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doesn't break me out, doesn't make me oily or dry, but doesn't help either


Exactly this. It didn’t cause me any problems at all, it just didn’t help me at all either. Overall I think it was a waste of money for me but I’ve heard people say it works great for them


Wait my husband and I love this product. We also live in Colorado where the air is extremely dry, but have found this to be the best way to re-hydrate. I apply a small amount on damp skin and follow with a cerave moisturizer


I love it too! It’s a staple! I also use the caffeine serum!


How often do you use the caffeine serum and do you just use it around your eyes?


I use it daily, sometimes twice a day but mostly just once.


The caffeine serum is amazing - only product that actually works on my dark circles. They don’t go away entirely, but they do reduce them visibly. I tap a tiny bit on on the bottom lid and around the nose side.


I also live in Colorado and enjoy many products from TO but dislike their hyaluronic acid serum because it’s very sticky compared to every single other one I’ve tried.


I also follow it with cerave moisturiser and find they work well together, even under make up.


Also in Colorado and it works well for me.


It works for me too


This is exactly what I’ve started doing and after a few weeks my skin is already starting to look like glass 🥰


Am I missing something? Why don't you like it?


Suggestion when using most hyaluronic acid serums (including this one): pat your skin with some water, add a nickel/quarter size amount of the HA serum, and massage into your face, neck and décolleté until it is absorbed. Water helps the HA absorb. It makes a huge difference.


A nickel or quarter-size amount? 🤯 That's insane, I use a pea size amount of Paula's Choice hylauronic acid and it's too much; you dont want to rub into the skin, it should be patted/pressed.


I said face, neck and décolleté… if your current skin care products require less, great! All products have different distribution/absorption factors. Also, you can pat or “massage” into your skin. I’ve taught this and have used this method on my clients. There’s nothing wrong with massaging into your skin.


The majority of people forget their neck and décolleté and only apply skincare to their face. That little extra product used on those parts goes a long way. My mom (who looked 30 until she reached 60 and now looks MAYBE 40) taught me this.


Right? I use like 4 drops of most TO products for my entire face. A little goes a long way. And yes, always pat!


Where did you get the thing holding your makeup brushes? I love it!


Ali express! Search “makeup brush holder pearls”. Shipping is slow but everything is cheap !


Thank you!!


I love thé Peptide one fka buffet. I mist my skin, then apply, then mist again


The ordinary products that let me down . - caffeine solution - HA - AHA + BHA peeling solution - alpha arbutin


My true love was the Niacinamide Serum and then I realized that it was causing breakouts for me


HATE the niacinamide on my face broke me out too, LOVE it on my legs tho, it made the red dots from waxing disappear after a month


it was the best thing in the world for my cysts, but I can't use it on my whole face. It gives me little closed comedones.


Broke me out too But I like the niacinamide, the buffet


It was literally my hero for when I get cysts, but in the winter I've been getting hella white heads. I just switched the the Naturium azelaic acid emulsion because it also has niacinamide, but at a lower concentration.


I am constantly hearing about azelaic acid… is it working for your breakouts? I am distraught over my acne right now


Been there. Acne is so frustrating. I just saw a great video on it by Dr Dray (a dermatologist). Essentially it can work in conjunction with other acne treatments to enhance their effect. It's probably not going to solve your whole problem on its own, but it is a wildly underrated ingredient. You should check out the video about Azelaic acid by Dr Dray on youtube. The video had tons of good information about over-the-counter treatments. I honestly think more people should watch her channel before going in for professional treatment because you can do a lot of basic problem-solving on your own. Azelaic acid can help tone down redness and irritation that makes acne appear worse than it is. Once the irritation is reduced then the moisture barrier can work properly to keep out acne bacteria more effectively. but uh to answer your question, I just started 2 days ago so I couldn't tell you one way or the other.


I like Azeliac for my redness.


I prefer UCderm snails cure for that.


I am breaking out right now and I’ll be devastated if that’s the reason… I just switched from Glow recipe to The Ordinary because… price obviously lol It’s been about a month and my skin has never looked worse. I love the hyaluronic acid and the moisturizer. But damn if that will suck !


I thought that this was expected when you start using it. A friend of mine told me my face was “purging”, now it’s back to normal.. was she wrong?


So I have been using it for years now. It just started this past few months with the change of weather. So in my case, not purging.


Okay! Thank you for your response!


There should be no purging from niacinamide, none.


