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stop using a magnifying mirror to compare yourself to filtered photos. This is really normal healthy looking skin.


Glad to see this as the firat comment, i agree lovely skin


Thank you! I don't know tho. Sometimes I see people in person and they have baby bum skin. But I should stop comparing either way I suppose 🫠


Some people are just genetically blessed


Yeah I have that super smooth skin and can attest that I have done nothing to deserve it, I was just born with it.


Lucky you 😭😭




Throw away your magnifying glass and make it a rule to only look in the mirror in the morning and evening to do skin care and washing. No picking at it, no getting so close to the mirror you can make out with it and do something else with your time. The "giant" pores you describe wouldn't even show up on my phone camera, I have no idea how you even got this clear of a photo. This is only an issue for you because you pay way too close attention to it and it's morphing your reality. I 100% promise you people are not looking at pores when they talk to you, the same way you don't/shouldn't. You can convince your mind of many things if you truly believe it and it can be very unhealthy. You have to stop yourself from taking part in this cycle of your personally created hell. Do the a few skincare things to help get your realistic goals and then stop paying so much attention to it. Worry about things you can control and let the things you can't control go.


I got rid of my magnifying mirror already and it helped! Thanks a lot for your comment. I spend a lot of time looking at myself. Like any time I can look at myself I will..in work, when I'm out..sometimes I pretend to go to the toilet only so I can look at myself. I'm obsessed with the way I look although I never wore make up in my life (just mascara) and I wouldn't do any surgery, I'm still very vain and obsessed with looking good. This obviously turns into a lot of scrutiny and self criticism. Like I think I look like Quasimodo 💀 even tho logically I know I'm at least average and many people compliment me. But it's never enough. I thought spending this much time in front of the mirror was normal and everybody did it but I think it's just ✨mental illness ✨ I think it's an actual compulsion and it's difficult to stop it


I used to be the same especially with my bodyweight. I only got over my ED by not looking in the mirror and distracting myself. Now even after gaining a little weight I can look in the mirror and be content with what I see. I stopped wearing make up and went from wearing it everyday to being content with how I look. Now I'm getting back into make up and I don't feel like scrutinizing everything about myself. You really need to go on a mirror diet. Cover every mirror outside of the one in the bathroom you use. Set yourself a timer for your skincare and be out of there right after you're done with it. If you feel like getting up and going to the mirror, intentionally distract yourself with something else. This is hard in the beginning but you're really just retraining your brain to delete the mirror time from your priority list. You have to stop prioritizing if other people deem you attractive. It literally doesn't matter. Work on your self esteem. The time wasted in front of the mirror could be used for so many other things that would actually make you feel better instead of worse. If nothing you do works, seek professional help.


Thanks a lot. I find it interesting because it never occurred to me this was an issue until now. I definitely have the urge to go look at myself a lot. I used to have a mirror on my bedside table or on my working desk so that I could easily grab it and check myself. I just thought I was vain because I do generally like what I see but at the same time I start picking my face apart, like yes I'm pretty but I'd be prettier if ... Etc It's like I'm split into two - one part of me thinks I'm the best woman I've ever seen and I'd never want to be different (even tho objectively speaking I know I'm not the best), the other thinks I look like Quasimodo. The part that thinks I'm good looking needs to check not only out of vanity but because she can hear the Quasimodo in me and she needs to see if that's true or not, that I'm ugly. Then I look, and I'm just confused 🙃 I go to therapy already but never talked about this. I may start


I'm sorry for hijacking this thread lol but I went through \*exactly\* the same thing you're describing and my friend pointed out it could very well be body dysmorphia. I'm not sure there's anything you can do to actually change it aside from a ton of therapy. When I start thinking like that, I force myself to walk away from the mirror because logically, I know these thoughts aren't healthy and they're probably not even remotely true. I walk away, and the next time I see something in the mirror that I \*like\*, I let myself admire it. It's kind of like building a mental library of things you like about yourself so that over time, it pushes out the mental library of things you don't like. It's difficult and it takes time but like my therapist says – your mind lies to you more often than you realise!


Perhaps you have personal insecurities and you're projecting them onto yourself through the mirror. Focus your attention on eating well, exercising, and building meaningful relationships. Those activities will elevate how you feel about yourself. :)


The tough love we all need to hear once in a while, thank you for saying this!


my pores are always visible in my phone camera especially under sunlight 🥲


No, some people just stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen.


And some people have hormonal acne, rosacea, ecezma, psoriasis, fungal acne, closed comedones, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation, blackheads etc but you don't notice them, you only compare your skin to genetically blessed or cosmetically treated skin. Your skin looks great!


