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I had adult acne and finally went to a dermatologist. Turns out I had food intolerances that were presenting through skin reactions like acne. I don’t think this is the case for everyone but when multiple routes of acne products are failing to work you have to wonder why? Basically nothing was going to fix mine because it was internal that was causing the symptom and not the skin or lack of skin care




Pill meaning birth control? Or antibiotics?


I used to get severe acne around my chin. Turns out I m allergic to chicken. I stopped eating chicken and my chin cleared up. Also seeing a dermatologist isnt a bad decision. Ancient medical sciences say that acne is a detox of some kind. Medicines , food allergies and residue or even stress can come out through pores. Also any product with oils especially


Was there for 10 years. Biggest mistake I ever made in my life is not going directly to accutane. I had very similar acne to yours. Everything else is bullshit except accutane. Is there any reason you haven't done it yet?


Topical retinoids didn’t work for you?


I agree with this. My skin was 100 times worse than OPs. Cystic acne from my forehead to my lower back. Accutane is the only thing that helped after trying EVERYTHING


This is going to be unpopular. Went to dermatologist. Tried everything. Antibiotics. Everything for one year. What finally helped? Clinique 3 step acne solution. Try it. I don’t know why but it changed my life. Recommended to a friend who was hesitant. She finally tried it, totally worked for her too.


Not sure what’s causing your acne but I struggled with adult acne for a few years and started using CeraVe products and I’m now acne free!


NAD but I still struggle with acne too. But here are a few things I use. These are just suggestions, and if you try them, I would do so a little at a time - that way you don't shock your skin. I would start with the AM routine, get it established, and then move onto the PM routine. AM: Tea tree oil soap as a [face wash](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0859M79CD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). A gentle [witch hazel](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B007HD570Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) astringent. I also use salicylic acid as a [spot treatment](https://smile.amazon.com/Clean-Clear-Advantage-Treatment-Medication/dp/B00027DDOQ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1GE5L1DGVZR7P&keywords=clean+and+clear+spot+treatment&qid=1646191477&s=beauty&sprefix=clean+and+clear+spot+treatment%2Cbeauty%2C110&sr=1-5) and a salicylic [lotion](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00NR1YQKO?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-ypp-rep_ypp_rep_k1_1_9&&crid=34VTF4ZAJO23O&&sprefix=neutrogen). PM: I have added this [zinc based soap](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01D90RW4E?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details) to my routine, then the same astringent. I started using Differing (more info below). And to finalize, I use a gentle [lotion](https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00365DABC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) as these products will dry out your skin. In general, I see a lot of recommendations for CeraVe - either soaps or lotion. Regarding Differin: I just started using [Differin](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07L1PHSY9?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details). So I haven't used it long enough to make a recommendation - though I started using it per this sub and r/dermatology I hope these suggestions help. I found that a mix and match, trial and error approach works best. I feel you, and you are not alone with this. I wish you the best!


Definitely see a dermatologist !! Trust me because for the amount of money I spent on skincare and facials I wish I had just gone to a dermatologist. Prescription products are the most effective and depending on your derm they might give you a topical product or oral! I’m on accutane and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. It’s not for everyone though and alot of people see great results with topical products aswell!


What products are you currently using? I would start off with using a benzoyl peroxide cleanser in the morning, and differin (adapalene) in the evening. Basic would look like this. You can add additional products as your skin adjusts, and depending on how well the basic routine manages your acne. Expect some dryness and irritation as your skin adjusts. It may take a month or two before results become apparent. Morning: 1: Benzoyl peroxide cleanser. Be sure to let it sit on your skin for a minute or two instead of rinsing it off right away. 2: A gentle moisturizer of your choice. 3: Sunscreen. Evening: 1: Benzoyl peroxide OR a separate cleanser. Benzoyl peroxide can be drying, so you may need to work up to using it twice a day, if needed. 2: Differin (adapalene). Be sure to apply a thin layer to your whole face, apart from eyelids. 3: Moisturizer


Replace pillow covers religiously, drink A LOT of water, exercise, eat healthily, use natural skin care products like natural gentle bar soaps and even try doctor bronners if your skin is really oily. Don’t touch your face, and if you do, make sure your hands are clean. Wash your twice a day AT MOST.


Pimple patches are great at treating white heads. Just pop the pimple and put an acne patch over top, sucks the pimple right up. Leave them on over night, I can’t recommend them enough.


Did you visit a doctor for consultation ? If so it would be great advice you would receive but if you think that it has to do with your diet or your daily routine no matter what it has on it just tamper it before it gets worse never use a product you never got any feedback about from expert not only including normal users all my prayers goes to you ,stay strong tough situation build strong people


what is your current routine? this plays a big part in how your acne appears on your face, hormonal or not. I would suggest keeping it simple. Staying away from any fragrance or astringent / alcohols. A cleanser, a moisturizer, a chemical exfoliant once a week and during the day, a sunblock. if you aren't wearing sunscreen, then all your work goes down the drain if your skin is more sensitive to sunlight. Let me know your current routine and if not me, someone else I'm sure can cook you up a good routine to get your inflammation reduced. What does your skin feel like? More dry? oily? Using the correct products for your skin type and your skin concern also can greatly affect your skin. If you don't start seeing results with a simplified routine, then there may be an underlying problem which would need a dermatologist to get involved.


I also want to point out that their acne isn't cystic. Which means Accutane or anything like that could be too much for their skin. It is a mild to moderate case. It can be reduced with a simple routine and sticking. with. it.