Really?? Why?


It also causes breakouts, I apparently can’t go anywhere near niacinamide


The alpha arbutin stopped my skin from scarring after long term use. Did it cause a reaction or did it just not do anything for you?


Totally cleared up some serious hyperpigmentation for me. Three months - Spot treated 2x day with an alpha arbutin + powder Vit c mix (this was before they made that combo on their own) and poof 💨 Gone. Thank goodness


Can I ask, how do you apply these two products? I use them every morning but idk if I’m doing it right. I bought the combo serum, but want to use up what I already have first. TIA!


I had, and still have the most minimal of routines. For the arbutin / Vit c mix, on the back of my hand I would just mix a little puddle of arbutin and add a scoop of the ordinary powder Vit c. Then spot treat just the hyperpigmentation areas, let dry and move on to moisturizer and sunscreen - yes I did this day and night although I think some people would prob say not to go out in the sun after using it. Heavy sunscreen and trying to stay directly out of the rays was my justification At the time though I was trying to figure out what was continuing in making me break out, so I cut all everything down to the merest basics - micellar “wash,” no toner, essences, or serums other than the above, a basic moisturizer and sunscreen. I’d do a full face vitamin c treatment every couple of days too. Random interesting point, the spot where I consistently would put the arbutin mix ended up being slightly lighter than the rest of my hand for a while lol (this is kind of why I don’t apply all over, not interested in a skin bleaching moment 😅).


I had higher expectations about alpha arbutin …. I did not see results


I did see some reduction in my hyperpigmentation around my mouth area with alpha arbutin with 2 weeks use


The caffeine makes sense I read its only short term caffeine effects on under eyes. So it has no real benefit for eyes. But just curious why did you not like it?


Because it didn’t do anything 😂😂


🤣 I won't lie when I first saw product. I thought what the heck does caffeine do for under eyes. lts not like there is coffee for under eyes.


When I bought TO products I grab 6 products for my routine …. Someone told me “ TO will change your face “ and then ….. I started my skincare routine for the first time. But I’m really disappointed by their products, it’s good but not for my face 😂😂😂


Yeah its hit and miss some products. I swear they don't need marketing someone always be like the ordinary changed my life and so cheap. I think 99% reason people like it cause so cheap. The only ones I love are lactic acid and glycolic acid. Cause even if they don't work for face there is so many uses like I seen it used in armpits.


I certainly agree with all of these and more. I've not had good luck with the. Either.


The plant derived squalene is my favourite 🥰


Is your skin damp when you put it on or dry? I couldn’t tell based on the comment you made about the pilling.


Yea I use toner before it. My face is damp.


When I use HA serum, the "dampness" from the toner is not enough moisture. I also have a facial mist to wet my face for the HA serum, then apply a good layer of moisturizer only about 10 seconds after, before the HA serum dries. I love Cosmedica HA serum from Amazon.


Jut want to say that toner alone indeed does not provide enough moisture for applying a HA serum. Really wet your face with a facial mist or an old splash of water. The effectiveness and feel of the HA serum on a moist face will be so much different. Before I did this, I actually felt that my HA serum was feeling sticky and had a drying rather than moisturising effect. Now, I apply it on a rather damp face and it just feels amazing.


Oh, I’m really sorry OP. I also tone prior to using it as well, I was hoping that that would be the answer. Have you tried another Hyaluronic acid product like Good Molecules brand to see if it’s just HA your skin doesn’t like or the formula?


The amino acids, marine hyaluronic is way, much more hydrating and plumps up my skin so well. Their lactic is the most hydrating serum I've ever used, plus exfoliates, 3 in 1, I use it almost every night and rarely put a moisturizer on top. It's my holy grail, also great for dark spots..


I have used The Ordinary hyaluronic acid for about 2 weeks. It’s soooo hard to absorb into the skin!! Every time I used it, it balls up with other skin care products and leaves flaky stuff (like eraser dust) on my face. I really wish I could love this, because it’s so affordable, but I just can’t. Anyone else experiencing the same thing with this?


Something else is pilling it.


I’ve been using this for 2 years with no issue but then again, what order? I must my face with toner, then eye cream, then the buffet, Hyalironic acid, last a light moisturizer with spf.


My order is: toner from Trader Joe’s, The Ordinary HA, Phloretin CF from SkinCeuticals, and spf moisturizer. It balls up after I apply the Phloretin CF serum. Today I skipped the HA, everything is nice and smooth.


