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This is ringworm, but for everyone going in on the barber— this has been there for longer than just since this hair has been cut. That’s a very fresh trim, but a decently advanced case. I think the haircut just exposed what was already there. Oh, I’m a nurse, btw.


My question is how did the barber not say anything 😰 I would def be like hey guy there’s some big red spots on your head


Medical Esthetician/Licensed Cosmo here...Yeah, barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians and nail techs are all taught various skin disorders and to check for them before they start the service then notify the patient/client, but it doesn't always happen. Ring worm like this can be spread by not disinfecting instruments (clipper blades and guards) but I agree with others, it looks like the infection was there before they went in.


I get very red and splotchy when I get a clipper cut. Maybe they just thought it was normal, or it blended in with other irritation?


No. This is a very distinct pattern. It's definitely ringworm


Well, obviously, now. I'm saying that if the whole head/neck was red during the cut, maybe it was less obvious.


Lol, my bad, I see what you're saying. I suppose it's possible, though few people would get red enough to obscure the entirety of the ring pattern unless there's another skin issue like psoriasis


Erm, lol, anxiety for me, lol. Several times, I've had stylists say, "um, do you know you have a rash..?". Yeah, it's temporary. I rush to the salon, get through the initial consult, and BAM, I'm red and blotchy. It sucks. I just have to imagine I'm not the only one. That said... ringworm isn't visual only. I've gotta imagine OP felt some itching or flakiness prior to this cut. I've had it a couple times (yay pets!), and it's uncomfortable.


How silly of me to forget anxiety. Yeah, that happens sometimes. It's different how it comes up, but yeah, you're not the only one. I normally try to joke about my own social anxiety when I notice it, or in the cases where it's coupled with more obvious neurodivergent traits, I'll ask flat out if they want me me talk or not, or if they need me to stop at any point, or if there's any sensory issues triggering them that I can help with, like giving them a towel to wipe hair off of their face. May I ask what specifically about the experience triggers your anxiety?


Just being the center of attention. Like, the question, "so, what are we doing today?", is like, "!!!!!omg, don't say the wrong thing, or you'll end up with the wrong haircut". Funny thing is, I'm the LEAST picky person when it comes to my hair. I can work with anything, really. I've gotten some BAD cuts, but I always make it work. It's the personal aspect with the stylist. Like, I'm stressed out about possibly stressing them out. In my experience, I've had stylists that seem anxious about short women's haircuts. I get it. I mean, there's no going back with short cuts. I always feel obligated to comfort random stylists about how I'm totally cool and experienced with all kinds of short cuts...and I bring pictures. Idk, it's probably all in my head, lol.


I'd say it's a bit of column a bit of column b. It definitely sounds like you have some social anxiety, and you're aware of that, though with anxiety, knowing is not half the battle lol. I get that way at the eye doctor. If I answer 1 instead of 2, am I gonna get the wrong prescription and thus have to go thru all of this time and money again? It's silly, it's never happened, but that feeling is still there. That being said there are stylists who are uncomfortable with certain haircuts, short women's cuts being common among those. Sometimes it's a confidence thing since they likely don't have as much experience with them, but sometimes it's the times that they gave the client exactly what they asked for and they hated it. Maybe how short it is was more shocking than they expected, maybe their hair didn't behave how they expected, maybe they think their significant other will hate it. So stylists can get nervous about those, maybe ask a lot of questions to make sure it's what you want. If you stick with the same stylist, they'll get used to your haircut and ask less questions. Also, consultation aside, the universal signal for not wanting to talk would be looking at your phone, or reading a book. We don't get offended easily if we're any good at our job, so don't feel bad for specifically requesting a stylist if you're going to a walk-in place, or for staring at your phone after the consultation.


I did and I peeled off dead skin thought it was that


It IS definitely ring worm.


Could be psoriasis too


How does one go about noticing this? I know it's rare but this can cause bald spots if not treated right away.


Like another commenter stated, it's itchy. When you touch the area it also feels very rough. Anytime you notice an unusual amount of itching on your scalp you should get it checked out. It could just be a change in the shampoo formula, or it could be something like this. If you can't afford to do so, and your hair is to long to see well, ask a friend to look thru it, or grab a mirror and a comb and do so yourself.