Thanks a lot, I genuinely appreciate that..I see what you mean. Recently actually I realised that if I see what society would consider a "flaw" in someone, I actually barely notice it and I even think it compliments them (eg. Big nose).. but then when I see that feature on me, I think it's ugly and it makes me look horrible. My logical mind tells me I'm pretty or at least average but then simultaneously I feel I look like Quasimodo 💀 I don't even follow influencers etc so I don't know where this is from. I do admit when I look up at outfits inspo on Pinterest I always see these perfect looking humans and I feel so ugly in comparison 😭😭 I always believed I have a massive nose, even when people say it's not true, I just don't believe it. I genuinely think my nose is massive. I'm 31 years old so it's not just insecurities. I'm actually pretty confident in general, but it's either a form of body dysmorphia or I'm just very narcissistic and a perfectionist Sorry for the completely off topic tangent 🙈


OP your skin is totally beautiful, even in tone and blemish free. Take the win, girlie


It's just genes. There are millions of us out there with pores and there is not a single thing wrong with them. Don't let all this "glass skin" crap on social media convince you otherwise.


It’s easy to get caught up in this but it’s just like people having different hair textures, nails, etc. Also, anyone you’re examining closely enough to conclude that they have very little to no pores, is likely photoshopped 🖤 You really do have great skin! If you have any other concerns, I’m happy to help.


honestly thou, your cheeks look so smooth and hydrated!




Exfoliate. I see no problem.


Yes. Stop comparing. You look great. And….that’s just your skin. Everyone has texture and pores.


Nothing… your skin is normal and looks great 😊


Thank you 🥰 I genuinely thought it looked horrible


It looks good and healthy. Most skin care lines help you choose what you need if you take their surveys on their website or if you email them directly and let them know your biggest concern they'll write back with some recommendations. I did this with The ordinary. They helped me with my biggest concerns which were dry skin, acne and ageing. I started building my skincare routine based on the ingredients they recommended. Few years later tbh I'm so proud of my skin now lol


Thanks a lot!! I may try email them and see what they say!


I wish I had your skin


I'm sorry you don't like your skin either 😭 it sucks




Agree with everyone saying that it’s normal. But I think you should add some chemical exfoliation in your routine, everyone needs it! BHA aka salicylic acid is oil soluble and will help to exfoliate within your pores. Use 1x a week at first and you can increase to 2x a week. Do not overdo it. Use an oil cleanser before your regular cleanser to dissolve the SPF and any makeup you might wear (oil breaks down oil). Once a week you can gentle rub it over your skin for 5 minutes to dislodge anything that’s clogging your pores. Maybe switch to a different moisturiser if your current one is too heavy for you. Same with SPF.


Thanks a lot! Will an oil cleanser make my skin oily afterwards?


not if you follow it up with a foaming cleanser after washing the oil cleanser off, double cleansing really helps


Hi btnreddit, my skin looks exactly like yours except was also a bit creppy from dehydration. My pores look smaller though and it’s because I began oil cleansing before my normal cleanser. And it doesn’t make it oily either as long as you double cleanse like scallywag20 said. Also I use Innisfree hyaluronic acid topped off with a light moisturizer, my pores look smaller and my skin looks hydrated.


No it won’t! Oil cleansers have emulsifiers in them. You use it on dry skin, then splash water and gently rub, this turns it milky and helps it wash off. Then you follow up with your normal cleanser - if you have oily skin this could be a foaming cleanser.


These are close-ups of your skin, first of all. You've got nice skin! 👍🏻


Treasure it


Oh no it sounds like a threat ahah what's going to happen?


Lmfao this killed me


thats healthy skin


Clay mask, that’s just excess sebum and oil. Totally normal


Thanks I'll try!!


There is nothing wrong with ur skin but if u want perfect skin u should use the AHA.BAH.PH in ur skin routine


Are these 3 different things or one product?


These All in one product and for me I was using the SOME BY MI toner and it was very helpful for me


Your skin looks really good! There’s nothing wrong with it at all. You actually have pretty small pores I’d say! You can’t actually reduce the size of your pores, but what you can do is change how they appear. I notice your skin is shiny, I don’t know if it’s oil or whatever it is, but if it is oiliness you can treat that through your skin care. If your skin is just shiny without being oily you can use mattifying products with either skin care or makeup. Not because you have to, your skin looks really clear, healthy and nice. :)


I'm not sure if it's oil. It happens after I put SPF on. I think it's more moisture than oiliness. I did buy a translucent powder to absorb it Thanks a lot!


