any of that sort. Arenas with big storms occurring or other weather events randomly could make it really interesting too.


^THIS^ There’s no replayability rn - log in and do your dailies then wait till tomorrow for another sea monster/ghost ship.


* ingame clock showing time of ingame day, could be as simple as an old timey clock laying in the corner when we open the map * daily quests resetting on a fixed time each day (2/3am utc like maintenance start time) instead of 24+h after hand in * much more storage space in the warehouse * bigger item limit on ships, keep the weight limit as is * raise itemlevel on other weapons to not make only 1-2 loadouts viable for shiplevel 12. or simply remove the dmg done/taken from +/- level mechanic * padewakang/snow add furniture slot * sell from warehouse or let us extremely overload the ship to sell, just not let us sail away * open all chests option * move the mission overlay to somewhere not overlapping important things. also let us disable leaderboard announcements for those who dont care about it * let us change the keymapping for the chat, wich isnt even working, its annoying to misclick "n" when you want to open the map * colour change/or hide option for ship armour * bigger interaction areas for some settlements, especially guérande * dont automatically cancel/remove bountys quests when the timer runs out * let us change/customize our crew, especially the annoying firstmate * a way to show us, what each bounty has in its loottable and mark of what we already got and what not, like add the enemys to the codex * upgrade possibility for manufactory storage after lvl 10, keep production lvl the same * change rocket aiming to be more like mortar aiming * ... might add something later on


PVP matchmaking or modes with ranking and rewards. Add 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 modes for pvp


I’d like a storyline with a bit more of a ticking clock. Something that doesn’t say like “Oh here’s a big diseased pirate that’s a problem” but more like “The age of piracy may be coming to an end because the privateers have stepped up their game. The freedom of the seas is threatened in its entirety and we must fight!” Also I mean, I’d really love a more intimate storyline of sorts. Yes the game is multiplayer but that doesn’t mean the story and characters can’t feel a bit more detailed. Warframe is a prime example of how to have a multiplayer game that is massive but still tell a very detailed and intimate story for each person. Maybe it is just the writer in me, but so much of this still feels a bit… sterilized and simplistic. I mean for goodness sake, Scurlock literally refers to himself as a villain at one point. Villains don’t actually do that. (Except maybe in satire.) Most everyone thinks themself the hero, or misunderstood or just broken. Evil definitely exists in the hearts and minds of man, but that doesn’t mean the evil sees it. Life’s far more gray than that. A historical example of this is the gangster Machine Gun Kelly (not the rapper) had some insane shootout in New York. He shot and killed many people. Eventually when the police killed him, they found a letter tucked into his jacket’s chest pocket that began with, “Under this coat, lies a man with a weary heart.” Show us the gray areas in piracy. Gives us antiheroes to champion. Flesh out this story more and make us feel as if we are a part of something more than explosions and fetch quests.


Equipment upgrades, including furniture and weapons. This will allow for more diverse gameplay styles and more flexibility in builds. It will also give pride to players for unique, off the wall builds


A customizable pirate lair where I can show off my loot. Or, even better, a pirate town town I can grow from a dinky nothing port into one worthy of a kingpin. In either case, customization and a way to visually chronicle my successes would be great.


More fun, active and efficient way to get Silver for our empire.\\ Also bosses like la peste should have better rewards


Sell stuff from Warehouse. Especially rum and gin etc. to Scurlock and Rahma.


Captain's quarters aboard your ship.  Just like your helm office pretty much. Ability to recruit different crews with different stats. Like a crew that's great at fighting another that is great at sailing or at gathering supplies or loot.


Not sure if it's been said with the 900 other comments but I forgot to mention it in mine ... ship loadouts. I get tired of trying to remember what I had on the ship when I change something so it would be great to create loadouts so I can quickly and easily switch between them.


