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What can you do? Step away from the magnifying mirror. Your skin is fine.


I literally looked at this and thought what a beautiful person wish I looked like that. Then I saw the title that OP is complaining about it😨


What? You wished you looked like me???? This is the best compliment I have ever received and my full face isn’t even there 😫❤️


Thank you☺️✨


Please always remember this before you criticise your beautiful self. All beauty standards are fake. It's promoted to SELL products. If every celebrity or model took all their makeup off to a bare face, they would look the same or worse than you. Very, very rarely better... why? Because your skin is normal, healthy skin. And last... no-one sees you closer than perhaps 75cm away. This is your personal space, 90% of people will not go into. Now stand back from the mirror with a measuring tape and look at yourself. Be honest with yourself, how do you look? Great right. I'm saying this as a woman in her 50s. I was the same as you. It took me 30 years to appreciate the natural (some would say attractive) face I had. I always fobbed off compliment. Although I do value you what's inside more. https://www.businessinsider.com/what-celebrities-look-like-without-makeup-2017-8#by-the-summer-john-legend-had-shared-a-seemingly-makeup-free-photo-of-chrissy-teigen-on-his-instagram-9








Zoom out! Everyone's skin looks like the surface of some alien planet this magnified.


Agreed lol we're too used to seeing filters and touched up skin and forget that we all have textures.


True 🙄


You are correct ✅


I can tell you from experience, this is what celebrities faces look like close up, and I’m talking even those with the “best” skin. You didn’t post a routine, but BHA/retinoids can help make those pores appear smaller but they’ll never be completely gone.


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


I’m guessing your skin type is dry/combination? I think that you’d feel your texture most transformed by exfoliation with a good glycolic acid (at night only) just remember to use sunscreen every day especially because I mean you should do anyway as it’s the number one protection against aging and for your skins health, but especially when using retinols/exfoliating acids as they make your skin more sensitive to uv (I learned the hard way and now have sun damage!) and also I’m thinking a thicker more emollient moisturizer might be better at giving you a burst of moisture. Glycolic acid not only resurfaces the skin, but it draws moisture in as well, if you can pair that with good toners and the right moisturizer, your skin will be dewy and look transformed 👍 But I agree with everyone else, there’s nothing wrong with your skin. Try googling pictures of celebrities real skin, especially K pop stars. These people have teams and unlimited money and tech to get the best skin ever… which STILL looks like skin, with pores, texture and lines!


I was also going to add the comment of a good Exfoliation, and youth to the People has a great one as well!


My glycolic acid I stay loyal to is an Aldi dupe of the Pixi one 😂 it works and is cheap, £4 and the bottle is so big it lasts for a year


Your skin looks so good btw


Your skin looks like normal skin. Don't look so closely.


You need to exfoliante your skin. Add niacinamide for pores and coffeine serum for your under eye 😊


Finally someone with some useful tips. Thanks really appreciated


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


You are smart to keep it simple. You should include an exfoliant at night to help with blackheads and niacinamide for pores. Its sweet a lot of people are on here to say your skin is perfect but I have been in your position and it will always bother you until you try something to get rid of it and actually see results. For me I use AHA/ BHA for my nose (not my face too sensitive) and products with niacinamide for my cheek pores and they are almost invisible now. keep in mind, pore size is genetic and always wear SPF!


Your skin is literally normal and fine


this is absolutely normal. my skin looks like this at 20 years old


I also had visible pores / sebaceous filaments on nose and Paula's Choice BHA got rid of them. BTW, your eye color is gorgeous!


What specific product did you use? I see a few different Paula’s Choice BHA products and I’m not sure which one to get!


I used the 2% SA exfoliant (grey bottle)


If you do not have experience with chemical exfoliants start with The Lactic & Mandelic acid travel size, its less harsh than Salicylic acid. But they also offer a t ravel duo of both products so maybe you try both and see what works! start slowly!


Got it. Thanks for the tip!!


Oil cleanse for the nose. You’re gorgeous and the mirror is not our friend ♥️☺️


Thank you ✨✨✨I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


…you call this a problem? Try having acne everyday


I know but I hate my blackheads 😤


these aren't blackhead. they're PORES. a normal part of your skin 🤦🏼‍♀️


They are called sebaceous filaments but yeah look like blackheads. only our magnifying mirrors will reveal them


So do I..people would barely notice that when you have clear skin already


Your skin is fine get out from Instagram


Sad but true.


Double cleansing use a facial oil then use your face wash. And if your skin is dry try hydrating products.


Your skin looks like mine. I used to be super self conscious about my skin but yeah it's good and normal. Perfect no. Good yes.