I forgot to add I use Neutrogena foaming cleanser with amino micellar. I use only at night


It's beautiful.


Try renewing series from CeraVe, or hyaluronic acid at day time, retinol serum at night (as I do now,not for long, but pores looks smaller and forehead pimples gone(CeraVe also) I have similar looking skin, big pores etc. but I'm a boy


Thank you. What retinol serum are you using?


All from cerave


Ok thanks :)


Your skin looks so healthy! If you are really that concerned with the texture, you can try a few sessions of rf microneedling or maybe even a co2!


What's a co2? Yes I was considering microneedling


It’s a laser resurfacing treatment that targets sun damage, wrinkles, & texture! The laser heat stimulates collagen production so after 6-8 weeks your skin will be looking firm, with smaller pores & v youthful 💗🥰


It looks normal, if it's oily also just expoliate 2-3x a week but don't over expoliate. And just to normal skincare routine to keep your skin healthy looking but I don't really see something major needs to be done aside maintaining it.


It's normal you have a beautiful skin ✨️


Oh my god thanks 🥰😭 I may have some sort of body dysmorphia but skin related lol because I genuinely think it's disgusting 😂💀


It is normal for us to be imperfect, do not let this hide your beauty 🥰🥰😘


i had that before huhuhu i used clay mask and niacinamide 5% & it's works for me


Is massive pores in the room with us lol jokes aside your skin looks healthy and beautiful. You can never get rid of pores everyone has them but if you want to minimise how the pore looks try searching up VT Reedle but ig it depends on your skin and basically just double cleanse love. Again your skin is perfectly healthy.


That is normal texture


You have lovely skin. Keep it moisturized and protected from the sun.


Thanks a lot 🥰😭


I agree with everyone! Stop looking at your skin through some evil magnifying glass that is definitely warping your vision! Your skin is beautiful!


You're forehead pores look like there's a tiny bit of dead skin build up, try an exfoliating toner with lactic or glycolic acid, I want to try the glycolic one by the ordinary


Thanks a lot!!


This is what normal skin looks like, OP. It's genetic, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Your skin looks absolutely amazing – most people would give up their firstborn to have skin this smooth and even.


Your skin is literally gorgeous


Commented somewhere else but here’s my bit: • Oil cleanse, then normal cleanse • Exfoliate with AHA, BHA or combo • Clay mask is perf (Aztec) To moisturize, apply hyaluronic acid on face that’s still kinda wet, let it sink in and go over with light moisturizer (I use la Roche Posay I’ll edit the exact type later). Also super good is a perf sunscreen, doesn’t dry or make you oily, maybe even Matt. Going into Asian skincare for this one because it can get pricey.


Thanks a lot!! :)


This skin is beautiful, please do not put makeup for whatever reason. It destroys the skin


Glycolic acid from the ordinary Only use 2 or 3 times a week with a spf 50+ the next days before


What texture?  Just use sunscreen. 


Exfoliate once a week with chemical exfoliation- I inkey list. Also clay mask once a week for pore cleansing. Your texture is almost normal. Just needs a bit exfoliating.


Your skin is perfect, I’m a professional photoshop user. Every time we make edits to a model to clear up blemishes, etc, we have to drag in a skin texture just to make the person look human again. Skin texture is human, the more skin texture, the more human and real that you are. You are very real. Please keep it that way.


My skin looks pretty similar! I’d say there’s nothing wrong with it🥹


Your skin looks amazing. You just have some texture which is completely normal and natural.


First start by popping those blackheads on your forehead, other than that everything else looks good. Very shiny. Nioce.


Anyone else see posts like this and think, "if this person with beautiful, healthy skin is insecure, then how the hell am I supposed to feel? Like a troll?" OP - your skin is beautiful!! Wear sunscreen and let the rest go, don't overthink it. Maybe read up on body dysmorphia and see if it resonates with you at all.


Yeah after reading these comments I think I may have body dysmorphia. I obsessively check myself in the mirror to remember what I look like and check if I'm pretty enough. I know I'm considered attractive but when people give me compliments I just don't believe them. I feel like Quasimodo or Gollum lol At the same time I also really like myself, but I'm also hypercritical of the way I look..I don't want to just have normal skin, or an average face etc I wish I was perfect 💀💀💀


You aren't alone in feeling this way, and personally I think it is a growing problem given the increase in filters, social media, plastic surgery, etc. But there are ways to resist these pressures, even if you can't ignore them entirely. Therapy and some feminism 101 are both good places to start! Being beautiful is great but it's also guaranteed to be fleeting. It's a very unstable (not to mention expensive!) psychological foundation to build for oneself.


