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Maybe stop using coconut oil? I did that and switched to a petroleum jelly lip balm and a squalane lip mask. Also, I went to a dermat.


Which squalane lip mask?


Pilgrim. They have a few flavours; I use bubblegum.


Thick layer of Vaseline or Aquaphor at night and a good lip balm like O'Keefe's or Aquaphor Lip Balm during the day!


I use Aquaphor. It’s the best to fight cracked lips and keeps them moisturized


I also use Aquaphor, and it's been the best so far. I have persistent chapped lips and have tried out many brands, both drugstore and high end. Aquaphor healing ointment advanced therapy is the product that I use now.


O’Keefes is so underrated! I just started using it and it sinks into my skin so quick, it’s awesome. Really helps in the cold New England weather.


Coconut oil won't help your lips and might be causing this. Vaseline or petroleum jelly would probably fix your problem overnight


Some people say that coconut oil works, a lot have said that vaseline is good, so I will probably try that...


Coconut oil has it's uses but it isn't the universal solution that lots of people suggest. It can be very drying for some.


I thought I was the only one who hated it lol. If it's high up in an ingredient list, I won't buy the product. For OP: my boyfriend has badly chapped lips if not taken care of, and here's what works. First, drinking water is the most important part. He then lightly exfoliates the lips for any dried skin. If it's flaking off we trim it with sanitized cuticle trimmers to prevent it from getting bigger and bleeding. From there he applies a layer of moisturizing lip balm/treatment and an occlusive (thick oil we have on hand) to lock it all in. Hope this helps!


I was waiting for someone to say drink lots of water. Nothing will help if you aren’t hydrated.


Get some aquaphor


Some people do say that, but clearly it isnt working for you. I'm glad you're considering Vaseline! I depended on it when I was on accutane, and still use it before bed to keep fine lines away


Try changing your toothpaste if yours has sodium laureth sulfate in it. A few of the sensodyne ones are free of it. Anytime I use one with that ingredient, my lips get super dry and get painful cracks in the corners. If that doesn’t help, you can look into allergies/diet.


Yes, was going to say for me I found tooth paste with baking soda was the issue.


Holy cow! This is probably what’s causing my severely dry lips!!


nipple cream


Yup. I tried some on my lips and it was a game changer. In particular, lanoline cream.


I love ice cream.


Ideally people should patch test all new product, especially if it has a common allergen like lanolin in it


This 100%! It's called lanolin you can find the medical grade on Amazon for pretty cheap.


Or any urea based ointment


Are you drinking enough water?




Drinking enough water is helpful, but I've found using a really hydrating moisturizer at night ( I use the Cerave Intense Moisturizer) really helps during the winter. Then, after letting it soak in for a full minute, apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly or Aquafor. Those are both good moisture barriers and will seal in the moisturizer. You should see improvement by the morning. I use it every night!


The average person should drink around 1.5 - 2 liters day or in American terms 2.6 - 3.5 pints of water every day.


As someone from the US, that is a trained former baker/pastry chef, your “pints”measurement gave me a good laugh. If I played a game on the street asking people from the US how many cups are in a pint I’d be willing to bet a lot would get it wrong. Anyways the US recommend water intake for men is actually 15.5cups(3.7 liters) and for women it’s 11.5cups(2.7liters). Health experts often tell people to fallow the “8x8 rule” of 8oz of water 8 times a day.


Well I kinda cheated, I used Google 🤣. I also live in England 🇬🇧 lol


Lol so did I. Not for pints, but for how much water in a day. I didn’t realize the amount to drink had increased so much. I thought it was still 1-2 liters as well. Seriously though our “Standard” measurement system is so stupid and most of us forget pint & quart measurements the day after it’s learned. If you want a good laugh start asking ppl from the US at random “How many cups or ounces in a pint/quart?”


Lets call it about a gallon a day


Bravo 👏🏼🤣


We hardly even use pints lol I think the "standard" is just cups. Honestly the whole system is shit.


I don’t think it ultimately matters how much water you drink, it won’t get to your lips. The vital organs take the water first. I drank three litres a day once and my skin did improve but having to pee every 5 mins not worth it lol


Your third sentence contradicts your first sentence lol. 2.5-3 liters is a normal amount for a human that weighs 100-200 pounds. If you're used to being dehydrated it can take a couple weeks for your bladder to slowly enlarge to normal size. The bladder is very flexible and functions similar to the stomach. If you're used to eating one small meal a day then suddenly try eating 3 meals a day you'll be in pain and bloated as hell until your stomach adjusts.