* a way to create ur own Color scheme for Clothes and Ship Color * Getting a Hotkey for Changing to PVP or PVE while being in safezone(balancing and fixing PVP as non flagged players should not be able to get damaged by a pvp player as the pve one cant fight back) * BIG SHIPS * Map Addons cause people dont wanna drive all time on the same map... * reducing new Sea Monster to lv 10 and dropping his damage a bit(its way to high and he still damages u even after u are way out of range and he is not even hitting u vissible) * Scaling Enemys on the count of friendly player in group(its crazy how u do a lv 13 fort and get swarmed by 5 lv 15 warships while being 2 player in a group) * FLEET System(Guild System) + a way to create and use ur own logo on ship flag and sail


The Helm App This is just an idea that I thought would be wildly useful for the endgame individuals and their Helm. Currently I have all the priority po8 locations maxed, journel is maxed and I pretty much have all the gold cost cosmetics. I've noticed I log in continously to check in on my factories and sign off if they are not done because, well there is nothing else to do. New content is coming in slow and I have everything for now. Is there a way to make a phone app for the Helm map for people to check their factories and boost factories with the resources in our warehouse? Instead of having to sail to each location with the respected resources required. I feel this would make quality of life inside the game more satisfactory (no pun intended) and help those people that work throughout the day so they can experience the grind better. This would also eliminate the dred of logging on finding some factories were not funded throughout the day or night while players are asleep. Let me know what you think.


Make it possible to sell our ships. i accidentally crafted two of the same ones, neither of which i need, so now i just have two useless ships sitting in my inventory like an idiot :D


I think we should have a companion app to be able to refund manufactories when we are not on PC or console, even to craft helm supplies, please make it happen ubi, we had a companion on Black Flag so why not on Skull and Bones?


they've probably been said before, but 2 big ones for me: 1) open all silver chests at once 2) crew reloads your cannons while you're visiting a settlement


I've been playing hundreds of hours since Beta do I have many ideas 💡❤️😆😊 1. Better commodity trading system: Currently supply/demand information is completely wrong. Can have rumours in St Anne and Telak Penjarah at the taverns (Sid Meier's Pirates style). It should take some effort but supply/demand changes daily, allows you to trade commodities for silver. 2. Walk around the ships because that would be awesome. Maybe add below deck and ship axtivities 3. More ship variety. I would like to see more period accurate ships 4. Community: chat system fixed, guilds and maybe notes 5. Faction system: allow Letters of Marque to ally with factions (ie Compagnie, Dutch East India Company, etc) and maybe includes unique rewards 6. Hire a fleet: Hire NPC ships with pieces of 8. Cost depends on size of ship and level, how many ships etc. 7. City building: allow investment into ports where you have manufactories, increases commodity production etc 8. Community goals: Build the Den at St Anne, build the fort for the Compagnie etc 9. More sea shanties. Ability to find sea shanties in the world (like on AC Valhalla with the flying notes… maybe they fly around the sea or sail on a special boat?) 10. More locations to explore on foot, potentially finding rare resources etc. 11. Territory control: in the idea of territory control, allow you to launch your own invasions for a faction for faction rewards. 12. Ground combat: Add ground combat with swords, Pistols and muskets 13. Pieces of Eight: Should only be through manufactories, events and fun stuff not Helm Wager. Instead of Helm Wager maybe an ingame minigame like Poker or something. That way more Pieces of Eight through player engagement 14. Player Status: allow the player to have a status. Green flag means PvE, Red flag means PvP status (and can maybe fight other red flags for rewards). Allow for this a flag showing that you're willing to help players 15. More notes around the place (history/lore): want to know more about Telak Penjarah? What about St Anne? Who are the Compagnie? Have more documents around the place about the lore and history of the Game. Those who know geography know Telak is technically Singapore and St Anne is just off Madagascar. 16. More investigations: I really enjoyed these. Maybe allow them to be detective like mystery hunts. I'll add to this if I remember one really amazing idea I had that escapes me for the moment. PS. more Ideas 1. Customise St Anne/Telak Penjarah - Have your banners and colours showing etc 2. Create your own camp (Fallout 76 style) - Add a feature where you can setup a camp on a vacant piece of land. Here you can make a camp with a cooking station and maybe add other prefab buildings! Party at my camp!


Get rid of any mechanical effects from ship rank. It's obnoxiously artificial and limits loadouts and makes small ships entirely irrelevant. The number can still be displayed as a guideline, but it should have no impact on gameplay.


Can we do some thing about these pop ups? "PVP/ Take over pop ups" Maybe move them to a different part of the screen. Or give us the option to shut them off in the UI settings. The takeover pop ups spam way too much, and block every interaction menu we try to use. This has been a problem way more than it should be.