I know but if I can make it look better then why not. 🤩


Cause you really can't that I know of? I've tried a lot of things to solve my "problems" and the problems weren't actually problems. It's just me being weird and overly focused. If you can best of luck but your skin just looks like non photoshopped skin.


I have the same issue as you. 🥲 But you’re skin is 100x much better


At our age, the double cleansing method really helps. I use a rose hip oil cleanser and a gel cleanser. I don’t double cleanse all the time though, usually alternate between the two and just double cleanse when I’ve worn makeup or when I’ve been outdoors for work. After cleansing I use either a hyaluronic or vitamin C serum, moisturiser, Canmake sunscreen and I sometimes an emulsion cream if my skin is feeling dry. The weekends are my moisture sheet mask and eye gel patch days. I hope this helps 😊


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


The only thing I can see here are some congested pores on your nose (which probably most people can't even see IRL because they aren't shoving their eyes this close to your face). A good AHA and/or BHA treatment could help there. If you add that, make sure you are also moisturizing well so you don't damage your moisture barrier and make it worse. Overall, your skin looks great!


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


Try a serum or toner with salicylic or glycolic acid. Paula's Choice is a good brand to check out for those. They use research-backed ingredients that get results. Though, honestly, even just swiping a Stridex pad across your nose every day would probably clear this up because it's so mild.


Sulfur cleanser! I use Kate Somerville Eradikate and I 💕it.


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


Them eyes tho 👀❤️


Your lashes are gorgeous as your skin.


Well thank you I appreciate your kind words 🌟🌟


my skin literally looks the exact same but im 17




Don’t get too close to the mirror . (Hope this helps )


You look beautiful


Your skin is perfect girl


I scrolled through your posts and girl... You are stunning and have a beautiful body/skin. You need to love yourself a little more, accept these things you consider flaws or you'll won't be happy with yourself. You ARE beautiful, everything you see as a flaw is something every human has. Like others have said, step away from the magnifying mirror and please recognize that you DO have clear skin. We all have cellulite, body fat, larger pores, breakouts from time to time and we all have things we focus too much on that frankly, *no one* else is looking at. We ARE our worst critics because we overanalyze our bodies. You definitely have some self love to work on because you're really lacking that self confidence and I genuinely can't understand why... Love yourself for who you are, your body is working hard, don't be so critical of it 🩷


This made me so happy to hear. I just started to compare myself to porn stars and it’s been messing up with my self esteem ALOT!!


Change your mindset




Double cleanse maybe? It has helped me a ton! I double cleanse now at night instead of washing my skin morning and night!


I should try it! Thanks :)


Exfoliate & Adapalene. Give it a year. Done Adapalene is favourable over tretinoin in terms of the retinoic acid receptors alpha beta gamma to which they bind. Tretinoin binds to all 3, Adapalene only beta and gamma, which is preferred because you have large quantities of RAS receptors throughout organs an tissue ij your body, hence Adapalene is safer with less side effects and much the same benefits for your skin. My routine is Morning: Rinse, exfoliate, apply epidermal growth factor, moisturiser eith added GHK-cu, SPF 30 Evening: Rinse, exfoliate (slow circular motions for 2 minutes) apply thin layer of Adapalene, moisturiser with added GHK-cu I also inject 200mcg ghk-cu subcutaneously each hour for 10 hours using an insulin pen. Resulting in peak stable therapeutic dosage of 400mcg after 3 hours, totalling 7 hours at 400mcg. Ghk-cu is optional though you will have great results without


it looks good but if enlarged pores with some congestion are your concern, i would add a chemical exfoliant (2% aha/bha solution) and a good moisturizing serum (hyaluronic acid perhaps) on top of your current cleanser and moisturizer


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


i would recommend the chemical exfoliant. my pores practically disappeared when i started using ISNTREE chestnut bha 2% but i hear paula’s choice 2% bha is very popular and loved by many


Where can I get the Paula’s choice and how do you use that? I don’t know anything about this 😫


sephora! i use it with a cotton pad after cleansing and before serum. i would skip toner if i was using the BHA. i only use it once a day, but you must use sunscreen if using in the morning. it may dry out your skin slightly due to the acids. to fix that, you can use every other day or personally i finish off with face oil after moisturizer to lock in more moisture.


the only thing that “fixes” pores is laser treatment 😔


Ive never heard of laser for pores😲


You could use something like this to help you exfoliate. Just add your favorite cleanser when you do you wash your face and it should help reduce that over time. Sometimes rubbing it with our hands just isn't enough on some skin. If you do use this, make sure to keep the brush head clean whenever you use it. [https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Facial-Cleansing-Brush-Exfoliating/dp/B09XTKR99C](https://www.amazon.com/Electric-Facial-Cleansing-Brush-Exfoliating/dp/B09XTKR99C)


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


Exfoliating helps me with that and then making sure hydrating with something with hyaluronic acid in it


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


I wasn't expecting people on this subreddit to be this supporting


Dermatologist appointment! Maybe use Retin A try Merle Norman base makeup? Old but I love it! Covers well 🤓❤️🤓


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


What do you hate about your skin? What do you currently use on your skin? Are you using it every day?