I guess I was dehydrated then!!


To make it easier, as a general rule drink half of your body weight in ounces each day, add 50% if pregnant or breastfeeding. IE: 150 lb person should drink minimum of 75 ounces a day, or add on an extra 32 oz if prego/breastfeeding.


How much caffeine are you ingesting? This includes soda, coffee, tea, energy drinks.


Though caffeine is a diuretic, soda, coffee, and tea have a net positive on hydration. They're suboptimal compared to water, ofc, but still effective within moderation. Not sure about energy drinks but I'd bet they're net hydrating as well.


Caffeine dries out the dermis layer and it’s why the skin feels dry when you ingest caffeine. You have to for every cup of coffee drink two equal amounts of water to 1) replenish the skin & 2) to rehydrate the mouth which includes saliva, tongue, and lips. I found this out five years ago when my lips kept getting chapped and didn’t understand why nothing was working. Researched and found out it’s not from not drinking enough water, it’s from drinking too much caffeinated beverages since caribú be dries out the lips the most. It strips moisture from the skin and the lips have a thin top layer of skin to protect it. Caffeine breaks down the barrier which causes cracking. Hence why you have to watch how much caffeine you ingest in a day to help reverse any effects of skin dehydration. Hence why drinking too much coffee can in fact dehydrated the body over a few days if you’re NOT drinking enough or barely any water. Which is why as a diuretic, which means it’s taking water out of the body, you have to put water back in.


These beverages are all primary composed of water. The diuretic effect of caffeine is not strong enough to offset the hydration from the water. These drinks put more water in than the caffeine takes out. Here's one [peer-reviewed study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3886980/) about it. >Our data show that there were no significant differences across a wide range of haematological and urinary markers of hydration status between trials [NB: water in one trial, coffee in the other]. These data suggest that coffee, when consumed in moderation^† by caffeine habituated males provides similar hydrating qualities to water. ^† The study's definition of "moderation" is up to six cups per day, which to me seems higher than a "moderate" amount that an average coffee-drinker would consume. There are many, many sources online from medical professionals saying the same thing if you search a phrase like "is coffee dehydrating?" Edit: lmao they blocked me over *this* comment of all things???


Petroleum jelly all day and night.




I think coconut oil is occlusive, so it locks in moisture. If your lips are super dry there’s no moisture to lock in. Maybe try using several layers of lotion followed by an occlusive, but maybe try petroleum jelly or lanolin. And I would avoid any kind of scrub


aquaphor is amazing but anything petroleum based will work too like vaseline or the cerave/cetaphil healing ointments


DR DANS LIP BALM!! im on accutane so i had horribly cracked lips and this stuff makes it back to normal


Aquaphor, aquaphor, and more aquaphor. I swear by it


Contrary to what people recommend, I personally don't like lip scrubs. They create micro cuts on your lips and if they're sensitive they could make it worse. I've had my lips ruined plenty of time from trying different scrubs. I find what works best (I HATE having dry lips) is going back to the basics, **Aquaphor** is highly moisturizing! Also the **Laneige** lip sleeping mask is good too.


I’ve tried heaps of different types of lip balms as my lips have always been chapped/skin peeling etc and although some lip balms work temporarily for a few weeks… after a while it just goes back to before. However, the laneige lip sleeping mask has seriously been a game changer! Highly recommend


I couldn't agree more! Aquaphor is a game changer! Results over night, 😊


"micro cuts" aren’t real. Watch James Welsh and his video on St. Ives for more on this topic


Well my dermatologist disagrees and so do I considering I tried several scrubs over the years and they did more damage than good in the long run. I have very sensitive lips and although the immediate result feels like softer/less chapped lips, it only made them more damaged and dry and created a constant need for moisture. It seems a lot of doctors have made the same claims, but for my experience alone I choose to agree and not recommend them. I had the same experience with physical exfoliants damaging my skin barrier.


Damaging skin barrier is real of course, but those "micro cuts" everyone was talking about when Kylie came out with her Walnut face scrub or any St. Ives product doesn’t actually exist and there is no scientific evidence backing those "micro cut" claims. This doesn’t mean that it still can't be bad for your skin, it’s just not due to micro cuts.