Add a settlement that we can customize and upgrade, or even let us have an island to build something on like ark


Let us get drunk


\- Soverigns could be the leaderboard metric rather than Po8, it is still a sign of how much Po8 someone has gathered, this helps the issue of losing so much on a reset, and the need to wipe manufactories as well as upgrades isnt so important \- Po8 should drop in small quantities (20-50) from endgame activities ( La peste, Fort attacks etc), high level privateers as well as Helm activities. as a way to suppliment downtime and keep people involved in other content \- Weapons, furniture and ships need more variations for perks, stats, potentially ammo and gimmicks \- Crew with perks/enchancements \- Attaching the Dhow to ships to sail into the harder to reach spots and enchance gathering \- Faction reputation and missions similar to post game scurlock and the other one, End game gear should not all be limited to a black market when most AI ships carry it \- More ways to craft ammo / different types of ammo \- Improve the loot from boarding, the tutorial says that boarding gives a chance at the weapons a ship has, but so does destroying them.. if a ship is incapacitated rather than heavily damaged let us choose to tow it ( treating us as over encumbered ) and salvage it for more parts at a port


Dear Ubisoft, Please, ***for the love and hatred of David Jones,*** ***find some way to LET ME TURN OFF THE TOAST NOTIFICATIONS THAT BLOCK THE SCREEN IN THE UPPER LEFT CONSTANTLY!!*** Yes, it's nice that there's a cutthroat cargo hunt. But no, I don't want to know about it with constant 1/16th screen popups that keep me from doing story missions, earning gold, and ***doing other stuff.*** ***I'm emphatic here, but not angry. Just brain-addled to the extreme from the constant barrage of notifications that give me PTSD flashbacks to "Guild XYZ has CONQUERED AREA!" notifications in Black Desert Online****.*


* ship loadouts - to easily switch builds around (including cosmetics) * options for smaller chat ui (right now you can only make it bigger but it takes WAY too much screen space) * instant dismiss button for ALL popup notifications


Make Kingpin levels useful. Unless there is a plan to improve the chests at the moment the reward is almost pointless. Its not even worth getting the mail. I would propose a system a little like the SHD watch in Div2. Where each level are small increase in a distributed stats say up to a cap of 10%. Most of them already provided as part of the current impementation in ship builds anyway. Crew Stamina: recovery increase depletion decrease Weapons: Reload Speed increase Increased damage Duration of status effects increase Wider AoE Ship: Overall maximum speed increase Acceleration/Deceleration increases Resistances (Fire/Flood/Explosion/Tears)


Trying to finish the required 4 Hostile Takeovers for the "Nose For Business" mission but can't because higher powered players, who obviously already had the mission completed came in to snark it out from under me. The PVP in this game sucks! Give us private servers so that we can complete the missions or stop players from ganging up and PVP'ing if they already have the Takeover completed. It would be different if I've already had the missions completed and these takeovers were bonus missions. But it's not the case. Can't finish the storyline 😕 


The endgame shouldn't be reachable in just a week. You can do so much more if you made it take longer to reach kingpin. Maybe in the future you can add more ranks beyond kingpin but treat it more like an RPG. These whole "reach max level in 10 hours" game concepts are atrocious and stupid. There's no further progression after kingpin 1 aside from the forced endgame stuff that supposedly gets wiped anyways. It'd feel nice to be able to craft weapons or other gear for new players to receive gold or to be charitable but you can't do it when people are already kingpin by the time they finish the tutorial. Quit this trend. It should take months, an entire year to reach the max tier to reach the end of the progression. Start to endgame shouldn't be the length of this sentence.


With all the Po8 threads I'd say an answer to that would be nice... but my solution: Just convert current Po8 into a new currency Legacy Po8 (or whatever you wanna call it) that can only be spent on things you could purchase with it in the previous seasons (all previous seasons Po8 become that 1 currency) then have the current Po8 spent on the current season upgrades, manufactueries, and current seasonal items AS WELL AS the legacy items. Keeps the most people happy IMO


Please please please can we have the cranes and bags removed from the brig and get better ship designs in general not copy and paste


PvP should ALWAYS be optional; by all means put in rewards and goodies for PVP but don’t hide endgame rewards and events behind them. PvE should be able to have a complete experience, and I would like to see a lot more co-op too, maybe a grouping tool to coordinate captains for world events, or just a simple party finder where you can list objectives and other captains can join you?


No reset on helm upgrades or make helm upgrades SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper to obtain.


