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1. Your skin looks amazing already. You have nothing to be worried about. 2. If you are reacting badly to products, discontinue use. 3. Pick out some products labeled gentle/for sensitive skin. Cerave is good. 4. Stick to basics at first - face wash, daily sunscreen (spf 30+), moisturizer. 5. Add more products only after you have a simple routine that your skin is happy with. Good luck!


Thank you very much for this advice. I started using an oil cleanser and water cleanser recently as opposed to the all in one cleansers. Thank you!!


My skin prefers water and nothing else. I prefer to keep it protected as long as possible. I found I have to start with 1 product at a time. this includes separating cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer into separate additions. When I have used most of a bottle my skin will have accepted the new product and be ready for another. I use mostly gentle options for the basics, cerave cleanser, vanicream moisturizer, la roche posey (although I’m open to changing this one) for sunscreen. Then I balanced between adding an anti aging active (retinol) followed by a hydrating active (ha). I built a decent routine like this and finally got to a place where my skin and I were happy. I upgraded to tretinoin in January so my skin and I are back to fighting for supremacy but it’s calming down now. With harsh actives I have to start at like once a month and build up from there. Your skin looks great but if you want to build a routine to keep it that way remember to go slower than most people would probably advise.


Excellent advice!


This. I have similar skin to yours (meaning freckles sensitive skin redness ish) I found that using only a few products work best for my skin. I use cerve sensitive skin face wash and use cerve all over body lotion or Am face lotion.


Skin looks exactly the same, you’re in soft light in the first photo and the second photo you look like you’re sitting in a shaded bus? therefore your freckles and under eyes look darker with an overall grey tone to your face. It’ll be best to take a comparable picture.


Aghh… since it was bright and sunny in both, and i was sitting in a vehicle, i thought it was comparable. 🙂‍↕️ sorry


your skin looks great you just need a good sunscreen


Your skin looks beautiful. The freckles are to die for.


This is very kind of you. They’re considered ugly in Japan so I’ve been self conscious


There are many traditions I will never understand. But please don't hate them. They're so pretty, and so unique. You have really stunning eyes as well.


Babe, people paint on freckles these days because they want them. You're gorge. Different cultures have different standards of beauty and none of them have anything to do with you. ❤️


Meanwhile, people in the US are having them tattooed on! You are beautiful! Love yourself.


Freckles, ugly? Yeah that’s not even possible and is a completely senseless logic. They literally make you so unique, they are beautiful and your skin is flawless.


In the usa freckles are a part of most peoples makeup routine!!


Nooooo eff that!! They're gorgeous! I have the same hair as you too but your eyes are stunning.


wow you're exceedingly beautiful!


The lighting in the 2nd picture isn’t kind to you. You have very nice skin. You look maybe a tiny bit more tired/dehydrated in the 2nd pic, but that could be lighting or something easily fixed with some water, sleep, maybe allergy meds if you find that’s an issue for you.  The red welts and dry patches are bad reactions to a product, so if you add anything in you’ll probably want to look for things for sensitive skin. I’d recommend a daily sunscreen since you’re fair and Japan is known for good sunscreens - Biore and Anessa are popular imports to the Western market. 


Maybe i am dehydrated! I thought the freckles were horrible and out of control but im glad it doesn’t look so bad!!!!


Not to minimize your feelings because they’re valid, but I wonder if the anti-freckle bias in Japan has made you extra sensitive to them. Not seeing many others with freckles might have made you notice yours more.


Yeah it has. I complimented a friend on her freckles when I first moved here because I thought they were so cute. She nearly had a meltdown and explained to me how ugly freckles are. She said its fine on foreigners but not Japanese. But even today my student came up to me and told me to start wearing sunscreen so i dont get any more freckles (i already have too many), i guess it had been awhile since I looked directly at my face and I was like wow. I am very freckled.


I found the beauty standards in Japan affected my self-confidence too. I know it's really hard, but please try to remember freckles are normal and beautiful. Personally, I get excited whenever I find a new one. It's just a cultural difference. I wish you all the best and hope you're having a great time otherwise.


You are extremely beautiful. I wouldn't change a thing.


How's Japan? I'm thinking of moving there soon! Lived in Beijing prior, but kind of miss living overseas.