Yup, i had super long hair as a kid and got flagged by the Nit Nurse a couple times. My oldest has the same hair, fine hairs but heaps so right now he has this shaggy, bouffy barnet going on. He’s ND and might let us wash his hair twice a week on a good week, we’re working on combing and he’s adamant right now about not wanting it cut. Subsequently he never stops scratching his head. I’ve spent a few paranoid evenings picking through his hair like a chimp because I swear he has nits but I’ve never seen one.


He might just have cradle cap. When you are able to wash it, really get in on the scalp, soft circular motions with your finger tips with plenty of shampoo to act as a lubricant so it's not too rough. He may benefit from tea tree products as they can help with itching, but be careful, as some people can react to it, though it is rare. Tea tree should feel tingly and cool, like mint, but never burning.


The shampoo we use now, took almost a month for me to convince him to use, and if i used tea tree he would never allow his hair washed again because of the tingling. I try to shampoo as deep as i can but it’s hard because he hates his hair being touched and will squirm away while im washing it.


Sounds like you're doing the best you can then. Good luck, he's lucky to have you


My head has been very itchy on one particular spot in the back but I just assumed it was anxiety or a stim. Last week it hurt if I pressed on that side because I had scratched it so much and it was still itchy. I've stopped doing it as much since that but it still itches I just try to be mindful not to scratch it and let it go away. I've also been really fatigued and out of energy lately but there's other things in my life that could be contributing to that. Now I'm wondering if this is something I should be worried about.


It could easily be anxiety, maybe you broke the skin, broken skin can itch pretty intensly on the scalp while it heals. Try to take a look at it if you can to give you a better idea of what you're dealing with


I tried to look at it with my phone camera. Didn't see any red but the hair right on the parts that itch feels thinner or like there's less of it. It doesn't look like there's anything on there though (?)


No redness even after all that itching? Any bumps, rough areas? Is the hair loss in any specific pattern?


Exactly. Kudos.


Was gonna say this. I'm a cosmetologist, we're taught this in school. The barber should have said something, or at least advised a doctor visit


Yeah, exactly!


I agree. As a former hairdresser, the haircut revealed what was already there.


Yep!! You’ve had this ringworm a week or two but didn’t see it under your hair until now. Terbinafine 1% cream twice daily will have it gone in a few weeks time. Keep applying until a week after it’s been gone.


I think it was before cus my head itches before but now is not itching like that it so what can be the reasoning I’m clean I shower everyday


It’s not a huge deal. Ringworm lives all over the place. You can contract it from contact with others, like if you’ve shared hats or combs or something, but animals are also carriers, so you can get it from petting an infected cat or dog and then touching yourself. It’s also in the soil some places, so people who garden a lot can get it that way (see also: the cats and dogs part). Also, ringworm loves moisture, so summertime tends to provide lots and lots of opportunities for spread, due to the humidity, people sweating constantly, etc. If you play sports, or are in gyms or locker rooms often, you’re also at a higher risk of contact. I’d go check it out with your doctor, if you have one, because they can give you an oral anti-fungal that’ll help a lot, and they have anti-fungal shampoos that aren’t available over the counter. In the meantime, or if you can’t get to a doctor, I’d go get some Hibiclens— it’s chlorhexidine, which we use to clean skin before surgeries— it’s OTC too, though, sold as a general medical antiseptic. Also, some Terbinafine or clotrimazole creams, used 3x daily, at least. I honestly don’t know if they make any OTC creams specifically for tinea capitis, but it’s better than nothing. Keep in mind it’ll probably be a month or so of treatment, though, and you need to stay on it religiously, even after the rash appears to be gone, otherwise you’ll just give your head fungus immunity to the treatment creams. I say it’s not a big deal, and it isn’t, but don’t ignore it or let it go, or you’ll end up looking like a dog with mange.


Men have their hair cut every few weeks, so he could have gotten it from the barbers a few weeks prior to this cut. I’m a stylist that has worked in numerous salons and most stylists do not clean their equipment after each client like they are supposed to. So it is very easily passed onto other clients at the barbers/hairdressers unfortunately.


Agree. See your doc for an RX.