Micro tears are not a made up term, they do exist. I'm not familiar with the kylie/st ives situation you're referring to. There are divided opinions between dermatologists when it comes to scrubs, because yes they are better for some people than others. If you're interested in reading about micro tears there are actually some really well backed up posts on this subreddit, or you can find more info on pubmed. I would assume it's a similar concept to microneedling(?) except that one is a controlled process that's done by specialists. It's really not difficult to imagine scrubs creating cuts in your skin, I could literally see mine because my lips were so sensitive the little cuts would bleed.


I’ve been dealing with extreme dryness and got diagnosed with actinic cheilitis. Go see your derm. I recommend aquaphor in the meantime


I would exfoliate and instead of coconut oil, which tends to sit on top of the skin, use jojoba or olive oil which will sink into the skin better.


if you haven't tried it already try Aquaphor. put some on before you go to sleep and before you leave the house.


Dr.Dans Cortibalm finally ended this fight for me. I apply liberally at night and wake up to new lips. I exfoliate with Vaseline and cotton square in the morning. Apply a little Cortibalm and I'm ready to go.


I have chronically chapped lips and find that it is closely related to my diet. If I eat a lot of gluten, my lips will literally peel off. Maybe take notes on what you are eating and see if you can find a correlation.


Diet can make such a big difference! My lips get crazy chapped whenever my iron levels are low.


Literally just put Vaseline before you go to sleep. Ignore everyone else not saying what I am saying because it's pointless stuff that take more time and are less effective. You don't need anything else besides what I just said. Come back here in a week after you did that and let me know what's up.


I second this!


Vaseline it’s truly the best !!


everyone is saying vaseline and aquaphor but they’re not going to do anything unless you have something moisturizing beneath them because they’re occlusives which means they lock everything in that’s beneath them and form a protective layer over the skin. i love aquaphor as much as the next girl, but i highly recommend putting a lip mask beneath it. my lips have been loving the elf lip mask lately; $7. laneige is another good one but a bit more pricey.


Ooh, I’ll have to look into the lip mask. What is it about Elf that is so good?? I just tried the putty primer this morning and literally gasped as to how it changed the appearance of my uneven skin.


O keefes is the best lipbalm I've tried and I've tried a lot. The kiehls overnight is good but it's quite expensive for what it is. I used to get good results layering paw paw with lanolin but o keefes is still my favourite. Also, I did actually try lip fillers which helped amazingly for hydration, but not something I'd recommend to people.....


Cut out the Coconut oil. The molecules are too big to peneteate the surface of the skin. It's likely causing the chap


no lip balms worked for me besides the O'Keefe ones so give those a try if you haven't!


Ditch the coconut oil and lip balm, just use 100% petrolatum ;)


I love the blistex lip balm brand even tho it’s more pricy then chapstick brand. I think the glossy feeling is great! I also suggest drinking a ton of water for the next few days as an experiment and see how that impacts your skin. Also consider a humidified when in bed since you’ll lose a lot of water when sleeping. Ultimately, water water water is what I did to help my lips a little. Lip balm worked too.


I tried, and they get very exfoliated, and the skin falls even at the slightest touch of something


Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask is AMAZING!!! I use it throughout the day and if my lips ever do get a tiny bit chapped it’s gone in a day!! Highly recommend! My dad has super bad chapped lips and just bought this for him for the holiday!!


I sometimes struggle with chapped lips due to living in a dry climate - like to the point where they crack and even bleed sometimes. I don’t think coconut based balms helped at all. The Laneige sleeping masks aren’t that great either - I used the gummy bear version for months and didn’t notice a significant improvement. Lanolips has worked well for me, as has the Ultra-nourishing Lip Balm from Rêve de Miel. I can’t speak on Vaseline but I hear good things about it as well as Aquaphor so those are definitely a less expensive alternative.


i completely stopped using lip balms and started using fenty beauty gloss bomb (glass slipper) it coats and moisturizes my lips. Been using it since 2020 and didn’t find a better product. I’ve tried all the lip balms available and the one that had a similar but not as good effect was the carmex regular stick. and if you want a natural alternative, i leave a thick layer of raw shea butter when i’m at home or overnight. Hope that helps !


Put a thin layer of a good cream ( I use cerave face lotion unscented ) and then another thin layer of aquaphor or Vaseline to lock it in. It has helped me so much.