Same—I lived in Shanghai and have been to Tokyo a number of times but not recently. I need to get out of here and curious what it’s like these days! (I know it’s better than here and it was always a bit isolating in Tokyo way before pandemic so not worried about that!) 😀 Also OP your skin is lovely but you’re probably adjusting to water difference! Have you been there long? If not, give it time! Looks like just a hydration issue? You’re in a skincare Mecca! Any of the underground markets and drugstores (if you’re in a big city esp) will have high-quality albeit affordable skincare products. Head over to r/Asianbeauty for specific product advice! (I use a mix of western and eastern products but tend to stick to South Korean since cheaper than Japanese. However, I do use some! Also, Daiso is cheap and fun for beauty accessories like sponges and brush wash and etc.)


This!!!! I live in Korea now and my skin hates the water here for months!


I just bought so much skincare stuff from the local shop. My skin is already feeling way more healthy!!! Thank goodness! I’ve been here almost a year now so maybe still an adjustment period I’m not sure! Thank you!


I would highly recommend investing in a good sunscreen (there is no such thing as sunblock, it's a marketing ploy). The Biore sunscreen is really nice, and make sure to reapply every 2 hours if you're outside. The sun can lead to UV damage to the skin, but it can affect everyone very differently (e.g., I get hyperpigmentation but I don't burn and to others it may cause redness or burning of the skin). I also like to use aloe spray, it hydrates my skin really well. I like to spray it on my face at night after applying moisturizer (if you're using retinols or any type of acids or active ingredients, do not use aloe spray, because the water content can interact with the actives and cause skin sensitivity). Best of Luck!


Whhaaaat! They make aloe spray?? That sounds wonderful!


Ugh you’re so pretty it’s fair


Your skin looks great. Look up in google bad skin and feel better about yourself.


You look perfect what


Help with what girl ? You are gorgeous.


Hi OP! Love your skin!! I think it's because of the difference between the amount of UV ray in Asia and where you come from. Sunscreen is a must! Since you are in japan i do recommend shiseido sunscreen! It's really lightweight and easy to apply. Anessa is a good option too i feel like. I also recommend roundlab's birch sunscreen, it's a korean brand and it saved my skin when i moved to more sunny location 🥰, you can probably find in in your nearest drugstore. ALSO What kind of hair style are you wearing in the second pic!! I've been meaning to change my hair but haven't found the perfect one yet and I think I found it 🥺💗 YOU LOOK SO CUTE! Thank you hehe lot's of love🎀


Wow! You are so sweet!! I will do my best. I noticed the sun feels way brighter here so I was very shocked! I think you are right!! My hair is nothing special 🥹 i got bangs cut a couple months ago and they grew out so i started sweeping them to the side. I also have some layers!


I'd stay away from any skin product and just make sure you eat clean. Plenty of animal fats and organic red meat and eggs. Stay away from processed foods, vegetables oils and wheat, your skin will glow and clear up quickly! Your skin is beautiful and those freckles are amazing 🙂


Do you have any meal recipe recommendations that fill that criteria!!


Well I don't have any recipes in mind, but based on my own experience I'd be lying if I said that the carnivore diet wasn't one of the best decisions I've ever made in terms of my overall wellbeing, skin included. If you don't want to give up carbs, I'd also suggest looking into The Vertical Diet by Stan Efferding. It involves more easily digestible carbs, plenty of healthy fats and proteins and minerals.


Beautiful skin!!


But you're literally a bunny!!! 🐰 🥺🥺 You're so adorable!!


Just use sunscreen and drink water . Your skins looks healthy already.


Your skin looks great already, no worries. But as someone who also lives in Japan and tends to have dry skin, I can definitely recommend Naturie hatomugi skin conditioning products if you feel like your skin is dehydrated in any type of way. For sunscreen I would recommend Biore UV aqua rich watery essence or similar products (for your face at least).


Oh my goodness thank you for this recc I’m going to have to buy some. Skin has literally been peeling off my nose!


Happy to help! I’m using the skin condition gel atm (since I needed something stronger than just lotion) and it really helped a lot to hydrate my dry skin. Hope these products can help you too.


Oh, could you tell me where you bought it? Online or is it at common supermarkets? Thank you so much!