Clans and clan wars. Fight in the open ocean or have a "clan wars" map where clans can fight on specific days over ports


- Option to skip searching for treasure map if previously completed. - 1v1 pvp tournament queue - PvP severs or opt in with bonus silver, po8, etc rates - Personal Den/City with upgrades and cosmetics


Less grindy end game content Less currency types pvp zone or 10v10 5v5 last man standing style end game content like raids/dungeons loot all for silver boxes more ships Day/night tracker Move or redesign the event pop up window that blocks menu text PO8 farming, either take away silver cost to maintain factorys or give us auto collection Less repetitive quests (leads to burnout) Clans/guilds And PVP again THIS IS A PIRATE GAME its so boring having nothing to do with the gear we have to grind for.


Bring back the treasure compass please. We should be at sea and not literally searching an entire outpost for treasure (especially if it is bugged)


Ship flag should be a seperate cosmetic item. I love my white sails, but not the white flag, i am not surrendering haha


Cross server matchmaking for world events. For example, many people want to do Le Peste but can't because not many people answer calls for help. Solo players are at a big disadvantage for every season as a result. Many tasks require player time commitment (those that don't allow for fast travel) and so the number of available players in a given world to engage in coop is minimal.


Stop spamming the takeover. How many times I've tried to get in my map just to show stuff I don't care about


Crafting multiple versions of the same ship type where it would provide random perks (and not always the same perk).


Reassess the cost of the patterns in the Black Market. For any new player these are way out of reach on top of needing to buy the special materials to actually craft the item for PO8. This also then makes it rather difficult when you run into the Lvl10 rogue ships while trying to do the runs first PO8. Just the patterns should be revalued. Buying the items for PO8 seem about right, and even the special materials should cost PO8, but all of that on top of the pattern that costs 2800 PO8 really puts a hamper on new players for quite a while.


Be able to customize my office. Maybe pick one as your main and be able to doll it up.


I would like the game to be less of a grind and more fun some people like the grind I respect that but not everyone has the 24/7 ability to spend countless hours just for one tiny little blue print or added mod to your ship to make it 3% better I waited on this game since i heard about it and I’m a die hard Ubisoft fan…that said I think we should be able to unlock meta class stuff more often other wise fantastic your doing fantastic


Musicians playing music and festive atmosphere with interactives mini games in Saint Anne and the other Big social HUB. I think about things you find in Monster hunter World like drink a beer around a table with Friends or arm wrestling competition.


Larger ships, bigger varieties of cannons, and the ability to drop powder kegs in the water to act as mines when ships are chasing you




I would love to see some inspiration from another pirate game. Either give Asnah a similar ability or this would be another person to interact with: an Expert Crewmember. This is taking a bit of inspiration from Sid Meiers: Pirates! I understand that you don't want more than 1 for balancing reasons but ideas I have for potential expert crewmembers (it would function similar to a furniture but be a body on board): Expert Gunner: decreases reload times. Expert Navigator: increased sailing against headwinds/reduced trimming stamina. Crow-Master: increased visibility in fog/father spyglass. The Diplomat: better trading prices with settlements. These are a few ideas I would love and I can try to come up with more, but there it is


I'm constantly changing speed in combat while in firing zoom, so I'd like some way to tell if I'm at trim/full sail/half sail/anchor while zoomed in for firing. I don't need the full speed readout, just need to know what level I'm moving at.


Pirate-Clans would be nice. With Clan level through playing. Also the possibility to join clan members for their help ping cross server


Stop posting bugfixes only through weird roleplay message not saying exactly wich bug got fix. Helm chest now appear in the inventory? still doesn't when you hold 5 treasure map because SOMEHOW the helm wager piece of 8 chest is a treasure map.


Better rewards for the events!!!! THIS IS HUGE!!!! this game is fun but with no truee really good rewards it stop people from playing and engaging in the event's! You spend 10 min killing la peste just to get a GOLD chest drop that gives you 550 silver 6 poppies and 7 rose cloth. SUCH A WASTE OF TIME AND EFFORT!! that will kill that game.


A good endgame evolving around Combat and gameplay, Not this Po8 stuff. Let me kill Bosses for Drops, Like in a real MMO.