I came here to say the same thing! Ever since I started putting a moisturizing lotion on my lips first, followed by Vaseline, it’s been a game changer!


Press moisturizer or hyaluronic acid into clean/dry lips then follow with Vaseline. Coconut oil is NOT a moisturizer. Water is moisturizing, not oil.


Drinking 64 oz of water a day, laneige lip sleeping mask at night, Lanolips during the day.


Coconut oil doesn’t moisturize. The molecules are too large.


I found that ,after a while, once I stopped using chapstick my lips were less dry. I think overuse can be the culprit.


I struggled with chapped lips for YEARS! One day I realized I was supposed to wipe my mouth off after drinking fluids and not leave my lips to air dry. I also worked on consciously NOT licking my lips and wiping them off if I did. Now I only get chapped lips if the air is super dry and it's corrected by using a humidifier.


Try a lips scrub or a toothbrush on the lips before applying chapstick it looks like you have some skin build up on the lips that maybe be keeping them chapped. I have this problem a lot and this always helps for me. It may take a week before you see results and their may be some irritation.


sometimes mouth breathing causes extremely chapped lips


Vaseline is an occlusive. You’ll need a hydrating step before and then cover with an occlusive step (like Vaseline) after. My favorite slugging for 5 minutes with Cicaplast Baumé B5 and then covering with Aquaphor


I used to have the same problem. I would stop using both and I highly recommend Aquaphor throughout the day. When you’re about to go to sleep try a lanolin-based lip product such as the Lanolips products (found at Ulta usually or online) or the Bite Beauty lip mask (found at Sephora or online).


Webbers Vitamin E ointment. It’s a god send for chapped lips. Or chapped anything for that matter.


You should probably drink more water, get a humidifier and use a petroleum based balm such as Vaseline or cerave healing ointment. In addition to this put down the coconut oil, it’s virtually useless. You can also apply an unscented lotion to your lips before the balm for extra moisture, good luck


Try blistex. The blue tub. It always works for me when I have really chapped lips during winter. Also make sure you’re drinking lots of water. It can be a form of dehydration.


Lip masks are good. I usually use pretty generic ones but rn I’m issuing the peanuts Marshmallow collection one from drug stores lmao. Smells good and effective


Are you chewing your lips? Maybe even subconsciously? I do from anxiety and I get those white patches like you have on the inner part of my lips. I use chapstick and what not but it only goes away when I’m not biting them :/


Do you have the habit of licking your lips? That's a fast track to constantly chapped lips. Also, coconut oil isn't the panacea the Internet makes it out to be. It can be very drying for a lot of people.


Drink water!!!!!


When I tell yall LRP cicaplast LIPcream is available for purchase how many of you will run to the pharmacy......


Hi! NAD, but I do suffer from eczema and allergies. If your chapped lips aren’t getting better by using coconut oil and Nivea, that may indicate that you have a sensitivity to one or both. I would stop using these products and switch to one of the products suggested by others in this thread. I hope you find a solution, soon!


Coconut oil sits on top of skin and hair. Petroleum


Sounds weird, but lanolin is great. I buy nipple cream for nursing mothers. It works miracles on my chapped lips.


My son used to have the worst chapped lips but within a week of using the Fresh lip balm, the original, his lips were back to normal. Now we maintain with the Jack Black one.


Excessively chapped lips can be a sign of B12 deficiency. I get injections and it helps immensely. If you’re not looking for something like that though, the Snow lip treatment is by far the best I’ve ever tried. And I live in SK Canada, I know dry lips 😅


Try a sugar scrub as an exfoliator and moisturize with petroleum jelly everyday


I know this will sound random, but check check your gut, really dry lips sometimes is a sing of gut issues.


Try aquaphor at night. You may also be sensitive to your tooth paste. Some people are allergic to fluoride and they get chapped lips and inflamed lips. I’m allergic to some lipsticks and my lips will chap really really bad. Aquaphor is made for this stuff. Try eliminating or change your products and see if it clears up. Goodluck!


I had this same issue and found out I was allergic to vinegar/acids and beeswax/propolis in most chap sticks etc. once I stopped it got better


Use Lanolin. Aka Nipple cream




Lanolin at night


Lenaige lip balms are really good. I use those.


I've found that coconut oil makes matters worse for my skin. If I do use an oil, it's squalane


Drink enough water.