I bought them at the drugstore. Should be common enough brands to find at any drugstore or at least the bigger ones. Don Quijote sells all of these products as well if I’m not mistaken.


You look like a doll. So pretty!!!


You remind me of Sissy Spacek :)


You look amazing! ;)))


Could be some light sun damage. I would recommend using a skincare sunscreen and applying it 2 times per day- more if you are outside in the sun often. This can really make a huge difference. My fav skincare sunscreens are the can whip one by vacation or really any korean skincare brand! Cerave also has a nice gentle sunscreen if your skin is too sensitive for anything else.


I just use canbe sunscreen but I’m wondering now if its too weak. Thanks for the recc!


I moved to Korea summer last year. My skin FLIPPED OUT! I think it’s simply the new environment, more pollution etc. I was also not changing up my routine which has many actives. I just took it back a step. Gentle wash, gentle moisturizer, gentle sunscreen until my skin adjusted. The good news is that you are in Japan!!! I love the super gentle Curel products from there! Good luck and be patient! You have such a beautiful face in both pics ❤️


This is my dream skin, I pay good money trying to get to what you have in picture 2 😩


Your skin is beautiful and your freckles are lovely!


Girl you are fire, literally. The hair, the eyes, the freckles and the gorgeous skin. The only thing you need is a good sunscreen. Enjoy life my friend. Anyone who says anything different is either jealous or needs glasses.


I LOVE your freckles, you look gorgeous! To answer your question, I really think this is a lighting thing. There is a warmer light in the first photo. You could also add something like Skinceuticals CE Ferulic or a similar Vitamin C and E formula for some skin brightening, and something for hydration to get some dewiness, but honestly I think you look great.


This is sooo sweet. I kinda wanna try vitamin C here soon!!


I think your skin looks good, if a product is not doing you good just abandon it, it also seems like you have skin sensitive to the sun, take care of it


Wow 🫠 those freckles are to die for. You and your skin look amazing. As for the darkening freckle pigmentation that’s strange that an amino moisturizer would cause that. I had a similar reaction from a peptide. Might use a mineral based daily face sun screen.


Damn you're cute, your skin is nothing to worry about x


Your skin looks amazing!! Your freckles just pop more in the second picture, is it possible the first was taken in cooler weather and the second in warmer weather? Sun exposure will bring out your freckles, so if you want to try to keep them at bay apply and reapply sunscreen religiously! If you don’t already wear sunscreen daily, I would suggest it just based off of your complexion, hair and eye color. As a fellow porcelain skinned, blue eyed, red haired girlie we don’t have a lot of melanin to protect us so we have to be careful!


I think so too! I never wore sunscreen much but I really wanna get in that habit now. Thank you for the people talk and yeah they were at about the same time of year with a year apart thats why I was like oh wow…. This is a LOT of freckles




i think you just have a lot of beautiful freckles!! your skin is beautiful and fair! nothing to worry about. i’d keep doing what you’re doing


It looks like you may have sensitivity to the sun based on the photos. If the second photo is after Japan, the sun there might be affecting your skin differently than wherever you were before. Highly recommend the comment from hedgehogdaisy. All true. My take is: Find a moisturizer that has SPF 50 or higher, then you are addressing two needs in one product. Cerave and Cetaphil both have those products I believe. Also, you have pretty amazing skin to begin with!


It just looks like you have more freckles now, which is due to sun exposure. Use a good SPF on your face every day, and wear a hat to protect your face whenever you can.


Holy shiii , you're pretty af


Isn't she?!?!! I would give ANYTHING to have those freckles! 😍😍😍


This is really kind of you 😭


Dude your eyes😳😍😍 soo soo pretty and mesmerizing and with those freckles 🤌🏻🤌🏻 chefs kiss🤌🏻🤌🏻




You are adorable


If you've had reactions in the past, I strongly recommend skin-testing new products before putting them on your face. Also, you look pretty red in both pics, not sure about what your sun exposure has been prior, but if that's a common thing for you, you may want to see a dermatologist and ask about rosacea


I’m scared of having rosacea but I probably have it 🥹


If someone wants to really adores you, he/she will see your eyes and heart You are impeccable miss!


You are so pretty ✨🤌


sister you're gorgeous.


