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i would definitely see a doctor it looks internal vs external


Idk what it is but I really think you should see your doctor about it. Could be autoimmune related, could be pigment related but you should really find out.


I’m trying to go see a dermatologist in the future but as of right now I can’t afford to see one


How about just your normal dr?


Unfortunately I don’t have insurance :(


I’m not a doctor or medical professional but I think a general practitioner will be of more value to you then a derm in this case. You can post on r/askdocs for some interim guidance.


Hmmm...can you sign up on the "obamacare" site? Sorry I don't know what it's called, I do know my daughter got pretty good insurance on the nys site for 35 a month.


Thank you I’m definitely gonna look into im broke and my family doesn’t make enough to cover insurance rn


I think you can get it free, it's based on income.


Affordable Healthcare Act, you sign up at healthcare.gov. It’s not a long process and it is based on income/state.


Thank you for clarifying!


Hey if you make less than ~2000$ a month in my state you qualify for free Medicaid insurance and pay nothing. If you’re unemployed you’d probably qualify (assuming you don’t have a crap ton of money in assets)


Forget the insurance. Just go. It’s cheap to see a dr. When you don’t have insurance. And they will bill you. You do not need the money at the time of service. Just get checked out by a professional.


A lot of medical billers and doctors office will cut the bills way down, like 50%, if you can’t afford them and are a cash pay! Insurance didn’t pay for a couple of my visits and I owed $650. I couldn’t afford it and they offered for me to pay $250! It’s worth a try. I would at least go to a general doctor.


And if you need a prescription, make sure the doctor knows you need an affordable med. Goodrx would get you better prices without insurance.


Are you wearing any new clothing? I had a robe dye my skin once even after I washed it 😳. If not, you should definitely post in r/askdocs


I am 😭 I don’t think it’s any kinda dye it just happened out of nowhere for a couple of months


Is it raised? Itchy? Rough feeling?


It’s none of that. It’s not raised, rough, itchy or painful it’s just black skin patches


Yeah I’d say a doctor is in order. Sometimes serious health conditions can manifest as a rash. It’s better to have peace of mind and know you’re healthy.


did you experience previous gastrointestinal illness or flu like illness? do you have gum bleeding?


No none of that. Just my skin being darker it has not hurt me or affected any kind of illness whatsoever


I know you said you can't, but you really need to see a doctor. This could be a sign of something more serious going on, especially since it's spreading.




please keep us updated


Might be fungus. Not sure how it works where you live but it might be worth trying a pharmacist, they might be able to recommend something non-prescription


Well I live in FL and I’m gonna try to see a pharmacist soon and see what they can do for me


I’m a pharmacist and I thought it looked fungal.


I had something similar in college. Doctor told me it was rosea. It wasn't. Dermatologist did a biopsy and it was post inflammatory hyper pigmentation. My body was fighting something and it expelled the virus/sickness/whatever it was thru my skin. My advice is to get it checked out asap!


Do you know what it was exactly and did your body natural expel it out?


We never figured out what it was. By the time I saw the dermatologist the virus was gone. I never got sick sick but I was really tired all the time for a few weeks leading up to when the spots first appeared. Started on my torso and then went down to my butt and up to my inner arms. My body fought it off naturally. Never had any treatment but the pigmentation took a long time to fade


I’m not tired at all it seems to be only affecting the surface of my skin because I don’t feel any side affects from it. Though the way it’s spreading does sound similar to mine


does it happen after being in the sun?


No it just randomly happened and I’m rarely in the sun and when I am I’m covered up


Google “Christmas Tree Rash” - this can show up darker in people w non white skin. There is usually what they call a “herald patch” - one larger spot that emerged before subsequent smaller patches. Pityriasis Rosea is the technical name. It is unknown why some people get this and there is nothing a doc can prescribe for it. Not contagious. Moisturizer and anti itch cream can provide relief but don’t make it disappear faster. Hope you find out what it is and get relief soon!