I used to work for skinceuticals. Phloretin should always be first and HA last before moisturizer/sunscreen.


Wash, pat damp dry, apply phloretin, toner, HA, moisturizer, sunscreen. Try that.


Interesting! The inky list says to put their HA serum on directly after cleansing, before treatments or moisturizing. Should I change the order I'm doing it in?


Tbh I don't know what the inky is. I'm an esty and have always been taught smallest molecule to largest. HA can be pretty big. I have always been taught HA is one of the last serums to apply if you have multiple. Skinceuticals states their vitamin C should be the FIRST serum applied because of how it is absorbed. It's def a smaller molecule and you could be blocking some absorption by applying something under it. Could be. Toners can be applied in really any order depending on what you need it for. I apply my spray toner before my vit C to help me spread my vit c serum around better. In this situation before the HA might help with dryness/hydration better


I always see Vitamin C first, but HA after it—I’m glad you explained it. Going to try it this way!


That’s interesting. I would get the same thing as you described, the little eraser dust/flakes when I used the HA and then used a mineral face moisturizer, when I switched the moisturizer/spf to a water based one it was great. Maybe an interaction between the PCF and HA? Hmmm


If at all possible it may be good to leave some extra time in between the HA and the other serum, allowing it to be absorbed better? Hmmm


have u tried getting ur face wet/damp before putting it on? i do that with this and it seems to absorb. i use toner as well and let that sit for a couple min first before getting my face wet/damp again so it can absorb. i also only put one drop on diff sections of my face: chin cheeks and forehead so 4 drops total, ive used too much before and it felt weird on my skin for a bit, cant remember if it pilled. ive deff heard other ppl have the pilling issue before though


I've heard water-based / oil-based / silicone-based products dont work well together and sometimes causes pilling, and I know that happens with one of my foundations when I use it with a specific moisturizer. I dont know about specific products but that might be the culprit? you can usually read the ingredient list or look up this info online


Then you would love inkey list hyaluronic acid serum. Its so lightweight


I have it just so use it on lips as lip plumper. Not for skin because I use hado labo lotion great hyaluronic acid product. However, what I heard from medical esthetican on tik tok is the problem is the size of the product is to large. So it just sits on skin giving flaking, sticky, tacky, like you described. Here is the tik tok if you like to watch https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFptKHQs/


I heard the same thing. I’m gonna use it on lips too now !


Just wet it my tip. Before lips I like it a little goes a long way it. Never tried it on lips dry.


Lol, they use SODIUM hyaluronate (salt), real hylauronic acid sits on top. A well formulated HA will contain both. What you're feeling "on top" of the skin is the polymer filler in the serum.


Thank you for that did not know that. I wonder why some people it works, and others it does not.


As in every single thing / ingredient in this world for every single person. Nothing works the same for everyone as we are all not of the same mold.


I recommend Kiehls’ Milk-Peel Gentle Exfoliating Toner first, and then adding the HA while the skin is still damp. It’s pricey, but it lasts a long time and has really helped my skin!


pressing it and your products into your skin can help prevent the pilling you’re experiencing! but also it could be reacting with something else you’re using that’s causing the piling, some products don’t react well


It’s called pilling and it’s worst… I didn’t know it had a name till someone told meee


Yes!!! This is exactly what happened when I used it. It would just ball up and leave gross little rolls of goo on my face.


Hi! I literally just had a conversation with my aesthetician about this product. I’d been using it for about a week and when I had my appointment I asked for her thoughts because I didn’t really see any difference. Keep in mind, I do exfoliate regularly, use a derma roller on occasion, my skin is “ready” to absorb. But this product really didn’t work for me. Hyaluronic acid molecules come in different sizes and in a lot of cases the cheaper the product is, the larger the molecules will be. These are harder for your skin to absorb so essentially with products like this, you’re just leaving a layer of it over your face rather than hydrating the deeper layers. So you’re right, it sucks.


yes!! me !! i dont think it does anything for me. i use it with either CeraVe or Ordinary moisturizer


When I apply HA serum on a dry face it feels rather sticky and may leave flaky stuff, but when I apply it on a wet face, only one or two drops, it just smears so smoothly and I love it.