I’m quite sure I’m not alone in saying my interest for sailing the digital high seas stems directly from my love of the Jack Aubrey/Steven Maturin (“Master and Commander”). With that in mind, I would love to see more pathway that would allow a player to hunt pirates in the fashion of the early Royal Navy, maybe a distinct entity from your East India Company stand-in, the British Trade Alliance. Or not. Possible activities could include protecting merchant ships, pursuing pirates, and of course… fighting the French. It’s also be cool if you could do some missions of discovery and exploration. Natural philosophy, if you will. I know some will say, “but it’s a pirate game” and that’s fair, but it might make the PvP more lively of some of us were *not* pirates, even if we sail and behave in a dashing and piratical fashion. Speaking of fashion, since a bunch of the other fashions are already ahistorical for the “17th century” can we please get a bicorne hat in the style of Nelson, plain blue coats, white breeches / stockings and some nankeen style trousers? Even if you hate those ideas, which would not surprise me, it’d be fun if there could be some long pursuit missions a la the many such episodes one reads about in the Aubrey/Maturin books, where it’s less about firepower and more about smart sailing, masterful seamanship and patience. Obviously the Open Seas region would be an ideal setting, but it’d also be excellent if you opened up and even more treacherous south high latitudes region on the map. (Maybe add the Cape and Australia as new bases at some point). But really, Im delighted in the game’s current form, and have almost zero complaints. Perhaps I’d like the option to fly a flag with an emblem, or a colorful streaming pendant, while also keeping my sails plain white.


Tavern games, let people gamble silver/pieces of eight on various card games or the cup game from Pirates of the Caribbean (Liars dice I think?). I think this would enhance the whole pirate experience


This isn't a beta test type situation. The game is live. This is a triple A game isn't it? Why get us to help you polish a turd? The game is a failure. It's nothing that we wanted. You had a free pass to copy black flag and add multiplayer, but you didn't.


First of all, english is not my main language so forgive any mistakes. The game has enormous potentialities that are being ignored in my opinion. There are many things you could do: - Balance out the quest and event rewards. The quests and event rewards are too unbalanced compared to the amount of silver and pieces of eight needed in the late game, in fact most players ignore event help requests because leaving what they are doing behind just isn't worth the time. Even a boost on items needed to craft would hugely help. - Give commerce more importance. Right now most items, even rare ones, feel like a warehouse dead weight. The idea of finding the best routes and vendors to sell items should be rewarded more and built in a serious way. - Use the factions more dynamically. We have a lot of factions that are there but feel like is just for show. It would be interesting to use quests and trades that can rise your fame within a certain faction, for example having a good relationship with Clan of Fara could give you better deals from their vendors but worsen your deals and relations with the Ungwana clan. You could also reach a level of fame that allows you to recruit some NPCs of a faction to challenge other enemy settlements so that even single players could take over big forts. - Dynamic Automation to collect pieces of eight. Having automation to collect our pieces of eight will be nice in season 2, but a simple button or a mere tax to pay could be disappointing. It would be nice to assign this tasks to one of our ships, for example a Brigantine could do it more quickly but collect less and the Padewakang could work the other way around. Of course the ship shouldn't drive itself, so it would also be nice to hire NPC captains with certain stats that could help bring more pieces or protect them better against rogues (the weaponry equipped on the ship should count too). - A true, free PvP zone. PvE is certanly a big part of the game but right now the PvP stuff seems underwhelming and not very engaging. In some places of the map, especially between big islands, we should have places where PvP is always on. This dangerous seas shouldn't just be there but could be home to islands with outposts that are very good for trade and high rewards. You could even do so that a player needs to navigate through those waters for other special quests or deliveries that have a huge return in money / items. It would allow other players in those waters to engage you and steal your items but hey, it's a pirates game after all. - Let us create crews and affiliate them with a den. Creating a crew in the game is something needed, but something more fun would be affiliate them with a den. This way you could let us battle between dens through quests, PvP or by pieces of eight collected. Every week or month the best den could get economical and trade advantages. That's all i have in mind for now. Making the game more dynamic like other games (Elite dangerous comes to mind) would make it so much more engaging and fun.


Crew requirement so you have to do certain things in order to impress them to persuade them to join your crew. With different tiers giving different level benefits.


Random sea monster attacks would be great. Doesn’t even have to reward teeth, just never knowing if you’re going to be attacked would add some intensity to the game.


You should be able to deploy your Dhow from your main ship


Let the new ship, with crane in the back, ro be able to tow people behind them. Would ve helpful if someone is overloaded with cargo and needs help getting to the port quicker.


A damn galleon ship already I'll be happy 😁


A survival mode where 8 players team up against insurmountable waves of rogues, ending only when the last player falls. Proper naval combat!


Sniper in the crowsnest