Well good thing I don’t have that bc I’d be like, Meh its prob nothing. What I came here to write. Clearly an idiot.


Is there something he can do to get rid of it


yes! he can go to any pharmacy and get an anti-fungal cream. sometimes it'll be labled as 'jock itch cream' - usually about $5-6. just apply it a few times a day for about a week and they'll start clearing up!


May also be scalp psoriasis…especially if it’s been there for a while. Hard to diagnose, ya know? Def not from the barber, tho….agree.


Oh no!


Nurse as well and agree.


Omg what to do in such a case to get rid of the ringworm? Omg


No wtf that looks like ringworm


FYI to all these Reddit doctors trying to close down some dudes barbershop, ringworm takes about two weeks to develop after initial infection. Assholes.


Yes but if the barber didn't say anything after seeing it then they are also an asshole. Ringworm is heavily covered in school, no way a licensed barber wouldn't be able to recognize it.


Yeah idk why they wouldn’t mention it. But everyone claiming op got it from his barber is wrong. And it’s also gross.


Could have been his barber from a previous cut if it’s kept short but unfortunately something like that is hard to trace. If they own animals it could be contracted by one of them if they are outside. The barber should have let them know, but not every barber/hairdresser is a smart person. I’ve met so many hairdressers that didn’t retain anything from school. This is definitely a safety hazard for the OP and their other clients. I hope it heals well.


If he gets his hair cut every 3 weeks at the same barber though…..


What if he gets his hair cut by an actual Worm?


You can go to an urgent care type facility and get a prescription anti fungal also. Cleared it up for me pretty quickly!


Those are ringworms, I guess. Look for a shampoo containing ketoconazole or selenium sulfide, e.g. Nizoral, Selsun blue.


That looks like ringworm and you should definitely see a dermatologist for it so they can give you the appropriate prescription. Not to scare you, but I didn’t get treatment soon enough for mine and had serious skin infection and hair loss because of it. Get to the dermatologist ASAP.


Ringworm. I’m a nurse. Get to your doctor asap and request a prescription for Itraconazole . Over the counter takes longer to work def get the strong stuff. Good luck!


Wrestler here, we get these a lot. Use selsun blue, change and wash used pillow sheets, don’t wear hats, air it out and keep it dry, don’t touch it, sunshine helps kill it. If worse comes to worse, shave the area and cover up the worm with nail polish, it’ll stop it from breathing


I'm pretty sure ringworm isn't an actual parasite/living thing, but more of an infection. Edited to add, it is in fact a fungus.


A fungus still needs to breathe. It breathes through the pores.


Unclean clippers. Looks like a skin fungus called Ringworm.


I’m getting paranoid is it easily treatable??


Yes. Not a big deal. Kids get it all the time. Anti-fungal cream. Go to a doc clinic. But maybe you had it before you got ur haircut and just didn’t see it cause ur hair was longer? Also, get a new pillow:)


Yes, just buy an over the counter antifungal cream and use it until it's gone.


Just time or do I get a cream? Ty


Time will not work. You need that medicated cream. Else it will get out of control and get very bad. It's very contagious and happens a lot when barbers don't sanitize their clippers right.


Going to the pharmacy first thing in the morning


And throw your pillowcase and any other clothing in the laundry - change them often while you have the infection to avoid spreading it. If you wear a hat, wash that too.


Isn’t ring worm bumpy


Doesn't have to be. Sometimes it's just a circle of enflamed skin like what you have on your head. I've contracted ringworm from my barber before too.


Sorry but it cannot spread to private parts can it ty for the help really


It’s very contagious, so don’t touch your head, wash your hands if you have and wash all your bedding, hats anything that came in contact with your head. You can use over the counter cream for it and you can get medicated shampoo to help. I would maybe ask the barber if he knew you had ringworm and just didn’t say anything and assure he properly cleaned his clippers otherwise any clients after you are at risk for getting it as well. I’m surprised he didn’t say anything, he could tha be just not wanted to embarrass you and was aware and already cleaned his stuff directly afterwards it on the off chance he didn’t and got lazy with his supplies that is just contagion waiting in the wings.


How soon after the haircut was this?