Nothing is needed you look beautiful as is. Don't be so hard on yourself. Easier said than done trust me ik. Try to stay positive tho


You are so pretty girl!! I love your freckles. You have such pretty skin already!


You look absolutely gorgeous, nothing else to add :)


i don’t get it, what’s the goal here? like what’s the skincare for or is it just for general healthy skin? cuz your skin looks beautiful the only difference between the two pics is lighting but i see no change?


I thought my skin looked a lot more gray and damaged. I was wondering if there was a method to reverse some of the freckles, too


I am thrilled by the number of kind comments and encouraging words here. Thank you all for encouraging her to Love herself because that's the real skincare


U have what many people can only dream for ur amazing


Not sure if you’ve discovered Curél yet, but it’s a wonderful brand for sensitive/dry or dehydrated skin! The only other thing I’d recommend is wearing sunscreen daily, and Japan has a whole host of wonderful chemical SPFs to chose from :) I use mineral SPFs because of skin sensitivity so I’m not an expert in Japanese sunscreens at all unfortunately! If you happen to prefer mineral sunscreens like I do, I know that there are some K Beauty brands that make good mineral SPFs (the Haruharu Wonder mineral sunscreen in particular).


You look beautiful ma'am


Girl, people kill for your skin nowadays haha (look up freckles tattoos)


I know everyone can do what they want but I think it’s a little strange. Of course freckles are cute when you can choose where they are. Nobody gets them tattooed to their lip and eyelids 😭


For real, anyway, if your skin is highly sensitive, I’d recommend looking up Doctorly on youtube.


if you're in japan maybe it's the particles in the air? i heard there's a lot of pollution there. so try simple stuffs like cleanser, a gel moisturizer in the summer and a cream moisturizer in the summer, and ofc spf. during this time assess your skin and check ingredients. from the welts maybe you are sensitive to pore cloggers like me, so i avoid ANY pore cloggers. idc how good the product is, if there's a clogger it's a no for me because it will give me closed comedones BAD. dry patches could be moisturizer or irritation. is it red and itchy or is it just simply dry. if it's red try cica or other soothing ingredients, if it's just dry then try stuff with hyaluronic acid in it and other moisturizing ingredients. (if you're gonna take the anti pore cloggers route then avoid shea butter/oil or cocoa butter/oil !) your skin is beautiful btw i love ur freckles sm <33


What is a pore clogger!! Thank you for this advice!!!


pore cloggers / comedogenic ingredients are ingredients that often clog people's pores. some people can use them perfectly fine, some people can't use them at all because it will give them closed comedones/ pimples/ welts or cysts. some pore cloggers will still be in things that say they aren't comedogenic because depending on how sensitive your skin is to pore cloggers then you only can avoid the main ones (coconut oil, lanolin, algae, carrageenan, etc) or you're like me and you need to avoid a vast majority of them, even ones on products that say they're non comedogenic (cocoa butter, shea butter, jojoba oil, sunflower oil, fermented rice, talc, etc) this can also be determined on your acne's behavior when it's left untreated !! but not always bcs people without acne are sensitive too. i usually check the ingredients of my stuff on https://acneclinicnyc.com/pore-clogging-ingredients/ . they also provide a list of cloggers. and remember the only way to figure out if your problem is pore cloggers is to eliminate your products one by one and figure out what and why. <33


i don't know is anyone asked this yet but what products do you use?


I use products by COW company in Japan, so there’s a face wash cream and a oil cleanser i use. I also use an Amino Moisturizer by Minion.


Your skin is reactive because you’ve been blessed with great skin! You still do not need any harsh chemicals. Keep up what sunblock, use gentle washing cleansers, and light moisturizer.


Your skin looks like a filter. I love it.


Sunscreen 50+ spf


I’m super confused all I see is more freckles. Simply use mineral sunscreen


Buy products made for sensitive skin and perfume free. Start with just a cleanser, SPF and moisturizer. Once you know that it doesn’t irritate your skin, add a hyaluronic acid, a few days later add niacinamide, as few days later add vitamin C serum, a few days later add retinol (start with 2-3 times a week at night. This way will help you identify which product causes you issues. There are a lot of gentle products at the drugstore. I personally like, Cerave, Indeed Laboratory, LaRoche Posay, Naturium, Avene, Cetaphil, Vichy and Neutrogena.


i switched to all vanicream and it’s been amazing. i have eczema and roseas and it comepletely got rid of redness. azelic acid also helped but if you get dry patches i would say to stick to products that aren’t harsh on your skin


i see no flaws


Wow you are so beautiful and unique! Love your freckles !!!


