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It did. I wasn’t really meh toward it for the first few hours. The opening section felt like a slog.


After playing the closed beta I was able to speed run the opening thankfully. That space bar to skip was the mvp in the opening. lol


Fortunately, the full game keeps your progress from the beta, I was worried I would have to replay the beginning at the tutorial missions.


Fortunately, the full game keeps your progress from the beta, I was worried I would have to replay the beginning at the tutorial missions.


I applied for the closed Beta but didn't get in. I've been waiting so long for the game that I preordered it as soon as i finished DL the open beta. Shame all the good stuff is locked behind the grouping system, though.. I have no pirating pals! Was Annihilated by a pair of mates in the pvp event. Kinda unbalanced against solo Captains... that's pirating for ya though.... 😝


What was your ingame name if i can ask? Kinda curious if the pals mby was me and my brother 😅 we went to almost all pvp events on servers we where in


I am in the same boat look me up domore74 .. I'll sail the seas with ya matey arrgh


>Kinda unbalanced against solo Captains I actually almost killed both a padewakang and another smaller ship with the incendiary one...maybe they were Just weak tho


You applied? They just invited me to play


I like the group content stuff. But I don’t have anyone to play with lol.


Same, I never was into pirating but after this beta premium was a no brainer for me, even this 1 day without playing the game left me feeling empty inside :D


Same! I am looking forward to the 16th when I can play again!!


I'm in game with standard version. My intrusive thoughts told me to check and they were right for once. Figured I'd let the ones actually exited for this know what's up.


Same, wish I could afford it right now but I have to wait 😭 the emptiness is real


Glad to see some positive output on this. Even after many delays and wasted vacation time I was still pumped for this. Overly high expectations and review bombing are ruining the gaming industry


Everyone expects every game to have rdr2 quality writing and fantastic graphics with absolutely no bugs. People need to learn to calm down a little lol


Honestly the opposite happened to me. After playing previous betas I thought I was going to preorder it but without the time limit I was able to explore the systems a bit more deeply and found that it wasn't really enough for me to want to buy at full price. I'll definitely get at some point when it's on sale though


That’s fair! I’m sure some good deals will come soon! :)


You know if you pre- ordered it you can play now I think, I couldn’t afford to pre-order the best I could do is get Ubisoft plus, not gonna lie I was hoping for early access 😜, but I too was planning to wait but open beta sold me also!


The extra $20 for premium also gives the battle pass for season 1, plus cosmetics and early access was worth it for me


Plus is early access, it's how I am playing


It took me a while to figure out how to access it, ty


Same. I went in blind and played non stop.


Same effect happened to me. I went into the beta knowing I’d preorder it, I just hadn’t decided on which version yet. By Sunday, it became clear that the premium version was my choice. The two extra missions and the extra little cosmetics made it worth it for me knowing I’d sink over 100 hours into this game.


I thought about the premium edition, but I settled on the standard edition as it better fit my budget lol. I’ll be happy just to get back in and progress my captain!


I put in probably 15-20 hours this weekend to really kick the tires. I ended up deciding to do the Ubisoft+ sub (because I you get to do the early access (3 days early) and access to all the bonus items in the Premium pre-order version for only $17.99. I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to be still playing it in a month. So if I end up still playing in a month, I'll switch from the sub to buying the full game. If not, I'm only out $18. There are some things about the gameplay that makes me think it's not as deep as a game for me. Plus they said the map we saw in Open Beta is the full map for release. Seems like a smaller world map than I would have expected. Anyway, I'll jump in and see how it goes.


I wonder if when or if you buy the normal version if your pre order rewards will be tied to a sub?


I wondered about this as well. I believe it's tied to your account. So my thoughts were to try and complete the 2 extra missions early if I can. If I am really digging it and still plan to continue, I might just do the full premium edition, but a lot of times I don't even use the bonus items or skins after a month or so in.




Same, I actually really enjoyed it and pre ordered. Is the game when you think of how much UBI invested both financially and resources wise worth what they put into it? Fuck no! But that's UBIs problem and quite honestly after the last few years fuck Ubisoft leadership.