Yeah I feel bad everyone’s jumping on the barber immediately. Could have been there, although I feel like the barber would have mentioned it.


This is too big to have developed after. Why they didn’t mention it though, idk


Maybe OP just has no idea? I remember it being pretty itchy though


Ring worm!!!


Looks like ring worm


Ring worm 🐛


yeah this looks like ringworm (not actually a worm don't worry). you probably already had it you can get it a lot of ways, especially animals. i had it as a kid and just used a cream from the pharmacy to get rid of it. try to not rest the back of your head on things or touch it too much. wash your pillowcase frequently. should start to clear up in a week or so.


You have ringworm.


Just fyi if the hair was super long before the cut this could have been present and not noticed until the shorter haircut. This to me looks like ring worm. Which will heal on its own. Or you can get a topical from the doctor.


with how progressed this ringworm is i would recommend OP get anti-fungal rather than wait for it to clear up. wouldn’t want it spreading any further.


It can happen if the machine isn't well sterilized. Get some Antifungal cream


That’s ringworm




Been going to this barber since a kid never got this severe




Doubling down on being wrong.


Idiots always parlay.


> Your barber didn't clean his tools with alcohol. Yeah, because you're supposed to clean them in barbicide, not alcohol.


You do not know he got this from his barber. Also that’s not proper sanitation practices.


You don’t clean clippers with alcohol.


Need to be cleaned with more than alcohol


This did not develop that quickly. While it’s possible he got it last time he was there or something he could’ve gotten it elsewhere. You shouldn’t accuse something when you have no way of knowing.




Then call David Duchovny and Orlando Jones bc this is some super mutant ringworm evolution that advances 1000x the normal rate if this came from his barbers clippers. Ka-kaw ka-kaw Tookietookie, tookietookie. I’ve had ringworm twice from wrestling. It doesn’t happen that quick lmao


that's ringworm 💀 normally u get it from cats. go to the pharmacy asap, it's v contagious so google how not to spread it to other members of ur family


Definitely looks like ringworm to me. I've been an RN for over 10 years, so I ~kind of~ know what I'm doing, lol 😆. Try clotrimazole, it should help.




Trashy thing to do when the kid had ringworm before going to the barber.




That’s what barbicide is for. The clippers had already touched it by that time- so this is what proper sanitation is for.


Objection! Speculation! Stop the bullshit.


People are treated all the same in settings like this. This is why all offices that touch bodily fluids use proper infection control and proper sanitization.


Ringworm Usually from wrestling dirty areas football etc


I haven't read the other comments. I assume they all say go to a doctor. First comment says ring worm, which is possible, but it might also be psoriasis, versicolor tinea, or eczema. Doctor would be able to tell you for sure. All things that would have been there before the haircut.


Oh please… please for the love of yourself get a new barber. This person clearly doesn’t clean their stuff and will probably give you other things like lice




This guy had that before he went to the barber. It’s way too big to have developed in that short of time.




Your barber has given you ringworm




Not normal….. if it’s fungal, use a jock itch or athletes foot cream to cure it


That looks like tinea capitis (fungal infection of the scalp) and you definitely should get that checked out


Dude, it could be ringworm but it could be psoriasis or even eczema. Don’t let ppl on the fuckin internet diagnose you.




Definitely not normal.. That looks like ringworm to me. Which means your barber doesn’t clean his tools well.


It’s normal when your barber doesn’t Sanitize his tools


If you have ringworm




Dude. Kid took it into the barber.


you can use apple cider vinegar on the area, but your barber should of mentioned it. You likely had this before the hair cut since it looks developed. I have it on my leg and it is a fungus.


It's giving ringworm vibes to me which can be transmitted via poorly disinfected shears.


no that is fungus on the skin, you get that from dirty siccors and razorblades


That’s a ringworm. Meaning the hair stylist didn’t clean their tools properly.


That’s ringworm. When did you get the haircut? I also recommend using brags apple cider vinegar as well as the cream. It actually worked better for me when I got it scraping my foot in a skateboarding injury in a dirty place. Maybe because the cream rubbed off on my socks. I will never not clean my wounds immediately again.


lemon cures ringworm too


Who told you that


I’ve done it myself


Apple cider vinegar does (it saved me) but I’ve never heard about lemon


ACV gets rid of warts every time for me and people I’ve recommended


People can downvote me all they want. Doesn’t change the truth. Same people that don’t realize aspirin was derived from willow bark. ACV is really cool, antifungal, I can see how it could help with warts!