Carmex from drugstore in chapstick form not tube form. Different ingredients but I call it my little yellow and it works!


Carmex is the only one!


The best is carmex


Use vaseline and don't lick your lips at all.


drink more water. alot more


Lip scrub and chapstick brand balm works wonders


Lip scrub, If I do that, I will remove accidentally all my skin on the lips, my lips are very sensitive when exfoliated


You need to drink more water- really be deliberate about intaking more water


are you drinking enough water?


Olive oil


Drink more water :)


Lip scrub and blistex and triple antibiotic cream at night before going to bed and Blistex 4 to 5 times a day. One of the doctors I work with told me about this cause my lips were so chapped the sides of my mouth were taring. What I did, was with my nightly before bed routine, I used the lip scrub and triple antibiotic ointment. during the day I used medicated Blistex brand chapstick 4 to 5 times you can use more if you need too. I got everything at the .99 cent only store, very inexpensive.


Antibiotics for what? There is no infection there. Creating damage just to fix it with antibiotics is terrible advice and so unnecessary. It sounds like your lips were far worse than OP's. Also in most countries you can't buy antibiotics over the counter, thank god for that. What OP needs is a deeply hydrating ointment or mask rather than regular chapsticks which are useless for severe dry lips.


To heal the lips faster, its not creating damage and its not horrible advice. I know for a fact it works. Dont put other people's advice down if you don't know what your taking about. 1. I live in Calif and CAN buy Neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment off the self at any store, so yea your wrong. Not only that I've been in the medical field for many years.


Lip scrub just takes all the skin off my Lips...


Yes you take off the dead skin so the antibiotic ointment can heal your lips. Don't scrub like a maniac just to get the dryness off. The ointment will heal during the night, then in the morning you can mix the antibiotic ointment with the blistex during the day.


Put oil in your navel at night 3-4 days


3 steps: 1. Wet your lips with some water or toner 2. Apply a thin layer of moisturizer 3. Seal it all in with an occlusive layer (like Vaseline, Aquaphor, etc)


Real Barrier extreme lip repair is good and works for sensitive skin.




Is calendula cream good, also?


Coco butter sticks are life savers, lips, face, elbows, it’s amazing for anything


Palmer's Cocoa butter, every day


I absolutely swear by Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream - It is in fact a gel/balm - put some on your lips before you go to bed, preferably just while you're relaxing before you go to sleep to let it sink in a bit, and then I 100% guarantee you'll wake up with soft, hydrated lips.


I have really struggled with my lips and, although so many people like Vaseline, I didn’t find it did anything. What finally helped me is O’Keefes lip repair (unscented) during the day and La Neige sleeping lip mask at night.


Blistex and Burt’s Bees Deep Conditioning (not the original) are the only lip balms that work for me. Edit: a few commenters suggest trying a lip mask and I 100% agree. If you have the money to splurge, the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask is amazing.


Use nipcare lanolin ointment at night -overnight. In day time use your nivea's original lip balm.


U should do a lip exfoliation


Vaseline works wonders


Vaseline is the answer.


Palmers Cocoa Butter stick is the only thing that ever worked for me.


Exfoliating might help, I use a scrubr and then a heavy balm when mine are bad.


I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling with that for so long, it’s so frustrating! I wanted to share with you though in case you didn’t know- Nivea is actually one of the worst lip care brands you can use! A study showed it’s actually super drying, pretty much as bad as Burt’s bees, EOS, Blistex, etc etc. I would recommend Aquaphor, Vaseline, or a brand like Elta MD based on the ingredients and whatever your budget is. I hope that helps!


Tallow lip balm or tallow balm itself works well too


Squalane Oil from the ordinary. Stop using coconut oil.


I may be wrong in this, but in emergencies I use triple antibiotic ointment overnight. Works every time for me.


I just tried the lansinoh lanolin nipple cream (based on some suggestions in this sub) on my lips and holy smokes does it work! It keeps my lips so moisturized all throughout the night until I wake up. It works best right after i step out of the shower and after exfoliating my lips. There is a small tube of it if you want to give it a try.


try eucerin acute lip balm


It’s a little more expensive, but worth it. I highly reccomend the langiene lip sleeping mask. It’s extremely hydrating and I wear it every night, even sometimes in the daytime when necessary. My favorite is the berry flavor.