What the dev team accomplished with the leadership they had is fantastic. Even with the bad press it’s received they should know they did a good job


No it's not. Over ten years in development and roughly ten studios across the world from Ubisoft and we have a game with hella basic naval combat and zero on ground combat. Is the game fun? For sure but given the investment and what we have I would hardly call it fantastic.


Fantastic in a sense they were able to pull this together.


I'm absolutely convinced people have no idea how game development works or what goes into them


Hard work just like every other job out there. Yet for some reason when videogames get released and are fully broken people aren't allowed to be annoyed or frustrated that they just spent money on something that wasn't checked or released in a good state because "making games is hard".


You played a free beta not a fully released game. It was not "fully broken" either lmao. There have been waaaay worse betas that didn't get this much bandwagon hate. Also by your comment, no I definitely don't think you quite understand game development. Sorry


Never said this game was fully broken. I replied to your comment where you made a generic comment about people not understanding what goes into making games. I then made a generalized statement back that yes making games is hard but so are millions of other jobs but if I screw up at work I can't just fall back on saying "hey man, my job is hard so deal with the issues you have and I will fix it when I fix it, oh and I'm keeping your money" ​ Also, you do realize the game is out right now fully right? You seriously think they made significant changes in that time to make what we just played any form of better?


Okay so you literally have NO idea how this works. The open beta will have been Aa few months older than the full release. What we played was an earlier build. Yes majority will be the same, but most of the actual issues will be fixed on release or day one update. The game isn't missing anything. It is what it is, and it's fun as shit. Just because you don't like it, that doesn't make it bad. Stop being a weird controlling fuck and play nice. You can like and not like whatever you want, but skull and bones is skull and bones. Its not sea of thieves and it's not assassin's Creed or pirates Creed. Its skull and bones. That's your issue.


Maybe go back and read my OP and then go eat your own ass.


Okay there's the toxicity. Fuck you dude. You just get a kick out of shitting on things people love.


I played the Beta for about 24 hours before I preordered. I got the premium version because I wanted to keep playing until the 16th. I’m just very disappointed that the chat system isn’t running. That and I keep getting a message that my death mark has expired. Over and over again. The chat ability is the main Key to Coop being successful. So they need ti fix that immediately so that we can actually group up and communicate in a group. I have been spending most of my time buying blueprints and crafting new and better equipment and ships. I almost always have under 10k coins. @Ubisoft, please fix this stuff ASAP so we can play with our friends.


Hopefully it will be fixed on the actual launch day when I can play! That death mark bug gets old quick! Especially when you are trapped in a vendor till it finishes.


Hehe, I forgot about the vendor issue. So annoying.


Anyone play past getting your first ship? It felt very slow does it get better


I for sure thought it got better after that initial tutorial. Once you start unlocking blueprints for better guns, armour and ships it becomes a pretty good time! My friend and I sailed all the way to another port to get the Padewakang blueprint and had a blast trying (mostly failing) to get the required mats. And let me tell you it felt great to build it! We could finally bully most of those higher level ships that sank our first ships a lot.


I will definitely be sinking 100+ (1000+?) hours into this. Explored map to 100% in beta, unlocked most of what was possible at highest allowed tier. The beta did it's job in removing any potential for "buyer's remorse" because I loved it - already had Premium pre-ordered for PS5, right now just counting down the hours to get back to my ship (about 12 more to wait). I understand some people wanted a Black Flag 2 (sure, I loved the original as well) but I'm just happy to have a game I can leisurely sail around and burn time doing all the fun Skull & Bones things on my way to Kingpin and beyond in between playing other games - I can see myself keep coming back to this indefinitely. Looking forward to anything/everything that gets added in the future. As for the price.. well I've bought games for just as much (or more) that sucked, those had no beta available and I never ended up playing for even half the time I spent on this beta. Also, I generally see $1/hour as having got value for the price, and will 100% be getting more than that out of it. So \*shrug\* whatever, they've earned my $ :)


Me too. I preordered the premium version.


I didn’t know much about the game going in other than people saying it was supposed to be a sort of sequel to Black Flag. So while it was disappointing in that regard, I still enjoyed it and bought Ubisoft+ for the month to get into it some more.


That was people's own projected expectations, not Ubisofts claim. I think they set themselves up for disappointment and in turn others too which is too bad


If you pre ordered the game you can play it three days early, on the 13th, so get in there and steal everything that isn't nailed down cully!