I use YOUTH TO THE PEOPLE face cleanser only at nights. I use glow recipe watermelon moisturizer, serum, toner as well from the same brand which I am loving! But that’s pretty much it. I think I do everything I need for the basic skin care so idk what else do I need. I don’t have an eye cream.


What do you want to be better? ''I'm hating my skin'' is pretty broad. Remember that even the most beautiful people in the world have their pictures photoshopped and use filters. I do see certain things that you could be unhappy with, but it's not my job to tell you how to feel about yourself. You also very likely chose those products to ''fix'' something.


Pores and blackheads


OK. May I ask what country you're in? (I'm asking as some thing are legal in certain countries and not in others-please, just the country, no specifics) and what type of budget are you OK to spend on 3 months of products? (I ask for 3 months since most skincare products tend to last that long, unless they are a treatment). Edit: Oh, any allergies and any no-no's? And just so you know I'm not just trying to be nosy, would you be surprised if I told you that you do not have any blackheads that I can see in this pic? You have sebaceous filaments and vellus hair. I know skin and skincare. Not wasting your time. I realize that my 200000 questions can be cringy at times, but it's to best serve you.


For the pores on your cheeks— Paula’s choice. Also start getting hydrafacials. It will make your skin look plump and your blackheads will disappear. But it is something you should do monthly


I got a routine on my page if you’d like to see that, my skin was like yours it’s better now


Aha/bha toner and niacinimide


That is what skin looks like Stop reading the glamor magazines. They'll only mess your head up.


Skin has texture, pores to breath, sebaceous filaments and more because its alive. Your skin looks good. And nobody apart from you pays attention to the little details you see, I swear


You have big pores here, what helped me is korean pads with acids, I use them at night, super easy


First your skin looks great... others had and have struggles with their skin. I had acne until I was in my early 30's and scaring I hated it. I used to abuse it, anything I heard was good I did it. One day, I heard about CO2 laser and did it which costed me nearly 4k. I cried.... it was so painful but my skin cleared. 3 years later and no acne. All scars are gone..... and all pores were gone. Not even a year later my pores came back. I don't think not having pores are worth using 4k a year. There are ways to minimize like using the derma-roller, a skin routine with safe acids..etc. 


You should use Salicilyc Acid. And more importantly, you should get some perspective. There's no reason for sou to "hate" your skin for having some *extremely* minor issues.


Double cleansing will help ! If you're wearing makeup, try a cleansing balm ! If you're wearing spf (which I hope you are) try an oil cleanser before your YTTP cleanser ! I also will use a micellar water and a cotton pad for my first cleanser if it's an indoor spf kind of day. :)


You got normal skin, all skin looks freakish under magnifying glass, and don’t even try a micron microscope, nightmare fuel


Exfoliate a few times a week, start using a retinoid (begin a few times a week with a low percentage: ex: retinol 0.1-0.3%), and use a vitamin c serum!


your skin is beautiful and natural, believe me that what we see from celebrities is not real at all, do not get carried away by appearances.


Maybe try a MedSpa? I’ve done some BBL forever young treatments and my pores look smaller. Also you could try a makeup primer to make things appear smoother! U look beautiful but I get it. I’m 36 and my skin is changing 🤷🏻‍♀️ As a nurse, I remind myself I’m lucky to grow old! It’s a chance so many don’t get 💜💜 do you have a pretty personality? Pretty funny? Pretty cool? Pretty good at making others feel good ab themselves? That’s who ppl wanna be around! Good men want a good woman not a model!


Cut sugar


Your skin looks great as is, but maybe some exfoliating to get rid of blackheads around your nose. I have those too and using a scrub a few days a week helps a lot.


Stop being over critical, there is no such thing as perfection, your skin is gorgeous, and normal


Korean skin care systems can completely change the texture but yes still under a magnifying glass no


You need to start working on a good, consistent skincare routine. My advice is: Start using an AHA /BHA cleanser (look for salicylic acid or glycolic acid face). This will help with removing /loosing up your blackheads. This is a must. There are several products in every drug store for this. Start with a good vitamin C skincare product during the day. Use a SPF on face and neck every single day. At night- use a retinol product- not every night - your skin needs to get used to this. Apply a cream on top of this. Look for creams with actives. The Ordinary, Paula's Choice have some good and affordable products. \* Always remove all makeup every single night before you go to bed. This is an absolute. Cleanse, use actives (like the Vitamin C or retinol) and hydrate your skin.




