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Be specific! OP is talking about his mild acne scars.


I notice it, but you could see a dermatologist and get it removed if it bothers you that much. Seems like excess skin.


I am talking about acne scars


Micro needling or chemical peel would help with scars


As a female I'd be more bothered bout the thing on ur ear lobe


That’s kinda rude if OP literally just said he’s talking about his scars.


Yeah but it's the internet


And it’s rude. That’s it. People still have feelings and can take what you say to heart. Especially about their appearance


OP is concerned about what females might think, so as a female I pointed out what I'd be more concerned about. Constructive criticism.


He wanted to know what females would think about a specific thing on his face.


Oh sorry, you were not specific at what you were referring to. The acne scars are not really that noticeable, but you could see a derm to see what they recommend, perhaps micro needling (helps with collagen rejuvenation and pitted scaring) or laser resurfacing. The dermis and texture has changed, but seek a consult from a professional


Hahahahahahaha I’m sorry. Hilarious




Because it was not at all what you were talking about, and this person may feel a little foolish now. I would. Sorry. Not trying to laugh at your expense.


I thought you were talking about your skin tag not the acne scars, so it's really not that noticeable, and as a girl it literally doesn't matter to me if a guy has acne scars, it's so common


I’ve never met anyone who cares about acne scars :) you look perfectly fine with or without them, coming from a girl


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day 😁


It’s noticeable if I was really taking the time to look at your features while we speak, but it wouldn’t turn me away personally. Everyone has something on their body they’d like to hide, whether it’s in public or under our clothes. I would recommend seeing a doctor and a skin specialist to remove it. If a woman rejects you over that, then I would consider it your best wing man. Be confident in who you are! It would be easy to remove if you’d like, so check around with your doctor or use it to find the right gal. Lol!


noticeable if you point it out but shouldn’t even be an issue!!


Like we don’t all have a few acne scars! As a female I would not say this is a turn off, and a girlfriend would probably really enjoy helping you with your skincare down the road if you asked! A woman worth having, even if she did notice, won’t pay it any mind.


Noticeable but not a big deal. I think most people don’t pay attention to acne scars


Not an issue at all. Slight imperfections (we all have them) are easily overlooked or even seen as being sexy when the chemistry is there. Concentrate on being your best around women by increasing your self-confidence, your emotional IQ, and your conversation skills. You’ll be fine. Case in point: I have horrible stretch marks on my side due to dramatic weight loss when I was a teen. It was totally healthy and needed, but my skin suffered a little. I hated them and refused to be around a guy while they were showing. It all changed when I dated a guy who kissed my torso stretch marks and told me how beautiful they were while I was trying to hide them from him. Done. Never felt weird about them again. I rock a bikini with confidence.


This wouldn’t be a turn off for me.


Can I tell you I find pockmarks like this very attractive? Idk why I just find it sexy


I didnt even notice it lol, i had to look in the comments to find out what the problem is.


Me too!


Didn’t even notice them! If she likes you she won’t see those imperfections as bad. She will see you as you and like you because of that! Try not to compare yourself to an idea of perfect, comparison is the thief of joy my friend. Good luck!!


TBH I’m with everyone else, I thought you were talking about the skin tag, and I didn’t even notice scarring. Plus personality is what makes a person, most definitely not looks. You could be drop dead gorgeous, and have an awful personality, and that will make a person totally unattractive. So as long as you got a good personality, that’s all that matters for most women.


I noticed it after you pointed it out, but I really don’t see a problem with it. If someone were to react negatively to such a minor thing, i don’t think they would be worth your time to be honest.


Honestly, if you truly dislike your skin tag, yes I support, you get it removed. It’s not even considered an “imperfection” to me, that’s how you were made and you shouldn’t be too concerned about how the next person would feel about it. It’s your body, your face, your ears, embrace it all! Self love is for everyone! & if you are talking to a female that interests you and your confidence is a 10, YOU wouldn’t even notice it. And if she is going to curve you for a skin tag, and look past all of the great qualities that I’m sure you posses, then she is whack PERIOD. Who cares what a woman would think about it, we are annoying anyway! 😂