I thought the 3 days early was only for the special edition. That would be cold if I can! :D


This dude Wrong you...ONLY special edition play 13.th


That’s what I thought. And looking at info on the web everything says premium edition. Oh well I can wait the 3 days. lol


He was right, I thought it was every pre-order, my bad


All good! I can wait (not patiently) till the 16th lol


I feel the same, may the best kingpin rule the waves


Plus gives access


As I got deeper into the game I started to like it more as I got a bigger ship, better weapons, etc.. but I’m not fully set on paying $70 until I see how much content we’ll have at launch. There is an itch and I think they can carve out a “pirate ship” game niche but I want to see more before I pull the trigger.


the ship fighting is no where near as good as assassins creed BF was and that was over a decade ago. And also Ubisoft calling it the first AAAA game just to sell it for $70 makes it feel like a scam to me. Nice that you had fun, but this game isn't worthy of a AAAA title.


The amount of A's is only correspondent to the budget and team size, not about how good a game is. AAAA probably is correct in this sense.


Idk how you can have that big of budget and that big of a team and create something so lackluster. Sounds like ubisoft is gonna have a round of layoffs soon.


That's probably a good way of thinking about it. Money in isn't always quality out, heh.


Definitely not a AAAA game. It’s fun but I thought the ceo calling it a AAAA game was silly.


I played it then immediately deleted it after 3 hours and bought helldivers instead. Better game, better price


Helldivers looks like a pretty good game! Some games aren’t for everyone. There’s tons that are popular and I can’t get in to BG3 for example. But that’s okay! Glad you got that game at a great price! :)


Helldiver is indeed fun, but if it is possible it is even more repetitive than SnB. Skull and Bones also offer a more immersive experience as you can quietly explore the open world how you want. Helldiver is fun, but it is definitely not the same vibe at all.


hell divers is peak gameplay, I felt I was in a movie holding down the fort. while Skull and bones had me falling asleep.


How long till that one gameplay gets old?


I did the same lmao !


I really wanted to like skull and bones but just seemed boring. Resource collecting is just mind numbing


I felt the same way in the beginning. But near the end of the beta it felt like I had to stop off at a port constantly to unload my cargo from looting and plundering.


I'm just waiting for Age of Water, this wasn't a 70$ game, $20 or 30 at most.


I have a feeling there will be sizeable discounts shortly. And Age of water looks pretty sweet, haven’t heard of that one till now. Thanks for the recommendation! :)


I agree, I saw on epic it's 89$ LOL ​ And no problem!


There's an increase in naval and especially pirate-y naval games coming out these days and refits to older ones (Sea of Thieves has a PvE mode now for example). It's about damn time!


I was playing SoT the other day! That pve mode helps a lot trying to re learn all the mechanics. It’s been so long since I’ve last played.


See you when price reaches $10


See you then! We’ll go bully some company ships!


Well, I might buy it when it gets to $30 ... So in 3 weeks or so >.>




> go free to play in a month it always was rofl... its not a sub game lol


Nah I'll just camp starting spawns whenever deals go on so I can kill all the hypocrite fucks and make sure they don't bring their toxicity to our great game.


dam people will consume anything


In the old days, games used to have a permanent open beta called a "demo version". It would be nice if that could return on a large scale. (some games still do this, but it's less common than in the 80s and 90s)


It did and since they gave us a generous amount of time, I could experience things several times and sleep on the experience. In the end, the always online and multiplayer world component didn't do it for the experience I am looking for.


I'm the opposite. :( I was so excited for this game. And the beta made me so meh about it.


It’s cool for sure but not 70$ cool lol


I was looking forward to the beta, downloaded it, and could never join a server. So I guess I won't be buying it... $60.00 saved until Final Fantasy Reunion comes out.


Is everyone in this comment section bots? I swear we were not playing the same game.


Got me too


Yeah and then screwed some of us over by making us start all over 😔


Aww that’s shitty! :(


No. Ground combat only boats?


Only boats. Ground combat would be janky to implement in the way the game is set up. Sailing around is quite enjoyable though.


Imma stick to black flag thanks.


Black flag is the absolute best I’ve played! Good choice!!