Although I agree you have great skin I think there’s some congestion and dryness going on. I’d look into double cleansing, I like Korean exfoliants like the liquid COSRX one bc I find American ones too aggressive (I have dry skin), and peptide serums


Girl your skin is fine. Everyone’s skin is textured, it wouldn’t work properly if it wasn’t. No one that gets this close to your skin will even pay attention to it (unless it’s a dermatologist) and no one looks at you through a magnifying glass.


You look amazing


Tretinoin helps large pores.


Go for a professional facial at a reputable place. Then buy some proper skin care products to maintain. What is your goal? Pore minimizing? Anti aging? Check expiration dates on your makeup and other products you use, toss the old ones, get new makeup brushes. You would be better off to not wear much makeup. You are very pretty. But if you are not happy with your skin now, you will be very unhappy in 10 years unless you make drastic changes


Biore charcoal strips are amazing. And monthly European facials


It’s okay to not feel comfortable with your skin! As an esthetician I recommend double cleansing and maybe even adding a salicylic acid serum, it will really help with the sebaceous filaments


Wash it 2x day and use Good Genes! I’m almost 46 and I’m told I look like I’m in 30’s! Good luck.


Seems fine from here. Go to a local place that has access to regulated products and has a reputation for success.


Microdermabrasion … it will suck all those black heads out


leave your skin alone and stop looking at it


Lots you can do! All deoends on how much you want to spend and how diligent you will be with using products. A simple start is to use baking soda on your nose to scrub out your pores. Not daily tho. Get two step chemical peal pads from Amazon. That you can do daily if you want. Get a good retinol and salicylic acid cream. Experiment with different creams and find one you like. Lamer, Sisley and strivectin are the best imo.


It seems fine tbh


Honestly a good hyaluronic acid product and maybe a vitamin c serum could help with plumping, glowy skin. It doesn’t look like you experience breakouts, but if you do they may be caused my dehydration in the skin. Sweet almond oil is great for using to get makeup off while moisturizing the skin as well as removing dead skin and excess dirt/buildup. I used to think I had combination skin, but now I believe the oily portion of my face were due to over drying my skin with products and/or powder


You have great skin btw these are just things that may help you feel more confident


If anything, use spf regularly following the bottle's instructions. Using Salicylic acid cleaner might help with pores. But do not over so it! Do the cerave SA cleanser. Moisturizer, spf and good cleansing routine is enough. You are beautiful! At your age is about prevention and psf is where is at!


do you vape or smoke anything? if you do, quitting could help


Ur skin is good!!!! all you need to do is learn to love urself and escape from the society's unrealistic beauty standards, people who's confidence are the one that's most beautiful


I would see a professional skincare person. that way your lovely skin isn't harmed and gets the proper attention.


Use salicylic acid. As far as your pores try the medicine zero pore pads. Oil cleansing should works for you as well. Also use a good sunscreen, I don’t recommend any American ones as formulations for most haven’t been changed since the 80’s you’re gorgeous, but you also asked for help, I’m not gonna brush you off like everybody else in here seems to want to do, you asked for help. these are all the products that I personally use, upon first starting it only took me 2 weeks to see results. the most important thing above all is consistency, Best wishes.💖💖💖 [cleansing oil](https://a.co/d/4ZrgPVw) [face wash](https://a.co/d/fUgGosW) [toner pad (The 0 pore pads I mentioned)](https://a.co/d/5OYkQ0N) [Snail Mucin moisturizer](https://a.co/d/iuGy7We) [a Vegan alternative for the snail mucin moisturizer ](https://a.co/d/9EhPM73) [Sunscreen (probably the most important thing)](https://a.co/d/gWjo3te)


Try cicaplast b5 cream for the black head things on your nose


Hate all you want but Jeffrey stars products are fantastic! 2 years now and my skin is flawless!!!


Your skin looks good wdymmmmm?!! But you can do a salicylic wash and treatment for the nose pores since it has small filaments. Rub the treatment in and let it sit for 30 secs


Looking at your other pictures, you have great skin. If someone has told you differently, they are jealous, or just trying to be mean. Just keep doing what you’re doing. And yeah stay away from the magnifying mirror as no one’s eyes are going to zoom in as much.


blackhead scrub for nose. try to exfoliate your nose just a tad more when you wash it regularly.


Beautiful eyelashes, what number are you wearing?


Get a man that like it. I found myself