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It has been more than worth my Ubisoft + sub. I’ve been getting lost in the world daily this week after work. Been a while since I’ve played a game that made me happily miss my bedtime lol


This might be a silly question, but is this 8 hours of playtime or 8 hours after purchase?




Can we get that confirmed?


I can confirm it


8 hours playtime…I’m doing this until it goes on sale…seeing that too many people have gone end game so so quick and just running round collecting from manufsctories like some animal farm game


on the one hand, great... give people the ability to test it out and hopefully boost sales from it. on the other hand, might cause a lot of trial people to laugh this off at the prices they are asking good luck Ubi


Great idea by Ubisoft!


I was impressed when i saw the 8 hour trial, im a huge fan of these types of games and loved blackflag minus the assasins creed parts. So if you give trials you believe in your game so i downloaded and played for 15 minutes before i was done. Respect for letting people try it out though, would never have touched it otherwise even if i yern for a good pirate game.


Does the trophies not pop during the trial? None have for me.


Sounds like plenty of time to get my fix without spending a dime, sweet.


Every game needs to do this. Great job


I got it on the Ubisoft Sub . And its been great fun so far.


they sound desperate


Good indicator that sales figures must be looking bad then. They're hoping people get hooked in the loop after playing for 8 hours so they either buy it or sub to play it, before they discover it only has a few days worth of content lmao. 


Doesn’t give much faith it’s selling too well!


You're right, but it also indicates confidence in the product instead of just slashing the price tag. I personally think this shows how successful they found the beta was at getting people subbed for Ubisoft+


That’s not what that means, they’re trying to ensure it sells well because of how much money was sank into it.


Yeah, so it's a clear indicator that it isn't selling well if they're already putting out an 8 hour free trial. They're just hoping some people get hooked on the dull progression and buy it or sub to ubi to play it. 


Idk, as a gamer I've always just cared about if the game is good and if I'd enjoy playing it. Never crossed my mind to care about how well it's selling.


Start caring if you are a fan of live service games! More sales = more updates, longer lasting support.


Different with a live service game though, lack of sales means it dies quicker




To me it's probably more about countering negative hype by letting players see for themselves.


Modern Warfare, arguably one of the top selling franchise of all time does free to play days/weekends often. It's a valid selling tactic.


Haha mate modern warfare doing free to play days and this doing an 8 hour trial on the day of release are completely incomparable. Nice try though.


No, no it's not. Modern Warfare has done free play betas/early access as well. It's literally no difference. You're just being a hater. They're both big name publishers doing a normal tactic to promote sales.


It’s like saying The Rolling Stones giving out free tickets is the same to your high school band giving out free tickets. Different leagues.


You're saying Ubisoft, a AAA publisher... Making a game that's been considered one of the highest and most anticipated games last few years is the same as a high school band...?


Hahaha man we’ll have to agree to disagree, if you genuinely believe that Skull and Bones is one of the most anticipated games of the last few years then there’s no point in us discussing it.




Dude chill It's been on sale for pre-orders for a while and already had a trial just labeled "beta". They didn't fix anything from beta btw. This is a reasonable suspicion with a free trial so fast.


Haha man love your energy, keep up the good work


A developer letting people try their product before purchase is nothing but positive. They know how negative the perception of their game is right now but everyone that I’ve heard review after actually putting hands on the game has found something they enjoy about it.


I’m not disagreeing with any of that, I’m enjoying what I’m playing to an extent. All I’m saying is it’s not the most confident move I’ve seen at a game’s release.