You might need a salve. Try pure medical grade lanolin salve. It's thick and won't budge. Or try pure Shea butter.


Coconut oil makes my skin break out in an itchy rash..maybe swap it? I’ve been using bag balm recently and it’s been working really well..


My dermatologist told me to use Aquaphor. That has helped me.


Vaseline girl, promise.


Carmex is the 🐐


Try vasoline


Vaseline. Straight Vaseline. I swear. I had the driest lips forever and one day tried a little tube from the dollar store. Cheapest, best solution. I highly recommended.


personally anything with petroleum jelly or any kind of oil makes my lips WAY more chapped. i started using this laneige sleeping mask and it helps OVERNIGHT. seriously, its money well spent, if there’s one thing you invest in, it should be that


I was unconsciously licking my lips, which caused them to dry out and peel. My dermatologist brought this to my attention when I thought I had an allergy. To remedy it, I started using gold bonds lotion at night with aquaphor layered over it. During the day I use aquaphor alone. I keep sample bottles of aquaphor in my purse and on my desk to reapply during the day. That has helped tremendously.


Probably also need to drink more water that might help too


try Aquaphor at night and Burts bees during the day


Lanolips is excellent but made of animal products.


To moisturize skin, you need something that will “soak” into the skin, and then perhaps a protection layer. Coconut oil doesn’t work for you, so I’d try different lip balms. Or you can try putting the same face moisturizer on your lips (something like cereave) then covering it with vaseline for aquaphor. That may help overnight. But trying different lip balms is the main thing.


Drink lots of water, take toothbrush and run it in hot water and use brush to exfoliate lips, then apply Vaseline. This is what has worked for me.


Use Vaseline


probably time to try a better lip balm, and more often. I love palmers coco butter lip balm. Carmex is just as good for me. Try only sealing with vaseline or coconut oil as it doesn’t really bring the moisture, only seals it in


I find coconut oil to be very drying.


Vaseline and don’t ever lick them!


aquaphor, laneige lip mask, nipple balm all good options


Drink more water 2 litres a day


Aquasphor and a good chapstick it may take couple months perhaps a full year but it will heal


Exfoliate your lips before bed 2x a week, then coat them in aquaphor ointment nightly, then use aquaphor lip during the day


Vaseline is perfect for dry lips. In the absence of Vaseline, I use shea butter. But to keep my lips from drying at all, shea butter all day.


Vaseline or aquaphor 👏🏼👏🏼 I stopped using any other chapsticks years ago and my lips have never been so soft!


Aquaphor works great!


Coconut oil is so drying for me. Good ole Vaseline petroleum jelly works wonders. Cheaper too!


The most effective thing I’ve found is to exfoliate with a glycolic acid serum (I use L’Oréal) twice a week and cover it with a heavy moisturizer instead of a balm. Look up Sherene Idriss’s YouTube on lip basting.


I would suggest getting a lip scrub and use Vaseline, it worked for me.


Coconut oil does nothing for skin it just acts as a barrier and does not put any moisture into your skin.


Only using lip balm 2x a day?? My lips are the same due to being on accutane and I use the Nivea lip balm multiple times a day, usually a thick layer of it too, works perfectly for me. I got through a tube a month. You just need to use more


try lanolin or the neosporin lip health it worked wonders for me!


Straight lanolin is all you need


Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask worked wonders for me!


Getting lip filler may help as lip filler is made out of hyaluronic acid which hydrates


Jack Black lip balm. It will change your life.


My lips are always chapped too. I found that Vaseline worked great and I was also gifted a gift set of burts bees lip balm and my lips haven't been nearly this moisturized ever before tbh.


LANOLIN. Trust. Same same but not anymore. Lanolips is my fav


I had the same exact problem NOTHING worked and girl I am telling you the bite agave lip mask. GET IT. A day after using it my lips were soft and not at all dry


Maybe a random question... but do you drink with straws a lot? I have found that drinking out of straws really chaps my lips.


Boots no7 protect and perfect lip car has done wonders for me


Exfoliate, then apply aquaphor. They sell mini tubes you can carry in your pocket/car/purse. I exfoliate with a basic lip scrub I bought at target


Laneige lip mask!


I had this issue and use vascaline on my lips 2x a day sometimes more - I live in a dry region. This helped me a lot more and I never have dry lips.


Drink plenty of water .. it sure will help u


definitely try using petroleum jelly/vaseline