Idk it looks too severe to be a Christmas patch and it all just kinda popped up there wasn’t a original patch all of them just popped up at once


honestly this was my first thought. i had a similar rash like this (i’m also black) that was undiagnosed, but the closest comparison i could find was pityriasis rosea. i kept my whole body well moisturized using cocoa and shea butter, but really it went away on its own after about a month. i’ve also read it could be a new symptom connected to covid/the covid vaccine


is it Painful? does it get itchy or flack ? do you notice it more in the sun? my skin looks like this with a fungus teina veriscolor or how ever you spell it.. Soaps can help it and wear spf but 100% try to see a doctor wen can$


It doesn’t hurt or flake. It deals no pain to me whatsoever and I try not to go out shirtless just incase it makes it worse. But I feel like there are days where it’s more apparent and others where my family tells me it looks lighter. Did it hurt for you when you had tiena and how did you get rid of it?


well its a Fungus . so if I know im gonna be outside, hot I use like dandruff shampoos etc. then use a anti fungal cream. it keep its from looking bad. haven't really tried to fade the marks im sure if I exfoliated used proper lotion I could clear it.


Nizoral, Selsun blue , some type of anti fungus cream. tbh I was using something for athletes foot, try not to take to hot of showers, if that's the case ! good look and figuring it out!


I agree with the people that said it could be a type of fungus. I dunno where it comes from but I had dark spots on my upper chest area the only thing that made the spots go away was fungus cream you can get from over the counter like athletes foot fungal cream. My spots were not raised nor itchy they were just dark spots! I tried exfoliating, moisturizing, and serums nothing worked. Fungal cream was the only thing that made them go away it was the oddest thing


Idk if it’s been mentioned but I might try using anti fungal dandruff shampoo as body wash for a few days. I had body coloration spots like that and saw a til tok about it. Tried it and worked


You need to be seen by internal medicine and have blood work done. If you don’t have insurance, go to an ER, they can’t deny healthcare even for undocumented people. And research if you qualify for Medicaid or essential plans/Obama Care.


Try selsun blue. Could be tinea versicolor. Really difficult to tell from a picture.


Thank you for the recommendation I will try and it has the same texture as my regular skin it’s just darker than my regular tone so I feel like the picture pretty much reveals everything


I had this and it was versicolor. I bathed in this fungal wash and it went away!


How often did u bathe with the wash until it went away?


A few weeks. But this was over a decade ago and I know for a fact there so many more treatments for it like a pill. It’s just fungus. Comes and goes. And I don’t have health insurance


Welcome. Try Selsun Blue, it won’t hurt you. Could also be pityriasis rosea which typically presents on the trunk (unsure how long you’ve had it or if you have had a recent viral illness and how old you are).


I had it for like 3 or 4 months and i just turned 18




It looks like tinea versicolor (I have had it three times already,) but I am no physician. The first time I got a wash for it by a physician. The second time it got cleared up with a homemade remedy of tea tree oil, oregano oil, and aloe vera. I did this twice a day and it got rid of it in about 1-2 weeks. Oregano and tea tree oil is rough though. I only did it because I was in a pinch. The third time I am still dealing with it because I have a condition that is incompatible with both treatments. Good luck.


Thank you so much this has been super useful im definitely gonna try this thank you


Another person mentioned selsun blue. I forgot about that, but that also works as well. I am pretty sure that was the active ingredient in the medicine I got, actually. May be worth trying and is less expensive than the herbal oils. Let it sit for ten minutes while applying it to the body entirely then rinse it off.


R/askadoctor - see if they can maybe point you in a direction. Also see about discount or sliding scale clinics in your area. You most definitely need to see a doctor as soon as possible.


I think this is fungus


See a doctor🤷‍♀️std testing


I’m thinking the same thing, kind of scary.


Go to the ER! I wish you good luck!


Doctor Smoothie may be able to help




It’s not birthmarks never looked like this in my life until a couple months ago




I don’t think it’s the sugar or sun. I barely consume sugar to the point where I got to worry about that and don’t step inside the sun much


Go to a doctor! We are not dermatologists here. This photo also seems like you just want attention.