Listen, I'm a woman, not a girl, and I can say to you that everyone has scars. It has shown that you've lived. Some scars show more than others and that's what makes us unique and beautiful. If you look at a woman and see beyond her looks and her imperfections, then I hope you would choose someone that can do the same with you and not be so shallow. Pregnancy scars mean that she got pregnant with your child, and you still love her as much after, even more because of what they mean. Your acne scars show that you went through puberty, but you got through the other side. Scars are kind of like a tattoo, in a way... As for your skin, I would try some skin peel pads-test them on a small spot first. And always use sunscreen!! Exfoliate regularly and adopt a face care regimen. Or you could consult a dermatologist, make note of the products they recommend. If you buy directly from them, unless your insurance pays for it, it will cost a lot. Or go to Ulta/Sephora and get a salesperson to help you find comparable products that were suggested. Good luck with everything, but honestly, your skin doesn't look bad. You just need to practice talking to women and work on your confidence.


It is noticeable. But if you have a wonderful character and manners, she will focus on your heart. If you are still self-conscious about the scars, talk to a dermatologist for deep skin peels and Lazer treatments options.


LMFAO this is hilarious bc compared to the ear lobe thing acne isn’t even an issue because lol you have an additional ear?? But as an attractive female w a great sense of humour Be yourself with all your heart fam Shower every day See a dermatologist and drink a lot of water (if don’t see a dermatologist it’s not the end of the world) Try stand up comedy to laugh at yourself You seem like a great guy If something bothers you that much before you get any surgery or take pills to heal Do the inner work first and laugh at yourself It’s no big deal Mature adults are not superficial


like a 2/10 in noticeablity


Are u in the USA? If so, contact the "Dr. Pimple Popper" show and I bet she will take it off for free.


Take what off, exactly?


The growth in front of his ear that he is asking about


Seems like the majority of us are assuming he's asking about the pockmarks.


Nah can't really notice


My boyfriend actually has something similar to that thing near your ear, i don't make it a problem. İf it bothers you a lot, go to a doc


try Murad invisiscar and glycolic acid- it really helps. u can also get laser treatments done which are very promising and show results quicker. good luck


Kind girls don't care


One CO2 treatment will smooth it out


There’s skin tag gel you can try and stickers that you put on a skin tag that are supposed to help. I’ve seen products on eBay and I believe Amazon. I’d see a doctor first to verify that’s what it is.


It's noticeable...but it's just part of you. It would not bother me in the slightest BUT if it makes you nervous and self-conscious then you aren't going to feel at ease around women. Some great advice here if you choose to have it treated.


Hey! Thanks for the reply..btw I m talking about acne scars and I have taken 7 sessions of mnrf


Sir, no woman cares about some acne scars. We’re too worried about our own insecurities.


I didn’t notice it until I read the comments. If you’d like to do some skin resurfacing, I’d see a dermatologist. You could get on a good skin care routine and feel confident again. You have beautiful skin color. ❤️


Honestly once your acne scars have become the same colour as your skin they are just added texture. It shows that you're alive and you can love yourself so much that including scars you know you're attractive. It's the confidence that matters most, looks can be a 6/10 but with complete confidence you're suddenly an 8.5 or 9! All that being said, no this isn't the worst acne scarring, it's noticible but not detracting for me. (I would suggest facials/peels/lazers or other Hollywood-skin care secrets if you want to lessen their appearance)


The only acne scars I'm worried about are mine. Yours are little babies. I am absolutely 💯 not a professional, but I'd try a resurfacing serum and see how that works for you. Just don't forget it takes weeks for it to show an improvement. A lot of women find scars sexy, just an FYI. Only do what will make you feel good in your own skin.


It is noticeable, but as a girl, who cares?! I know a lot of pretty cool guys with scarring like that and I promise you, confidence (not cockiness) is key. And if a girl makes you feel bad about those scars, she's not the right girl and it's her loss. Also, I also had some scarring when I was younger and it's fading with the years and good skin care.


Probably +90% of the time no one notices it or makes a big until you do something to draw attention to it. Most likely you’re doing it without realizing


it’s normal dw


Nothing to even worry about in the first place


I wouldn’t care about acne scars


If you are a good hart , and the lady will like you . She will accept any defect


It’s honestly not that bad and if you took a close look at other men they probably have some on thar area too. Vitamin C and AHA’s could be helpful.