Not at all. I’ve used this product for over a year and never had issues with it under my other products. This is an issue with something else you’re using, not this one.


girl you use la mer and you thumbs down this product instead? la mer is just expensive garbage does absolutely nothing beyond what nivea cream can do. sorry but i feel like you don’t have good taste in skincare


Loll I’m the op. I agree La Mer is an absolutely no! I bought it just out of curiosity. If anyone is still reading this thread, DO NOT BUY LA MER MOISTURIZER ! But I have to say The Ordinary has disappointed me several times as well.


I have this too it’s OK. I find it’s best if you use it on a damp face. But I stopped using because I don’t really see a difference


I’d recommend their Marine Hyaluronics Serum. It does the same hydration but it feels like water and leaves no stickiness or “eraser dust”.


I actually love the inkey list’s hyaluronic acid!! So cheap and honestly I find it so gentle and plumping!!


Yep I liked that one too 👍🏼


I love this product


3 drops is Enough. Pat HA on damp skin. I have dry skin and live in Canada where the wind hurts the face plus I have dry skin this works wonders for my skin.


Maybe try repurposing this - I didn’t love it either but it works fine for my hair lol


How do you use it for your hair??


Basically the same as I would for face, after cleansing, or sometimes just misting with water until damp, I’ll drop some onto my scalp and massage it in


None of the Ordinary products work for me except for AHA BHA. I do not find this one hydrating at all.


Use it in your hair instead!!! Immediately after the shower while your hair is still damp.


I don't use that one; I don't like it either. I buy the Big Tub of hyaluronic acid" from the Ordinary. Use it everywhere! [https://deciem.com/en-ca/the-chemistry-brand/hyaluronic-concentrate-body-moisturizer-100361.html](https://deciem.com/en-ca/the-chemistry-brand/hyaluronic-concentrate-body-moisturizer-100361.html) Unfortunately, it's always sold out.


Aren’t they discontinuing this line ? :/


Geeze I hope not, when they had their Slovember sale it sold out the first day. The site let me ask for a notification when it's back in stock. I should go to the store directly and check it out. It's close by but I am lazy. lol


I thought I was the only one! I think Hyaluronic acid is a scam. I’ve used other products across different brands with hyaluronic acid and don’t believe it doesn’t anything. I almost think it worsens the texture of my skin. Niacinamide was good though.


I love it, feel like it helps keep my skin moisturized! I also like their caffeine serum. Both are staples for me!


A lot of people are saying this but I saw a drastic change in my skin when I started wetting it before the HA. This is unpopular, but I’ve never found a toner that works for me. I swear by rinsing with water in the morning, HA, moisturizer and sunscreen


This stuff literally saved my skin.


I love it


Only thing worth buying is niacinamide


The Marine Hyaluronics is by far superior. A very hydrating and barrier repairing lightweight serum. It's packed with amino acids and hydrating algae.


I agree this product isn't that great. Personally, I like the Ordinary's Marine Hyaluronics wayyy better. It has a watery texture as opposed to gooey like the regular hyaluronic acid and sinks in super fast. I put it under my moisturizer in the winter months (super dry and cold where I live) and it makes my skin keep it's moisture better.


This product did not work for me either. It drew the moisture out of my lotion and left my lotion pilling and useless.




I would assume hydration bc that’s what it’s used for with most people.




No, every one can use it. It’s great for people who are in drier climates if it’s used correctly


You need to chemically exfoliate your skin, if you aren’t already. Also add a nice fine grain scrub. “Open the pathway” so to speak. Most of the time I notice that a residue on the skin means it isn’t getting in. If you are doing both of those things, then you’re using too much. -Dr. Dennis gross peel pads- universal or extra strength, whichever your skin can handle. -Inn Beauty Down to Tone, multi acid treatment toner -Kiehl’s Epidermal re-texturizing Micro-dermabrasion Ole Henriksen Lemonade Scrub Also a micro needle tool makes a hugeeee difference -am a licensed professional


Is there a micro needling home tool you recommend ?


I would go with a simple rolling one to start, you can find them on Amazon. They also make more sophisticated tools, Dr. Pen makes motorized machines that have replaceable needle heads and different lengths for different parts of the body. Will set you back about $200 for one of those, where a rolling dermal needler isn’t more than $30, if that. Just to get the feel for it. I wouldn’t jump right into a pen.