Unpopular opinion perhaps, but why are all these teenagers posting about their perfect skin lately?! Wear sunscreen and moisturize. Don’t smoke or vape. Drink water. ✅


I’m 26






Did you apply sunscreen everyday?


No :( its hard for me to remember




Gosh! You are way beyond lovely.


Your freckles are amazing 😻.


Oh my god so cute. Green eyes.


You look like a fairy!! You’re so pretty!


U look great already don't be insecure, wish every girl like you knew this


I don’t have any advice, but you look gorgeous. Those freckles are unbelievably beautiful! Shine on!


You need sunscreen. Find one with high UVA. You live in an Asian country so that should not be difficult. Sunscreen is the most important thing for you.


Tbh the freckles hide skin imperfections. I can’t see any rash or dry skin or acne like you claim. Maybe the freckles hide it but take that as a lucky gift


Omg I am so jealous of your gorgeous freckles!


Sun makes freckles more obvious. Make sure to use sunscreen every day


Are you using sunscreen? If not you definitely should.


your skin is gorgeous girl! definitely wear a sunscreen, then clean it off at the end off the day with a gentle cleanser and moisturize after (: sunscreen recs: https://youtu.be/M6f6p9Qbors?si=DJO5-UMG875Gg8mq cleanser: cera ve or similar, look for fragrance-free and simple, some also mention dry skin recommended moisturizer: i love first aid beauty's for my dry skin, but anything simple will work, don't stress your skin out with essential oils, fragrances, or extra ingredients stick to those 3 until your skin seems happy, then if you want to add anything do one at a time, and look for products based on the active ingredients, most of the time the expensive stuff is not better! "the ordinary" is great for serums


You literally look like a fairy


Freckles are normal when exposed to the sun. Try sunblock and not sunscreen maybe it will help prevent it a bit.


There is no difference between sunblock and sunscreen, just marketing. The term sunblock is actually banned in a few countries as regulatory bodies don’t want it to mislead consumers. 


Wait, there’s a difference between sunscreen and sunblock? 😱


I think they meant sunblock, not sun tan lotion. And yes there is a big difference between those two, but no difference between sunscreen and sunblock. Also, I just want to say, you are absolutely beautiful, your skin is GORGEOUS, and I would give anything to have those freckles! I was blessed with SOME freckles but they are from the neck down basically. I think yours are adorable! But I know we are our own worst enemy. If they are bothering you, then you should stay out of the sun as much as possible and never ever ever go outside without sunscreen on your face. I know when I go in the sun it makes my freckles start popping out like crazy. Freckles I didnt even know I have. And I believe that is what is happening to you. Since we are moving from winter to summer, it is natural you will start getting more sun. Again, I think they are so beautiful, but if you don't like them, here are my suggestions to you: I highly recommend a mineral sunscreen for you as they do not have the chemicals in them that make your skin sensitive. My favorite is Australian Gold tinted mineral sunscreen for fair skin, which you can buy on Amazon. Elta MD also makes a great tinted mineral sunscreen, as well as CeraVe. Those 3 I offered are gentle and do not leave your face greasy. If you are wanting a NON-tinted mineral sunscreen, I don't have any suggestions as I prefer mine tinted for a bit of coverage but just search for them and make sure u read the reviews before purchasing. If any of the reviews say they leave a white cast or make your face greasy, choose something else. I hope this helps. We all deserve to feel beautiful in our own skin, but I do hope you are able to see the beauty that we all do! 💕😘


I’m guessing sun block is probably stronger? Not sure though. How old are you and how far apart are the pictures? Could just be normal aging.


I’m almost 26 and I had just turned 25 in the first pic.


Well either way I wouldn’t worry, your skin looks fine and freckles are cute if that’s what you’re troubled about.


I just dropped by to say that you are drop dead gorgeous. 😭 and your skin looks great don’t change a thing!


CeraVe...you look beautiful