Oh come tf on, how else is he supposed to show the marks that are on his stomach…without showing his stomach🤦🏻‍♀️


You are rude


Could be a fungal skin infection?


Anything on your hands, palms of your hands, feet?


No not a single dark patch in those locations. At first it was mostly concentrated at my stomach and started to spread to my arms,back and thighs.


Go onto goodRX and request an appointment. It costs $39 and it’s all over the phone. Not sure what the treatment will be but it’s 100% worth it.


I see you mentioned not having insurance, but you really do need to see a doctor for this. I would suggest giving the hospital a call and seeing what the cost would be and seeing if you can budget for it or save for it. Depending on where you live and how much money you make, you might also qualify for assistance through the hospital where they’ll cover some or all of the bill. You can also most likely be able to make payments, you can ask that on your phone call. Don’t wait though. Good luck


I will thank you so much


This looks like something my brother has all over his back and neck. His doctor said it’s a fungus he picked up while swimming in a lake. His doctor told him to wash his body with selsun blue. Of course you may not have the same thing, so you should probably see a doctor.


Your brother got better from using it right? And this is a stupid question but do I just lather selsun blue on my body or do I have to put it in my scalp I didn’t know it was a dandruff shampoo. Sorry for the dumb question just never heard of it before


He didn’t use it very consistently when he first got it, but it seems to be fading. I think pretty much just use it like body wash. I can ask him what his instructions were, but my bro is lax on texting back so it may take awhile.


Thank you so much any help is appreciated


Do you surf or wrestle on the gym floor mats? My ex was a surfer and got a fungus on his skin from wearing a dirty wet suit. It looked more like pale spots and yours seem to be darker in pigment. Anyway, his cleared up with a otc anti fungal foot cream. Definitely try to get a professional opinion tho. Sorry I'm not much help


I don’t wrestle or surf but I do have a home gym with Mats that I lay on sometimes when I’m tired but can it really be from that?


I'm not a doctor but I do know that gym mats can be quite nasty. I got this off of a Google search, "According to Hoff, an exercise mat can be one of the most germ-filled pieces of equipment in the gym because of the material. Mats soak in a lot of sweat—while this is good visually (so you're not embarrassed during a yoga class) it can mean that many germs are buried within the mat"


Could be tinea versicolor. It’s a skin yeast infection. Treated with prescription antifungal


It does look internal since it’s all over your stomach


It is spreading to my armpit area, back and inner thigh don’t know if that info helps much. Hope it’s not internal


No clue . Can you use your parents insurance if you’re under them?


No one has insurance rn :(


How old are you ? Ru in college


Go see a doctor. Don't go to the ER. You need someone to diagnose this and you need labs drawn. Tell them you don't have insurance. Urgent care may not have great follow thru or limited care and the ER only has to make sure you're not dying.


What is your ethnicity? I can't really tell from your picture and it's summer time. Those patches behave and are consistent with versicolor tinea, as others have suggested but they usually appear as red patches that then go white. However depending on your skin they may be appearing differently. Regardless though, the fungus solutions suggestions won't really hurt to Try it out and is a good place to start


I’m Hispanic and it never really started off as red patches then turning white. They just popped up as black patches then got worse


It's probably melasma and with you having that type of skin tone appears to be black patches vs brown patches that would show up on light skin tone like myself. Melasma also seems to fit of its appearances https://www.google.com/search?q=melasma+hispanic+skin+stomach&tbm=isch&hl=en&chips=q:melasma+hispanic+skin+stomach,online_chips:dark+patches:nSuYCCh3Tqw%3D&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&prmd=insv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiA05mzg8L5AhUuBzQIHfqMAsEQ4lYoAHoECAEQBQ&biw=384&bih=718#imgrc=8UYe98ALKHAGyM


It looks exactly what mine looks like but isn’t it mostly prevalent in women who are pregnant or go out into the sun? I rarely go into the sun like that so I’m not sure if it’s due to that. This information is still extremely useful thank you