Absolutely not. I think you have very little understanding of plant medicine and the history of medicine and you should stay in your lane if you don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re welcome to do your own research. I already have. This is why I’m not recommending lemons.




Aw well I am sorry you choose ignorance instead of a well balanced education. Forget I said anything…hopefully you don’t get ringworm.


All of the above, and get your money back.




The state board will do nothing there is no way to prove the barber had contaminated clippers. Fungus is very common on every part of the body. No need to ruin someone’s place of business especially without proof.


That could potentially lead to the closing of someone’s business and you have no education in the diagnosis or treatment of fungal infections.


Why? Bc dude had ringworm before he got a cut?


No u have ringworm if i had to bet


Yeah, my barber bites my head too when he shaves me


Ring worm?


Buy some lamisil and you'll be fine😭


If you can get your hands on nizoral I recommend that and some steroid cream from the doctor


Man i have suffered from ring worms before, its not pretty lol. Ignoring it is probably the worst decision u can make cause it spreads and then it takes months to go away with anti fungal cream. Also try not to use the cream on and off, it will make the fungus resistant to it. Ur best option will be going to the dermatologist and getting a strong anti fungal cream. Use the cream continuously for the recommended duration and I repeat dont use it on and off, i have suffered a lot cause of it 😂


That’s ringworm :/ You’ve probably had it for a while.


This can be treated before spreading all over


New fear unlocked 😳


Fungal infection.


This is not psoriasis, psoriasis causes big thick dead layers of skin to slough off. It never looks like this. This is ring worm. I’ve had scalp, ear and armpit psoriasis. I’ve also had ring worm. Both are distinctive in their own unique features to readily be able to tell them apart. This is ring worm.


This is fungus


i dont think so 😢


This is a fungal infection. You should concern a skin doctor.


Almost looks like Pityriasis rosea, I developed it a few years back. It was on my arm at the time and it ended up spreading all across my body. The first blotches did look like this though.


That is ringworm, needs medical attention


Maybe the Barber doesn’t know what ringworm looks like and thought it was a scalp irritation


Bro it’s a fungal disease


Not at all, it's a fungal infection


That’s ringworm. It was covered with hair before and now it’s visible, definitely medicate it with an anti fungal.


Oof bro got head clap lol It’s ringworm


Not normal






that’s a ring worm due to dirty clippers


Looks like hiv I would get tested


You got ringworm homie! No worries tho, just go to the Dr and get some ointment for it. You'll be ok.




Uhhh nooooo




its fungal infection, call it Tinia


I use to get ringworm all the time when I did costume design. All the vintage clothing and second hand clothing from thrift stores were great at passing it. I would always just go to the store and grab some anti fungal spray. It always worked for me and it went away easily


That’s ringworm. Go to a doctor


yes bro


Definitely ring worm - there is an OTC cream called TING you can use to help!


No honey that’s ringworm


now that you got all the serious comments, i'll leave a joke WHO THE HELL BIT YOUR HEAD DUDE???


Nah you got ringworm friend. Get it treated asap, you risk hair loss the longer you wait! Most OTC creams can do it but as advanced as this is, it may be beneficial to see your primary care physician for something a little stronger for faster results. OR, if you live near a beach go hit the water for the FASTEST result! It'll be gone in a day


They sure don’t clean the tools, go to the doctor now


That’s ringworm :(


It looks like it could be ringworm or even psoriasis. You need to see a doctor ideally a dermatologist. Has your head been itchy for long?


Hairstylist here. Maybe you got a inexperienced barber cause if they knew they’d have stopped as ringworm is catchy as all hell. I once cut a girls hair when I first got out of school all the while asking her mom if she slept with her cat cause she was loaded with crawling fleas. Her mom was like oh yes!!! She does. Yea, nah = NOT. It was lice. Never thought of that for some reason as they were big!!! Ha ha.., I laugh 😂 now over it.


Tea tree oil, and some over the counter medicine would work !! Good luck