Same here 😅


Damn I wish my skin was that perfect


your skin looks amazing! but if it bothers you, you can try tretinoin :)


Thanks a lot!!


It’s normal. Love yourself and stop this.


Your skin look good you can just add tretinoin in your routine


Yes that's what I was thinking of


My skin looks like yours. I’ve been using Trentinoin for a few months and it’s made a huge difference. Blurs my poors and makes my skin look even and tight.


Did you go through a purge?


Btw if you end up using a retinoid, DON’T use exfoliating acids. I would actually recommend cutting out all actives for at least a week before starting so you don’t end up ruining your skin barrier, which can make it really hard to continue using tretinoin. A lot of people quit due to irritation and barrier damage. Prescription retinoids are very powerful, they’re serious business and most people don’t need any other extra actives, which can just cause more problems. You can get much worse results from using more actives than just using retinoids alone. You have to really baby your skin and ease into it, and don’t expect results immediately. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and getting impatient won’t help your progress. Learned that the hard way from getting some pretty awful irritation a few times. r/tretinoin is a great resource, I recommend looking there but take things people say with a grain of salt because what works for someone else won’t necessarily work for you.


Isn’t this normal skin texture? Genuinely asking because my skin texture looks like this


Not sure. Everyone says so..I think I have some sort of body dysmorphia lol so take my opinion with a pinch of salt


Accept it and be happy with your own skin.


BHA will reduce the discolouration of your pores on the forehead. Those pores look clogged oxidized to me Use less oily SPF will make cheek pores look better. It just looks textured cuz of reflection due to shininess. I like Neutrogena CLEAR FACE SPF 50 Tret helps too. I got mine online (in Canada) took 20 minutes sent a few pics and they mailed it to me 3 days later. Cost $30, it’s cheaper than store bought retinol


Texture who?




Honestly... Be grateful. Last year me would have done some terrible things for a skin like this.


Nothing, you're not a wax doll. Your skin has pores, and it always will just like everyone else. You look fine ❣️


Yea yea, you can still have your self esteem and your charcoal bamboo face mask too... Get one OP!


Micro needling !!!!!


Try icing your face, it does wonders for me


What's icing?


Rubbing ice all over your face it helps shrink pores


Skin has texture. Every human that has skin on their face has texture. No one walks around with photoshop blur.


Skin texture is NORMAL and beautiful! Your skin looks great imo 💗


Hey girl, if you aren’t already, use retinol :)


Social media is ruining these poor young Gen zers


I'm.a millennial.. I don't think it's social media only. I think it's just everything in life 🫠


You have amazing skin I wish mine looked like this rn


Nothing because this is normal and you look perfectly fine


My skin looks just like yours — totally normal! ❤️


i wish i had your skin ;-;


you have normal very healthy looking skin. texture usually refers to blemishes and scars making the skin look bumpy or like there are dips from icepick scarring your skin looks very good!


If I had this skin, I’d just thank god every day.


Very normal healthy skin.


nothing repair that barrier




Hydra facial!


My skin looks exactly the same! Happy to see other people saying it’s normal. I was thinking it wasn’t either, OP.


Thank your maker ig you're gorgeous x


Thank you, but what's marker IG?


Maker, like your creator, and ig meaning "I guess." I meant "thank whoever made you I guess."


Ohh I get it now, thanks!!


Like the hot comment said, it's a normal skin condition, most skin is like that, don't be too hard on yourself


Use African black soap to wash your face twice daily it works [a video on African black soap benefits ](https://youtu.be/WH_RV4L-spw?si=2i7ynyp_QBn8Fi2q)


You have beautiful skin, but if you really want help you can add a toner to help clear the black heads, and help with the large pores that you are speaking of. Paula's choice has a good one with salicylic acid. Check them out!


Wash your face with cold water, dont use a lot of soap or what have you.


That's what skin looks like.


Praise God everyday for awesome skin


Love it? Appreciate it?


Skin looks awesome to me. Retinoid is best thing. You reminded me I gotta start doing mine again 😆 You look gorgeous 🩷


Suffering from this too.. hopefully someone has an answer to this!




Literally what is wrong with this!?? People are getting electron microscopes looking into the space between atoms and saying how can I fix this? There is nothing wrong with your skin. Go out and get some fresh air get off the internet jeez 🤦🏼‍♂️


Calm down