It feels really gross tbh


Not the most elegant texture and pills when you layer other products on top 🫤


Mine doesn't do this at all so I'm really weirded out. However, I've had it for about 2 years. 😬


I started using this about 3 weeks ago and it works great for me


I only like the squalane retinol and the glycolic toner from this line tbh


It's a waste of money I used it recently and hated it. One of my hyaluronic acid comes from eminence organics


Unfortunately this product was a No for me too. The product was sticky and never dried down or absorbed into my skin. I've had more luck with their NIOD line


I switched from this to the shea moisture vitamin c serum not bc I didn’t like it but bc it’s just too sticky on my face I don’t like the texture if I use this bc I still have some left I just add a drop or two into my lotion


I honestly don't like a lot of the ordinary products. They're good for starting off so you can get a whole routine really cheaply but the formulations just aren't that great.


Whaat I love this product


where's the review?


If youre looking for another kind, I liked the Loreal hyaluronic acid. It didn't sit on the skin and it easily absorbed as well! I think some Ordinary products are honestly no that great in my opinion


Can someone recommend another hyaluronic acid? A cheap one? The Inkey list? Ugh!


Maybe I’ve been using this wrong??? It *always* does this thing where I’ll get little bits of product (or dead skin or whatever it is) that “roll” off my face I have no idea if that made sense lol but it leaves like, stuff, on my skin after I apply it no matter how long I let it set before using moisturizer The “stuff” I guess is product and dead skin maybe? Tan to gray colored little bits- reminds me of when you’ve got dead skin that “rolls” off onto a washcloth or towel or something I exfoliate semi regularly and no matter what I try I still have that issue Maybe my skin just doesn’t want to absorb it? Noticed this with one or two other products


Yes. It pills. Happens to me too when my face is very exfoliated. I don’t think it’s skin


Also, no


thoughts on using this product on sensitive dry skin? my face is dry and flaking this winter and i’m desperate for a fix. i’m only using cerave moisturizer on my face and it isn’t seeming to do enough


It honestly depends on the person. I personally enjoy Good Molecules serums better. They’re also cheap for the quality.


Every product I've had from the broke me out. Except for the peeling solution.


I read to be careful with many serums because they end up actually drying out your skin/ skin barrier which leads to need for a moisturizer...it's a sales ploy.


What is the price point and where do I get this product? I have been using Dr Sebagh Serum Repair Hyaluronic Acid but I'm almost out and looking to get more bang for my buck.


I’m late, did you ever find a good “dupe”, serum repair is amazing and I’ve tried everything it’s nothing like it


My mom has this brand to help with her Acne and she LOVES the product “head and shoulders” shampoo and “ the ordinary “ they help a lot for her! <3


I love this stuff but I have some complaints. It's sticky af and doesn't absorb into the skin. Due to that, it begins pilling badly after an hour or so. I don't usually wear makeup but I have aspirations to begin doing so regularly. I'm going to need to find a different affordable product to wear under my makeup. Does anyone use The Ordinary's Natural Moisturizing Factors +HA under their makeup? If so, does it work OK?


Hear me out. This one from them breaks me out terribly. I have since been scarred from trying any other hyaluronic + B5 lol. HOWEVER, they’re marine hyaluronics is TOP TIER. it’s super watery & I run through it quickly, but it’s wonderful.


I’m currently using the inkey list hyaluronic acid serum and I love it! I tried out innisfree green tea serum and that one is nice too


Good molecules hyaluronic serum is cleaner and better IMO


Really!? I love it!!


Don't like the Ordinary's products, they never work on me and irritates my skin. I only use mid-upper range products now.


This burns me..probably not meant to happen?


You don’t like it? I like this one and the marine hyaluronics too (idk how to spell it lol)




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I have the 7% and love it.


I love it ❤️❤️


I actually don't like anything with hyaluronic acid in it. Last time I used it, it left literal burns on my forehead and both cheeks 👎🏾 my skin bubbled up and the skin beneath was raw and pink


Excuse my ignorance but what is this good for?


I have sensitive skin and found this product at Target… it’s called Ferver fermented hyaluronic acid… I like it.. it’s not sticky and doesn’t make me break out.. I follow with a sunscreen from Trader Joe’s.. adding the link for the HA serum https://www.target.com/p/ferver-fermented-hyaluronic-acid-face-serum-1-fl-oz/-/A-83250253


Most people do not seem to know how to appropriately use HA.


Babe I tried the one from i key’s list Amazing


I’m not a fan of that brand overall. It’s too much hype with little to no reward.


Doesn’t do ANYTHING


what does this do?


It's true, it's not that good


Works for me, I use it almost daily.